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[Deprecated] Modular AI - Easily and Rapidly Create AI Using Modules!

Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by ParadoxSolutions, Jan 21, 2017.

  1. ParadoxSolutions


    Jul 27, 2015
    Important notice:
    Leatherbound Games has been rebranded into Paradox Solution Softworks as the company expands into more generalized software development, however this is not just a name and logo change and will have implications on Modular AI, MCSRTT and UCP as well as our game projects. What most of you here on the forums probably want to know is what effect this will have on the assets you purchased.

    The Assets:
    As of right now all assets have been deprecated and are no longer available on the store, don't worry owners of the assets will still be able to download them. The assets will return as part of our new product line Unity Textbook over time.

    Unity Textbook:
    Because many of purchasers of our assets have been students, beginners and hobbyists we feel that the best approach as a company is to cater directly to those who not only want great tools but also need to learn the intricacies of the industry to achieve success in their endeavors. Unity Textbook is an editor extension for Unity that will act as a textbook right inside the Unity editor, it will include a glossary, a toolbox of editor extensions, programming guides on how to code the toolbox tools as well as user guides for the non-programmers. Unity Textbook will be a free platform others can come in and build tutorials and documentation in, and will have intuitive tools for creating "chapters".

    For Example Modular AI:
    Within Unity Textbook we create a tutorial walking you though how we created the modular AI platform, you will be able to switch between the tutorial scripts (unfinished or not) and the final tool at any time without error, we will then create additional chapter on how to design AI, create specific modules and so on...

    Overall Goal:
    Our overall goal is to not let our product be so much about profit but to bring together the community through learning and a passion for the industry, all Unity Textbook chapters will be priced at indie rates ranging form $1 for basic lessons to $10 for expert lessons, there will be a complete edition of Unity Textbook for $60 that will include all future chapters. This gives hobbyists and indies that have lower budgets the option to only pay for what they want to learn or be able to have access to it all at a reasonable price. Furthermore owners of Modular AI will get a 100% discount off of Unity Textbook. We have many chapters planned and a solid platform to build on, we hope we can keep a consistent flow of content coming, with at least one chapter being submitted per week as soon as Unity Textbook hits the asset store. Paradox Solutions will also be much more dedicated toward a premium feel this time around, everything from our images to our marketing, PR, and products will have higher quality standards.

    Thanks for your support,

    Paradox Solutions

    Original post below:

    Hello, Once again LeatherboundGames has been hard at work create a new tool for the asset store!

    Introducing Modular AI:
    Modular AI is a collection of assets that empower developers to be able to rapidly and easily create AI for any game, with Modular AI any monkey with a keyboard can design and implement complex AI in minutes using modules! No programming knowledge is required, no behavior tree editors, toying with state machines, or even node editors! Al is designed right in Unity's inspector view creating a familiar environment for the user.

    Asset Store Link:!/content/81050?aid=1011l3btC

    What Are Modules?
    Modules are premade scripts that contain game code, actions, conditions, ect. that act as building blocks for the system. Modules do not interfere with each other allowing for a non-destructive workflow, you only have to add the modules that you need to use. Once imported into your project you simply add them to the necessary gameobject and begin creating your AI.

    What Do I Get?
    - The modular AI base required by all modules:

    The base acts as the editor used to create your AI,
    think of it as what you plug modules into.
    - Entity system:
    A custom editor for managing/creating entities such as players, AI,
    and other objects including their health, teams and other properties.
    - Sensory Module:
    A sensory module for detecting entities such as cover, players,
    other AI ect.
    - Pathfinding Module:
    Basic locomotion module for Unity's pathfinding system.
    - Animation Module:
    Basic animation module for controlling animations.
    - Event trigger system:
    Custom entities for triggering events such as animations or other game logic.
    - Runtime AI changes:
    Change, Save and Edit AI while playing in the editor.
    (it's like being able to rearrange a state machine right in the inspector)
    - AI Asset Saving:
    Save the AI you build in the inspector for use on other GameObjects/Projects.
    - Example Scenes:
    Example scenes containing pre-built AI using the default modules.
    - Documentation:
    Complete PDF Documentation.
    - Module Creation Tools:
    Tools for creating your own modules that you can redistribute on the asset
    store as integrations and/or use in your own projects.
    - Full C# Source Code.

    What Modules Are There?
    Modules are sold as separate assets and vary in what they contain. We plan to release modules based on the needs of different game genres, for example a tactical combat module for FPS games or a turn based module for TCGs and of coarse integration modules for your favorite assets. Here is a list of planned assets:

    Yellow- Not in-development
    Blue- In-development
    Green- Finished

    Utility Curve Editor
    AI Formation Editor
    Combat Module for Action Games

    Integration Module for A* Pathfinding Project

    Why Use Modular AI Over Traditional AI Solutions?
    Modular AI attempts to unify developers with a base AI development platform, we want all developers to be able to make a module, throw it into this system and have it just work. AI can be a long an frustrating process but this lays it all out for users in a way that makes it very easy to use once the right modules are imported. On top of this we utilize the latest and greatest techniques such as Utility Theory giving your AI some of the most realistic decision making capabilities in the industry.


    Q: Are modules open source?
    A) Official modules will be open source, however 3rd party modules may vary.

    Q: How much will it cost?
    A) $65 on final release, add-on modules sold separately.

    Q: What's in a Module?
    A) Actions the AI can execute + Conditions, Scorers ect.. Building blocks for the editor.

    Q: Can I integrate this with my asset?
    A) Yes! All the tools you'll you need are included, you can publish your own modules on the asset store as long as they do not contain code from other modules and/or Modular AI itself.

    Q: Can I request a feature?
    A) Yes, use the forums below.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2017
    Mikaelst and jason-fisher like this.
  2. ParadoxSolutions


    Jul 27, 2015
    During development it seems I accidentally made the system in a way that supports runtime editing/creation of AI, this might be added to the features as runtime debugging if it does not negatively affect the rest of the system. However changes seem to persist after playmode is exited and this may irritate some people.

    This could mean being able to scale variables while the game is running to determine the most realistic/useful decision making setup for the AI, something that just isn't viable for most FSM or node based AI setups.

    This may also allow players in-game to edit AI in map makers or modding tools.

    Still a ways out from release; might do a beta period though. :)
  3. FusionSticc


    Mar 16, 2014
    Sounds great! Upon release, will flying ai be considered as a module??
  4. Cartoon-Mania


    Mar 23, 2015
    Honestly, I am looking for a Life Style like the Sims.
    There is a lot of AI for combat. Competition will not be easy.
    You should Think of an AI like the Sims for making the product special
  5. ParadoxSolutions


    Jul 27, 2015
    Depends on what you mean by flying, I would just animate a character above the ground and have it ignore certain navmesh obstacles; I'll give it some thought and maybe we could add support for flying in the built-in locomotion module.

    Modules for many game genres are planned, you can surely combine modules to get a sims like effect (locomotion module + dialog module + animation triggers). Where I think this product will really shine is how easy it is to use compared to other AI development tools on the store is that the system is setup almost like visual scripting; this allows you to create working game-ready AI in minutes, + flexibility and easy debugging.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2017
  6. Cartoon-Mania


    Mar 23, 2015
    honestly do not believe in the developer's promise. Because I witnessed many broken promises.

    If this is really easy as you said, I'd like you to make an example.

    There are many AIs for combat in the Asset Store. In fact, some products are very good.

    I do not need AI for battle. But I am interested in AI like Sims.

    Of course I need AI for The Sims. But my suggestion is worthy of you.

    Already I have seen good assets record poor sales.

    The AI market for combat is never easy. I advise you on a differentiation strategy.
  7. ParadoxSolutions


    Jul 27, 2015
    AI Combat is just one module we will offer (as you have pointed out, it's a popular one), we will try and compete with the other assets that have combat as their main focus, I'm confident that the ease of use and variety of integrations will be what really sets this asset apart. I have used TSAI, Rain, Apex, A* to list a few and some of those packages do not work well with one another at all; Modular AI will attempt to integrate with those assets where possible and supply our own versions of AI as well.

    Hopefully we will have an example of the system in action soon!

    Edit: As far as "sims" AI goes it probably won't be an AI module on its own but easily created by combining modules together.
  8. ParadoxSolutions


    Jul 27, 2015
    An overview of the development schedule:
    Another day of bug fixing and the main editor should be finished, then work will begin on the included modules and after that there might be a cheaper beta release on the asset store + work will begin on the module creation tools and finally full release.

    maybe another month (or more depending on duration of beta) before release, but I don't like setting release dates so when its ready its ready.
  9. ParadoxSolutions


    Jul 27, 2015
    Further tests seem stable enough to say that the system will support editing, saving and changing of AI during playmode in the Unity editor. I'll add this to the features list but since this was not intended take it with a grain of salt.

    Edit: Might have a video coming soon.
  10. ParadoxSolutions


    Jul 27, 2015
    There have been complications with our other asset Runtime Tools for MCS due to an update of MCS that have required my attention, but as a progress update I have improved usability of Modular AI:

    Added- Support for saving AI via your computers file explorer i.e. save as.
    Added- Debug mode for enabling console.
    Added- Ability to choose the state conditions require to execute if true.
    Added- Ability to change colors of sections in the AI editor.
    Added- Search bar to quickly find actions. (WIP)
    Added- Various tooltips.
    Changed- Rearranged condition variable for easy navigating.
    Fixed- Various Bugs.
    Known Bugs:
    -Loading an existing AI on a gameobject without it's required modules causes errors.
    (will looking into marking the base to require components based on what actions you added)

    The other asset will need a re-write so development on this will be pushed back a bit.
  11. ParadoxSolutions


    Jul 27, 2015
    Update: 5-6-17

    Added- Editor toolbar with integrations, create and repair windows.
    Added- Support for UnityEvent actions originating from both assets and scene called as the AI action.
    Added- Entity editor: create and edit entity types such as players, living and non-living entities.
    Added- Conditions can now be true or false.
    Added- Condition Groups that all the scorer to score multiple conditions at once and execute an action.
    Added- Summary comments for every variable and method.
    Changed- Improved UI.
    Finished- Action search bar.
    Known Limitations- Condition Groups can't support UnityEvent actions due to serialization complications.
    Known Bugs:
    -Conditions sometimes are not loaded.
    -Loading an existing AI on a gameobject without it's required modules causes errors.
    (looking into an automated fixes)

    Module creator and integration tools will be developed next.
  12. ParadoxSolutions


    Jul 27, 2015
    The module creation tools for the professional edition are coming along, the tools will allow you to generate code templates within the editor, however users will still have to write their own gamecode in C# using their own code editors.

    Prices have been adjusted to make the pro version more indie friendly:

    Modular AI Indie: from $50 to $65
    Modular AI Pro: from $200 to $125

    If there is a beta release on the asset store prices will be reduced by 20% for the duration of the beta, stay tuned for more details on that.
  13. ParadoxSolutions


    Jul 27, 2015
    Update: Approaching beta release.

    Fixed-Condition groups can now invoke unity events.
    Added-Sensor module in QA stage.
    Added-Pathfinding module in QA stage.
    Update-Module creation tools in final development.

    Known bugs:
    -Conditions/actions not appearing in the editor:
    cause 1) modules loading before the editor/base scripts, adjust load order to fix or remove and re-add modules.
    cause 2) changes made to module code that remove/change action/condition names, reload scene to fix.

    -Loading an existing AI on an GO without it's required modules:
    An automated fix for this could not be made post Unity's 5.0 change to AddComponent(string name),
    now prompts user to manually add modules.

    I ran a quick stress test with 1000+ AI (capsules with MAI and NavMeshAgent, Collider and Entity components)
    the scene was empty, just a plane with a Unity Navmesh, one obstacle, lighting, the pathfinding target and the AI.

    No visible frames dropped, the AI were only running the equivalent to two statemachine branches with both UnityEvents and MAI actions being called, and debug mode turned off.

    I will run more in-depth tests and report back soon.
  14. ParadoxSolutions


    Jul 27, 2015
    Modular AI has been submitted to the asset store for review. The asset store link will be live once approved.
  15. ParadoxSolutions


    Jul 27, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2017
  16. Cartoon-Mania


    Mar 23, 2015
    Congratulations. I want to know more about asset

    What's the difference between Pro version and Indie version?

    AI Emotion Module What is this? When will it be released?

    I talked about it before, but I want an AI like Sims.

    Usually authors say their AI tool are easy to understand and easy to use

    But that's just Seller's desire and thinking

    I think the example is the most important. It's important to be able to apply the game immediately. Look at asset sales rankings right away. Best sellers offer a variety of examples.
  17. ParadoxSolutions


    Jul 27, 2015
    The pro and indie versions no longer exist, there is now one unified version at a competitive price that includes all features and integrations.

    The AI emotion module will be like Love & Hate or Extreme AI, it will include conditions for dialog and relations; for example NPC A now has X amount of resentment toward Player B but likes Player A.

    This is an AI design tool, meaning AI like sims is completely achievable based on your design and what modules you are using. For example if you want an AI to move, stop and talk, and/or interact with an object you would add a navigation module, a dialog module and an interaction module and be able to configure and build an AI that acts based on the way you designed all the actions and conditions in the modules to work together. If your a programmer it is VERY simple to create a module as well.

    I started creating this tool after using Apex Utility AI, many people had complained about it's steep learning curve. This asset has been designed to be almost visual scripting for AI with the option to code and sell your own modules, I designed it to be as intuitive as possible without it feeling like you have to learn a whole new "tool", as long as you understand the basics of Utility Theory (explained in the documentation) it is very easy to start designing AI. It will only become easier and support more assets as the community grows and feedback is received.

    If you would like, you can look at the documentation and see if it is easy for you to grasp. Tutorial videos are in the works, hopefully they will be uploaded by Wednesday.
  18. ParadoxSolutions


    Jul 27, 2015
    Here is what is coming in the next update:

    -A "Sims" style demo featuring art from GameWriter on the asset store.

    -Improved documentation and added tutorial videos.

    -Entity system 2.0 that allows you to extend the existing entity variables of non-AI entities and other improvements to the way entities cache data and are detected by other entities. Modules can also act as entity extensions for AI entities.

    -A plethora of integrations.

    -Bug fixes.
    Mikaelst likes this.
  19. swizzlewizzle


    May 31, 2016
    When is the entity system v2.0 scheduled for release?
  20. ParadoxSolutions


    Jul 27, 2015
    Late this month/early next month, currently working on tutorials and documentation.

    Here is the changelog so far:

    Version 1.1.0:
    -Updated to Unity 2017.1.0p4.
    -"Sims" demo using cartoon assets from GameWriter.
    -"Sims" module demonstrating character stats.
    -Support for entity extensions to add variables to non-AI entities.
    -New "News & Docs" context menu and start popup.
    -New "Publisher Tools" context menu to do publisher stuffs easier.
    -MAI_SensorModule can now use eyes as the raycast sensor origin.
    -Divider Size slider on MAI_Base.
    -Event trigger entities now support exit events.
    -Dialogue System integration.
    -Love/Hate integration.
    -Memory from MAI_SensorModule scans is now stored on the entity.
    -Entities now cache modules on their transform.
    -MAI_SensorModule now caches the AI's entity.
    -EventTrigger entities now cache the most recent entity to enter the trigger.
    -EventTrigger entities now draw bounds gizmos.
    -Minor file structure changes in project view.
    -Improvements to MAI_Base's custom inspector UI for readability.
    -Integration documentation is now seperate from the main documentation.
    -MAI_Sensory Module console debug warning spam when scan finds nothing.
    -Action selection array errors.
    -Bug after creating a module via template generation the next one you create in that session is broken.
    -Integration description being cutoff by window during integration creation.

    -Cubemen examples.

    If you provide an invoice I can email you an early copy, but the documentation isn't completely updated. The concepts are still the same regarding the entity system but you can access modules, extensions on the entity via code without using GetComponent.
  21. Mikaelst


    Oct 3, 2014
    Mega like if the integrations works! Modular AI / Apex Path & Steer / Love&Hate. Bought the asset right off but haven't spent any time fiddling yet. Waiting on sims demo to try it.
  22. ParadoxSolutions


    Jul 27, 2015
    For all integrations I assume that the user has some basic experience with them, so not all of them are fully featured but will be improved over time. For example the Apex integrations just replicate the Apex Utility AI examples which covers most use cases but there may be some advanced functionality not covered initially.

    Love/Hate has been the most difficult integration by far. Modules contain predefined code, meaning that any variables you want to use must be retrieved by the entities memory or already be defined inside the module. Love/Hate has loads of user defined variables, so I can only integrate Love/Hate functionality that is independent from that or I could have pre-defined the Love/Hate setup that the user would have to use. I left it open for the user to write their own code or use UnityEvents instead of ModularAI actions.

    In short not all integrations will be plug and play, at least not when they are first introduced.

    I have been breaking up the sims demo into separate tutorials that can help users achieve "sims" style AI but can also be applied to any other game genre.

    I'll look forward to your feedback.
  23. ParadoxSolutions


    Jul 27, 2015
    I have yet to document the core asset changes and have five more tutorials to create, then I'll record videos for all the tutorials once they are all written PDF versions. After that though I'll submit for review to the asset store and we will cross our fingers that it wont take a month and a half like the last two asset updates I have submitted for review.
  24. ParadoxSolutions


    Jul 27, 2015
    A new version has been submitted to the asset store, however tutorials are not present. I was not pleased with the quality of the sims style demo and will rethink the way I approach them.

    I have ordered some professional audio/video recording software and gear, I should post videos here within the next two weeks.

    I was also able to make the Love/Hate and Dialogue System integrations a bit more feature complete, but it will require the use of Unity Events. This may break persistence for non-unique AI reading operation assets.

    Here is the full changelog:

    Version 1.1.0:

    -Updated to Unity 2017.1.0p4.


    -Support for entity extensions to add variables to non-AI entities.
    -New "News & Docs" context menu and start popup.
    -New "Publisher Tools" context menu to do publisher stuffs easier.
    -MAI_SensorModule can now use eyes as the raycast sensor origin.
    -Divider size slider on MAI_Base.
    -Backgroup box option on MAI_Base.
    -Event trigger entities now support exit events.
    -Dialogue System integration.
    -Love/Hate integration.
    -Idle action to MAI_PathfindingModule
    -Ability to add/remove conditions from groups.
    -Order numbers for actions & conditions.
    -Action sort buttons.
    -Add/Remove buttons for group conditions post creation.

    -Memory from MAI_SensorModule scans is now stored on the entity.
    -Entities now cache modules on their transform.
    -MAI_SensorModule now caches the AI's entity.
    -EventTrigger entities now cache the most recent entity to enter the trigger.
    -EventTrigger entities now draw bounds gizmos.
    -Minor file structure changes in project view.
    -Improvements to MAI_Base's custom inspector UI for readability.
    -Integration documentation is now seperate from the main documentation.

    -MAI_Sensory Module console debug warning spam when scan finds nothing.
    -Action selection array errors.
    -Bug after creating a module via template generation the next one you create in that session is broken.
    -Integration description being cutoff by window during integration creation.
    -Debuging groups log spacing issue.
    -Group action selection array errors.

    -Cubeman examples.

    Known Bugs:
    -Start menu doesn't always appear/or appears on compile depending on file version.
    -Console error with debug mode when there are multiple scorers in a operation.

    Overall I'm sure you will all be pleased with the inspector changes. It is much easier to iterate over design and the new entity system allows for so much more than before.

    Now we just wait for approval from the asset store.
  25. ParadoxSolutions


    Jul 27, 2015
    Preview of the new Utility Curve Editor:

    It will allow you to modify all your condition's scores via Unity's Animation Curve system.

    This will probably come to version 1.1.1 along with the video tutorials.
  26. ParadoxSolutions


    Jul 27, 2015
    Version 1.1.0 has been accepted and is now live on the asset store.
  27. ParadoxSolutions


    Jul 27, 2015
    Making progress on the AI formation editor, it is still not decided if this will be included with the combat add-on or as part of the core asset.

    The AI formation editor will allow you to visually design AI formations that can scale to the amount of AI in them. You can also mark points in a formation to only allow for certain types of entities such as archers, infantry or the player.

    Also keep an eye out on the forum for a comparison between Apex Path, A* Pathfinding Project and the experimental runtime navmesh by Unity. When I pickup A* Pathfinding project 4.0 for the integration, I'll make the comparison between their runtime generation speeds and post my findings.
  28. ParadoxSolutions


    Jul 27, 2015
    First tutorial is live, I am still not sure if I want to record then dub over it or continue to try and do it all in one take or have someone else on the team do it. Let me know what you guys think.
  29. ParadoxSolutions


    Jul 27, 2015
    I have submitted a version to the asset store that will include the new Utility Curve Editor and added the first two tutorials to the store page. I'm still making tutorials and they will continue to roll out here on the forums first.

    Update: 9-29-17:

    The updated version, with the new utility curve editor is available for download on the asset store!

    Due to corruption of video project files, some tutorials were lost, sorry for the delay. Basics Tutorials 3 and 4 will be redone soon.
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2017