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"Receive Events" - UI Canvas

Discussion in 'UGUI & TextMesh Pro' started by penguinchilli, Aug 26, 2014.

  1. penguinchilli


    Jun 26, 2014
    Hi all,

    I might be shouting before I'm hurt here but I can't seem to find the "Receive Events" checkbox as seen in the first video tutorial "UI Canvas". In the video the render mode of the canvas is World Space and below "event camera" there is an option of whether or not the canvas "receives events" from clicks/hovers etc, however, I don't seem to have that option. Is this only available in the full version? Or have I completely missed something?

    Thanks all - apologies if I've overlooked an obvious answer to this one.
  2. phil-Unity


    Unity UI Lead Developer

    Nov 23, 2012
    You have not missed anything to be honest i'm surprised it took so long for someone to catch this. The "Receives events" option on the canvas was removed after the video was made but before the open beta started. This was because the option was redundant. They are in the works of updating the video to be correct (just with Unite last week they havnt had time)

    Now onto your real question. If you dont want a canvas to receive events all you have to do is not put a Graphic Raycaster onto the GameObject (or remove the one that is automatically added). Your other option would be to add a Canvas Group to the Canvas GO and you have the receive events option there.
  3. penguinchilli


    Jun 26, 2014
    Thank you very much - that works perfectly.

    I was worried that I was overlooking something really obvious due to no one having mentioned it in other threads :D