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Greebroll: The (Complex) (Rotating) (Issues)

Discussion in 'Works In Progress - Archive' started by Lemo76, Oct 31, 2013.

  1. Lemo76


    Aug 7, 2012
    So, a little while back I posted a small thread about my MainMenu,
    I didn't expect myself to progress onwards and actually get to a stage in the game of which it is actually playable.
    Mind my language, but compared to other WIP threads, this might get a little 'informal' in the language side.
    I won't upload the link to download my progress so far, but I'm going to upload screenies and clips about this game in progress.

    So how shall I start to explain this game?
    That's right, with screenshots:

    You are a ball:
    (a Greeball to be precise)
    Now obviously, you roll around, like a normal ball game.
    Let's've got your classic time limit which fills up:
    Your classic guns firing down 'basis components':
    Your classic clones:
    Those cliché boxes you have to be in before the level ends:
    So what is the game basically about?
    You have to stay on a rotation/warping level and not fall off. Using the S,W,A,D keys you control the ball around the level, and you can jump.
    Pretty simple right?
  2. Lemo76


    Aug 7, 2012
    New Updates: (Uploads the latest version here)

    Alpha 002

    So what's it different to an average marble roller?
    Well here's the 'indie' difference:
    The graphics leave behind a clean trail:
    The levels later are each vividly coloured, making a complete contrast for each level but keeping the 'flow':
    (Probably not the best example when talking about colours).
    As the level progresses, it will become Ultra-Hardcore in difficulty.
    There will be 350 single player levels categorized into 7 packs:
    -Primitive Basic Shapes e.g. Cube, Kite, Torus
    -Greeble Details to Basic Shapes
    -Organic Deformed Meshes
    -Life Based on Everyday Objects e.g. Toothbrush
    -Voxel Levels made of Cubes
    -Curve Levels made of well...curvy abstract meshes
    -Typo Completely 3D text. Yep, this could be fun.
    Then you can play all levels again with a friend.
    Planned ideas feature:
    -Training Rooms Train yourself on a rather 'free-roam' room with training equipment/obstacles.
    -Survival Single Player Survive for the longest. Time Measured.
    -Survival Multi Player Ghosts Survive with your friend the longest. You can go through your friend. Score Measured.
    -Knock-out Multi Player Knock your friend out the level. Can get intense when knockable objects start falling into the rink.
    In total, there will be around 3.5 hours of experience playing through only single player levels and if you get each level complete on YOUR FIRST try.
    This is MY twist on an average marble roller of which I hope to do right.
    This may not be the most 'detailed' game, I just want to make it at the very least, fun.
    Throughout the game it relates the ball as a cube.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2014
  3. Lemo76


    Aug 7, 2012
    The reason why I'm replying to my posts is that there is a limit to screenshots, and for each reply, I want to focus on a different aspect. For now I'll show you my old videos of very early stages of the game just so you can see what I mean:
    So here's the MainMenu which I uploaded a video of earlier:

    Here's a video of the PlayMenu:

    (To repeat, I've done a LOT of changes since these videos, but you are free too comment on them).
    Here's cut-up footage of Primitive 01-Greeble-03
  4. Lemo76


    Aug 7, 2012
    Update 1: Smooth Break
    After working on some Typo Levels, I managed to produce a smooth cream-coloured level. When stepping on a button, a section of the level becomes 'unstable' to roll on.
    Using the Vertex Lit Material, I was able to produce a smooth animation when stepping on the button.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2013
  5. Lemo76


    Aug 7, 2012
    Update 2: Story Complete
    Finally finishing the story, (more or less a tour rather than a story), I am at the stage where I can work on the Level Packs and the Music. Since I managed to complete the story earlier than expected, I agreed to share the link to the game for you. To note, the demo version of this game will only feature the story. Before I share you the link, I've got some screenshots to share with you:
    Now here's the link:
    Please tell me what you think / What bugs you've found!
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2013
  6. Zeblote


    Feb 8, 2013
    I can't figure out how to download the archive.
  7. Lemo76


    Aug 7, 2012
    Question: I can't figure out how to download the archive.
    Answer: On the top left corner, there must be a file tab. Go in and go 'Download'. Use a program such as WinRAR or 7Zip to extract the rar file.
    Look in this update for the next updated version.

    Update 3: Launching Title
    I managed to finish a confusing Working title. My current company, ThoseSixFaces, being only me, managed to create a logo scene. The challenge I faced was getting it into Unity without breaking any law, being that I only had Unity Free and I intend on getting Pro ASAP.

    If you think about it, the essence of a video is a bunch of frames glued together with (in most cases), audio. I created a JS code which simply allowed the Material to be constantly changing its texture. Annoyingly, I had to reinsert 262 frames into the inspector of the code.

    With some Player Prefs set-up, and several animations, I got the scene up and running. Here's what it looks like in inspector: (You'll see it in the game):


    I got some music timed into that but I won't complicate over it just yet.
    Now, here is the updated version, Pre-alpha 007:
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2013
  8. Lemo76


    Aug 7, 2012
    Update 4: Menu Colour Blending
    To start off, I'll show you this screenshot:
    As you can see, the picture shows the Main Menu caught on an angle with two different lights.
    Basically, I got a simple system set up so that as I rotate the Main Menu, the colour-banded vignette changes without any code.
    It works like this:
    I've got a transparent plane in front of the camera. As I rotate the Main Menu Object, the lights on the sides of the Menu Object (children) are rotated with it as well. The lights are set on an angle so they rotate out the camera plane but the plane doesn't move. The lights are casted onto the plane giving that effect. As you can see, it also breaks the light into sections, which is the art style about this game:
    Adjusting the Cam's Field of View can make some colourful effects:
    Feel free to drop a comment or a question.
  9. Lemo76


    Aug 7, 2012
    Update 5: Icon/Banner
    With some time on my hands, I managed to put together a simple icon and banner for the game.
    The icon just required a render in C4D and a few overlays:
    The banner just utilized the icon but had a slight blur to the clones. Since the art style is colour banded, it fits in with the style:
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2013
  10. Lemo76


    Aug 7, 2012
    Update 6: Particle Music
    After spending an equivalent of 10 hours of making sound effects and ambience tracks, I got to the stage of importing them in the game. The first challenge was equalizing all the SFX to get them around the same level. The second was coding them up. Whilst importing the music, I soon realised that if I make the ball explode out particles occasionally (usually when touching the ground), I could get a piano note to accompany the effect. Sure enough, it was well worth it. Here are a few screenshots of the output:
    $1.PNG $2.PNG $3.PNG $4.PNG
  11. Lemo76


    Aug 7, 2012
    Update 7: Level Pack Menu
    I've finished the Main Menus and I've set up all the music and code and now I'm up to the stage of making each and every level. Being a challenge, I will stop to show the Level Packs Menu. This menu you can only access once completing the tour (story). The level pack menu is set up like this:
    Changing to the next pack makes a fade-out animation:
    $2.PNG $3.PNG
    As you may see, there are seven packs, each for each stage.
    I set it up so it works on 2 player mode:
    Now the levels are set out so that you can skip through to any level but once completing a level, it will be shown as completed.
    It enables freedom but not too much.
  12. Lemo76


    Aug 7, 2012
    Update 8: Multiplayer
    Now I've set up most of the tour levels as multiplayer, so here's what the result is in screenshots:


    As you may notice, Player 2 in this mode acts like a ghost as it goes through Player 1.
    Basically, you and your friend locally (one keyboard) play together on each and every level featured in the single player levels (350 levels).
    It evenly balances out the difficulty as I'll quickly explain;
    Harder: If one player dies, the level restarts so if you fluke the level, you will have to fluke it with another player the same time as well.
    Easier: On the levels with a lot of buttons, Player 1 can decide to press all the buttons on one side whilst Player 2 can choose the other side.
    Overall, it is now Really easy to implement as I have a Player 2 character which is enabled depended on a PlayerPref, so I don't have to duplicate the levels twice. It can be quite fun, as I will soon find out.
  13. Lemo76


    Aug 7, 2012
    ScreenSpam 1: Primitive New Levels
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2013
  14. Lemo76


    Aug 7, 2012
    Update 9: Primitive Complete
    Wow, it's been some time since I last posted. Back in the holidays, I can work at a faster rate on my game thus complete more levels quickly. So as the title suggests, I've completed all the Primitive Levels! Yay. Now 6 more packs to go. And more game modes. Oh well, I learnt I can implement texture changes which change the texture throughout all the scenes so I can later do Character colour customizations. As for now, I made a mode when finished the game called 'Gross Trails'.
    Here's a sneak pic:
  15. Lemo76


    Aug 7, 2012
    Update 10: Gross Cheats
    Well, it's time for another update and instead of a post, I chose to do this as a video.
    This video shows some of the Cheat Codes (I've now made 30) and the Gross Trails mode. Have fun.
    If I must say, I'm quite excited that I was easily able to implement the different camera views. This adds a whole other dimension to the game, speaking of dimensions, the video shows a dimensional shifting mode.
  16. Lemo76


    Aug 7, 2012
    ScreenSpam 2: Very Productive Last 4 Months
    Allow me to formally introduce what I have done for the past 4 months in one breath:
    -I've gotten lots of play testers to play my game and they enjoy it thoroughly
    -Complete recreation to the jumping mechanic
    -3 Training Levels with hidden secrets and a minigame
    -Take HD screenshots and they are saved
    -Record in-game and watch replays on a dedicated Greebroll GIF decoder
    -Chromanised Exit Signs (Rainbow Colour Changing)
    -More options added
    -A hell of a lot of bug fixes
    -Anti-aliasing Integration
    -Set up Green/Black Screen for recording footage and editing in an external program (After FX, Here I come!)
    -Reduced a lot of lag
    -Finished Primitive, Greeble, Organic, Life Packs (160 levels, wow!)
    -----Alpha Stage Reached!-----
    I've decided to do more frequent updates.
    If you stumble across this thread, please comment as any feedback is greatly appreciated.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2014
  17. Lemo76


    Aug 7, 2012
    Update 11: Random Zoom Shutter Insanity
    I've set up a cheat code which allows the camera to zoom in and out at a fast rate randomly.
    I had no clue of the potential of what this could produce until I implemented the screenshot key.
    Here is a screenshot of the effect:
    As you can see the camera, being set on 'Depth Only' Mode, it is designed to take a few moments to wipe off.
    This allows zero time too clear when I take a screenshot.
    That produces a very interesting effect.

    When fog comes into play, it can also make it appear stranger.

    On more spherical objects, this effect can become really epic. It adds a whole different sense of depth.

    Finally, this effect can actually illustrate a proper scene which is recognizable yet also make it feel even more strange.
    I can't wait to see the potential results of this effect.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2014
  18. Lemo76


    Aug 7, 2012
    Update 12: Level Design Styles
    Throughout this game, there are a range of different level design styles but I'll explain the most common ones.

    1. Classic:
    These types of levels are where you have to simply survive on a rotating object. They are relatively simple yet they can be very hard to complete.

    2. Idle
    These levels involve you completing an objective task e.g. Pressing buttons.
    They are frozen and they do not move, making a rather 'flat' level yet also allowing more focus to detail and depth to the difficulty of level.

    3. Danger Sides
    These levels are designed to limit your movement as they block off certain section of the level, making it rather hard.
    These levels can have either frozen or moving Kill walls.

    4. Puzzle
    These levels involve you thinking about what move you will take to complete the level more than any other level.
    These are commonly found with Buttons (What order and when?), Releasable Area Zones (Which one is releasable?) and Posts (When to Destroy?)
  19. The-Spaniard


    Jan 7, 2012
    I'm surprised that no one's commented on this thread - I love the aesthetic and it's looking really polished. Nice work!
  20. Lemo76


    Aug 7, 2012
    Thank you for your feedback.
    For the sake of posting visuals, here's one of my latest Voxel levels:
    The directional movement really emphasized the intensity of the scene.
  21. Lemo76


    Aug 7, 2012
    Update 13: External Compositing
    This game has one feature I haven't seen in most games.
    A mode where you can take screenshots to port over into other software to edit.
    This 'Compositing Mode' comes with a green/black background you can toggle with the F3/F4 keys.
    Here is what I mean:

    This is what the scene looks like with a background:

    What I've been able to do is do some quick 2 minute edits in Photoshop to the 'Compositing Mode' screenshot.
    All I had to do is use the colour range select tool and delete it from the image and place in a jpg of a space scene.
    I've done some further edits by adding a slight overlay on top of the screenshot.
    See what I mean:
    This can also work when recording a video so in a way this bridges the connection between Games and Photoshop/AfterFX.
  22. Lemo76


    Aug 7, 2012
    Update 14: Facebook Page
    Like most games, they all have a facebook page.
    So with much time in my hands, I set one up.
    I was surprised as I was able to get the name 'Greebroll', as it was short and easy to type.
    Here is a render I did for the cover photo:
    $Final Pass Text.jpg
    I will be posting frequent updates on the facebook page, but when I have some big update to discuss, I will be posting it on this thread.
    Seems simple.
  23. Lemo76


    Aug 7, 2012
    ScreenSpam 3: Voxel Highlights
    That's right, I've finished the Voxel pack and now I'm up too the Curve, Typo and Special pack.
    I might as well show you some of the screenies of some of the Voxel levels.
  24. Lemo76


    Aug 7, 2012
    Update 15: Main Menu Audio
    So for the past few weeks, I've been looking more into the concept of importing your own custom music into the game, but you'll hear more on the next post about that. Basically, I've been able to import my own music into the game using the old
    Code (csharp):
    1. System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory
    Code (csharp):
    1. Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()
    command. This enabled me to not only put in my own audio but read text files to edit data.
    To cut too the chase, I put in my Coldplay song, toggled radio mode on, hit the record button, spun the menu around a bit and I was able to show a video of how the audio is affected by the menu in 'radio mode' (distorts and shutters the pitch, doppler and volume of audio). Here it is in action on youtube.
  25. Lemo76


    Aug 7, 2012
    Update 16: First Alpha
    It's about time I release a new version to download.
    Alpha 001 will be able to download on the New Updates section of this thread (First page).
    The changelog is at:
  26. Lemo76


    Aug 7, 2012
    Update 17: GIFS!
    I've recently found out that gifs can be posted on a Unity Thread, so I set up three of them.
    I won't post them frequently because I do want this thread to be viewed on Smartphones. So here they are:

    To reload them, you open the gif in a new tab
  27. Lemo76


    Aug 7, 2012
    Update 18: Indie DB
    I've finally found the time to set up an Indie DB page for Greebroll.
    On the first day I managed to get to 60 on the top indie games for today.
    Now I just have to wait for responses to pile in.
    Here it is:
    [Greebroll Indie DB]
  28. Lemo76


    Aug 7, 2012
    Update 19: Greenlight
    As it seems so, these unity thread posts are getting shorter and shorter...
    Probably because I'm already posting to all the other social indie game websites.
    Anyway, the news is quite simple, I have uploaded Greebroll to Steam Greenlight!

    Here is the link:
    [Greebroll Greenlight]