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plyGame, no-scripting game maker

Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by Leslie-Young, Jan 25, 2014.

  1. Leslie-Young


    Dec 24, 2008

    plyGame is a visual game development tool for the Unity game engine. It allows users to create games and prototypes without having to do any programming.

    The goal with plyGame is to provide you with all the tools you need to create games of various genres, from RPGs and Visual Novels to Action games. At its core a Visual Scripting tool is provided to add behaviour to objects and respond to triggered events.

    There is also an API for where you wish to interact with plyGame via script.

    Learn more on the official site of plyGame.


    Last edited: Jun 26, 2015
  2. tequyla


    Jul 22, 2012

    In the poccket and i am trying this new update asap.

    1000 thanks Leslie !!!

    Is there Change Form feature in this version ?

  3. TopThreat


    Aug 7, 2012
    So what is the workflow for this tool? Is there a basic tutorial to get us started?
  4. rickcollette


    Mar 17, 2013
    woohoo! just updated to it!
  5. Leslie-Young


    Dec 24, 2008
    Can start a discussion on the support forum to figure out how one would do this via Blocks.

  6. rickcollette


    Mar 17, 2013
    yeah.. i just tried to start using this.. totally lost... i expect awesome tutorials relatively soon though so.. no worrying :)
  7. Brian-Ryer


    Mar 5, 2013
    This is fantastic, anybody who is unsure about how powerful this is, just look up Scratch Programming or iStencyl.

    going to buy soon as a stand alone.
  8. lod3


    Mar 21, 2012
    Subscribed. Looking forward to any videos or demos that show off what this can do.
  9. nixter


    Mar 17, 2012
    So everything is in a DLL now? No modification of the framework code is allowed? That is disappointing.

    Ironic. I bought UniRPG because ORK2 had gone closed source. Finally, after months of development ORK2 exits beta and opens most of the source code. But a few weeks later UniRPG becomes plyGame2, which is closed.

    I thought UniRPG would be the open alternative to ORK2, but ORK2 is now the open alternative to plyGame 2.
  10. im


    Jan 17, 2013
    hi i just downloaded into a new project plyGame, but when i downloaded and imported the asset it imported the old stuff and not the package content in the store page

    i get UniRpg folder not plyGame folder

    please advice.

    also why the name change? i dont think the new name is very good / descriptive of the asset and will hurt your sales / confuse customers...
  11. Leslie-Young


    Dec 24, 2008
    I have recorded the first few tutorials and they can be viewed in the plyGame List on youtube, or be found in the docs under Tutorials.

    I went with DLLs because it can prevent a lot of issues, especially when someone install scripts that throw errors or clash with existing defines. Editing the core was never a good idea anyway since the modifications could be lost when you updated to a newer version. There are now fewer files to deal with. When I decide to rip out an old script I can do so knowing that it won't hang around in someone's project - remember when Character-2 came out and people forgot to delete the old character scripts?

    I will be creating an API reference in the next few days. This can be used when creating new controllers or plugins to be used with plyGame and Blox. The old UniRPG will be available to anyone who has purchased it or plyGame. Simply PM me with the invoice number and I will put you on a private share. I will continue to fix bugs in UniRPG 1.x but plyGame is the future for this tool.

    With plyGame I'm striving for more than just an RPG kit, so it does not really compare to ORK2 (ORK2 is for RPGs right?). I already have plans to add components that makes it easier to create Point-n-Click Adventure games and Visual Novels. There is also plans for an FPS controller and camera and of course support for some of the cool kits available like UFPS. For now I first want to get everything in that UniRPG used to have though.

    Go to the Asset Store page and then click on the little down arrow next to the Import button and force it. Unity is probably confused now cause of the name change and the category change. You might also try to go to where unity saves the packages and delete everything in the folder called PLYoung - which will allow you to re-download. Under windows that is in, %APPDATA%\Unity\Asset Store\PL Young

    Sure, the old name was quite nice but plyGame's future is for making more than just RPG games, therefore the name change.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2014
  12. lod3


    Mar 21, 2012
    Thank you. Watched the videos, and read thru the docs, but need to know if there's a way to use any of the 3rd party FPS controllers like UFPS or Realistic FPS Prefab (since you only offer Top-Down and Third-Person)?

  13. bigdaddio


    May 18, 2009
    So now we wait for you to make fixes? What about the other platforms that run unity will the DLL work on them? Mac, Xbox, Wii-U? So in order to keep beginners from screwing up you hobble experts?
  14. Leslie-Young


    Dec 24, 2008
    Not yet, except if you are prepared to make it compatible. UFPS for example will need an additional class that derives from the plyGame character base class and override the needed virtual methods. This class (component) will then be used in additiona lto the UFPS components and it will know how to make the request s that arrives, into UFPS - requests like, what is the movement speed or, please move there.

    I plan on creating the compatibility link for some popular packs or on request but atm I'm focused on getting features done that where present in UniRPG 1.x.
  15. Leslie-Young


    Dec 24, 2008
    Sorry, this is how I want to release this pack. I prioritise bugs and try to get reported bugs fixed within a week. There is an API if you need to do more than the pack can give. It should work fine on Mac, I am not sure about XBox or Wii-U since I have never work with those. Would love some feedback from someone that can test on such a device.

    I'll be happy to refund you if this is not acceptable. Please contact me in private for details.
  16. tbelgrave


    Jul 29, 2006
    Hi Leslie, I posted this on your forum, but I'll post it here as well just in case you didn't see it... I have a few questions before I pick up this great looking plugin. I literally found out about Plygame a few hours ago and watched all the available tutorials on it... I'm quite impressed with what I've seen so far, I especially like the logic blocks approach and how well it's implemented.

    As an artist first and foremost I've been on the lookout for a flexible Visual scripting engine such as this to get my game idea out of my head and into something tangible. I've tried Unity Playmaker with some success but after watching your implementation I'm sure this is the way I want to go... Ok the questions...

    - With Plygame, you're basically saying that any genre imagined can be created? (For instance I would like to create a beat em up game similar to Blackgate I know it's in beta with limited functionality, but this is the end goal?

    - One thing I didn't see and I'm sure you'll get to is HUD elements... The Gui interface is fantastic, so I'm guessing HUD elements can be created in a similar fashion?

    - In a similar fashion to Playmaker for example, can you create a game from beginning to end without seeing a line of code?

    - And if I need even more flexibility can additional functionality be coded and implemented? And which language would that be in?

    - Will a 2.5D camera be supported in the near future?

    - Finally are the Adventure characters / RPG Assets available somewhere? They would make excellent prototyping assets for me :)

    Looking forward to your reply.
  17. p6r


    Nov 6, 2010
    +1 : very interesting questions...

  18. Leslie-Young


    Dec 24, 2008
    I see all questions posted there . Only getting around to replying now cause I've been busy with writing docs the whole day and did not want to get distracted.

    That is the idea yes and with plyBlox I want to say it is almost possible, well.. as long as there are blocks to pull it off with. I will however not say the kit is capable of all genres and will be updating a feature list eventually to list genres that there are specific systems in place.

    Your beat-em-up example is something I would say that could be made way easier to pull off if I added a 2.5D/side-scroll camera and character controller, and then there would be systems it share with genres, like the current Skilsl system could be used to create the moves that can be performed.

    That is the idea with this kit, to create these kind of core systems that makes it easier to do something. Atm I am focused on RPG games like Diablo and Torchlight and also 3rd person RPGs.

    You can use the screens editor to create the HUD too. It will just be a screen with transparent background. It would be better to actually create HUH en such with DF-GUI or NGUI and that is why I do not force a GUI system on you. I still need to make it easier to pull data into DF-GUI/ NGUI/ and other (even the build-in screens system). Think for example how you would show health. plygame knows what the character's health is, but how do you tell NGUI how long that red bar should be? That is the kind of things I need to still figure out and make easy to do sine the only way now would be to mess around with Blocks.

    That is the idea. plyBlox is a visual scripting tool and with that alone you should be able to do it. With plyGame I add whole systems and custom editors to complement the Blox system. Why try and pull off an inventory in Blocks when I can simply code up a whole system that handles it with nice custom editors where you define the item you player can use and so on.

    Yup, I have a runtime API so data in plyGame can be accessed and is making changes to the Editor to allow 3rd party code to hook into various areas of the editor. For example 3rd party code code add buttons to the plygame Toolbar or show their own editors in the plyGame Main Eidtor window (as new tabs). Just uploaded the 1st revision of the API docs. and will be writing tutorials to explain how to do some more specific things, like the editor examples mentioned above or what is required when you want to add a new player controller that interacts with the rest of plyGame; or how to create new Events and Blocks for the visual scripting system.

    Can't see why not, but I can't make promises. Maybe someone reading this can see the opportunity to make plyGame plugins? *wink* Here is my Todo list, make a request there, you never know.

    The characters in the videos? They are on the Asset Store. To mention but a few ...
  19. tbelgrave


    Jul 29, 2006
    Thanks much for taking the time out to answer those questions Leslie! Makes my decision easier... Definitely will be adding that 2.5d camera request ;)
  20. makoto_snkw


    Aug 14, 2013
    Hello, good day sir.

    How does this compare to PlayMaker exactly?
    Or they are the same tools with different brand and workflow?

    I have some pre-purchase questions if you don't mind?

    1. My target gaming genre is an open world (almost) RPG like GTA and Assassins Creed.
    Do you think your framework suit my need "as is"?

    I don't mind doing a little scripting but my priority now is, development TIME.
    Time is money.

    2. And, how about the AI component?

    I'm now messing around with Rival {Theory}, RAIN AI framework.

    3. How about other component such as user interface and "saving" feature? If possible I want something that can save into databases in case I'm moving into "online gaming" or "cloud saving feature" this will be easy to implement in the future.

    4. I guess your framework already have build-in inventory and quest system, right?

    I like the look of the visual programming.


    I've checked PlayMaker, but this so far make more sense to me.

    And here I only see you support the legacy animation system.
    Will you support Mecanim in this near future?

    Thank you in advance for your answer, looking forward for it.
  21. Leslie-Young


    Dec 24, 2008
    I do not really know since I've not worked with it. Perhaps someone else can chip in on this? You might also want to ask this question on my forum as there might be people there who has used plymaker before and can give a comparison.

    Hard to say. It depends on how far you want to go with visual scripting or even the code API. I am focused on creating components used in RPG games but they are not all done yet. I will be creating a Feature list and post it in the next day or so. Will make a post in this thread when I do. Maybe that will then give you a better idea of what the system is capable of and if it is worth getting.

    The current plan for the AI (it is not done): Sight system (audio and visual detection ranges), Detection of Player and other valid targets (faction system comes in play). Events (as defined in the visual scripting) is fired when detecting or loosing sight of player and other valid targets.

    It will not be as in depth as those.

    There will be a Load/Save feature but it would be used to save game settings and the state of a play session. Your typical single player thing. I will be adding a default handler that uses PlayerPrefs but you would be able to select a different LoadSave Provider, like how it worked in UniRPG. So it is possible that you could create a LoadSave Provider that does DB related loading/ saving. To give you an idea of what I am talking about, have a look at this and this.

    Use interface can be created with the Screens editor but I recommend that you use something like DF-GUI or NGUI for game menus, HUD, etc since the Screen ssystem is based on Unity's OnGUI() function.

    Not yet, but like with UniRPG it will be part of the system.

    More info on the plyBlox, visual scripting, is available here. I tried to make it work and look a lot like how a script would - in the way it flows from block to block.

    Yes, I plan on adding a mecanim based animation controller that can be used with the default character controllers. I will also be adding mecanim related Blocks to the plyBlox system.

    Keep in mind that plyGame is still in Beta so there are a load of features I still need to implement.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2014
  22. makoto_snkw


    Aug 14, 2013
    Thank you for your reply.

    Yes, I realise this still beta.
    Perhaps I'll let your framework get more mature for implementation in future project. :)
  23. Leslie-Young


    Dec 24, 2008

    Verison 2.0.2.beta

    - Fixed bug with Skill events not triggering
    - Fixed various bugs in the Screens System
    - Fixed bug that could cause objects to not initialise correctly if they where set to use persistence but the PersistableObject is missing
    - Fixed bug where character wold continue to move even if Skill request no movement while being executed
    - Fixed error where Horizontal and Vertical movement Input definition where swapped
    + Please use Reset button in input manager to reset the incorrect defaults
    - plyBlox related updates
    + Fixed bugs in some existing blocks trying to access their owning blox too early after being created
    + Fixed bug in Hide Custom Screen, hiding all screens and not only specified one
    + Changed the Use Skill block to allow selection of Skill from a list. Please check and update Blox where you use this Block
    + Added blocks related to the Light component
    + Added blocks related to the AudioListener component
    + Added blocks related to the AudioSource component
    + Added blocks related to the Animation component
    + Added blocks to Vector3 and Vector2 (under math)
    + Added blocks related to plyGame Screens System
    + Added blocks related to Actor and Skills
    + Added blocks related to Character

    Version 2.0.1.beta

    - Now includes the XML doc for the DLLs (API)
    - Fixed exception when viewing Actor debug info while HP or XP is not defined and linked
    - Fixed bug with Splash screens not initializing properly - causing some elements to fail (like movie not playing sound)
    - Attributes linked to Leveling now correctly updates when the level increases
    - Attribute's consumable value can be set to restore to the max value when character level up
    - API updated to allow plugins to add own tab and editor to the plyGame Main Editor window
    - Added the LoadSave System and a default provider based on Unity PlayerPrefs to handle saving and loading game state
    - LoadSave Provider API allows you to create own provider
    - A new option in the Main Editor will allow you to choose and configure the LoadSave provider
    - Runtime API updates related to the LoadSave system and changes to how character and such are made, to hook them into the LoadSave system
    - Actor (Character) and related components are now LoadSave aware
    - Updated Screens System and InputManager to not allow GUI mouse click-through
    - plyBlox
    + Added new Blocks related to Screens system
    + Added Blocks related to LoadSave System found under `IO > LoadSave (plyGame)`
    + Added PlayerPrefs Blocks
    + Added error catching to detect when Block field types where changed since it was last serialized
  24. tbelgrave


    Jul 29, 2006
    This is great thank you for the added blocks for gameobject components!
  25. Leslie-Young


    Dec 24, 2008
    Version 2.0.3.beta

    - Added Top-Down Nav Player Controller that uses Unity navmesh navigation to move the character
    - Made improvements to how jumping works in the Top-Don and 3rd Person player controller
    - Fixed problem with the cameras not always snapping forward when obstacle between the view and player
    - Fixed bugs in Skills (projectile related)
    - plyBlox
    + Added more Blocks under character
    + Added more Blocks under Math Vector2/3
    + Added more Transform and GameObject related Blocks under Object
    + Added Blocks that can execute Blocks timeout (under Flow)
    + Change Trigger Event Block to allow a delay before Event is triggered
  26. TonyLi


    Apr 10, 2012
    Hi princeWIGUAN, I'm the author of the Dialogue System for Unity. I recently implemented plyGame support in it. It's had PlayMaker support for a long time, so I'm familiar with both systems and I thought I'd weigh in. As visual scripting tools, plyBlox and PlayMaker function similarly.

    If you're used to thinking about Finite State Machines (FSMs), PlayMaker will seem more like a traditional FSM editor. Since it's older, it also has more add-ons (e.g., for NGUI, etc.) and a bigger base of experienced customers you can get help from. But the author of plyGame is actively working on additional plugins as he described above, and others have already contributed Mecanim and AI plugins on the plyGame forum.

    plyBlox reads more like natural language. I personally like the flow much better. And it's more compact onscreen. That may not seem like a big deal, but it really helps when you can look at a single screen to get the big picture view. In plyBlox, it's very clear what's going on. That makes a big difference when you go back to it after weeks or months working on something else.

    In addition, plyGame provides more framework than PlayMaker -- screens and levels, character control, classes, skills, factions, save load system, and more, all based on the author's substantial experience developing and supporting UniRPG.

    It was very easy to tie the Dialogue System into plyGame's save load system, by the way. It only uses PlayerPrefs right now, but the framework exists to use other storage types, and it sounds like Leslie is working on that.

    I'm not affiliated with the author of plyGame in any way. I'm just sharing my experiences having worked closely with plyGame over the past few weeks.

    BTW, for those who are interested, the Dialogue System for Unity version 1.1.7 now includes plyBlocks, events, and other support components to integrate with plyGame. It includes plyBlocks to run conversations and barks, manage a quest system, run cutscene sequences, and more. Version 1.1.7 was just submitted to the Asset Store so it'll take a few days to show up, but it's available right now on the customer download page. If you're a Dialogue System customer and need access, please PM me your invoice number.

    I plan to add more plyGame support features based on customer feedback, so please send me any requests!

    Asset Store:
    Unity forum thread:
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2014
  27. makoto_snkw


    Aug 14, 2013
    Thank you for your enlightenments.

    I'm watching this thread closely. ;)
  28. Leslie-Young


    Dec 24, 2008
    Version 2.0.4.beta

    - Updated the Factions Editor with settings to change how Factions are related to each other
    - Added NPC Detection System, Events and Blocks to drive the AI
    - Added the Follow option to NPCs
    - Added Factions system to Characters
    - Updated NPC movement controllers, fixing some bugs and making overall improvements
    - Updated Skills with options to control effect/ hit timing
    - Refined the Skill's projectile creation code some more so it looks better
    - Fixed bug with triggers preventing mouse input for click-to-move to not work over trigger area
    - Fixed bug that prevented plyGame builds from starting on mobile devices (tested on Android 3.2)
    - Fixed bug that prevented delayed triggered events from running
    - plyBlox
    + Updated the description (help text) of the fields for many of the Blocks
    + Fixed problem that can occur when there are Blocks with the same name (even though in different groups)
    + Vector3 SmoothDamp block fixed to accept Variable for velocity field
    + Added more Blocks related to Characters (Actors)
    + Added Blend Block under Animation
    + Added Blocks for Character Legacy Animation Controller for easier character animation control
  29. Leslie-Young


    Dec 24, 2008
    plyGame is on special till the end of this month. Grab is now for 52% OFF.

    Latest update submitted:

    Version 2.0.5.beta

    - Added a basic mecanim based character animation controller
    - Made a few changes to existing character controllers to support the new mecanim controller
    - Various cosmetic changes to editor
    - Fixed an error that occur when running a scene that was not yet added to the build settings
    - Fixed bug with in Factions editor. The status/ relation buttons where being drawn in wrong order
    - Added more options to the Skills 'valid targets' property
    - Updated Factions with variable lists. These could be used to for example create a reputation system
    - Added new option to Skills to set whether the Skill can be queued or not when the character is already performing another
    - plyBlox
    + Various visual improvements to blocks
    + Added Mecanim Blocks
    + Made GetComponent Block able to also look in child objects of target
    + Added a way to hide block fields and block properties depending on the status of another block
    + See plyBlockFieldAttribute.ShowIfTargetFieldInvalid in API docs
    + Added Blocks and Events related to Factions
    + Added Blocks for generating random numbers and vectors
    + Changed the Skills related blocks, allowing you to specify the Skill via its name, etc in addition to being able to select it from a list
    + Fixed bug with OnXP/HP Change events not being triggered. Note that an attribute change by a change in level will not trigger the Change events for attributes
    + Changed the Set State Block to not fail, and return an Error code, when the blox is already in the requested State.
    It will print a warning so that you know Events like the State Enter will not trigger
  30. Leslie-Young


    Dec 24, 2008
    Version 2.0.6.beta

    - IMPORTANT: I restructured how some of the assets are saved and referenced. After this update you need to open the plyGame Editor and open each of the tabs (Attributes, Factions, Skills, etc) once so that the assets are refreshed properly, else their data might not show up at runtime.
    - IMPORTANT: If you are making Blocks make sure that they initialize plyBlox.blockIsValid and plyBlock.stopAllOnError as appropriate in the Block's Created() or Initialise(). Note that Initialise() will not be called if if blockIsValid = false. Your Blocks should use plyBlock.Log() to show error messages to the Unity console and not use Debug.Log
    - Restructuring of the Game Global and how various assets, created in the plyGame Editor, are accessed
    - Fixed an error in ActorClass editor that occur when deleting a class
    - Added rectangular option to NPC wander settings, in addition to circular
    - Changed Character mecanim controller to work more like the legacy animation controller with strafe support and the character controller handling the motion and rotation of the character rather than the animation controller
    - Fixed problem with skill queue option not working on skill on cool-down
    - Made some changes to the options that controls if a character can use a skill when moving
    - Fixed bug with Character still performing a queued skill after control of the character was disabled (for example when disabling an NPC AI)
    - Added a way to 'Kill' a character via either plyBlox or automatically when HP reaches zero
    - Made some improvements to how options in inspector are presented
    - plyBlox
    + Made improvements to the error messages printed by Blocks so that it is easier to track down what is wrong
    + Added inspector property that can be set to indicate that the object should not be disabled
    + Updated GetComponent Block to specify which component in order to get when more than one of same type of component is on an object
    + Fixed bug in Comparison Blocks that where wrongly returning an Error Code
    + Added Block to Kill Actor (character)
    + New Event 'Actor > On Actor Death'
  31. IanStanbridge


    Aug 26, 2013
    Hi Leslie just a few suggestions on how to improve plygame. Firstly would it be possible in the plybox editor to make an option in the editor to only show the blox that can be added based on the previous blox that has been placed down. Your system is obviously already aware of what blox it can connect together as it won't let you connect an invalid block. It would be much faster to use if it therefore just hide and collapsed all the blocks you couldn't add to save wasting time looking through them. Just make it an optional tick box on the editor though as in some cases people might want to add a blox above on that is already placed in which case the context sensitive hiding wouldn't be helpful. You could also add a search funtion to seach for a specific blox without having to scroll through them all.

    My other suggestion is that it might be worth making a plygame plugin for playmaker to add to its functionality. Since both plyblox and playmaker are finite state machines in nature it wouldn't be too hard to make them able to talk to each other. You could also write a tool that would be able to take an existing playmaker plugin and convert it for use with plygame. A lot of people use playmaker mainly as a way of interacting with other assets from the asset store without having to resort to code. If plygame could make use of these same plugins it would be very powerful. Because of the way plygame lays out states it seems to have the edge over playmaker when it comes to creating states containing a lot of logic while playmaker appears to have the edge when displaying a general overview of game flow in real time and powerful visual debugging.

    If you make a plugin that could let playmaker and plygame talk to each other and call each others states and functions you would have the best of both worlds. You would also make plygame far more appealing to people who are used to using playmaker and don't want to have to learn another system.
  32. rockysam888


    Jul 28, 2009
    What is the difference between plygame and plyblox?
    Are they different products?
    Is plygame only for rpg and plyblox for all-purpose?
    If we buy plygame (which contains plyblox), do we need to buy plyblox?
    Is plyblox still developing? Or, both will both of them be developed at the same time?
    Can we learn to use plygame with uniRpg tutorial?
    Both of them look like appinventor. Does appinventor inspire you?

    Thanks in advance
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2014
  33. Leslie-Young


    Dec 24, 2008
    They can be purchased as different products but if you grab plyGame you get plyBlox too. plyGame contains plyBlox as a core element that responds to all events that is triggered by plyGame. The Blox system is the visual scripting part of plyGame.

    I am focused on elements for RPG games but as you can imagine you could skip these components and use plyGame for other types of games. I have plans to add systems that make it easier to create other games too. When I talk about "systems" I mean components and special editors that makes it easier to make the game of that genre, for example the special Skills editor for RPG games.

    Check out the main page,if you scroll down some, to see more info on the current features.

    Nope, and you can easily remove plyGame if you are interested in the clean plyBlox only as seen in the separate product.

    Both are being updated at the same time.

    No. UniRPG works totally different. Docs for plyGame can be found here and I will be creating more tutorials once the tool is outa beta.

    First time I hear of appinvento. I was thinking about how I could make a better system to respond to events triggered in UniRPG and was almost to go the route of connected nodes. At some point during my research I spotted screenshots of connected blocks, might have been stencyl, and that inspired me to go this route with the tool's visual scripting.
  34. rockysam888


    Jul 28, 2009
    Thank you for your reply, Leslie Young.
    Before you answered my questions, I have already bought plygame. It’s a no-brainer when it is on sale.
  35. FunkyCoder


    Feb 25, 2014
    Hello Leslie...I currently have Playmaker(visual scripting) and Daikon Forge....would you describe to me...if those components of Plygame were removed from Plygame... mainly what does it encompass ...i am interested in buying but not enough tuts to get an overall idea subtract the two components and give me a brief summary of the main features...if you would...thanks
  36. Leslie-Young


    Dec 24, 2008
    I do not quite understand what you mean by "" if those components of Plygame were removed from Plygame ""

    All features of the tool is listed on the main page,
    The features in development are listed here,
  37. FunkyCoder


    Feb 25, 2014
    just purchased so disregard my previous post ... thanks
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2014
  38. Leslie-Young


    Dec 24, 2008
    Thanks for the support ;)
  39. KidSicarus


    Feb 3, 2014
    Hey, Leslie:

    Would this work well for a 2D RPG Action Platformer?

  40. Leslie-Young


    Dec 24, 2008
    Plenty of the systems could be re-used, like the Attributes, and Skills systems. The big problem is that there is no 2D character and camera controller for the sideways movement, so that needs to be created in script or visual scripting.

    I'm interested in Unity's 2D features but it will be a while before I'll be looking into it and possible controllers dedicated to it.
  41. jhample


    Jul 7, 2012
    Did you really drop the price the day after being featured as the 24hr deal? It was only $2.50 difference, but still sucks to think you're getting something 50% off only to find that its getting marked down anyway, and even cheaper than what you paid.

    Oh well, it looks to be a good enough product anyway. Can't wait to use it.
  42. Leslie-Young


    Dec 24, 2008
    Asset store allow only increments in 5 (except for the sales that calculates off percentage). It was either 40 or 45 and 40 was closer to what I wanted the the price to be for the remainder of the beta.
  43. Leslie-Young


    Dec 24, 2008
    Version 2.0.7.beta

    - IMPORTANT: I've updated the Camera Controllers. Please Reset the components for top-down/ 3rd-person camera so that you get better default values and tweak it from that
    - Added a way to list additional components to disable when an actor/ character enters death state
    - Added option to legacy animation controllers for setting a death animation to play when character is killed
    - Added OnDeath and Dead parameter options to BasicMecanimController
    - Fixed BasicMecanimController to set the Forward and LeftRight parameters with velocity and not movement input which was clamped to 0..1
    - Changed the current Top-Down and 3rd-person Cameras to be smoother and respond better
    - plyBlox
    + Improved editor for local and global variables
  44. Leslie-Young


    Dec 24, 2008
    Version 2.0.8.beta

    - Added the Markers system: used for selection markers, marking of special NPCs like quest givers or shop keepers, etc.
    - Added a Camera Facing Billboard component, making it it easier to create objects that always face the camera. Useful for markers that are simple textures planes
    - plyBlox
    + Added Input Blocks to read mouse, key and touch input
    + Added Screen related Blocks
    + Added Mouse Cursor related Blocks
    + Added Blocks related to Unity CharacterController
    + Updated the "with info" variants of Trigger and Collision Events. Please make sure to check what the temporary variables are called now if you use these Events.
    + Added Blocks related to the markers system

  45. Leslie-Young


    Dec 24, 2008
  46. daigos


    Aug 29, 2012
    I have some questions:
    plygame allows you to easily add actions to the player ,as climbing ladder / swimming / move, pull objects/ or you have to add them by writing code?
  47. Leslie-Young


    Dec 24, 2008
    The existing player controllers do not know how to do those things. You would have to create a new controller. Trying to do it via the build-in visual scripting tool will be too hard as it will try to force the controllers to do things they are not made for or expect from the character,
  48. Leslie-Young


    Dec 24, 2008
    Version 2.0.9.beta

    - IMPORTANT: plyGame's editor skin has undergone major changes and cleanup. The following steps are not needed but can be done if you wish to remove the unnecessary files from your project. Close all plyGame related windows and toolbar. Import the update then go to '\Assets\plyoung' and delete the 'edRes' folder. Finally, re-import the updated plyGame package so that it recreates the edRes folder and populate it with only the used resources. Restart Unity.

    - Updated Screens Editor to show changes on Screen Element as custom style is changed
    - Added general purpose Location Marker object
    - Added Actors List to plyGame Editor
    - Added Spawn Point functionality
    - More improvements to the Editor GUI theme and cleanup of the skin resources
    - plyBlox
    + Cleaned Blox editor skin
    + Added Events related to Spawn Points

  49. Leslie-Young


    Dec 24, 2008
    Version 2.1.0.beta

    IMPORTANT 1: Default Input binds used by systems of plyGame have been updated. Please go to Input Definitions and press the 'Reset to Defaults' button to have the new defaults created. Note, you will lose any custom binds you've made so make a note of what you've changed before proceeding.
    IMPORTANT 2: Check all Blocks related to plyGame input to make sure they are using the correct input ident. An ident is now "input_group/input_name"
    IMPORTANT 3: Support for modifier keys has been added. Please have a look at the updated Input Settings documentation to learn more.

    - Updated the Input Settings editor with new layout of definitions and a new input selection wizard
    - Change the default input binds that are create and used by various systems
    - Made improvement to when character decides to move depending on click or held for click-to-move in top-down controllers
    - Added support for modifier keys to Input system
    - Added click-to-move click marker support to top-down player controllers
    - Added 'Auto-Destroy after Timeout' component
    - Added 'Auto-Disable after Timeout' component
    - Added 'Start Anim State when Enable' component
    - Added option to disable click-hold to move character in top-down controllers
    - Added Interaction System (mainly used to trigger interact events by player with NPCs and Intractable Objects)
    - Added Interact Object which can be used to create objects the player interacts with, for example a treasure chest
    - Fixed the Player Top-Down Nav controller to update the speed of the agent too when a call to change player speed is made
    - Fixed a bug where camera look-at offset was calculated incorrectly in camera controllers
    - plyBlox
    + Events and Blocks related to Interact System

  50. Got_Rhythm


    Feb 15, 2013
    Good morning! This looks great and possibly what I need for my game.
    I just want to ask a few questions first to see if you can help me decide if this is what is best for me.

    I am trying to make a 3D Pokemon style game, where you capture, train and battle minions.

    The battle mechanics I am hoping to use are that the player character encounters an enemy.
    The player character then summons three monsters in front of themselves.
    The enemy character then summons three monsters in front of themselves
    The 6 monsters then fight, either as a turn based battle system or action battle system.
    There will also be 'wild' monsters who fight as themselves (not summoning other monsters to fight for them).

    I am very flexible with how this is actually implemented, so do you see a way (or a few ways) this could be accomplished with your system?

    Thank you for your time!