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Wacom tablet input script in C#

Discussion in 'Scripting' started by Confa, Apr 7, 2015.

  1. Confa


    Jan 25, 2015
    Hi all,
    I'm Miky, I'm looking to write a script to manage input by wacom tablet in unity.
    I try to understand and integrate in my unity project the WintabDN exemple that you find here:
    I recompile the project in framework 3.5 and integrate the dll in unity. I try to use the TestForm code class in a unity script and so I can see and read input from Wacom, but my problem is that when I try to close the application I cant and I need to force it to close.

    I found that the problem could be in the context.Open() function but I can't figure out how to solve it. could someone please help me.

    Thanks a lot Miky.

    Here after the class code:

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    using UnityEngine;
    using System.Threading;
    using System.Windows;

    //using Assets.Resource.Plugin;
    //using System.Data;

    using WintabDN;

    namespace Assets.Resource.Scripts

    public class WacomTabletTest : MonoBehaviour
    public CWintabContext m_logContext = null;
    private CWintabData m_wtData = null;
    private UInt32 m_maxPkts = 1; // max num pkts to capture/display at a time

    private Int32 m_pkX = 0;
    private Int32 m_pkY = 0;
    public UInt32 m_pressure = 0;
    private UInt32 m_pkTime = 0;
    private UInt32 m_pkTimeLast = 0;

    // These constants can be used to force Wintab X/Y data to map into a
    // a 10000 x 10000 grid, as an example of mapping tablet data to values
    // that make sense for your application.
    private const Int32 m_TABEXTX = 10000;
    private const Int32 m_TABEXTY = 10000;

    private bool m_showingTextButton = true;

    public WacomTabletTest()

    //this.FormClosing += new FormClosingEventHandler(TestForm_FormClosing);

    public HCTX HLogContext { get { return m_logContext.HCtx; } }

    void OnApplicationQuit()
    //private void TestForm_FormClosing(System.Object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
    // CloseCurrentContext();

    private void testButton_Click()
    // Close whatever context is open.

    if (m_showingTextButton)
    // Set up to STOP the next time button is pushed.
    m_showingTextButton = false;

    // Run the tests
    //Test_QueryDataPackets(); // opens up another form

    m_showingTextButton = true;

    private void Test_IsWintabAvailable()
    if (CWintabInfo.IsWintabAvailable())
    Debug.Log("Wintab was found!\n");
    Debug.Log("Wintab was not found!\nCheck to see if tablet driver service is running.\n");

    private void Test_GetDeviceInfo()
    //Debug.Log("DeviceInfo: " + CWintabInfo.GetDeviceInfo() + "\n");
    string devInfo = CWintabInfo.GetDeviceInfo();
    Debug.Log("DeviceInfo: " + devInfo + "\n");

    private void Test_GetDefaultDigitizingContext()
    CWintabContext context = CWintabInfo.GetDefaultDigitizingContext();

    Debug.Log("Default Digitizing Context:\n");
    Debug.Log("\tSysOrgX, SysOrgY, SysExtX, SysExtY\t[" +
    context.SysOrgX + "," + context.SysOrgY + "," +
    context.SysExtX + "," + context.SysExtY + "]\n");

    Debug.Log("\tInOrgX, InOrgY, InExtX, InExtY\t[" +
    context.InOrgX + "," + context.InOrgY + "," +
    context.InExtX + "," + context.InExtY + "]\n");

    Debug.Log("\tOutOrgX, OutOrgY, OutExtX, OutExt\t[" +
    context.OutOrgX + "," + context.OutOrgY + "," +
    context.OutExtX + "," + context.OutExtY + "]\n");

    private void Test_GetDefaultSystemContext()
    CWintabContext context = CWintabInfo.GetDefaultSystemContext();

    Debug.Log("Default System Context:\n");
    Debug.Log("\tSysOrgX, SysOrgY, SysExtX, SysExtY\t[" +
    context.SysOrgX + "," + context.SysOrgY + "," +
    context.SysExtX + "," + context.SysExtY + "]\n");

    Debug.Log("\tInOrgX, InOrgY, InExtX, InExtY\t[" +
    context.InOrgX + "," + context.InOrgY + "," +
    context.InExtX + "," + context.InExtY + "]\n");

    Debug.Log("\tOutOrgX, OutOrgY, OutExtX, OutExt\t[" +
    context.OutOrgX + "," + context.OutOrgY + "," +
    context.OutExtX + "," + context.OutExtY + "]\n");

    private void Test_GetDefaultDeviceIndex()
    Int32 devIndex = CWintabInfo.GetDefaultDeviceIndex();

    Debug.Log("Default device index is: " + devIndex + (devIndex == -1 ? " (virtual device)\n" : "\n"));

    private void Test_GetDeviceAxis()
    WintabAxis axis;

    // Get virtual device axis for X, Y and Z.
    axis = CWintabInfo.GetDeviceAxis(-1, EAxisDimension.AXIS_X);

    Debug.Log("Device axis X for virtual device:\n");
    Debug.Log("\taxMin, axMax, axUnits, axResolution: " + axis.axMin + "," + axis.axMax + "," + axis.axUnits + "," + axis.axResolution.ToString() + "\n");

    axis = CWintabInfo.GetDeviceAxis(-1, EAxisDimension.AXIS_Y);
    Debug.Log("Device axis Y for virtual device:\n");
    Debug.Log("\taxMin, axMax, axUnits, axResolution: " + axis.axMin + "," + axis.axMax + "," + axis.axUnits + "," + axis.axResolution.ToString() + "\n");

    axis = CWintabInfo.GetDeviceAxis(-1, EAxisDimension.AXIS_Z);
    Debug.Log("Device axis Z for virtual device:\n");
    Debug.Log("\taxMin, axMax, axUnits, axResolution: " + axis.axMin + "," + axis.axMax + "," + axis.axUnits + "," + axis.axResolution.ToString() + "\n");

    private void Test_GetDeviceOrientation()
    bool tiltSupported = false;
    WintabAxisArray axisArray = CWintabInfo.GetDeviceOrientation(out tiltSupported);
    Debug.Log("Device orientation:\n");
    Debug.Log("\ttilt supported for current tablet: " + (tiltSupported ? "YES\n" : "NO\n"));

    if (tiltSupported)
    for (int idx = 0; idx < axisArray.array.Length; idx++)
    Debug.Log("\t[" + idx + "] axMin, axMax, axResolution, axUnits: " +
    axisArray.array[idx].axMin + "," +
    axisArray.array[idx].axMax + "," +
    axisArray.array[idx].axResolution + "," +
    axisArray.array[idx].axUnits + "\n");

    private void Test_GetDeviceRotation()
    bool rotationSupported = false;
    WintabAxisArray axisArray = CWintabInfo.GetDeviceRotation(out rotationSupported);
    Debug.Log("Device rotation:\n");
    Debug.Log("\trotation supported for current tablet: " + (rotationSupported ? "YES\n" : "NO\n"));

    if (rotationSupported)
    for (int idx = 0; idx < axisArray.array.Length; idx++)
    Debug.Log("\t[" + idx + "] axMin, axMax, axResolution, axUnits: " +
    axisArray.array[idx].axMin + "," +
    axisArray.array[idx].axMax + "," +
    axisArray.array[idx].axResolution + "," +
    axisArray.array[idx].axUnits + "\n");

    private void Test_GetNumberOfDevices()
    UInt32 numDevices = CWintabInfo.GetNumberOfDevices();
    Debug.Log("Number of tablets connected: " + numDevices + "\n");

    private void Test_IsStylusActive()
    bool isStylusActive = CWintabInfo.IsStylusActive();
    Debug.Log("Is stylus active: " + (isStylusActive ? "YES\n" : "NO\n"));

    private void Test_GetStylusName()
    Debug.Log("Stylus name (puck): " + CWintabInfo.GetStylusName(EWTICursorNameIndex.CSR_NAME_PUCK) + "\n");
    Debug.Log("Stylus name (pen): " + CWintabInfo.GetStylusName(EWTICursorNameIndex.CSR_NAME_PRESSURE_STYLUS) + "\n");
    Debug.Log("Stylus name (eraser): " + CWintabInfo.GetStylusName(EWTICursorNameIndex.CSR_NAME_ERASER) + "\n");

    private void Test_GetExtensionMask()
    Debug.Log("Extension touchring mask: 0x" + CWintabExtensions.GetWTExtensionMask(EWTXExtensionTag.WTX_TOUCHRING).ToString("x") + "\n");
    Debug.Log("Extension touchstring mask: 0x" + CWintabExtensions.GetWTExtensionMask(EWTXExtensionTag.WTX_TOUCHSTRIP).ToString("x") + "\n");
    Debug.Log("Extension express key mask: 0x" + CWintabExtensions.GetWTExtensionMask(EWTXExtensionTag.WTX_EXPKEYS2).ToString("x") + "\n");

    private void Test_Context()
    bool status = false;
    CWintabContext logContext = null;

    logContext = OpenTestDigitizerContext();

    if (logContext == null)
    Debug.Log("Test_Context: FAILED OpenTestDigitizerContext - bailing out...\n");

    status = logContext.Enable(true);
    Debug.Log("Context Enable: " + (status ? "PASSED" : "FAILED") + "\n");

    status = logContext.SetOverlapOrder(false);
    Debug.Log("Context SetOverlapOrder to bottom: " + (status ? "PASSED" : "FAILED") + "\n");
    status = logContext.SetOverlapOrder(true);
    Debug.Log("Context SetOverlapOrder to top: " + (status ? "PASSED" : "FAILED") + "\n");

    Debug.Log("Modified Context:\n");
    Debug.Log(" Name: " + logContext.Name + "\n");
    Debug.Log(" Options: " + logContext.Options + "\n");
    Debug.Log(" Status: " + logContext.Status + "\n");
    Debug.Log(" Locks: " + logContext.Locks + "\n");
    Debug.Log(" MsgBase: " + logContext.MsgBase + "\n");
    Debug.Log(" Device: " + logContext.Device + "\n");
    Debug.Log(" PktRate: 0x" + logContext.PktRate.ToString("x") + "\n");
    Debug.Log(" PktData: 0x" + ((uint)logContext.PktData).ToString("x") + "\n");
    Debug.Log(" PktMode: 0x" + ((uint)logContext.PktMode).ToString("x") + "\n");
    Debug.Log(" MoveMask: " + logContext.MoveMask + "\n");
    Debug.Log(" BZtnDnMask: 0x" + logContext.BtnDnMask.ToString("x") + "\n");
    Debug.Log(" BtnUpMask: 0x" + logContext.BtnUpMask.ToString("x") + "\n");
    Debug.Log(" InOrgX: " + logContext.InOrgX + "\n");
    Debug.Log(" InOrgY: " + logContext.InOrgY + "\n");
    Debug.Log(" InOrgZ: " + logContext.InOrgZ + "\n");
    Debug.Log(" InExtX: " + logContext.InExtX + "\n");
    Debug.Log(" InExtY: " + logContext.InExtY + "\n");
    Debug.Log(" InExtZ: " + logContext.InExtZ + "\n");
    Debug.Log(" OutOrgX: " + logContext.OutOrgX + "\n");
    Debug.Log(" OutOrgY: " + logContext.OutOrgY + "\n");
    Debug.Log(" OutOrgZ: " + logContext.OutOrgZ + "\n");
    Debug.Log(" OutExtX: " + logContext.OutExtX + "\n");
    Debug.Log(" OutExtY: " + logContext.OutExtY + "\n");
    Debug.Log(" OutExtZ: " + logContext.OutExtZ + "\n");
    Debug.Log(" SensX: " + logContext.SensX + "\n");
    Debug.Log(" SensY: " + logContext.SensY + "\n");
    Debug.Log(" SensZ: " + logContext.SensZ + "\n");
    Debug.Log(" SysMode: " + logContext.SysMode + "\n");
    Debug.Log(" SysOrgX: " + logContext.SysOrgX + "\n");
    Debug.Log(" SysOrgY: " + logContext.SysOrgY + "\n");
    Debug.Log(" SysExtX: " + logContext.SysExtX + "\n");
    Debug.Log(" SysExtY: " + logContext.SysExtY + "\n");
    Debug.Log(" SysSensX: " + logContext.SysSensX + "\n");
    Debug.Log(" SysSensY: " + logContext.SysSensY + "\n");
    catch (Exception ex)
    logContext = null;
    if (logContext != null)
    status = logContext.Close();
    Debug.Log("Context Close: " + (status ? "PASSED" : "FAILED") + "\n");
    logContext = null;

    private CWintabContext OpenTestDigitizerContext(
    int width_I = m_TABEXTX, int height_I = m_TABEXTY, bool ctrlSysCursor = true)
    bool status = false;
    CWintabContext logContext = null;

    // Get the default digitizing context.
    // Default is to receive data events.
    logContext = CWintabInfo.GetDefaultDigitizingContext(ECTXOptionValues.CXO_MESSAGES);

    // Set system cursor if caller wants it.
    if (ctrlSysCursor)
    logContext.Options |= (uint)ECTXOptionValues.CXO_SYSTEM;

    if (logContext == null)
    Debug.Log("FAILED to get default digitizing context.\n");
    return null;

    // Modify the digitizing region.
    logContext.Name = "WintabDN Event Data Context";

    // output in a grid of the specified dimensions.
    logContext.OutOrgX = logContext.OutOrgY = 0;
    logContext.OutExtX = width_I;
    logContext.OutExtY = height_I;

    // Open the context, which will also tell Wintab to send data packets.
    status = logContext.Open();

    Debug.Log("Context Open: " + (status ? "PASSED [ctx=" + logContext.HCtx + "]" : "FAILED") + "\n");
    catch (Exception ex)
    Debug.Log("OpenTestDigitizerContext ERROR: " + ex.ToString());

    return logContext;

    private CWintabContext OpenTestSystemContext(
    int width_I = m_TABEXTX, int height_I = m_TABEXTY, bool ctrlSysCursor = true)
    bool status = false;
    CWintabContext logContext = null;

    // Get the default system context.
    // Default is to receive data events.
    logContext = CWintabInfo.GetDefaultDigitizingContext(ECTXOptionValues.CXO_MESSAGES);

    //logContext = CWintabInfo.GetDefaultSystemContext(ECTXOptionValues.CXO_MESSAGES);

    // Set system cursor if caller wants it.
    if (ctrlSysCursor)
    logContext.Options |= (uint)ECTXOptionValues.CXO_SYSTEM;
    logContext.Options &= ~(uint)ECTXOptionValues.CXO_SYSTEM;

    if (logContext == null)
    Debug.Log("FAILED to get default digitizing context.\n");
    return null;

    //Modify the digitizing region.
    logContext.Name = "WintabDN Event Data Context";

    WintabAxis tabletX = CWintabInfo.GetTabletAxis(EAxisDimension.AXIS_X);
    WintabAxis tabletY = CWintabInfo.GetTabletAxis(EAxisDimension.AXIS_Y);

    logContext.InOrgX = 0;
    logContext.InOrgY = 0;
    logContext.InExtX = tabletX.axMax;
    logContext.InExtY = tabletY.axMax;

    // SetSystemExtents() is (almost) a NO-OP redundant if you opened a system context.
    //SetSystemExtents(ref logContext);

    // Open the context, which will also tell Wintab to send data packets.
    //status = logContext.Open();

    Debug.Log("Context Open: " + (status ? "PASSED [ctx=" + logContext.HCtx + "]" : "FAILED") + "\n");

    catch (Exception ex)
    Debug.Log("OpenTestDigitizerContext ERROR: " + ex.ToString());

    return logContext;

    private void Test_DataPacketQueueSize()
    bool status = false;
    UInt32 numPackets = 0;
    CWintabContext logContext = null;

    logContext = OpenTestDigitizerContext();

    if (logContext == null)
    Debug.Log("Test_DataPacketQueueSize: FAILED OpenTestDigitizerContext - bailing out...\n");

    CWintabData wtData = new CWintabData(logContext);
    Debug.Log("Creating CWintabData object: " + (wtData != null ? "PASSED" : "FAILED") + "\n");
    if (wtData == null)
    throw new Exception("Could not create CWintabData object.");

    numPackets = wtData.GetPacketQueueSize();
    Debug.Log("Initial packet queue size: " + numPackets + "\n");

    status = wtData.SetPacketQueueSize(17);
    Debug.Log("Setting packet queue size: " + (status ? "PASSED" : "FAILED") + "\n");

    numPackets = wtData.GetPacketQueueSize();
    Debug.Log("Modified packet queue size: " + numPackets + "\n");
    catch (Exception ex)
    if (logContext != null)
    status = logContext.Close();
    Debug.Log("Context Close: " + (status ? "PASSED" : "FAILED") + "\n");

    private void Test_MaxPressure()
    Debug.Log("Max normal pressure is: " + CWintabInfo.GetMaxPressure() + "\n");
    Debug.Log("Max tangential pressure is: " + CWintabInfo.GetMaxPressure(false) + "\n");

    private void Test_GetDataPackets(UInt32 maxNumPkts_I)
    // Set up to capture/display maxNumPkts_I packet at a time.
    m_maxPkts = maxNumPkts_I;

    // Open a context and try to capture pen data.

    // Touch pen to the tablet. You should see data appear in the TestForm window.

    //private void Test_QueryDataPackets()
    // QueryDataForm qdForm = new QueryDataForm();

    // qdForm.ShowDialog();


    // Helper functions

    private void InitDataCapture(
    int ctxWidth_I = m_TABEXTX, int ctxHeight_I = m_TABEXTY, bool ctrlSysCursor_I = true)
    // Close context from any previous test.

    Debug.Log("Opening context...\n");

    m_logContext = OpenTestSystemContext(ctxWidth_I, ctxHeight_I, ctrlSysCursor_I);

    if (m_logContext == null)
    Debug.Log("Test_DataPacketQueueSize: FAILED OpenTestSystemContext - bailing out...\n");

    // Create a data object and set its WT_PACKET handler.
    // m_wtData = new CWintabData(m_logContext);
    // m_wtData.SetWTPacketEventHandler(MyWTPacketEventHandler);
    catch (Exception ex)

    private void CloseCurrentContext()

    Debug.Log("Closing context...\n");
    if (m_logContext != null)
    m_logContext = null;
    m_wtData = null;

    catch (Exception ex)

    // Sets logContext.Out
    // Note:
    // SystemParameters.VirtualScreenLeft{Top} and SystemParameters.VirtualScreenWidth{Height}
    // don't always give correct answers.
    // Uncomment the TODO code below that enumerates all system displays
    // if you want to customize.
    // Else assume the passed-in extents were already set by call to WTInfo,
    // in which case we still have to invert the Y extent.
    private void SetSystemExtents(ref CWintabContext logContext)
    //TODO Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue, int.MinValue, int.MinValue);

    //TODO foreach (Screen screen in Screen.AllScreens)
    //TODO rect = Rectangle.Union(rect, screen.Bounds);

    //TODO logContext.OutOrgX = rect.Left;
    //TODO logContext.OutOrgY = rect.Top;
    //TODO logContext.OutExtX = rect.Width;
    //TODO logContext.OutExtY = rect.Height;

    // In Wintab, the tablet origin is lower left. Move origin to upper left
    // so that it coincides with screen origin.
    logContext.OutExtY = -logContext.OutExtY;

    /// <summary>
    /// Called when Wintab WT_PACKET events are received.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="sender_I">The EventMessage object sending the report.</param>
    /// <param name="eventArgs_I">eventArgs_I.Message.WParam contains ID of packet containing the data.</param>
    public void MyWTPacketEventHandler(System.Object sender_I, MessageReceivedEventArgs eventArgs_I)
    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Received WT_PACKET event");
    if (m_wtData == null)

    if (m_maxPkts == 1)
    uint pktID = (uint)eventArgs_I.Message.WParam;
    WintabPacket pkt = m_wtData.GetDataPacket((uint)eventArgs_I.Message.LParam, pktID);
    //DEPRECATED WintabPacket pkt = m_wtData.GetDataPacket(pktID);

    if (pkt.pkContext != 0)
    m_pkX = pkt.pkX;
    m_pkY = pkt.pkY;
    m_pressure = pkt.pkNormalPressure;

    Debug.Log("SCREEN: pkX: " + pkt.pkX + ", pkY:" + pkt.pkY + ", pressure: " + pkt.pkNormalPressure);

    m_pkTime = pkt.pkTime;

    //if (m_graphics == null)
    // display data mode
    Debug.Log("Received WT_PACKET event[" + pktID + "]: X/Y/P = " +
    pkt.pkX + " / " + pkt.pkY + " / " + pkt.pkNormalPressure + "\n");
    // // scribble mode
    // int clientWidth = scribblePanel.Width;
    // int clientHeight = scribblePanel.Height;

    // // m_pkX and m_pkY are in screen (system) coordinates.

    // Point clientPoint = scribblePanel.PointToClient(new Point(m_pkX, m_pkY));
    // Debug.Log("CLIENT: X: " + clientPoint.X + ", Y:" + clientPoint.Y);

    // if (m_lastPoint.Equals(Point.Empty))
    // {
    // m_lastPoint = clientPoint;
    // m_pkTimeLast = m_pkTime;
    // }

    // m_pen.Width = (float)(m_pressure / 200);

    // if (m_pressure > 0)
    // {
    // if (m_pkTime - m_pkTimeLast < 5)
    // {
    // m_graphics.DrawRectangle(m_pen, clientPoint.X, clientPoint.Y, 1, 1);
    // }
    // else
    // {
    // m_graphics.DrawLine(m_pen, clientPoint, m_lastPoint);
    // }
    // }

    // m_lastPoint = clientPoint;
    // m_pkTimeLast = m_pkTime;
    catch (Exception ex)
    throw new Exception("FAILED to get packet data: " + ex.ToString());

    private void testQDPButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

    public void ShowIt()
    Color c = m_showingTextButton == true ? : Color.white;
    GUI.color = c;
    // if button pressed
    if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 10, 250, 60), "Press Here" ))
    GUI.Box(new Rect(10, 80, 250, 70), m_pressure.ToString());
  2. sameer-mirza


    Nov 14, 2011
    Hi Miky!

    I'm facing something very similar, it crashes (hangs) when we try to close the context. Did you manage to solve this?
  3. sameer-mirza


    Nov 14, 2011
    So this seems to be caused by the WinTabDN code using threads. The only thing i've managed to do to solve this in a standalone build is to explicitly exit mono threads using the following code in OnApplicationQuit

    [DllImport("mono", SetLastError=true)]
    static extern void mono_thread_exit();

    void OnApplicationQuit()
  4. jayjf


    Sep 3, 2015
    I tried to do integrate the WintabDN demo in Unity, too. I got quite a similar problem. In the editor I can run the example and stop it. But when I click the play button again, the editor hangs and I have to force quit it.

    Did anyone have success integrating a Wacom tablet as input?

    I'm using Unity 5.3.2f1 personal, Win 8.1 and a Wacom CTL-490DW Intuos Draw
  5. eating2016


    Aug 1, 2016
    hi, everyone

    I try to compile WIntabDN.dll in framwork 3.5

    but I get 'System.IntPtr' does not contain a definition for 'Add' error

    Is anyone having this error, too?
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2017
  6. Dameon_


    Apr 11, 2014
    Holy code tags, Batman!
    lerrific, Gizmoi and Ryiah like this.
  7. bartosh2000


    Sep 20, 2015
    Inside MessageEvents.cs

    make the variable MessageWindow _window; public
    make the class MessageWindow public

    than inside the body of the MessageWindow class add this new function:

    public void Kill(){

    than inside the WacomTabletTest.cs script add:

    void OnApplicationQuit()