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UCB Team: build failures and DNS this morning

Discussion in 'Unity Build Automation' started by PhilMcJ, Oct 21, 2016.

  1. PhilMcJ


    Unity Technologies

    May 29, 2014
    The DNS issues in North America (and to an extent, the rest of the world) are affecting Cloud Build at the moment - we're seeing build systems frequently fail to install required tools, source code, or other important components, which can result in build attempts either failing with cryptic Ruby errors or simply disappearing.

    The Cloud Build team are doing what we can here, although since various target sites on the Internet (including some popular git hosts!) are going offline sporadically today this is mostly external to the Cloud Build system. A (quick and partial) article on the overall DNS problem today is here:
  2. PhilMcJ


    Unity Technologies

    May 29, 2014
    Update: these errors are still occurring sporadically for some builds, but the rate has been decreasing for the past hour. The Cloud Build team will continue to keep an eye on the system behavior as DNS hopefully continues to stabilize.