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(Steam/Open) VR and Main Cameras no longer render simultaneously

Discussion in '5.6 Beta' started by jbat100, Jan 26, 2017.

  1. jbat100


    Feb 5, 2016
    In version 5.4.3 and 5.5.0 we could have two different cameras in the scene, one main camera (Target Eye: None (Main Display)) and one steam VR camera (Target Eye: Both). This allowed a desktop user and a VR user to have their own rendering done concurrently for the same scene. I'm not sure how official this was, but it was certainly very useful.

    In 5.6b4 and 5.6b5 this is no longer the case, the main camera (Target Eye: None (Main Display)) works and the VR camera (Target Eye: Both) does not. Until the main camera is deactivated, then the VR camera starts working. Anybody have any idea how to get around this?
  2. coeing


    Mar 17, 2011