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SpriteAtlas thoughts

Discussion in '2D Experimental Preview' started by robinryf, Aug 27, 2016.

  1. robinryf


    May 22, 2014
    Hi there,

    I really enjoy the new 2D features coming along in this preview!

    But I have to say that the atlas packing itself needs some work. The principle is good and I like the more Unity style approach of having assets that represent atlas files. The invisible atlas process with the packing tags was good but also was unique and not the easiest to grasp.

    Will the old system be deprecated? I think it would be better to do so.

    I assume the SpriteAtlas inspector will still get some love and is not yet finished. :) But here are some things that I want to see:
    1. Add a workflow where I only need one drag to add a new sprite, collection of sprites or directory of sprites. At the moment you have to always add an entry to the list and then you can drag new entries on it. A simple drop area that automatically adds a entry would be enough.
    2. Display information about the preview texture: pixel size, file size, used space in %, etc.
    3. Platform independent settings

    How can I know which Atlas a SpriteRenderer in the scene is using? The SpriteRenderer should maybe have a adjusted field to display the currently used atlas. Since two atlas files can have the same sprite it is not clear.

    Thank you for all the hard work. By the way, how many people are working on these features?


    reference picture to the SpriteAtlas inspector I am referring to attached.

    Attached Files:

  2. Johaness_Reuben


    Jan 27, 2016
    Thanks for the suggestions!
    - There are no plans to deprecate the SpriteTag system at this time.
    - Currently you can drag onto the "Objects for Packing" text and the entry will be automatically created. This is currently the default Unity behaviour. We're looking at making it better though.
    - Yes the SpriteAtlas Inspector is still work in progress.
    - Looking into the other suggestions.
    - Currently the 2D team is 11, including QA and myself.
  3. ColossalPaul


    Unity Technologies

    May 1, 2013
    That means you current could drag 1 or more sprites, the entire multi-sliced texture (to get all the sprites) or an entire folder and it will pick up everything. Like what you said.
  4. robinryf


    May 22, 2014
    You are right. I overlooked that you can drag atlas elements on the label/header of the List 'Objects For Packing'. I was thinking more of something like the attached image.

    Cool, I wish you great success :)

    Attached Files:

  5. Foriero


    Jan 24, 2012
    Hi Johaness and Paul,

    I would also prefer bigger area for dragging things there. Should be placed above the array. :)

    Also would be very handy to have some kind of sorting ( By Name, By Size , By any suggestions ? )

    Also as I mentioned in our skype. Please think about to have possibility to set MaxSize for the atlas so that we can get smaller build if we need them. For example for desktop I will keep 4096 max size ( don't mix it with physical size of the atlas is max size like for texture ) but for mobile I will say 2048. So actually produced atlas texture should have completely same parameters exposed like normal texture so that we can set max size and other attributes.

    Also can you share more info about that Master Atlas thinking. I would love to start to prepare our tool for that.

    Question that comes up. How max size will be applied to Master Atlas? Seems like master atlas will be only dock for sub atlases for which we need to set max sizes individually!!!

    This atlas asset is really great I look forward to have it in production. Please guys. Move forward. 9 slice and atlas asset first then the rest. :)
  6. bdovaz


    Dec 10, 2011
    @Johaness_Reuben I haven't tried any preview builds but have you considered an Atlas exposed class with it's sprite list? it's a pain in the ***** not being able to resolve a sprite from code without dragging it to a script. The only choice is to having them on a Resources folder but that way it's not packed into an atlas and draw calls gets multiplied.

    With old UI systems like NGUI you could resolve sprites from a atlas by a relative path: "myFolder/mySprite".

    It's something that from 4.6 I have seen like a missing feature because of that internal magic atlas generation and management.
  7. ColossalPaul


    Unity Technologies

    May 1, 2013
    Perhaps you should. You will see we are solving this problem of yours.
  8. ColossalPaul


    Unity Technologies

    May 1, 2013
    This is roughly how it works. You can tell an atlas that it has a master. This variant atlas will then use the master's list of sprites. Then you can override all the parameters e.g. max size, filters etc.
  9. Foriero


    Jan 24, 2012
    Simple question. When? :) ;-) :)
  10. Jay-Pavlina


    Feb 19, 2012
    Another great feature would be linked atlases. It would be useful for two things... one example is using normal maps with sprites. Another example is having multiple skins for sprites that you could swap between.

    The basic idea is to allow the same sprites to be used on multiple textures, and you should easily be able to swap which texture(s) are being used for a material. The atlases would all be packed with the same layout.
  11. ColossalPaul


    Unity Technologies

    May 1, 2013
    I've been thinking about this for the future of 2D Graphics (when you would write custom complex shaders). But to be honest, linked atlases are not being developed in the current set of features right now as we need to research on how in demand high-end 2D graphics is.
  12. Jay-Pavlina


    Feb 19, 2012
    I appreciate your honest response. I don't think skin swapping is a "high-end 2D graphics" feature. I currently do it just by swapping sprites in late update, but it would be easier and more efficient if I could just swap the atlas once. Yes, normal maps are "high-end", but I think more people would use linked atlases for skin swapping.
  13. Xelnath


    Jan 31, 2015
    Yeah, this response is a bit odd. Think about the current use-cases for sprite atlases:

    Swapping Characters
    Environmental / VFX treatments of game object and interactible objects

    VFX animations

    and so-on.

    Having an easy to generate/replace atlas enables responsive, adaptive gameplay that is very common in 2d presentations.
  14. ColossalPaul


    Unity Technologies

    May 1, 2013
    Yes, it's not. But linked textures is probably the wrong solution for swapping character skins. It only works for a specific set of skins where the shape is exactly the same. So it will work if you swap a blue jersey with red jersey. But it wont work if you swap between the ninja costume vs fireman costume (head shape is different).

    We don't have a built in work flow for the use case of 'swap jerseys for team A and team B'. But the atlas does help, I'd imagine you would load TeamAAtlas and retrieve the sprite from it by name and set it into the SpriteRenderer. Then run the same same script with TeamBAtlas on TeamB's character prefab clones.

    We want to solve hard problems first and also keep the engine clear as much as possible. So we consider this script to be simple to write. I'm open to correction though ;). Also how team A/B/C jersey system works seems quite subjective to each production team. Not sure if I can find a generalization that is universally true.

    Yes, that's where I see linked textures are suitably applied. you would expect the shape to be the same on both of these maps.

    Ah, probably my english. I addressed the issue of how linked-atlas may not work for all kinds of characters and how we could write a simplistic script to dress up characters by retrieving sprites from Atlas. If you have other use cases that require linked atlases concept, i would like to hear them.
  15. Jay-Pavlina


    Feb 19, 2012
    I was hoping you would have algorithms sophisticated enough to handle different shapes. If you are talking about the mesh, maybe just require people use full rect? I'm sure you could figure it out. You would just have to set specific limitations and communicate them to the user.

    Edit: Actually, I think you should require that the sprites be on a sprite sheet which we will refer to as the base texture, and require that the linked textures be the same size as the base texture. The linked textures would just be dragged onto the atlas asset maybe in a section called linked textures. You would just use all of the data from the sprites defined in the base texture, and since the linked textures would be packed into their own atlases, you could just swap between them.
    This is not as easy as you make it sound. You would have to keep track of every sprite reference in the entire project, including animations. I don't even know if Unity allows you to modify sprite references in animation clips at runtime. And think of other things than Sprite Renderers that use sprites, like UI and tile maps.
    I agree you should be doing things that are hard to do, which is why I recommend doing this. There is no good built-in way to do it, and swapping atlases is the perfect solution. Why would a swapping system not be universal? It should just swap a texture.

    I think people would also like to use this for swapping tile sets. I told @keely I didn't think he needed to implement a tileset swapping system because I figured swapping atlases was a no-brainer and would be included.

    2D Toolkit, which I'm pretty sure is made by one guy, has this feature. It doesn't seem like using Unity's built-in features should be a downgrade.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2016
  16. ldhongen1990


    Dec 18, 2015
    This is a cool feature, but when I try to use a sprite that was packed into a atlas VARIANT which was scaled down by 0.5, by directly using a sprite reference from my Assets folder the sprite is not rendered properly (I see the entire atlas texture being rendered instead of just that sprite), trying with the MASTER atlas worked as intended.

    Next I tried to get the sprite from the Atlas Asset directly, but it gives the same result, with the MASTER atlas it worked, but on the VARIANT atlas the entire atlas is rendered instead of just the sprite.

    For the master atlas, I unchecked "Include In Build"
    For the variant atlas, I checked "Include In Build"
    I have checked to make sure I linked up the variant with the master atlas properly.

    I am on the OSX platform, developing for the iOS target platform.

    Is this a bug?

    Oh, I am on the Unity 2017.1.0f3 btw, the released version
  17. Johaness_Reuben


    Jan 27, 2016
    Could you file a bug and we'll check it out. Thanks.
  18. Romano


    Nov 27, 2013
    The new sprite atlas seems like a great improvement on the packing tags. I didn't use the previous method because I really needed the read/write option, so I'm really glad to see it included. Am I right in thinking that this atlas doesn't exist as an image file anywhere that can be edited? The ability to edit the entire atlas (for example, change a colour throughout all sprites) would come in really handy.

    One thing I can't get my head around is how to access the sprite uvs from a new sprite atlas. I'm used to accessing the sprite uvs from an atlas by using the sprite's pivot and figuring out the correct uv from there, but with this new system I don't seem to be getting the right results. I have Tight Packing, Allow Rotation and Compression off. Is there something I'm missing? I'm using the 2017 beta .2.0b4
  19. vzlomvl


    Jun 25, 2016
    Will there be ETC1 Compression with split Alpha Channel support in the Sprite Atlas?
  20. Johaness_Reuben


    Jan 27, 2016
    That's the correct, it is not an image file. The colour change example, are you thinking of doing this at edit-time or run-time?
    On getting the UV's. Could you elaborate a little more on why and how you're using it. We'd like to understand more on your use-case.

    @vzlomvl Unfortunately Sprite Atlas will not be supporting ETC1 Compression with split Alpha Channel. You will need to use Sprite Packer instead.
  21. Romano


    Nov 27, 2013
    @Johaness_Reuben Edit time - this is relatively easy to do in something like photoshop with a png sprite atlas. And useful for changing the colour of a character's clothing throughout an animation.
    @Johaness_Reuben In my game I need to figure out if the user has clicked on a transparent pixel of a sprite. I've been getting the offset between the user's click point and the transform position, and then translating that into uv coordinates to get where the user has clicked on the sprite. Using GetPixel I can find out if the user has clicked on a transparent pixel. This method works on any other sprite atlas I use, but not with the new Unity one. Is this something that can be worked around or is there a bug?

  22. ZimM


    Dec 24, 2012
    Sprite Atlas is definitely a step in the right direction, congratulations on releasing it!
    But is there any chance for an API that will allow to actually create atlases programmatically, not just define them as sets of sprites? Full control over the atlases - how many textures to create, where exactly on the atlas texture will the sprites be, their rotation etc. As it is now, both Sprite Packer and Sprite Atlas are black boxes - you throw sprites into them, and you get an atlas, but that's it, there isn't any control over how the atlas will turn out to be.
    If there was an API that allowed full control over atlases, it would be easy to implement linked atlases (among other things) without it being a built-in feature. I'm already doing this in my project, but it is an insanely hacky solution that could break easily.
    Just give us, users, the tools and we will implement that in no time :p
  23. Johaness_Reuben


    Jan 27, 2016
    @Romano We need to investigate further if its a bug. Could you file a bug report? Thanks.
  24. SoftwareGeezers


    Jun 22, 2013
    I very much dispute that. I'm using normal mapped 2D sprites for a mobile space shooter, and they work brilliantly on a Nexus 7 2013 which is far from a high-end device. The problem is Unity has such a backwards concept of sprites that combining sprites and normal maps is a disaster. I'm sure if it was easy to do anything more with sprites than just flat-shaded, devs would use those abilities, and it's not lock supporting some valuable features is much work.

    Update the sprite material to include a normal-mapped option/variant, and improve the sprite atlasing to allow for associated sprite-sheets. Hell, give us the option to export a spritesheet and manually align the normals texturesif we must. Presently I can't use the sprite atlasing at all.

    Having gone to the effort to upgrade to 2017 to use the new, more efficient Sprite Atlas methods, disappointment doesn't begin to describe it. I'm left still needing to roll my own resource library and burn through draw-cycles. Hopefully I can find something in the Asset Store that'll help.