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[Released] Profiler Frame Dumper (save a profiler frame to txt)

Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by SugoiDev, Aug 4, 2017.

  1. SugoiDev


    Mar 27, 2013

    We created this neat little tool to scratch our own itch when dealing with large stack traces in the profiler, with deep profiling enabled.

    Trying to expand one such frame would often crash the editor or become painfully slow.
    Enters Profiler Frame Dumper, where you can dump a frame for a analysis using your favorite text editor. Since it's pure text, you can just diff and search it, and there's no beating the speed of that!

    1. For best results, enable "deep profile".
    2. The main window can be opened from the menu "Tools/Profiler frame dumper".
    3. Instructions on how to use this are available directly inside the editor window on the "Help" tab.
    4. If an error occur, the plugin will offer to create an email for you to send us to get it fixed.

    This tool was tested with Unity 5.1.0f3 up to Unity 2017.1.0p1 on Windows 10x64 and Ubuntu 16.04, but it might be compatible with older/newer versions.
    It uses internal Unity APIs that may break from one version to the other. If it breaks with you before I can get it to install a new Unity version, drop me a line and I'll get it fixed right away!

    This thread can be used for support and feature requests, as well as general threats, as is tradition.
    Email support is on

    If you want to know more about us, take a look at

    Profiler Frame Dumper can be purchased at the Unity Asset Store.