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Question regarding game "hacking"

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by PhilSA, Aug 1, 2017.

  1. PhilSA


    Jul 11, 2013
    I am familiar with the basics of online game hack-proofing (fully authoritative server that does all the checking and simulation, and clients only send inputs).

    However, I was wondering: can hackers find, for example, whatever method their client uses to receive their character's position from the server, and then modify that method to make themselves travel 3x faster?

    I don't know what is and ins't possible when it comes to hacking. It's something I'm very unfamiliar with. I'm bracing for an "anything can be hacked" answer, but I guess I'd like to know if realistically that is something that is commonly done?
  2. LaneFox


    Jun 29, 2011
    Yes, but you validate the input serverside to make sure its within a sane value so if they do some input and it doesn't line up with that then you normalize it or kick them.
  3. PhilSA


    Jul 11, 2013
    I was talking about if hackers modified the methods that receive messages from the server, not what they send

    so if the server tells a client that "now your position should be (0, 0, 10)", can someone modify the client-side method that applies his position and make himself go to (0, 0, 20) instead?

    Edit: Crap, I just realized that would be pointless because it wouldn't change anything on the server side. I guess I answered my own question
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