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Multiple Canvas / GraphicRaycaster

Discussion in 'UGUI & TextMesh Pro' started by Flarup, Mar 27, 2017.

  1. Flarup


    Jan 7, 2010

    I have two canvas each with various UI elements which I would like to work simultaneously but independently of each other, even though they are overlapping each other on some of the screen. Both canvas with UI are under different gameobjects. Both parts are in a different layers. Both parts of UI have their own GraphicRaycaster, and each of the GraphicRaycaster are set to only hit the layer they're supposed to.

    Still, only one part of UI receives events. It seems like of one of the GraphicRaycaster components hits something, then the other GraphicRaycaster isn't triggered.

    Is it possible to have ALL GraphicRaycaster being triggered, even though one of them hits something?

    Thanks a lot in advance for all help.

    Kind regards,
    Uffe Flarup
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