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Is there a way to implement ads that are bound to a rect and can be moved @ runtime?

Discussion in 'Immediate Mode GUI (IMGUI)' started by programmrzinc, Mar 1, 2017.

  1. programmrzinc


    May 29, 2011
    I want to display ads in a ScrollRect every so often, much like you see on Twitter. I see alot of plugins, that can outright display fullscreen ads, video or banners, but not something that is bound by position and size, and that can be modified at run time. Does something like this exist? If not, can someone point me in the right direction? This is for mobile exclusively.

    p.s. I was thinking of implementing a web view in game, taking the image of the ads, and displaying it on a RawImage, and when it's clicked just navigate to the url, but thats messy and idk how that will work with ad revenue...
  2. Antony-Blackett


    Feb 15, 2011
    I think most ad platforms don't bother with this because full screen ads perform so much better.

    I assume that's why media aggregator apps like Flip Board have redesigned their UI so that you flip through articles one screen at a time rather than scrolling down the article, that way they can put an ad in once in a while and make it a dedicated fullscreen placement.

    My experience with ad platforms is limited to ad mediation network plugins for unity which are pretty limited as they need a one size fits all approach to displaying ads. You might have better luck looking at each ad networks native iOS and Android SDKs. I doubt the Unity plugins would ever give you that control.
  3. programmrzinc


    May 29, 2011
    The thing is, my UI is Twitter-esque. scrolling and seeing content. I want to display an ad unobtrusive matter, so full screen is out of the question. I'll see what I can cook up tonight.
  4. Antony-Blackett


    Feb 15, 2011
    There are many web sites that do this... can you not just build your app as a web site and use a web ad network?