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GearVR Movement bug?

Discussion in 'AR/VR (XR) Discussion' started by fooldome, Feb 17, 2017.

  1. fooldome


    May 29, 2012
    Hello fellow developers,
    has anyone experienced a strange bug when building for Android GearVR that restricts movement to only 1 direction?

    so I have this code which in editor and on PC builds works perfectly, if I look in the left direction, I move toward it, if I turn around and look in the right direction, I'll move toward that.

    if (left && move) {
    Player.transform.Translate ( Vector3.left * Time.deltaTime * Speed, Space.World);
    if (right && move) {
    Player.transform.Translate ( Vector3.right * Time.deltaTime * Speed, Space.World);

    Simple. However when I build for Android and test on GearVR, it works in only 1 direction. If I look left, I'll move left but if I look right I'll still move left!
    Have been trying to solve for days with no joy, does anybody have any insight??
  2. Selzier


    Sep 23, 2014
    Vector3.left and Vector3.right are static values, and will always be the same.

    Make sure the Main Camera is a child of another gameobject, and move the parent object. You will need to check the camera's transform.forward (or left or right).
    Player.transform.Translate ( Camera.Main.transform.forward * (Time.deltaTime * Speed));

    Here's my movement tutorial playlist:

    And Pack:!/content/69041