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Assets Critias SpeedTree Grass System

Discussion in 'Works In Progress - Archive' started by Assembler-Maze, Sep 26, 2016.

  1. Assembler-Maze


    Jan 6, 2016

    ! UPDATE !

    For those interested in a complete grass/tree, easy to setup system based on this tree and the grass system check out 'Critias Foliage System'.

    ! UPDATE !

    A full project with all the code included can be found here.

    One of Unity's 'big' problems is the lack of a decent vegetation system. Developing an open world quest I had to fix that issues. For me none of the current asset store or unity sollutions (sorry guys) proved to be effective and to both look good and work well.

    My goal was the performance and looks of certain AAA games out there, that sucesfully used SpeedTree for everything from grass to trees.

    The current system uses SpeedTree grass with it's wind animation that are directly exported from the Unity's SpeedTree editor.


    Grass mesh data counts per patch: 570 verts, 234 tris with uv/uv2/uv3/uv4/colors, just like good ol' SpeedTree exports them.
    Grass blade count: 10 milion - Well the count doesn't really matter, only the density per patch matters.
    Terrain size: 2250 meters x 2250 meters
    Big cell size: 90 meters, 25 cells in length, 625 total cells
    Small cell count: 5 subdivisions for a large cell, 25 small cells per large cell, 18M each, at 15625 total count
    Grass density: 16000 blades per large patch, 640 blades per small patch

    Take one terrain and divide it into large cells, creating a grid.


    (Grid large cell)

    (Grid small cells)

    Don't worry, we don't need to keep all those references and 'BoxCollider' objects, we can safely delete them. All we need is their world bounds that is stored with the grass.

    Having that determining in which cell the player is, is trivial based on terrain's local space player position using interpolation.

    Code (CSharp):
    2. Vector3 pos = ; // - get your player's position -
    3. Vector3 size = terrain.terrainData.size;
    5. int row = Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.FloorToInt(pos.x / size.x * m_Cells), 0, m_Cells - 1);
    6. int col = Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.FloorToInt(pos.z / size.z * m_Cells), 0, m_Cells - 1);
    After we determine in which large cell we are, take all the sourounding cells of that cell and test them for visibility using 'GeometryUtility' class.

    Code (CSharp):
    1. if (GeometryUtility.TestPlanesAABB(planes, bigGrassBox.m_Bounds))
    2. {
    3.    // If it is visible display grass
    4.   totalUpdated += Render(bigGrassBox, ref cameraPosition, planes);
    5. }
    We only need to test for 9 visibility bounds. Ussualy there are something like a 3 big grids mostly visibile, and out of the rest only a few small cells are visibile.

    If a big cell is visible we do the following:

    - Iterate through it's small grids
    - If the small grid within the grass distance AND it is visible proceed

    Code (CSharp):
    1. for(int cellIndex = 0; cellIndex < data.m_Cells.Length; cellIndex++)
    2. {
    3.    ...
    5.    if (distanceToSmallerGrid < m_VisibilityRange + box.m_Bounds.size.x && GeometryUtility.TestPlanesAABB(clipPlanes, box.m_Bounds))
    6.    {
    7.      ...
    8.    }
    9. }
    We test the distance first since since it the 'TestPlanesAABB' is more 'computationally expensive' :p.

    After we determine that a small grid is within range AND visible we iterate through it's grass patches and start collecting them if we have the 'DrawMeshInstanced' API or simply draw them if we don't. We only collect a grass patch if it is withing viewing range. We don't test it for visibility, that is why we have that ton of grids, to mitigate the need of testing the visibility.

    And how much grass we draw? Well of course not all of it for distance cells. We chose it using a dynamic lod function:

    Code (CSharp):
    1. private int DynamicLOD(float cameraDistance, float cameraNearZ, float cameraFarZ, int maxBladeCount)
    2. {
    3.    return (int)((1 - 7 * (cameraDistance - cameraNearZ) / (8 * cameraFarZ)) * maxBladeCount);
    4. }
    6. // 625 is the maximum grass blade count per small patch, can be variable based on your density
    7. int grassCount = DynamicLOD(distanceToSmallerGrid, 0.3,  m_VisibilityRange, 625);
    9. for (int i = index; i < grassCount; i++)
    10. {
    11.    ...
    12.    bool castShadow = m_CastReceiveShadows ? (distance < m_ShadowDistance ? true : false) : false;
    14.    if (distance < m_VisibilityRange)
    15.   {
    16.      ...
    17.      if(hasInstanced)
    18.      {
    19.        if(castShadow)
    20.          grassBatchMatrixShadow.Add(grass.m_WorldMatrix);
    21.        else
    22.          grassBatchMatrixNoShadow.Add(grass.m_WorldMatrix);
    23.      }
    24.      else
    25.      {
    26.        if (distance < m_AnimationRange)
    27.        {
    28.          Grahpics.DrawMesh(grass, .... whatever animated, castShadow);
    29.        }
    30.        else
    31.        {
    32.          Grahpics.DrawMesh(grass, .... whatever animated not animated, castShadow);
    33.        }
    34.      }
    35.    }
    36. }
    38. if(hasInstanced)
    39. {
    40.    Grahpics.DrawMeshInstanced(grassBatchMatrixShadow, ... whatever, true);
    41.    Grahpics.DrawMeshInstanced(grassBatchMatrixNoShadow, ... whatever, false);
    42. }
    This can be further optimized so that we don't test with 'if' each blade count but have before we enter a small cell a function chosen based on the hardware capabilities. But these are details.


    * 10 milion blades of grass, 2250M terrain, 90M cell size, 5 cell subdivisions *

    Unity 5.4 - GTX 970:
    60 FPS at 50M of grass distance, 30M animation, 10M shadows - DrawMesh API (we don't really have an alternative...)

    Unity 5.5 - GTX 970:
    300 FPS at 50M of grass distance, 50m animation, no shadows - DrawMeshInstanced API
    150 FPS at 50M of grass distance, 50m animation, full shadows - DrawMeshInstanced API
    37 FPS at 50M of grass distance, 30M animation, 10M shadows - DrawMesh API


    - No player interaction. But with some smart shaders, that also becomes possible, by activating only the grass that is very close around the player and bend
    it accordingly when it collides. We can also optimize the creation of colliders in a ton of ways that I will not cover now.
    - Large memory footprint since it uses grass with positions. We can mitigate that with:
    * Procedural grass based on ground texture, generated at runtime
    * Holding in the list only the grass type and position, modifying the scale at runtime procedurally
    * Loading grass cell data in memory only when required, unloading data that we don't require, based on active grid
    - No fading. But that can be fixed with some SpeedTree shader modifications. It's still work in progress
    - Grass popping when changing distance. Can be fixed so that DynamicLod is only applied to grass that is less visible. For example let us not apply it to flowers...

    It seems that 'DrawMesh' is slower on 5.5 than in 5.4 at least in the beta. I'm sure that's going to ruin somebody's game :)).

    Of course as a optimization we can draw only partly the shadows, something like 20-30 meters and the rest with no shadows in order to keep the FPS at 200-250.

    Tested on a "GTX 750Ti Golden Sample" too, with good results.

    A GTX970 is pretty high end so, of course, I hope that as soon as possible I can provide a demo in order to let you all test the system on your system's configuration and provide with feedback and suggestions. I also hope that for our game (The Unwritten Critias, A full open-world game) we can have some in-game footage soon, in order to see the system applied in a real game! The game is not only grass, but a ton of other objects and effects, afterall.

    And it seems that we're forced to wait for 5.5 due to it's DrawMeshInstanced API. We can't let the grass to eat up everything else.

    Some screenshots:
    (90 meters of pure powergrass... With flowers.)

    (50M all animated)


    - Dynamic LOD function from:

    ! UPDATE !

    You can now find the demo here.

    ! Update !

    Is someone is interesting on the tree system also, feel free to check it out here.

    Update 1:
    - Camera distance based scaling so that distant grass does not pop any more
    - Possibility to set batch size sent to GPU

    - Removed DX9 support, only DX11/DX12
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2017
    Mauri, DevMember, TerraUnity and 22 others like this.
  2. Assembler-Maze


    Jan 6, 2016
    - Reserved for a future post is the building of the structured grass. Where do we get the grass from in order to render it? Stay tuned for an answer to that! -


    As a quick tip, all the grass I've placed is generated with Gaia. After that it is extracted from the terrain (the grass is added to the terrain as trees) and added to my system. It can also be manually placed with the tree brush.

    In the future I have a plan to add it procedurally based on a density parameter and the underlying texture that the terrain has at that location.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2016
    hippocoder likes this.
  3. Assembler-Maze


    Jan 6, 2016
    - Reserved for a future technical art tutorial on how to create very well optimized grass in SpeedTree, ready for runtime usage -
  4. ensiferum888


    May 11, 2013
    Amazing write up, really looking forward to the next part. I came up with a similar solution in my game but using only large patches (100 x 100) with are activated or deactivated as the camera moves around, I fade in and out in the shader directly.

    It's been quite effective the only issue is it's very memory intensive since I keep a reference to every blade position since the grass needs to be removed (and the patch combined mesh needs to be rebuilt when it happens) but so far performance has been really good. It only takes 1.7 seconds to generate 100 grass patches on a 2048 x 2048 and it can later be removed by placing roads or buildings.
  5. Assembler-Maze


    Jan 6, 2016
    That was my first solution but, unfortunately, I would have lost the awesome graphics and wind that SpeedTree offered me. I can't wait to put the demo or some video of it used in something 'real' to see it's 'real' power :)
  6. Acissathar


    Jun 24, 2011
    This is awesome, I'm going to give it a shot this weekend and stalk the thread in the mean time :)
  7. marcatore


    May 22, 2015
    It's's awesome...and with the new 5.5 planned for the next month I think that your approach will give us a good solution for these situations. Congratulations!!!

    @Assembler-Maze I have two question for you, one related about the use of the instances and one specific to your solution:
    1- I'm a 3d artist used to work with non-realtime rendering systems and in that world the instances of a mesh is a huge saver when your scene become full of detail, both in the scene viewport management and in the image rendering phase.
    For the scene management they're useful because with few 3d models you can quickly populate environments duplicating them and using rotations, scaling and so on.
    For the rendering phase, using instances saves memory.
    So when Unity introduces instances in the latest releases I was expecting to have finally a good tool for our realtime envitonment but, at the moment, I haven't seen too many working examples using this option from the Unity users base...Yours seems the first.
    What do you think about the use of instances in Unity?
    What are the difficulties to implement this?

    2- If I'm not wrong, you did a grass patch and after instanced many times...Do you think it's possible to use with trees too? If not, why?

    Thanks in advance for your reply.

    I'm impatient to see your progress and your demo.
    ensiferum888 likes this.
  8. Assembler-Maze


    Jan 6, 2016

    I will try to tackle each problem. Please, bear in mind that it might be quite subjective, based on my experience and not on others :).

    1. Instancing is something that we should have had quite a long time ago (again, my question, why don't we have Unity open source like other engines today in 2016? This things would have come a lot faster...) . However we need quite 'new' hardware for desktops and it is not supported on mobile.

    Quote from the Unity manual:
    "GPU instancing is available on the following platforms:

    Windows: DX11 / DX12 with SM 4.0 and above; OpenGL 4.1 and above
    OS X & Linux: OpenGL 4.1 and above
    PlayStation 4
    Xbox One"

    However, from what I knew, instancing was available from DX10, but I guess Unity ppl wanted the best way to have instancing for us.

    DX release dates:

    DX 11 October 22, 2009
    DX10 November 30, 2006

    So, one thing, if you plan to use instancing with Unity you probably need to target hardware from 2009 and up. Of course older cards can run on DX11 mode but it will probably not be the best thing, performance wise.

    So keep that in mind when developing :).

    Also, we had instancing from Unity 5.4 but it was done automatically by the engine, so we can say that was equal to zero divided in four. If you're not doing it manually it is kind of useless. The difference between 5.5 and 5.4 is that you now have an API called 'DrawMeshInstanced' that when you call you are absolutely sure that instancing will be used, if available on the hardware. But again with only access to the API through C# scripts, for systems it is not the best way to do. C# is slower than C++ no matter how much you optimize it. But it is better than nothing. As a practical example my drawing routines were improved by an order of almost 5-10 when using instancing.

    The thing is that the CPU is bound to something like 3000-4000 (please correct me if i'm wrong) draw calls per frame, probably it will grow in the future to something like 4000-6000 with 8 cores etc... So, imagine 24000 pieces of grass, it means that almost all the CPU time is eat up by the grass only, with 24000 individual draw calls. But with instancing you basically have one draw call for each patch of grass multiplied by the count of grass types in that patch. And if you have about 40 visible small patches with let's say 600 grass blades each(see the post above) you only need 40 draw calls for 24000 grass pieces.

    And even for you, when you buy a pizza it is a lot faster to grab the whole box from the delivery guy rather than taking it slice by slice :). The same applies for PC's.


    So, having that said, it makes the perfect system for grass, ground details, trees. Quote from GPU Gems:

    "An outdoor scene with lots of vegetation and trees, many of which tend to modify their attributes (for example, trees and grass swaying in the wind), and lots of particle systems. This is probably the best scenario for the Geometry Instancing API."

    2. Yes, it is possible to be used with trees, the shader for instanced trees already exists in unity. For performance, I do not know yet, we need to wait for a more stable version of Unity 5.5. But I hope for a awesome improvement, performance just like Valley Benchmark. But I didn't had time to test if for the moment. And again it's instanced dependent. Before knowing that I made another system (that I'll make another post when I have time) specialized for SpeedTree trees. It basically adds all tree the billboards to a static batch when the trees become billboards. You can basically have millions of billboard trees with little impact on performance. I think I tried it with something like 100k trees.

    There is some data at:

    The system is older there, used with Unity's particle system. I managed to get a decent 150FPS with 50k trees. But with manually batched trees the performance is something like 700-800FPS. They're just some billboards with all the data packed in the the uv3/uv4 channel packed, that is the pivot, size, and world position per-vertex. Nothing fancy.

    For even more data and a better system check out Uncharted 4's approach with baked pivots:

    Hope I'll have time to write about all that, but we're only 2 guys and I have to also do art, level design and programming. I can't promise but I hope to put the demo soon, in a week or so.

    If I was unclear or went of-course feel free to ask me for clarifications.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2016
  9. Assembler-Maze


    Jan 6, 2016
    I have just updated the demo on Dropbox.

    There are several problems though:

    - No fading at the moment
    - In some camera angles the animation gets stuck
    - (Not my fault, probs Unity 5.5 related) some weird artefacts when not using instancing

    (Max Settings Screenshot, 90M view distance)
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2016
  10. one_one


    May 20, 2013
    Thanks for the demo. I'm getting pretty good results on my GTX950m, still above 30 FPS at full density and view distance, albeit no post processing, shadows and on 1600x900. The only really bad thing about this is the "popping" of grass very close to the camera, not sure if that is one of the drawbacks of the system. Speaking of popping: Would fading in the grass defeat the purpose of the system? If so, scaling grass smaller with increasing distance could also help to mitigate grass popping into the view distance.

    Also, I got a couple of errors in the log:

    Code (Boo):
    1. The referenced script on this Behaviour is missing!
    2. (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Mono/MonoBehaviour.cpp Line: 1526)
    4. The referenced script on this Behaviour is missing!
    5. (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Mono/MonoBehaviour.cpp Line: 1526)
    7. The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'GrassSystem_V2') is missing!
    8. (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Mono/MonoBehaviour.cpp Line: 1754)
    10. A script behaviour (probably Grassifier?) has a different serialization layout when loading. (Read 32 bytes but expected 76 bytes)
    11. Did you #ifdef UNITY_EDITOR a section of your serialized properties in any of your scripts?
    12. (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Serialize/SerializedFile.cpp Line: 1803)
    14. The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'GrassSystem_V1') is missing!
    15. (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Mono/MonoBehaviour.cpp Line: 1754)
    17. A script behaviour (probably Grassifier?) has a different serialization layout when loading. (Read 32 bytes but expected 76 bytes)
    18. Did you #ifdef UNITY_EDITOR a section of your serialized properties in any of your scripts?
    19. (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Serialize/SerializedFile.cpp Line: 1803)
  11. Assembler-Maze


    Jan 6, 2016
    Yes, it is absolutely still [WIP] :).

    And as I have mentioned:
    "No fading at the moment", so the grass does not fade when coming in from the distance at the moment. The solution would be to pass in another variable to the SpeedTree default shader and modify the shader a little so that the grass can fadein at the distance.

    A. For the grass popping in at the furthest range:

    There are three solutions for that:
    1. Use the ValleyBenchmark type of fading in, the grass has a very small scale in the distance and it 'grows' when you get closer
    2. Use the Wow type of fading in, the grass is very transparent in the distance and it gets more opaque when getting closer
    3. Use the SpeedTree dither mode, but modifying it so that you manually calculate in the shader it's value based on distance to camera

    B. For the grass popping in at the closer range:

    For the grass popping in at closer range, that is because of the DynamicLOD function. I am afraid that even if modifying the shader the grass will pop in very close and cause that nasty effect. A workaround for that would be to only apply the DynamicLOD further away from the player so that the popping is only visible at a farther range, distracting the player from the effect. Of course in a real scene you also have trees, objects in order to further mitigate that effect. I see that even the guys at 'Valley Benchmark' could not completely mitigate that effect. Made less worst yes, completely remove, that's more difficult.

    For the complete 100% correct solution, I am thinking of having a list of data for each blade of grass and when a blade becomes visible with the DynamicLOD I would have some special data for it, like an opacity value that increases over time, or something like that. But before going in the complicated solution I would first try to see how much I cna mitigate the effect without huge headaches. Another thing is that this is C# so we lack the performance of C++ based systems. So, if my complete solution would be, maybe, awesome for C++ I don't know if holing that ton of data and access it on C# would be cool and fast.

    For the performance, from what I know, a GTX950m is about x2-x2.5 slower than a GTX 970 (like my card) so I guess that if I get 60FPS at ultra, you should get 30FPS at those settings. Of course, there are the performance settings. I think you can reach a decent 60FPS with half view distance and less density. With medium settings and no post-proc I can reach about 200-250FPS. But again this is a reason why these systems are made optimized in C++ and not in C# :). And without something like 'DrawMeshInstancedPersistent' like we should have it, having to re-submit all the draw commands each frame. For max performance I'm afraid we have to wait a few more months till the Unity guys implement their system as per the new terrain system forum.

    Don't worry about the log errors, they're harmless.
  12. magique


    May 2, 2014
    I tried your demo, but I'm confused. When GPU instancing is turned on I get about half the frame rate. Shouldn't I get better performance? I tested on Windows 7 AMD FirePro W5100.
  13. Assembler-Maze


    Jan 6, 2016
    Wow, it works worst with GPU instancing than it does without it? That is very weird indeed. Can you post a little more FPS info with your settings?

    I've looked up your GPU, and it is SM 5 with dx 11/12 so it shouldn't be a hardware problem I think. But if there really is a problem I'll make another demo with less grass batched together. At the moment there are 500 blades batched, so maybe we could try with 250, maybe some buffers overflow on your video card.

    For the next demo I plan that you can change the count of blades that get batched together (range from 100 to 500) and the fading in the distance.

    If this will not fix your problem I'll contact the Unity guys asking for some clarifications with that video card. Since my testing on different video cards give at least x5 more performance.
  14. Assembler-Maze


    Jan 6, 2016
    Updated with a some new features:

    1. Valley benchmark like grass scaling in the distance (maybe I'll try with dithering/transparency in the future too). Of course, don't expect to go completely unnoticeable because in a real scene there is a lot more than grass. There are a lot of ground textures, rocks, trees, structures etc... In the future maybe I'll also update with the fast SpeedTree system I've been working on.
    2. Possibility to set batch size that is sent to the GPU

    Still problematic:
    Grass popping at smaller distances
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2016
  15. marcatore


    May 22, 2015
    @Assembler-Maze thank you for your reply.
    About the demo..the link seems not valid...just me?
  16. magique


    May 2, 2014
  17. Assembler-Maze


    Jan 6, 2016
    Sorry, I forgot to update the second link. I have removed it so that it doesn't trick people any more :). Just refer to the link in the original post.
  18. jdraper3


    May 28, 2015
    I'm testing on a PC with integrated graphics (DX12), and I also get lower framerate when instancing is on. Haven't tried it on my dev PC yet, so I will let you know if I see the same results there.
  19. Assembler-Maze


    Jan 6, 2016
    I understand, so it is a very problematic issue since it doesn't happen to only one person. On my nvidia gtx970 it works just fine. And by the way it's no matter that you have dx12 since the app's API is only dx9 and dx11. Maybe it automatically chooses dx9 instead of dx11? I'll try make an executable that is only dx11 enabled with no possibility of having dx9 since there's no instancing there.

    Could I also have some info about your hardware setup? If the problem persists even after I'll contact the Unity guys with the sample project telling them the problem appears on non-nvidia hardware.

    P.S: Now I am making an app that is only dx11/dx12 enabled. If that doesn't solve the issue, I'll be very grateful if you reply here again.
  20. chingwa


    Dec 4, 2009
    I downloaded the demo this morning. On the default settings I see practically no difference between gpu vs non-gpu, both at around 110fps. However when I raise the grass distance to the max 90 level, non-gpu runs around 40fps, and gpu runs around 75fps. (Windows 8 64bit, NVidia GTX 580)
  21. Assembler-Maze


    Jan 6, 2016
    Um, non-gpu/gpu? Do you mean instanced vs non-instanced? Weird that on your hardware it makes no difference at instanced/non-instanced at the default settings.

    But it's good that it's almost x2 performance gain at maximum settings.
  22. jdraper3


    May 28, 2015
    Just to follow up - testing on my dev workstation (R9 390, 8GB) I get a nearly 5x increase in fps with instancing.
    Assembler-Maze likes this.
  23. Assembler-Maze


    Jan 6, 2016
    I was thinking at that and I now know why the performance was kinda equal at the default settings. The answer is that it takes a lot of CPU power to submit the draw calls to the GPU. So if you have a really powerful CPU and a decent GPU it should not make a ton of difference at the default settings since the CPU can handle all the draw call submissions. It starts to make a difference when you start submitting thousands and thousands of grass blades with the max settings on.

    But on the average CPU (I have an old Phenom x4) it makes a huge difference with instancing since instead of thousands of calls sent by the CPU you have only a few dozens.

    But I am also wanting to hear from the people that got a performance decrease from instancing, since that is really weird. If it persists I'll try contact the Unity guys asking for some info on those video cards.

    One thing I am sure is that with an integrated video card it should really make no difference :)
    neoshaman likes this.
  24. Assembler-Maze


    Jan 6, 2016
    I am very glad to hear that!
  25. mgear


    Aug 3, 2010
    If the post effect is enabled, no difference with or without instancing..
    but if disabled post effects, then instancing its about 2x faster..

    *win10, i7-5930K, gtx970
  26. Assembler-Maze


    Jan 6, 2016
    And is the average FPS good?
  27. mgear


    Aug 3, 2010
    Yes, in both, around 80fps normally, then instanced to ~150fps
    Assembler-Maze likes this.
  28. Assembler-Maze


    Jan 6, 2016
  29. magique


    May 2, 2014
    I just ran the demo again and I see a lot of errors in the console. Maybe this has something to do with why my demo is running faster without instancing.

    The referenced script on this Behaviour is missing!
    (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Mono/MonoBehaviour.cpp Line: 1526)

    The referenced script on this Behaviour is missing!
    (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Mono/MonoBehaviour.cpp Line: 1526)

    The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'GrassSystem_V2') is missing!
    (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Mono/MonoBehaviour.cpp Line: 1754)

    A script behaviour (probably Grassifier?) has a different serialization layout when loading. (Read 32 bytes but expected 76 bytes)
    Did you #ifdef UNITY_EDITOR a section of your serialized properties in any of your scripts?
    (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Serialize/SerializedFile.cpp Line: 1803)

    The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'GrassSystem_V1') is missing!
    (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Mono/MonoBehaviour.cpp Line: 1754)

    A script behaviour (probably Grassifier?) has a different serialization layout when loading. (Read 32 bytes but expected 76 bytes)
    Did you #ifdef UNITY_EDITOR a section of your serialized properties in any of your scripts?
    (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Serialize/SerializedFile.cpp Line: 1803)
  30. Assembler-Maze


    Jan 6, 2016
    I don't think so, but I'll make sure that I'll do my best to solve this.

    One more thing, since your case is a special one. Have you tried some instancing on your own? Does it always work worst with instancing or only my grass causes the problems?

    And could you let me know your GPU again? I think I'll make a bug report to the Unity guys, maybe something goes wrong on your specific GPU.
  31. magique


    May 2, 2014
    It wasn't even on my personal development system that I tested this, but I've never done instancing there or anywhere else so no basis for comparison.

    AMD FirePro W5100
  32. Assembler-Maze


    Jan 6, 2016
    Yes, in that case, please first try out 'something' with instancing and see how that behaves. Something different from my grass. If it still kills the system with instancing on, let us both make a Unity case report, maybe it's a driver or unity bug somewhere deep, that might also help other people.
  33. Hurtful-Toad


    Feb 18, 2016
    This seems to be just what I've been looking for. I've been begging some of the voxel engine guys to use a grass system that performs like this. Is the demo project available for me to purchase or download? I can't wait to purchase and check out your game as well!
    Assembler-Maze and jason-fisher like this.
  34. Assembler-Maze


    Jan 6, 2016
    Sorry, but the demo is not available for purchase at the moment, and it is a huge (more than huge) mess in my project. There are many many problems that I wish to tackle, but in the mantime, feel free to check the free tree system that might be turned into a grass system. The grass system has almost the exact functionality as the tree system except the billboard part.
  35. Assembler-Maze


    Jan 6, 2016
    As a note this is still alive, but it's still work in progress.

    There are also some planned improvements, like using the new Graphics.DrawMeshInstancedIndirect that will provide very useful for drawing grass in a even more optimized manner. I will not release this before unity 5.6.

    Will keep this post informed on the progress.
    lezan_, theANMATOR2b, No0B25 and 2 others like this.
  36. No0B25


    May 2, 2016
    Looking forward to anything you have to show. I'm always in for a performance boost and I think in our case the grass is not a very small factor. :)
    Alverik and Assembler-Maze like this.
  37. Alverik


    Apr 15, 2016
    Yeah, I'd also love to try this. I'll also be looking forward to any news.

    Ps: I entered my email in the Critias website a while back, hope it helped? Scenery is looking pretty cool, but is there any gameplay footage already? I'd love to see it.
  38. Assembler-Maze


    Jan 6, 2016
    Thanks a lot!

    For the demo we are working to the bone 16 hr/s day, and it is in a highly advanced state. We plan to release the cinematic trailer, the gameplay trailer and the demo. The demo is almost finished (but yeah... gamedev, always the estimated time is really double) and we'll have the cinematic/gameplay trailers next. I've estimated at about 2 more weeks, but we all know that they might become 4 weeks or more :)

    But due to some promotion decisions we're not 100% in what order we are going to release them. One thing is sure, is that we're going to have the demo on steam.

    And as a note for the grass system, it is still in improvement, researching the new Unity indirect API, which seems to improve stuff quite a lot.
    Alverik and No0B25 like this.
  39. Reanimate_L


    Oct 10, 2009
    @Assembler-Maze i notice all your grass are billboard only, will it also work for grass meshes? could be nice to use it with some ground cover meshes
  40. Assembler-Maze


    Jan 6, 2016
    I'm sorry, my grass is not billboard. They are all SpeedTree 600 vertex meshes, with full SpeedTree wind animation. It can also be used with ground cover, it should be no problem at all :). I already used it with ground cover grass and it looks quite good.
    Reanimate_L, No0B25 and Alverik like this.
  41. Flurgle


    May 16, 2016
    Looking forward to this
    Alverik likes this.
  42. Reanimate_L


    Oct 10, 2009
    Oh my bad, i thought those were built in billboard. would be great to try you system.
    i got an ongoing personal project that require good nature rendering
  43. Alverik


    Apr 15, 2016
    Again, I can't wait to try this. I also think Unity is missing out on this feature.

    It would also be so awesome if Unity had some ecosystem functions, where you can easily paint areas or define areas by splines, where certain trees and other vegetation will appear. Stuff like you'd see in a software programs like E-on Vue (god I love that thing - by what I mean the free version, lol... I'm poor xD).

    Anyway, I can't wait to try your grass system and your game (how's development going anyway?)
  44. Assembler-Maze


    Jan 6, 2016
    We almost finished the game's demo, and we need to send it to our in-house beta testers. But it will be some more time before we'll publish it to the general public.

    The grass system is an important part in all this, and I've just discovered a very bad issue with the grass system that I have to fix before anything can be done with it (cry). Unfortunately this is the reason why I haven't published it at the moment.

    However after I can manage to fix the bad issues and the demo is finished, I'll try and form a private beta tester group to try it out. If there would be people interested in that ofc...
    Reanimate_L and Alverik like this.
  45. bgrz


    Mar 22, 2015
    Count me in!
    Alverik and Assembler-Maze like this.
  46. No0B25


    May 2, 2016
    If you find a place for us, we'd be in for a spin.
    Alverik likes this.
  47. virror


    Feb 3, 2012
    Any updates on this?
    Alverik likes this.
  48. Assembler-Maze


    Jan 6, 2016
    Sorry, not at the moment. I had to re-write some of the parts, just to get it fairly 'running', but when anything happens you'll be the first guys to find about it :)
    OfficialHermie and Alverik like this.
  49. virror


    Feb 3, 2012
    Thanx for the update : )
  50. lawsochi


    Oct 24, 2016
    Hello, is there any news? System for grass and trees speedtree is extremely necessary for unity ... any help in testing will be provided, just say :)