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Forge Networking FAQ

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by Cranick, Oct 6, 2016.

  1. Cranick


    Nov 20, 2011
    Forge Networking FAQ

    This thread is purely for Questions and Answers for common questions in Forge Networking. This will include the current and Remastered version. Please feel free to comment on this thread any questions that you have in the following format.

    Title: (title goes here)
    Forge Version: (version number used)
    Forge Type: (current/Remastered)
    Type: (Bug/General/Inquiry)
    Origin: (Slack/Forums/Email)
    Description/Answer: (description/answer goes here)
    (optional)Bug repro steps: (bug repro steps go here)

    As this thread fills up with comments, this post will be edited to reflect the answers we have given to these questions. Thank you all!

    The whole point of this thread is to have a common ground of where to find these common questions as they tend to get lost in Reddit/Slack/Unity/Direct Message/Email/etc.
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2016
  2. Cranick


    Nov 20, 2011
    Title: How destroying network instantiated objects in Remastered is supposed to work?
    Forge Version: v11.5
    Forge Type: Remastered
    Type: General
    Origin: Slack
    The best example of this is in the example of Remastered for ForgeCubeGame.

    In the NetCam.cs script, you will see that if you hold down left/right shift and click a cube (line 85-89) , it will destroy the primitive that it has hit by calling the CubeForgeGame.Instance.DestroyPrimitive(object).

    In the CubeForgeGame.cs line 164, you will see that an RPC is being called to make sure all other clients destroy it as well.

    Inside the NetCam.cs script, you will notice on line 38 that it will make sure to cleanup the NetCam object as well when it has been destroyed on the Network.
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2016
  3. Cranick


    Nov 20, 2011
    Title: How do I get Remastered Alpha access?
    Forge Version: X
    Forge Type: Remastered
    Type: General
    Origin: Reddit
    Getting access to the slack chat is relatively simple, just go to the register page on Forge Networking and register your invoice under your account. After doing so you will receive an email (might be in your spam box) with an invitation to Slack.

    So just make sure you have your invoice ready and you'll be set.

    Also once you get into Slack feel free to ping me (@brett) to get an invite to the Remastered version.
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2016
  4. Cranick


    Nov 20, 2011
    Title: Where can I see the latest development of Forge and what is currently being worked on?
    Forge Version: X
    Forge Type: Remastered
    Type: General
    Origin: Slack
    We have a Trello board that will give you the latest insight as to what we are currently working on.