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Display.Activate using orthographic cam on 2nd monitor causes bug on game relaunch

Discussion in 'Editor & General Support' started by shaderbytes, Mar 23, 2017.

  1. shaderbytes


    Nov 11, 2010
    So I have a standalone windows build with an option in the UI to show a graphic on the second display.
    I have the exe launch screen set to hidden and the game launches fine at full res (1920x1080 ) fullscreen.

    The issue is if you run Display.displays[1].Activate during that game session, the next time you launch the game it has invalidated the cache of the launch settings window and the game opens at 1650x1050 windowed. This can be done consistently it happens every time you use Display.displays[1].Activate while the game is running. Obviously after this happens I need to close the game and launch holding CTRL key so I can change the settings back to 1920x1080 windowless to create new cached settings. The camera targeted to the second display is orthographic and my second display is 1920x1080 as well. so this is a bug
  2. shaderbytes


    Nov 11, 2010
    i guess after one week of nothing a small bump in hope of a reply is ok .. bump :)