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Bloody Mess : Positional Data and Dismemberment [Beta Released]

Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by OneShotGG, Apr 16, 2015.

  1. OneShotGG


    Nov 16, 2012
    Hey guys and gals,
    We at Heavy Diesel Softworks are pleased to announce the Beta release of Bloody Mess!

    Shooter AI Integration
    Easy Save 2 Integration (Saving and Loading)
    Non-Humanoid Character Overview

    Upcoming Features

    VPADS Sneak Peak

    3rd Party System Integration
    Easy Weapons

    Shooter AI
    Easy Save 2
    Pool Boss (coming soon)

    Fun Stuff
    Having some easy fun with Easy Weapons!

    What is Bloody Mess: Positional Data and Dismemberment?

    Bloody Mess is a position damage (think headshot, armshot, etc), event, and character dismemberment system that is designed to replace your enemy or player damage handler with a highly extendable, robust and realistic one.

    Why Bloody Mess?
    In addition to being an advanced positional damage handler Bloody Mess also comes with an integrated event and performance friendly dismemberment system. All three of these things work together to give you a powerful, and fully extendable, way to carry out whatever action you want on whatever body part you want. Including integration into 3rd party assets to increase their uses! The Full Release version of Bloody Mess (which beta buyers get to upgrade to for free) will include some advanced game frameworks to integrate immediately into your project. One of these frameworks will be a Turned Based or Action Point Based system that will function similar to VATS in the fallout game series.

    The Positional Damage System gives separate heath to different body parts with their own damage modifiers that effect the total health of the enemy or player. No longer will foot shots cause as much damage as head shots!!! When a body part's heath runs out it can be automatically dismembered and then effected by your owns scripts via the Event System. Since all damage calculation is done by Bloody Mess all you have to make a small (generally cut and paste) edit to your gun or melee script and you are ready to go.

    The Damage Event System allows you to call functions and pass positional data from Bloody Mess into your own scripts. This will allow you to do things like update Achievements, use custom or 3rd party effects on hit limbs or dismembered limbs, send data to the animator for advanced animation states, add positional forces to hit limbs or dismembered limbs, and much more! Right now Bloody Mess allows you to call four functions in your own scripts:

    OnLimbDeath(int limbID, GameObject spawnedLimb) : This is for applying effects or otherwise modifying spawned dismembered limbs.

    OnLimbHit(int limbID) : This is for applying effects or other modifications to body part positions based on a raycast hit by whatever gun asset or raycaster you are using.

    OnDeath(Transform ragdoll) : This is for applying effects or other modifications to the ragdoll upon character death.

    Examples of things you can use the system for are setting up a hit based achievement system, headshot combo system, using ik and collision data to make an enemy react appropriately to where they are shot, exploding an enemies head after removing all its health, exploding a character after it hits a land mine, allowing enemies to change animation states based on positional hit data (zombies lose legs and crawl, headshots stun, etc) and whatever else you can think of.

    The Healing Event System is designed to let you link any type of healing mechanism into Bloody Mess. This includes things like heal guns, health pickups, GUI Inventory Healing and more. Furthermore you will be able to heal Total Health, All Limbs, or Individuals Limbs separately. This makes Bloody Mess a one stop shop for both enemy and player character damage handeling/healing.

    The Dismemberment System comes in two varieties, full body or head only. Furthermore you can turn off dismemberment entirely and just use the positional damage and event systems. While in use the dismemberment system will hide portions of the body (and any related triggers) and spawn a clone in the exact same place as the original. This effect fools the player into thinking they have actually cut or shot off a limb and, combined with the event system and 3rd party effects, can have dramatic results (exploding limbs with Exploder anyone?)

    For examples of all of these systems see the below video!

    The below video shows the beta Web Demo.

    Don't have a cut up mesh for dismemberment? Do it yourself using your favorite Unity Asset store models and a little 3d modeling work!

    Bloody Mess is currently in Beta.

    Current Beta Features (price: $15):
    1. positional damage (and damage modifiers) for individual body parts
    2. body part dismemberment based on a pre cut mesh system
    3. ragdolls that retain the body dismemberment settings of their parents
    4. Mecanim ready demo character designed specifically for dismemberment in our system
    5. Clear instructions on how to integrate into RFPS (UFPS and Easy Weapons coming soon)
    6. Clean and clear documentation
    8. Use with event system to trigger 3rd party effects
    9. Free upgrade to full release version.

    Full Release Features (price: $30)
    1. All features from beta
    2. High quality, Mecanim ready, zombie character designed for excellent dismemberment
    4. Full tutorial series on how to set up custom character models with the Bloody Mess system
    5. High quality blood FX and Sound FX for included zombie character
    6. Example mecanim graph for having zombies go from walking to crawling with leg removal
    7. Walk, crawl and attack animations for the zombie
    8. Blood FX that spawn at the point of dismemberment
    9. Examples of how to use with the event system to integrate other fracturing or disfigurement assets
    10. Turn Based Damage Framework (think VATS from the fallout series)

    Future Plans
    1. Instructions on the integration into more shooting systems
    2. high precision melee dismemberment
    3. PBR Next Gen Male and Female zombies
    4. attack both arms, attack missing arm, attack missing both arms animations and example mecanim graph for implementing them
    5. blood splatters for walls and ground
    6. more gameplay frameworks

    Bloody Mess is written in, clear, c# code which should be dead simple to modify or extend. Out of the box Bloody Mess will support head, right hand, left hand, right leg, left leg, right forearm, left forearm, right upper arm, left upper arm, upper body, lower body, critical, extra 1, extra 2, extra 3 and extra 4 damage zones (total of 17).

    Boody Mess: Positional Data and Dismemberment System is a product of Heavy Diesel Softworks, LLC.

    Quick tut on how to integrate Bloody Mess with shooting assets:
    (this is a generic solution and may not work out of the box, see specific tutorials for better instructions)
    Go to the assets weapon script and add this variable to the scripts variables.

    Code (CSharp):
    1. public int weaponType = 0;
    weaponType is how you tell the Bloody Mess system wether or not a weapon is able to dismember (In case you don't want certain weapons to dismember). Even if you are not using dismemberment you still need to pass the weaponType so still add it (you can keep it at 0 in that case).

    Next you need to find where the asset sends damage and add.

    Code (CSharp):
    1. //call the ApplyDamage() function on the enenmy CharacterSetup script
    2.                 if (hit.collider.gameObject.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("Limb")){
    3.                     Vector3 direction = hit.collider.transform.position - transform.position;
    5.                     if(hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<Limb>()){
    6.                         GameObject parent = hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<Limb>().parent;
    7.                         CharacterSetup character = parent.GetComponent<CharacterSetup>();
    8.                         character.ApplyDamage(damage, hit.collider.gameObject, weaponType, direction, camera.main.transform.position);
    9.                     }
    12.                 }
    If your asset calculates its own attack direction then remove the Vector3 direction = hit.collider.transform.position - transform.position; line.

    Now change the character.ApplyDamage(); call to this.

    character.ApplyDamage("Weapon Damage Float", hit.collider.gameObject, weaponType, "Asset Direction Calculation", Camera.main.transform.position);

    After that make sure that Limb is added to any hit layer mask and enemy isnt.
    Last edited: May 1, 2015
  2. OneShotGG


    Nov 16, 2012
    Just want to let yall know that i should have the easy weapons and Shooter AI tutorials up on Friday. After that I will be doing UFPS (trying to get it working with networking) and one of the pooling assets (which one should I do a tutorial of?).
  3. TonyLi


    Apr 10, 2012
    Congratulations! Just bought it.

    If you have Dark Tonic's Pool Boss (or Core GameKit, which includes it), that's a pooling solution that a lot of people have.
  4. b4c5p4c3


    Jan 4, 2013
    Seems like a lot of fun
  5. abhijeet1001


    Jan 6, 2015
    Just bought the asset looking forward to use it ^_^ great stuff
  6. abhijeet1001


    Jan 6, 2015
    ha i say UFPS :eek:)
  7. sicga123


    Jan 26, 2011
    Today I was about to start prototyping just this sort of system and this being released today just seemed like serendipity so I bought it immediately, already saved me at least one day's work.
  8. OneShotGG


    Nov 16, 2012
    Pool Boss it is then. I am going to try and have at least one new tutorial out a week (most times more) until I can cover as many of the popular assets I can (or that I can afford lol).

    Other coming tutorials (not in any order):
    Dialogue System
    Easy Save
    Fracturing and Destruction
    Third Person Controller
    Advanced Event system Tutorial
    Healing Ray and Healing grenade tutorial
    other ones people ask for

    BTW, I saw the finished mesh of our zombie model and it is looking great! We have a couple neat things planned for it like:

    Examples on how to shoot off and set up non bone body sections (like blowing off a torso chunk).
    Examples of changing animation states based on missing limbs.
    Example of how to use animation on a dismembered limb.
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2015
    Gametyme and TonyLi like this.
  9. OneShotGG


    Nov 16, 2012
    Also here is a general tutorial on how to get shooting assets working with Bloody Mess. I will cover as many as I can with video tutorials but it will take me a while because I cannot afford them all right now.

    Anyways here goes the tut.

    Go to the assets weapon script and add this variable to the scripts variables.

    Code (CSharp):
    1. public int weaponType = 0;
    weaponType is how you tell the Bloody Mess system wether or not a weapon is able to dismember (In case you don't want certain weapons to dismember). Even if you are not using dismemberment you still need to pass the weaponType so still add it (you can keep it at 0 in that case).

    Next you need to find where the asset sends damage and add.

    Code (CSharp):
    1. //call the ApplyDamage() function on the enenmy CharacterSetup script
    2.                 if (hit.collider.gameObject.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("Limb")){
    3.                     Vector3 direction = hit.collider.transform.position - transform.position;
    5.                     if(hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<Limb>()){
    6.                         GameObject parent = hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<Limb>().parent;
    7.                         CharacterSetup character = parent.GetComponent<CharacterSetup>();
    8.                         character.ApplyDamage(damage, hit.collider.gameObject, weaponType, direction, camera.main.transform.position);
    9.                     }
    12.                 }
    If your asset calculates its own attack direction then remove the Vector3 direction = hit.collider.transform.position - transform.position; line.

    Now change the character.ApplyDamage(); call to this.

    character.ApplyDamage("Weapon Damage Float", hit.collider.gameObject, weaponType, "Asset Direction Calculation", Camera.main.transform.position);

    After that make sure that Limb is added to any hit layer mask and enemy isnt.

    This is getting added to the documentation for the first update as well.
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2015
  10. OneShotGG


    Nov 16, 2012
    Just a quick announcement, Bloody Mess support is coming to Easy Weapons natively in the near future (which means no coding on your part!). Some of you may know that Easy Weapons is already integrated with Shooter AI which, coincidentally, I have a tutorial coming for tomorrow.

    That means all three assets (Easy Weapons, Shooter AI and Bloody Mess) will work together to give you FPS Shooting, great AI and positional damage and dismemberment). Which to me seems like a great start to any FPS project!

    If you don't have either of these wonderful assets get them here, I fully endorse both!

    Easy Weapons
    Shooter AI
  11. OneShotGG


    Nov 16, 2012
    Just so yall know ragdolls/limbs are not destroying themselves in the current build. The next update contain the fix but if you need it right now here is how to quick fix it.

    In RagdollLogic.cs

    under void Start() the first 6 lines should look like this
    Code (CSharp):
    1. void Start() {
    2.     if(parent.rightLegOff || parent.leftLegOff) legOff = true;
    3.     if(!usePooling) {
    4.         if(parent.destroyRagdolls) {
    5.              StartCoroutine(DestroyRagdolls());
    6.         }
    7.         if (!isSoloMesh)

    so you are adding the if (parent.destroyRagdolls) { StartCoroutine(DestroyRagdolls()); }
  12. OneShotGG


    Nov 16, 2012
    Fun with easy weapons!

  13. OneShotGG


    Nov 16, 2012
    Just a heads up, the shooter ai tutorial should be up tomorrow. I ran into some technical difficulties today. Also since bloody mess is getting native integration into easy weapons I will wait to put out that tutorial until easy weapons gets that update.
  14. abhijeet1001


    Jan 6, 2015
    great :eek:)
  15. OneShotGG


    Nov 16, 2012
    Here is the tutorial for shooter ai.

    I'm in talks with the shooter ai devs to fix a couple of the bugs and small issues found in the tutorial. It integrates 100% though so the stuff that would change would mostly be bug fixes. I plan to do an updated tutorial in the future to cover any changes as well.

    Also, I am pleased to announce that very soon shooter AI's soldier and zombie characters will come in split up versions so you can use them with dismemberment straight out of the box with Bloody Mess!
    abhijeet1001 likes this.
  16. abhijeet1001


    Jan 6, 2015
    woot woot :D
  17. OneShotGG


    Nov 16, 2012
    I just submitted the first update.

    Change Log:
    Added: Blood Fx
    Updated: Documentation updates
    Fixed: Ragdolls not self Destroying when asked to

    I should have the UFPS tutorial up on Friday or Saturday along with a non-human character setup tutorial.
    abhijeet1001 likes this.
  18. OneShotGG


    Nov 16, 2012
    Just a heads up, Bloody Mess is getting some native love with the next major release of Shooter AI! We are working together to make sure set up between the two is seamless and fast!

    Furthermore, the Bloody Mess native integration with Easy Weapons is LIVE! I will have a short tutorial tomorrow to give yall the 1 minute setup guide!

    Also, a bit a news I am glad to share, I am currently working on a way to automate this process of setting up characters. This is likely something that would be released AFTER the full release of bloody mess as I am not sure how long it will take me and I am going to do VPADS first.

    Also, tomorrow is UFPS tutorial Friday!!!!
    abhijeet1001 likes this.
  19. Gametyme


    May 7, 2014
    Support for third person controller would be awesome!
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2015
  20. OneShotGG


    Nov 16, 2012
    I will contact the author and get the process started!
  21. Gametyme


    May 7, 2014
    Awesome! I will buy today!
  22. OneShotGG


    Nov 16, 2012
    Ok, here it is, UFPS integration tutorial.

    Easy Weapons tut is getting push back a few days (while we work through a small issue with integration) and I am moving the non-human tutorial to be the feature tutorial next Friday.

    Also the next update is going to include Mesh Renderer versions of the character setup script so you can dismember inanimate objects (wanna blow parts off cars or space ships anyone?) or characters that are not skinned (Simple People for example).

    Should have that submitted as soon as the current update goes live. Also, their are exciting things on the horizon guys and gals...really exciting things:p.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2015
    abhijeet1001 likes this.
  23. OneShotGG


    Nov 16, 2012
    Hey everyone, as you may have noticed the new version with blood fx is out. I would like to outline what is coming in the next version of the beta (0.3).

    1. I am looking to change the skinmeshrenderer array fields to straight GameObject fields and use gameobjet.SetActive() to manage the off and on states so that characters that don't use skinned meshes (like simple people, zombies, ect) can still use the Bloody Mess system.

    2. I am going to write an "Advanced" version of the CharacterSetup.cs (called CharacterSetupAdvanced.cs) that will self ragdoll (as in it wont spawn a ragdoll on death it will instead turn on the colliders, rigidbodies and joints found on the character itself). The point of this advanced script is to allow characters to ragdoll and then get back up (all while retaining dismemberment and health data). This means setup will be somewhat simplified and is similar to the system that is used by Shooter AI.

    3. I will be submitting the cut up Shooter AI models to the great peeps at Shooter AI to include in their package!

    Hopefully I have this done by next Friday (that is my plan at least).

    The next few tutorials are going to be as follows (dates are subject to change):

    May 1:
    Non Humanoid Setup
    Easy Weapons

    May 8:
    Easy Save 2
    Splitting and rigging a character in Blender and Maya
    Simple Zombie (by Synty Studios) setup

    May 15:
    Pool Boss Integration
    Dialogue System Save/Load
    Third Person Controller Integration

    Also, I haven't really gotten any feedback from anyone (either negative or positive) except the desire for an auto setup script (which is still on the "to do" list). Would love to hear back from yall on areas that should be improved or how it is working for you!
    Gametyme and TonyLi like this.
  24. OneShotGG


    Nov 16, 2012
    Tutorial Friday Special Avenger Version!!!

    Saving and Loading with Easy Save 2

    Non-Humanoid Character Overview

    Easy Weapons Setup
    Gametyme likes this.
  25. abhijeet1001


    Jan 6, 2015
    the work and effort you putting into this asset in trying to make it integrate in so many assets is great , i m busy with diff this on my game so didnt had time to get started with this yet , i will definetly be posting my review once i try it out :)
    OneShotGG likes this.
  26. OneShotGG


    Nov 16, 2012
    So there is a nasty unity bug that someone who purchased bloody mess has run into that pertains to ragdolls (both character and limb). Basically what happens is if you link a character joint to a bone that doesn't have a rigidbody it will continuously add rigidbodies to your bones every time you press play.

    I ran across this once before and wrote a bug report and kind of forgot about it. I will do a tutorial this week showing why this happens and how to fix it.

    Just wanted to give everyone a heads up. :)
    abhijeet1001 likes this.
  27. OneShotGG


    Nov 16, 2012
    Just a heads up I am pushing this Friday's tutorials back to Monday or Tuesday. We had a bit of an issue pop up with our game this week and I wasn't able to spend the time I needed on bloody mess to get the tutorials out.
  28. OneShotGG


    Nov 16, 2012
    I was able to work a bit over the week end and I have pushed version 0.3 to Unity for review.

    Added: Advanced mode toggle that self ragdolls (no need to spawn a ragdoll). You have to set up your character with rigidbodies and character joints all connected like they would be in a separate ragdoll. By default colliders should be set to trigger and rigidbodies should be set to is kinematic.

    Change: SkinMeshRenderer fields are now GameObject fields (this means you will have to repopulate the renderer arrays for characters, ragdolls and limbs. This change was done to simplify things and give support to characters that use Mesh Renderers (Synty Studios Simple People for example).

    New video tutorials for the above are coming soon.
  29. Gametyme


    May 7, 2014
    Any update on those tutorials? Most important two to me is third person controller and how to cut up characters and rig them in blender.
  30. OneShotGG


    Nov 16, 2012
    I can't afford the third person controller right now so i haven't been able to do a tutorial for it. The blender tutorial is still coming, i am just hard at work getting BM ready for full release.

    I will try to have it out soon.
    Last edited: May 26, 2015
  31. Xenonus


    Jun 26, 2014
    So, any news or updates? :)
  32. yuv912


    Oct 20, 2013
    You said there's support for a total of 17 points of dismemberment.
    Is it possible to easily extend on that and add more?
  33. TonyLi


    Apr 10, 2012
    Wow, if you need more that 17 points of dismemberment, perhaps a mesh exploder like Exploder or a fragmenting shader like Fragmentum would be a better fit for your purpose.
  34. OneShotGG


    Nov 16, 2012
    Ha, well with some scripting on your part you can add as many as you want. Not sure why you would need more though.
  35. OneShotGG


    Nov 16, 2012
    As a heads up, version 1.0 (full release) is going to be the next update. I am hoping for that top drop in the first half of July.
  36. Defcon44


    Aug 19, 2013

    I have a probleme with RFPS and Bloody Mess, i have see you'r tutorial integration and all works good but
    i have add the " IA, character Damage, NPC Attack " scripts to " The Dude ", the dismemberment works good with the script but then " the dude " die i can see the NPC is keep alive but invicible :/

    Life in Healt Setup = 250

    Life to Character Damage = 250

    Solution please ?
  37. OneShotGG


    Nov 16, 2012

    What are the IA, character damage, npc attack scripts? Are they the ones that come with RFPS? If so you have to remove or comment out all the code that deals with damage and pass the health variable from Character Setup in to the AI script to tell it when the character is dead.

    Other than Character Setup there should be no script on the character that has anything to do with damaging, killing, or ragdolling the character. Otherwise they will conflict.

    Also, there renderer parent is set correctly right?
  38. Defcon44


    Aug 19, 2013
    NPC Attack = Ammo, attack, damage point etc
    IA = NPC Manager (Walk speed, anim speed, hunt player, movement), this script required the " Nav Mesh Agent " for movement of NPC
    Character Damage = Life + ragdoll

    I have tested without the Character damage but the NPC is invincible, TheDude die correctly but the NPC always attack me.

    Conclusion :

    With Character Damage = TheDude die = NPC always here
    Without Character Damage = TheDude die = NPC always here and invincible

    How i can make :

    I want, if i shoot the dude in the head that stop all ! The NPC die, game over for him ^^

    Solution please ?

    thanck you
  39. OneShotGG


    Nov 16, 2012
    Remove character damage it is redundant. Character setup is made to replace other damage handlers. Go into your AI script and wherever it handles turning off the ai pass the values from Character Setup instead of Character Damage.

    IA and likely NPC attack both need to be getting their values from Character Setup.
  40. Defcon44


    Aug 19, 2013
    Ok ... How i can make that ? :S

    Deleted Character Damage = Ok

    Ai script = How ?
  41. Gametyme


    May 7, 2014
    Is there a special rig that we need for this to work or will we be able cut up any rig in blender along with the character?
  42. ungamed


    May 31, 2013
    Awesome thing you got going here!
    Here's a little (hopefully) constructive feedback.
    At the moment I think that there is way to much redundancy that can be automated by scripts though.
    For example there is no reason to "tell" Charactersetup what gameobject is the hand, more than once.
    I would like to see a tutorial on integrating Bloody Mess with the RAIN ai system and a sentio character.
    I made a small helperscript that might come in handy for others than me, but I haven't added any comments since it's very simple (IMHO).
    You simply put it on your character (works in editmode) after you made your ragdoll (and have saved the ragdoll for later use) and then you can remove all rigidbodies and joints, change colliders into triggers and add the limb script to all the colliders (this part also sets the layer to the limb layer), with a click of a button.
    Download it here:

    Edit: updated link.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2017
  43. Gametyme


    May 7, 2014
    Starting to look like a dead assets. Seller hasn't replied in a month.
    StarGamess and rushbier like this.
  44. mkgm


    Apr 10, 2015
    Looks good... I'll buy it.
  45. StephenL


    Oct 18, 2010
    I purchased this asset. Very cool.
  46. StarGamess


    Jul 21, 2014
    Does anyone have a tutorial on how to cut the model into pieces and still have all the animations work and stuff. Im a programmer so i have no clue on how to even begin with this..
  47. Xenonus


    Jun 26, 2014
    So I guess this asset has been abandoned :p Had some great potential in it...
  48. mkgm


    Apr 10, 2015
    Knock knock.... are you there?
  49. StarGamess


    Jul 21, 2014
    nope havent heard from him. And i sent him an email 4 weeks ago...
  50. OneShotGG


    Nov 16, 2012
    Hey everyone, quick update.

    We lost our rigger and texture artist so the release of BM 1.0 has been in limbo while I learn to rig (something I knew nothing about) which is the primary reason why the tutorials stopped. I am a programmer so learning something from ground zero has been a...task.

    Anyways here is an answer to how you "split a mesh up". I still intend to do a tutorial video on the process using our zombie character but hopefully this general over view will help people in the mean time.

    If you don't know how to 3d model, rig and skin characters then you WILL NOT be able to do this. If you are purchasing models from the asset store I recommend asking their creators to do this for you whenever possible (This isn't easy stuff).

    We are going to provide our free zombie model very soon as well as release a few more "BM Ready" characters as soon as we find a texture artist (the reason for the delay). If you are an experienced modeler and rigger you can use the following as a guide (video example will be coming with 1.0).

    For creating a split in the upper arm.
    1. Bring your rigged and skinned model into a modeling program.
    2. Duplicate the mesh only (this should remove all skinning/rigging data and just give you the base mesh.
    3. Hide the rigged version for later.
    4. Find an edge loop in a non deforming area (aka not in a joint, middle of bicep would be best for this example) and mark it somehow (how you do this is up to the modeling program, you can also skip this step if you can remember which edge loop it is).
    5. Select all of the polygons that extend from the edge loop to the end of the appendage (make sure not to select anything on the other side of the edge loop).
    6. Duplicate those polygons into a new Object (meaning the duplicated lower arm should be a completely separate mesh).
    7. Delete the polygons from the base mesh (You should now have a base mesh that does not have a lower right arm and a lower right arm mesh that is separate).
    8. Select the edge loop only (where the cut is and duplicate it twice into new groups.
    9. You will now have two edge loops that you can use to create the inner portions of the amputated arms without screwing up the original meshes normals.
    10. Create the inner geometry (as in the flesh and bone) with both the created edge loops (extrusion method works good here.
    11. UV map these inner portions.
    12. Combine the lower arm with the lower arm inner portion (this would be the bone that sticks out of the dismembered lower arm (or just flesh for simplicity sake).
    13. do the same for the base mesh and inner upper arm.
    14. You should now have a lower arm mesh that has an inner portion and a base body mesh that has an inner portion for the arm split.
    15. Repeat this process for all of the other appendages.

    16. Once you have all the split appendages you need to combine them all into one mesh and then adjust the UV position of the inner portions you created for texturing.
    17. Now you texture the inner portions using whatever method you desire.

    18. Once everything is textured you unhide the hidden original mesh.
    19. Duplicate the original meshes skeleton and bind the skin of the new mesh to the duplicated skeleton.
    20. Now you need to transfer the weights from the original mesh to the new mesh.
    21. Test skinning and adjust as needed.
    22. Now select the polygons of each appendage and make them each their own object (labeling them each).
    23. Test to make sure skinning transfered over.
    24. Select all the objects that make up the character (including the skeleton) and export it as an .fbx.
    25. Bring them into unity and set up the character like the previous videos.
    Mister-D likes this.