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Unity Answers moderation question

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Baste, Oct 29, 2014.

  1. Baste


    Jan 24, 2013
    So I've got a question for everybody else that hangs out on Answers and answers stuff to make that little number in the top right corner bigger like some kind of mouse-in-a-skinners-box/teacher crossover.

    My question is thus: In the moderation queue, if I first select Send Message, and write a message, and then reject the question, does the person asking get to see the message? I assume they do, but where do they get the answer? In their email inbox?

    The reason I'm asking is that I keep seeing these kids that really want to learn to program, and ask "where do I learn to program?!?!?!". It's not a question for Answers, and it's a duplicate, and there's answers other places, but I don't want to just throw a "QUESTION REJECTED" in their face and crush their dreams, so I'd like to throw a link to a tutorial in the message. But I need to be sure that they see that.

    The alternative would be to send them an email, and I'll do that if that's what it takes, but still.
  2. Aurore


    Director of Real-Time Learning

    Aug 1, 2012
    So, the theory is that is should just leave a comment on the question without you having to go into the question to answer it. However, we think this is broken right now as we have not been able to use it, the comment button greys out after we click it.

    I think the standard procedure of going into the question and leaving a comment with a reason and then rejecting it will have to do for now. The comment will appear in the users feed and they should get a notification about it.

    I've alerted Dzone to the issue, hopefully we can get this fixed soon.
  3. Baste


    Jan 24, 2013
    Aaaand it seems like something broke completely.

    So, if somebody posts an answer to a question, and I reject the answer with the little "reject" button, it seems like the entire questions gets closed.

    Example: Somebody posts an answer to their own question saying "still not fixed, bump", or somebody else posts an answer that's completely illegible or off topic. I click reject on that answer. If I try to open the question after that, I get the "Sorry, but the answer you're trying to see was deleted." screen. I'm assuming that this is not what rejecting an answer is supposed to do.
  4. Graham-Dunnett



    Jun 2, 2009
    The person who posted the question that failed to make the grade should be able to see their question, and see that it was rejected. It'll appear in their activity tab on their public profile.