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unity 3d creat health bar in this game

Discussion in 'Scripting' started by noori-mehammad, Sep 3, 2015.

  1. noori-mehammad


    Oct 27, 2012
    To all friends
    Please help me in the work of the health of the player for the game
    like this image
    File contains images and c# script player

    please help me to complet this game

    Attached Files:

  2. Custardcs


    Aug 26, 2015
    hey bud, its better to learn how to do it yourself.. but im sure the community wont mind guiding you...

    as for starters...

    here is a guy that teachers you start to finish.
    martinmr likes this.
  3. noori-mehammad


    Oct 27, 2012
    than you
    can you tell me to do that
    How do I add Scripts health Bar to this script
    using UnityEngine;
    using System.Collections;

    public class FPSPlayer : MonoBehaviour {
    public Ironsights IronsightsComponent;
    public InputControl InputComponent;
    public FPSRigidBodyWalker FPSWalkerComponent;
    public PlayerWeapons PlayerWeaponsComponent;
    public WorldRecenter WorldRecenterComponent;
    public WeaponBehavior WeaponBehaviorComponent;
    public SmoothMouseLook MouseLookComponent;
    public WeaponEffects WeaponEffectsComponent;
    //other objects accessed by this script
    public GameObject[] children;//behaviors of these objects are deactivated when restarting the scene
    public GameObject weaponCameraObj;
    public GameObject weaponObj;
    public GameObject painFadeObj;
    public GameObject levelLoadFadeObj;
    public GameObject healthGuiObj;//this object is instantiated for heath display on hud
    public GameObject healthGuiObjInstance;
    public GameObject hungerGuiObj;//this object is instantiated for hunger display on hud
    public GameObject hungerGuiObjInstance;
    public GameObject thirstGuiObj;//this object is instantiated for thirst display on hud
    public GameObject thirstGuiObjInstance;
    public GameObject helpGuiObj;//this object is instantiated for help text display
    public GameObject helpGuiObjInstance;
    public GameObject PickUpGuiObj;//this object is instantiated for hand pick up crosshair on hud
    public GameObject PickUpGuiObjGuiObjInstance;
    public GameObject CrosshairGuiObj;//this object is instantiated for aiming reticle on hud
    public GameObject CrosshairGuiObjInstance;
    //public Projector shadow;//to access the player shadow projector
    private Transform mainCamTransform;
    [TooltipAttribute("True if the prefab parent object will be removed on scene load.")]
    public bool removePrefabRoot = true;

    //player hit points
    public float hitPoints = 100.0f;
    public float maximumHitPoints = 200.0f;
    public bool godMode;
    public bool regenerateHealth = false;//should the player regenerate their health?
    public float maxRegenHealth = 100.0f;//the maximum amount of hitpoints that should be regenerated
    public float healthRegenDelay = 7.0f;//delay after being damaged that the player should start to regenerate health
    public float healthRegenRate = 25.0f;//rate at which the player should regenerate health
    private float timeLastDamaged;//time that the player was last damaged

    //player hunger
    public bool usePlayerHunger;//true if player should have a hunger attribute that increases over time
    private float maxHungerPoints = 100.0f;//maximum amount that hunger will increase to before players starts to starve
    public float hungerInterval = 7.0f;//seconds it takes for player to accumulate 1 hunger point
    public float hungerPoints = 0.0f;//total hunger points
    private float lastHungerTime;//time that last hunger point was applied
    private float lastStarveTime;//time that last starve damage was applied
    public float starveInterval = 3.0f;//seconds to wait before starve damaging again (should be less than healthRegenDelay to prevent healing of starvation damage)
    public float starveDmgAmt = -5.0f;//amount to damage player per starve interval

    //player thirst
    public bool usePlayerThirst;//true if player should have a thirst attribute that increases over time
    private float maxThirstPoints = 100.0f;//maximum amount that thirst will increase to before players starts to take thirst damage
    public float thirstInterval = 7.0f;//seconds it takes for player to accumulate 1 thirst point
    public float thirstPoints = 0.0f;//total thirst points
    private float lastThirstTime;//time that last thirst point was applied
    private float lastThirstDmgTime;//time that last thirst damage was applied
    public float thirstDmgInterval = 3.0f;//seconds to wait before thirst damaging again (should be less than healthRegenDelay to prevent healing of thirst damage)
    public float thirstDmgAmt = -5.0f;//amount to damage player per thirst damage interval

    public bool allowBulletTime = true;
    public bool showHelpText = true;

    //Damage feedback
    private float gotHitTimer = -1.0f;
    private Color PainColor = new Color(0.221f, 0f, 0f, 0.44f);//color of pain screen flash can be selected in editor
    public Texture2D painTexture;
    private Color painFadeColor;//used to modify opacity of pain fade object
    [TooltipAttribute("Amount to kick the player's camera view when damaged.")]
    public float painScreenKickAmt = 0.016f;//magnitude of the screen kicks when player takes damage

    //Bullet Time and Pausing
    [TooltipAttribute("Percentage of normal time to use when in bullet time.")]
    [Range(0.0f, 1.0f)]
    public float bulletTimeSpeed = 0.35f;//decrease time to this speed when in bullet time
    private float pausedTime;//time.timescale value to return to after pausing
    public bool bulletTimeActive;

    private bool zoomBtnState = true;
    private float zoomStopTime = 0.0f;//track time that zoom stopped to delay making aim reticle visible again
    public bool zoomed = false;
    private float zoomStart = -2.0f;
    private bool zoomStartState = false;
    private float zoomEnd = 0.0f;
    private bool zoomEndState = false;
    private float zoomDelay = 0.4f;

    public bool crosshairEnabled = true;//enable or disable the aiming reticle
    private bool crosshairVisibleState = true;
    private bool crosshairTextureState = false;
    public bool useSwapReticle = true;//set to true to display swap reticle when item under reticle will replace current weapon
    public Texture2D aimingReticle;//the texture used for the aiming crosshair
    public Texture2D pickupReticle;//the texture used for the pick up crosshair
    public Texture2D swapReticle;//the texture used for when the weapon under reticle will replace current weapon
    public Texture2D noPickupReticle;//the texture used for showing that weapon under reticle cannot be picked up
    private Texture2D pickupTex;//the texture used for the pick up crosshair

    private Color pickupReticleColor = Color.white;
    private Color reticleColor = Color.white;
    public LayerMask rayMask;//only layers to include for crosshair raycast in hit detection (for efficiency)
    public float reachDistance = 2.1f;//distance that player can pickup and activate items

    //button and behavior states
    private bool pickUpBtnState = true;
    public bool restarting = false;//to notify other scripts that level is restarting

    //sound effects
    public AudioClip painLittle;
    public AudioClip painBig;
    public AudioClip painDrown;
    public AudioClip gasp;
    public AudioClip catchBreath;
    public AudioClip die;
    public AudioClip dieDrown;
    public AudioClip jumpfx;
    public AudioClip enterBulletTimeFx;
    public AudioClip exitBulletTimeFx;

    private AudioSource[]aSources;//access the audio sources attatched to this object as an array for playing player sound effects
    public AudioSource otherfx;

    void Start (){

    GameObject prefabRoot = transform.parent.transform.gameObject;

    mainCamTransform = Camera.main.transform;
    //set up external script references
    IronsightsComponent = GetComponent<Ironsights>();
    InputComponent = GetComponent<InputControl>();
    FPSWalkerComponent = GetComponent<FPSRigidBodyWalker>();
    PlayerWeaponsComponent = weaponObj.GetComponent<PlayerWeapons>();
    WorldRecenterComponent = GetComponent<WorldRecenter>();
    MouseLookComponent = mainCamTransform.parent.transform.GetComponent<SmoothMouseLook>();
    WeaponEffectsComponent = weaponObj.GetComponent<WeaponEffects>();

    aSources = GetComponents<AudioSource>();//Initialize audio source
    otherfx = aSources[0] as AudioSource;

    //Set time settings
    Time.timeScale = 1.0f;

    //Physics Layer Management Setup
    //these are the layer numbers and their corresponding uses/names accessed by the FPS prefab
    // Weapon = 8;
    // Ragdoll = 9;
    // WorldCollision = 10;
    // Player = 11;
    // Objects = 12;
    // NPCs = 13;
    // GUICameraLayer = 14;
    // WorldGeometry = 15;
    // BulletMarks = 16;

    //player object collisions
    Physics.IgnoreLayerCollision(11, 12);//no collisions between player object and misc objects like bullet casings
    Physics.IgnoreLayerCollision (12, 12);//no collisions between bullet shells
    Physics.IgnoreLayerCollision(11, 9);//no collisions between player and ragdolls
    Physics.IgnoreLayerCollision(9, 13);//no collisions between ragdolls and NPCs

    //weapon object collisions
    Physics.IgnoreLayerCollision(8, 2);//
    Physics.IgnoreLayerCollision(8, 13);//no collisions between weapon and NPCs
    Physics.IgnoreLayerCollision(8, 12);//no collisions between weapon and Objects
    Physics.IgnoreLayerCollision(8, 11);//no collisions between weapon and Player
    Physics.IgnoreLayerCollision(8, 10);//no collisions between weapon and world collision
    Physics.IgnoreLayerCollision(8, 9);//no collisions between weapon and ragdolls

    //Call FadeAndLoadLevel fucntion with fadeIn argument set to true to tell the function to fade in (not fade out and (re)load level)
    GameObject llf = Instantiate(levelLoadFadeObj) as GameObject;
    llf.GetComponent<LevelLoadFade>().FadeAndLoadLevel(, 2.0f, true);

    //create instance of GUIText to display health amount on hud
    healthGuiObjInstance = Instantiate(healthGuiObj,,transform.rotation) as GameObject;
    //create instance of GUIText to display help text
    helpGuiObjInstance = Instantiate(helpGuiObj,,transform.rotation) as GameObject;
    //create instance of GUITexture to display crosshair on hud
    CrosshairGuiObjInstance = Instantiate(CrosshairGuiObj,new Vector3(0.5f,0.5f,0.0f),transform.rotation) as GameObject;
    CrosshairGuiObjInstance.GetComponent<GUITexture>().texture = aimingReticle;
    //set alpha of hand pickup crosshair
    pickupReticleColor.a = 0.5f;
    //set alpha of aiming reticule and make it 100% transparent if crosshair is disabled
    reticleColor.a = 0.25f;
    //make alpha of aiming reticle zero/transparent
    reticleColor.a = 0.0f;
    //set alpha of aiming reticle at start to prevent it from showing, but allow item pickup hand reticle
    CrosshairGuiObjInstance.GetComponent<GUITexture>().color = reticleColor;

    //set reference for main color element of heath GUIText
    HealthText HealthText = healthGuiObjInstance.GetComponent<HealthText>();
    //set reference for shadow background color element of health GUIText
    //this object is a child of the main health GUIText object, so access it as an array
    HealthText[] HealthText2 = healthGuiObjInstance.GetComponentsInChildren<HealthText>();

    //initialize health amounts on GUIText objects
    HealthText.healthGui = hitPoints;
    HealthText2[1].healthGui = hitPoints;

    //create instance of GUIText to display hunger amount on hud
    hungerGuiObjInstance = Instantiate(hungerGuiObj,,transform.rotation) as GameObject;
    //set reference for main color element of hunger GUIText
    HungerText HungerText = hungerGuiObjInstance.GetComponent<HungerText>();
    //set reference for shadow background color element of hunger GUIText
    //this object is a child of the main hunger GUIText object, so access it as an array
    HungerText[] HungerText2 = hungerGuiObjInstance.GetComponentsInChildren<HungerText>();

    //initialize hunger amounts on GUIText objects
    HungerText.hungerGui = hungerPoints;
    HungerText2[1].hungerGui = hungerPoints;

    //create instance of GUIText to display thirst amount on hud
    thirstGuiObjInstance = Instantiate(thirstGuiObj,,transform.rotation) as GameObject;
    //set reference for main color element of thirst GUIText
    ThirstText ThirstText = thirstGuiObjInstance.GetComponent<ThirstText>();
    //set reference for shadow background color element of thirst GUIText
    //this object is a child of the main thirst GUIText object, so access it as an array
    ThirstText[] ThirstText2 = thirstGuiObjInstance.GetComponentsInChildren<ThirstText>();

    //initialize thirst amounts on GUIText objects
    ThirstText.thirstGui = thirstPoints;
    ThirstText2[1].thirstGui = thirstPoints;


    void Update (){

    if(InputComponent.pausePress){//Pause game when pause button is pressed
    if(Time.timeScale > 0){
    pausedTime = Time.timeScale;
    Time.timeScale = 0;
    Time.timeScale = pausedTime;

    if(allowBulletTime){//make bullet time an optional feature
    if(InputComponent.bulletTimePress){//set bulletTimeActive to true or false based on button input
    otherfx.clip = enterBulletTimeFx;
    otherfx.PlayOneShot(otherfx.clip, 1.0f);//play enter bullet time sound effect
    bulletTimeActive = true;
    otherfx.clip = exitBulletTimeFx;
    otherfx.PlayOneShot(otherfx.clip, 1.0f);//play exit bullet time sound effect
    bulletTimeActive = false;

    otherfx.pitch = Time.timeScale;//sync pitch of bullet time sound effects with Time.timescale

    if(Time.timeScale > 0){//decrease or increase Time.timescale when bulletTimeActive is true
    Time.timeScale = Mathf.MoveTowards(Time.timeScale, bulletTimeSpeed, Time.deltaTime * 3.0f);
    if(1.0f - Mathf.Abs(Time.timeScale) > 0.05f){//make sure that timescale returns to exactly 1.0f
    Time.timeScale = Mathf.MoveTowards(Time.timeScale, 1.0f, Time.deltaTime * 3.0f);
    Time.timeScale = 1.0f;

    //set zoom mode to toggle, hold, or both, based on inspector setting
    switch (IronsightsComponent.zoomMode){
    case Ironsights.zoomType.both:
    zoomDelay = 0.4f;
    case Ironsights.zoomType.hold:
    zoomDelay = 0.0f;
    case Ironsights.zoomType.toggle:
    zoomDelay = 999.0f;

    //regenerate player health if regenerateHealth var is true
    if(hitPoints < maxRegenHealth && timeLastDamaged + healthRegenDelay < Time.time){
    HealPlayer(healthRegenRate * Time.deltaTime);

    //apply player hunger if usePlayerHunger var is true
    //increase player hunger
    if(lastHungerTime + hungerInterval < Time.time){
    //calculate and apply starvation damage to player
    if(hungerPoints == maxHungerPoints
    && lastStarveTime + starveInterval < Time.time
    && hitPoints > 0.0f){
    //use a negative heal amount to prevent unneeded damage effects of ApplyDamage function
    //fade screen red when taking starvation damage
    GameObject pf = Instantiate(painFadeObj) as GameObject;//Create instance of painFadeObj
    pf.GetComponent<PainFade>().FadeIn(PainColor, painTexture, 0.75f);//Call FadeIn function in painFadeObj to fade screen red when damage taken
    //Call Die function if player's hitpoints have been depleted
    if (hitPoints < 1.0f){
    SendMessage("Die");//use SendMessage() to allow other script components on this object to detect player death
    //update starvation timers
    timeLastDamaged = Time.time;
    lastStarveTime = Time.time;


    //apply player thirst if usePlayerThirst var is true
    //increase player hunger
    if(lastThirstTime + thirstInterval < Time.time){
    //calculate and apply starvation damage to player
    if(thirstPoints == maxThirstPoints
    && lastThirstDmgTime + thirstDmgInterval < Time.time
    && hitPoints > 0.0f){
    //use a negative heal amount to prevent unneeded damage effects of ApplyDamage function
    //fade screen red when taking starvation damage
    GameObject pf = Instantiate(painFadeObj) as GameObject;//Create instance of painFadeObj
    pf.GetComponent<PainFade>().FadeIn(PainColor, painTexture, 0.75f);//Call FadeIn function in painFadeObj to fade screen red when damage taken
    //Call Die function if player's hitpoints have been depleted
    if (hitPoints < 1.0f){
    //update starvation timers
    timeLastDamaged = Time.time;
    lastThirstDmgTime = Time.time;



    void FixedUpdate (){
    //set up external script references
    WeaponBehavior WeaponBehaviorComponent = PlayerWeaponsComponent.CurrentWeaponBehaviorComponent;

    //Exit application if escape is pressed
    if (InputComponent.exitHold){

    //Restart level if v is pressed
    if (InputComponent.restartHold){
    Time.timeScale = 1.0f;//set timescale to 1.0f so fadeout wont take longer if bullet time is active
    GameObject llf = Instantiate(levelLoadFadeObj) as GameObject;//Create instance of levelLoadFadeObj
    //call FadeAndLoadLevel function with fadein argument set to false
    //in levelLoadFadeObj to restart level and fade screen out from black on level load
    llf.GetComponent<LevelLoadFade>().FadeAndLoadLevel(, 2.0f, false);
    //set restarting var to true to be accessed by FPSRigidBodyWalker script to stop rigidbody movement
    restarting = true;
    // Disable all scripts to deactivate player control upon player death
    FPSWalkerComponent.inputX = 0;
    FPSWalkerComponent.inputY = 0;
    FPSWalkerComponent.cancelSprint = true;
    WeaponBehaviorComponent.shooting = false;


    //toggle or hold zooming state by determining if zoom button is pressed or held
    && WeaponBehaviorComponent.canZoom
    && !IronsightsComponent.reloading
    && !FPSWalkerComponent.proneMove//no zooming while crawling
    && !FPSWalkerComponent.hideWeapon){
    zoomStart = Time.time;//track time that zoom button was pressed
    zoomStartState = true;//perform these actions only once
    zoomEndState = false;
    if(zoomEnd - zoomStart < zoomDelay * Time.timeScale){//if button is tapped, toggle zoom state
    zoomed = true;
    zoomed = false;
    zoomEnd = Time.time;//track time that zoom button was released
    zoomEndState = true;
    zoomStartState = false;
    if(zoomEnd - zoomStart > zoomDelay * Time.timeScale){//if releasing zoom button after holding it down, stop zooming
    zoomed = false;

    //cancel zooming while crawling
    zoomEndState = true;
    zoomStartState = false;
    zoomed = false;

    //track when player stopped zooming to allow for delay of reticle becoming visible again
    if (zoomed){
    zoomBtnState = false;//only perform this action once per button press
    zoomStopTime = Time.time;
    zoomBtnState = true;

    //enable and disable crosshair based on various states like reloading and zooming
    if(IronsightsComponent.reloading || zoomed){
    //don't disable reticle if player is using a melee weapon or if player is unarmed
    if(WeaponBehaviorComponent.meleeSwingDelay == 0 && !WeaponBehaviorComponent.unarmed){
    //disable the GUITexture element of the instantiated crosshair object
    //and set state so this action will only happen once.
    CrosshairGuiObjInstance.GetComponent<GUITexture>().enabled = false;
    crosshairVisibleState = false;
    //Because of the method that is used for non magazine reloads, an additional check is needed here
    //to make the reticle appear after the last bullet reload time has elapsed. Proceed with no check
    //for magazine reloads.
    if((WeaponBehaviorComponent.bulletsPerClip != WeaponBehaviorComponent.bulletsToReload
    && WeaponBehaviorComponent.reloadLastStartTime + WeaponBehaviorComponent.reloadLastTime < Time.time)
    || WeaponBehaviorComponent.bulletsPerClip == WeaponBehaviorComponent.bulletsToReload){
    //allow a delay before enabling crosshair again to let the gun return to neutral position
    //by checking the zoomStopTime value
    if(!crosshairVisibleState && (zoomStopTime + 0.2f < Time.time)){
    CrosshairGuiObjInstance.GetComponent<GUITexture>().enabled = true;
    crosshairVisibleState = true;

    reticleColor.a = 0.25f;
    CrosshairGuiObjInstance.GetComponent<GUITexture>().color = reticleColor;
    //make alpha of aiming reticle zero/transparent
    reticleColor.a = 0.0f;
    //set alpha of aiming reticle at start to prevent it from showing, but allow item pickup hand reticle
    CrosshairGuiObjInstance.GetComponent<GUITexture>().color = reticleColor;
    reticleColor.a = 0.0f;
    CrosshairGuiObjInstance.GetComponent<GUITexture>().color = reticleColor;

    //Pick up items
    RaycastHit hit;
    if(!IronsightsComponent.reloading//no item pickup when reloading
    && !WeaponBehaviorComponent.lastReload//no item pickup when when reloading last round in non magazine reload
    && !PlayerWeaponsComponent.switching//no item pickup when switching weapons
    && !FPSWalkerComponent.holdingObject//don't pick up objects if player is dragging them
    && (!FPSWalkerComponent.canRun || FPSWalkerComponent.inputY == 0)//no item pickup when sprinting
    //there is a small delay between the end of canRun and the start of sprintSwitching (in PlayerWeapons script),
    //so track actual time that sprinting stopped to avoid the small time gap where the pickup hand shows briefly
    && ((FPSWalkerComponent.sprintStopTime + 0.4f) < Time.time)){
    //raycast a line from the main camera's origin using a point extended forward from camera position/origin as a target to get the direction of the raycast
    //and scale the distance of the raycast based on the playerHeightMod value in the FPSRigidbodyWalker script
    if (Physics.Raycast(mainCamTransform.position, ((mainCamTransform.position + mainCamTransform.forward * (5.0f + (FPSWalkerComponent.playerHeightMod * 0.25f))) - mainCamTransform.position).normalized, out hit, reachDistance + FPSWalkerComponent.playerHeightMod, rayMask)) {
    if(hit.collider.gameObject.tag == "Usable"){//if the object hit by the raycast is a pickup item and has the "Usable" tag

    if (pickUpBtnState && InputComponent.useHold){
    //run the PickUpItem function in the pickup object's script
    hit.collider.SendMessageUpwards("PickUpItem", transform.gameObject, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
    //run the ActivateObject function of this object's script if it has the "Usable" tag
    hit.collider.SendMessageUpwards("ActivateObject", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
    pickUpBtnState = false;
    FPSWalkerComponent.cancelSprint = true;

    //determine if pickup item is using a custom pickup reticle and if so set pickupTex to custom reticle
    if(pickUpBtnState){//check pickUpBtnState to prevent reticle from briefly showing custom/general pickup icon briefly when picking up last weapon before maxWeapons are obtained

    //determine if item under reticle is a weapon pickup
    //set up external script references
    WeaponBehavior PickupWeaponBehaviorComponent = PlayerWeaponsComponent.weaponOrder[hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<WeaponPickup>().weaponNumber].GetComponent<WeaponBehavior>();
    WeaponPickup WeaponPickupComponent = hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<WeaponPickup>();

    if(PlayerWeaponsComponent.totalWeapons == PlayerWeaponsComponent.maxWeapons//player has maximum weapons
    && PickupWeaponBehaviorComponent.addsToTotalWeaps){//weapon adds to total inventory

    //player does not have weapon under reticle
    //and weapon under reticle hasn't been picked up from an item with removeOnUse set to false
    && !PickupWeaponBehaviorComponent.dropWillDupe){

    if(!useSwapReticle){//if useSwapReticle is true, display swap reticle when item under reticle will replace current weapon
    //display custom weapon pickup reticle if the weapon item has one defined
    pickupTex = WeaponPickupComponent.weaponPickupReticle;
    //weapon has no custom pickup reticle, just show general pickup reticle
    pickupTex = pickupReticle;
    //display weapon swap reticle if player has max weapons and can swap held weapon for pickup under reticle
    pickupTex = swapReticle;


    //weapon under reticle is not removed on use and is in player's inventory, so show cantPickup reticle

    pickupTex = noPickupReticle;

    }else{//weapon is removed on use, so show standard or custom pickup reticle

    //display custom weapon pickup reticle if the weapon item has one defined
    pickupTex = WeaponPickupComponent.weaponPickupReticle;
    //weapon has no custom pickup reticle, just show general pickup reticle
    pickupTex = pickupReticle;


    }else{//total weapons not at maximum and weapon under reticle does not add to inventory

    && !PickupWeaponBehaviorComponent.dropWillDupe
    || WeaponPickupComponent.removeOnUse){

    //display custom weapon pickup reticle if the weapon item has one defined
    pickupTex = WeaponPickupComponent.weaponPickupReticle;
    //weapon has no custom pickup reticle, just show general pickup reticle
    pickupTex = pickupReticle;

    pickupTex = noPickupReticle;

    //determine if item under reticle is a health pickup
    }else if(hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<HealthPickup>()){
    //set up external script references
    HealthPickup HealthPickupComponent = hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<HealthPickup>();

    pickupTex = HealthPickupComponent.healthPickupReticle;
    pickupTex = pickupReticle;
    //determine if item under reticle is an ammo pickup
    }else if(hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<AmmoPickup>()){
    //set up external script references
    AmmoPickup AmmoPickupComponent = hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<AmmoPickup>();

    pickupTex = AmmoPickupComponent.ammoPickupReticle;
    pickupTex = pickupReticle;
    pickupTex = pickupReticle;

    UpdateReticle(false);//show pickupReticle if raycast hits a pickup item

    UpdateReticle(true);//show aiming reticle crosshair if item is not a pickup item
    UpdateReticle(true);//show aiming reticle crosshair if raycast hits nothing
    UpdateReticle(true);//show aiming reticle crosshair if reloading, switching weapons, or sprinting

    //only register one press of E key to make player have to press button again to pickup items instead of holding E
    if (InputComponent.useHold){
    pickUpBtnState = false;
    pickUpBtnState = true;


    //set reticle type based on the boolean value passed to this function
    void UpdateReticle( bool reticleType ){
    CrosshairGuiObjInstance.GetComponent<GUITexture>().texture = pickupTex;
    CrosshairGuiObjInstance.GetComponent<GUITexture>().color = pickupReticleColor;
    crosshairTextureState = true;
    CrosshairGuiObjInstance.GetComponent<GUITexture>().texture = aimingReticle;
    CrosshairGuiObjInstance.GetComponent<GUITexture>().color = reticleColor;
    crosshairTextureState = false;

    //add hitpoints to player health
    public void HealPlayer( float healAmt ){

    if (hitPoints < 1.0f){//Don't add health if player is dead

    //Update health GUIText
    HealthText HealthText = healthGuiObjInstance.GetComponent<HealthText>();
    HealthText[] HealthText2 = healthGuiObjInstance.GetComponentsInChildren<HealthText>();

    //Apply healing
    if(hitPoints + healAmt > maximumHitPoints){
    hitPoints = maximumHitPoints;
    hitPoints += healAmt;

    //set health hud value to hitpoints remaining
    HealthText.healthGui = Mathf.Round(hitPoints);
    HealthText2[1].healthGui = Mathf.Round(hitPoints);

    //change color of hud health element based on hitpoints remaining
    if (hitPoints <= 25.0f){
    HealthText.GetComponent<GUIText>().material.color =;
    }else if (hitPoints <= 40.0f){
    HealthText.GetComponent<GUIText>().material.color = Color.yellow;
    HealthText.GetComponent<GUIText>().material.color = HealthText.textColor;


    //update the hunger amount for the player
    public void UpdateHunger( float hungerAmt ){

    if (hitPoints < 1.0f){//Don't add hunger if player is dead

    //Update hunger GUIText
    HungerText HungerText = hungerGuiObjInstance.GetComponent<HungerText>();
    HungerText[] HungerText2 = hungerGuiObjInstance.GetComponentsInChildren<HungerText>();

    //Apply hungerAmt
    if(hungerPoints + hungerAmt > maxHungerPoints){
    hungerPoints = maxHungerPoints;
    hungerPoints += hungerAmt;

    //set hunger hud value to hunger points remaining
    HungerText.hungerGui = Mathf.Round(hungerPoints);
    HungerText2[1].hungerGui = Mathf.Round(hungerPoints);

    //change color of hud hunger element based on hunger points
    if (hungerPoints <= 65.0f){
    HungerText.GetComponent<GUIText>().material.color = HungerText.textColor;
    }else if (hungerPoints <= 85.0f){
    HungerText.GetComponent<GUIText>().material.color = Color.yellow;
    HungerText.GetComponent<GUIText>().material.color =;

    lastHungerTime = Time.time;

    //update the thirst amount for the player
    public void UpdateThirst( float thirstAmt ){

    if (hitPoints < 1.0f){//Don't add thirst if player is dead

    //Update thirst GUIText
    ThirstText ThirstText = thirstGuiObjInstance.GetComponent<ThirstText>();
    ThirstText[] ThirstText2 = thirstGuiObjInstance.GetComponentsInChildren<ThirstText>();

    //Apply thirstAmt
    if(thirstPoints + thirstAmt > maxThirstPoints){
    thirstPoints = maxThirstPoints;
    thirstPoints += thirstAmt;

    //set thirst hud value to thirst points remaining
    ThirstText.thirstGui = Mathf.Round(thirstPoints);
    ThirstText2[1].thirstGui = Mathf.Round(thirstPoints);

    //change color of hud thirst element based on thirst points
    if (thirstPoints <= 65.0f){
    ThirstText.GetComponent<GUIText>().material.color = ThirstText.textColor;
    }else if (thirstPoints <= 85.0f){
    ThirstText.GetComponent<GUIText>().material.color = Color.yellow;
    ThirstText.GetComponent<GUIText>().material.color =;

    lastThirstTime = Time.time;

    //remove hitpoints from player health
    public void ApplyDamage ( float damage ){

    float appliedPainKickAmt;

    if (hitPoints < 1.0f){//Don't apply damage if player is dead


    timeLastDamaged = Time.time;

    //Update health GUIText
    HealthText HealthText = healthGuiObjInstance.GetComponent<HealthText>();
    HealthText[] HealthText2 = healthGuiObjInstance.GetComponentsInChildren<HealthText>();

    Quaternion painKickRotation;//Set up rotation for pain view kicks
    int painKickUpAmt = 0;
    int painKickSideAmt = 0;

    hitPoints -= damage;//Apply damage

    //set health hud value to hitpoints remaining
    HealthText.healthGui = Mathf.Round(hitPoints);
    HealthText2[1].healthGui = Mathf.Round(hitPoints);

    //change color of hud health element based on hitpoints remaining
    if (hitPoints <= 25.0f){
    HealthText.GetComponent<GUIText>().material.color =;
    }else if (hitPoints <= 40.0f){
    HealthText.GetComponent<GUIText>().material.color = Color.yellow;
    HealthText.GetComponent<GUIText>().material.color = HealthText.textColor;

    GameObject pf = Instantiate(painFadeObj) as GameObject;//Create instance of painFadeObj
    painFadeColor = PainColor;
    painFadeColor.a = (damage / 5.0f);//fade pain overlay based on damage amount
    pf.GetComponent<PainFade>().FadeIn(painFadeColor, painTexture, 0.75f);//Call FadeIn function in painFadeObj to fade screen red when damage taken

    //Play pain sound when getting hit
    if (Time.time > gotHitTimer && painBig && painLittle) {
    // Play a big pain sound
    if (hitPoints < 40.0f || damage > 30.0f) {
    otherfx.clip = painBig;
    otherfx.PlayOneShot(otherfx.clip, 1.0f);
    gotHitTimer = Time.time + Random.Range(.5f, .75f);
    } else {
    //Play a small pain sound
    otherfx.clip = painLittle;
    otherfx.PlayOneShot(otherfx.clip, 1.0f);
    gotHitTimer = Time.time + Random.Range(.5f, .75f);
    if (Time.time > gotHitTimer && painDrown) {
    //Play a small pain sound
    otherfx.clip = painDrown;
    otherfx.PlayOneShot(otherfx.clip, 1.0f);
    gotHitTimer = Time.time + Random.Range(.5f, .75f);

    painKickUpAmt = Random.Range(100, -100);//Choose a random view kick up amount
    if(painKickUpAmt < 50 && painKickUpAmt > 0){painKickUpAmt = 50;}//Maintain some randomness of the values, but don't make it too small
    if(painKickUpAmt < 0 && painKickUpAmt > -50){painKickUpAmt = -50;}

    painKickSideAmt = Random.Range(100, -100);//Choose a random view kick side amount
    if(painKickSideAmt < 50 && painKickSideAmt > 0){painKickSideAmt = 50;}
    if(painKickSideAmt < 0 && painKickSideAmt > -50){painKickSideAmt = -50;}

    //create a rotation quaternion with random pain kick values
    painKickRotation = Quaternion.Euler(mainCamTransform.localRotation.eulerAngles - new Vector3(painKickUpAmt, painKickSideAmt, 0));

    //make screen kick amount based on the damage amount recieved
    appliedPainKickAmt = (damage / (painScreenKickAmt * 10)) / 3;
    appliedPainKickAmt = (damage / (painScreenKickAmt * 10));

    //make sure screen kick is not so large that view rotates past arm models
    appliedPainKickAmt = Mathf.Clamp(appliedPainKickAmt, 0.0f, 0.15f);

    //smooth current camera angles to pain kick angles using Slerp
    mainCamTransform.localRotation = Quaternion.Slerp(mainCamTransform.localRotation, painKickRotation, appliedPainKickAmt );

    //Call Die function if player's hitpoints have been depleted
    if (hitPoints < 1.0f){
    SendMessage("Die");//use SendMessage() to allow other script components on this object to detect player death

    void Die (){

    bulletTimeActive = false;//set bulletTimeActive to false so fadeout wont take longer if bullet time is active

    //play normal player death sound effect if the player is on land
    otherfx.clip = die;
    otherfx.PlayOneShot(otherfx.clip, 1.0f);

    //play drowning sound effect if the player is underwater
    otherfx.clip = dieDrown;
    otherfx.PlayOneShot(otherfx.clip, 1.0f);

    //disable player control and sprinting on death
    FPSWalkerComponent.inputX = 0;
    FPSWalkerComponent.inputY = 0;
    FPSWalkerComponent.cancelSprint = true;

    GameObject llf = Instantiate(levelLoadFadeObj) as GameObject;//Create instance of levelLoadFadeObj
    //call FadeAndLoadLevel function with fadein argument set to false
    //in levelLoadFadeObj to restart level and fade screen out from black on level load
    llf.GetComponent<LevelLoadFade>().FadeAndLoadLevel(, 2.0f, false);

