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Sync variables with new players

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by Morseton, Feb 5, 2016.

  1. Morseton


    Jan 15, 2016
    Hello, I've recently started using PUN, and I'm having trouble syncing data with players that join the server late.

    For example, if player 1 has 10 kills, and a new player joins the server, he will see on the score window that the player 1 only has 0 kills because the variable didn't sync with the new player.

    How can I add syncing? I've tryed sending an RPC when a new player joins, to all other players like this:

    // sync current players data
    GameObject[] gos = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag ("Player");
    foreach (GameObject go in gos) {
    int kills, deaths;
    kills = go.GetComponent ().kills;
    deaths = go.GetComponent ().deaths;
    go.transform.GetComponent ().RPC ("syncData", PhotonTargets.AllBuffered,kills,deaths);

    void syncData(int _kills,int _deaths){
    kills = _kills;
    deaths = _deaths;

    but this instead of syncing all the data, just resets the data back to 0.

    How can I get the desired effect?

    Thanks for your time