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[RELEASED] All in One Game Kit - ELC Character System

Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by GrantMarrs, Mar 19, 2016.

  1. GrantMarrs


    Mar 29, 2015
    The All in One Game Kit is a PROFESSIONAL QUALITY game kit, with a third person, first person, and 2.5D controller, designed to be the easiest and most effective way to implement character locomotion, combo jumping and wall jumping, attacks, swimming, ladder climbing and wall climbing, ledge climbing, and platforming into any game!

    Find it here on the Asset Store!

    3rd Person | 1st Person | 2.5D/Side-Scroller

    The All in One Game Kit also features a completely automatic ledge detection and climbing system. No triggers involved! The ELC in the title stands for Easy Ledge Climb, and this asset holds true to that name.

    The All in One Game Kit is supported on mobile devices, and is compatible with both Character Controllers and Rigidbodies. It comes with Mecanim animations (which can be used and replaced by any humanoid model), as well as standalone scripts (which allow each script to be used together or individually and still work properly).

    Player controller:
    - Idle
    - Walk
    - Run (with or without the use of a run button)
    - Jump and combo jump
    - Double jump
    - Wall jump
    - Attack and combo attack
    - Climb ladders and walls
    - Swim
    - Crouch
    - Ride moving and rotating platforms
    - Slide down slopes (with a user-defined speed and friction)

    Ledge climb controller:
    - Grab on to ledges
    - Climb up and over ledges
    - Move from side to side on ledges
    - Jump from one ledge to another / switch ledges
    - Grab back on to or jump off a ledge you just walked off of
    - Climb moving and rotating platforms

    Player health:
    - Set a maximum amount of health
    - Receive damage from enemies, items, and falls
    - Regain health over time or from items
    - Respawn
    - Set GUI images for the health

    Player item manager:
    - Collect different items (defined by user-made tags, each with their own individual settings)
    - Limit the number of items a player can have
    - Set GUI images for the items
    - Customize the item count text (font, text color, outline, prefix, suffix, etc.)

    Camera controller:
    - Follow the player
    - Mouse orbit the player
    - Enter first person mode
    - Switch camera modes realtime
    - Automatically avoid collisions
    - Lock on to targets, and behind the player (targets defined by user-made tags)

    Enemy AI:
    - Follow the player
    - Attack the player
    - Gain and lose health
    - Display health using a health bar
    - Respawn
    - Stop before falling off edges

    - Commented C# code
    - Comprehensive documentation with setup

    The All in One Game Kit - ELC Character System uses an advanced system of linecasts and raycasts to detect ledges, but don't worry. All of these rays are already set up! There are tons of options to easily modify these rays just in case you need to or want to change them, but for the most part, all you need to do is add the scripts to your player and have fun!

    View the documentation here
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2019
    PeasLive and Bhanshee00 like this.
  2. Guitario


    May 16, 2014
    I am really liking what youve done here.
    Before i make the purchase..i would like to know what features you are planning to add in future updates
  3. GrantMarrs


    Mar 29, 2015
    Thank you for your interest. Currently, I do not have any future updates planned. All of the features are in the documentation (under "Easy Ledge Climb Character System Variables and Features") if you would like to see them all.

    EDIT: I got some new ideas, so I do have updates planned now!
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2016
    sephytreebeard likes this.
  4. GrantMarrs


    Mar 29, 2015
    I just thought of some new features for a future update! I will be adding enemy AI, combo attacks, health, and an option for the camera to lock on to enemies/any object with a user specified tag.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2016
  5. RandAlThor


    Dec 2, 2007
    How can i use this to climb on game enemy characters like in shadow of the colossus?
    Will you make an update so i can use it for something like this?

    My question goes more to the climbing on other big characters in general than in the automatic climbing like with your asset. But booth things are interesting and i like your asset also at the moment i can not use it for my wish.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2016
  6. GrantMarrs


    Mar 29, 2015
    Unfortunately, climbing like that has to be programmed specifically for a game. It is not possible to make it work universally. My asset works for ledges that are idle or are moving up and down.

    Shadow of the Colossus also uses a completely different, custom system. The way that Shadow of the Colossus seems to do it is by attaching different colliders to the bones of the colossus. These bones are then given tags (so that the player knows what he is colliding with). Then, when the player collides with these colliders, he is parented to the bone (meaning that he inherits its movement and rotation). This is why he sticks to the colossus so well. Then, when the colossus is moving a lot, the tags of the bones may change, and the player may be programmed to not be able to move while he is colliding with these newly changed tags. Very specific to the game.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2016
    theANMATOR2b likes this.
  7. Bhanshee00


    Jan 2, 2014
    I'm about to purchase your asset. It looks nice and I like the way you have provided so much functionality through the inspector. I honestly don't think you need to add a lot more to it; there are other packs who have tried to add all sorts of additional features to their system and have become bogged down in unnecessary complexity. From what I can tell your ledge climbing system does what it says it does and does it well. That's just my opinion though, I'm buying it regardless. :)

    One thing I think you might want to consider is adding an extension for Playmaker. It would garner you an even wider audience plus you could advertise it on their own forums as well. There are a lot of people who use Playmaker that would probably jump at the chance to have as well designed a ledge climbing system as this with the option to have control through Playmaker. Again, just my opinion. ;)

    Anyway, I look forward to tinkering with this. Thank you for designing such a well thought out system.

    Oh, I also wanted to add that I like how you've kept all the separate parts of your system stand-alone. I intend to be using a different camera system and after reading the manual am relieved to see that it's a simple job to integrate it into your system. I am hoping any extra features you decide to add will keep that modular approach.
    theANMATOR2b likes this.
  8. GrantMarrs


    Mar 29, 2015
    Thank you so much! I tried my best to make everything understandable and easy to work with, and I'm so happy that you appreciate how all of the parts of my system are standalone. I wanted to make sure that anybody who purchased my asset could have access to any part of the system, without having to use the entire system (just in case they did not want to use a certain part of the system, I did not want to force them to use the whole thing ;)), and I definitely plan on making any update I make for this the same way. I do not want to make my asset too complex by adding too many more features (just like you said), so the only update I'm currently planning on is attacks and enemies. The health and damage system for that will be separate from everything else as well, just in case whoever purchases the asset does not want to use that part of it :)

    Oh, and thank you for your suggestion about Playmaker! I have never used that system before, so I had no idea that making an extension for it would be so beneficial to people. I will definitely look into that! Thank you so much for your suggestions and kind words.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2016
    magique likes this.
  9. SteveB


    Jan 17, 2009
    Arguably this could be used for a First-Person game I suspect. Even if you only went so far as to use the Third-Person implementation and simply attach the camera to the characters head (of course animations would need adjusting/smoothing).

    Is that about right? :D


  10. GrantMarrs


    Mar 29, 2015
    Exactly right! :) That's why I did not call it a third person controller anywhere (since it can be used for both). ;)
  11. SteveB


    Jan 17, 2009
    Arguably though you would need to work with the Character in order for this to work, or are you saying the character itself is arbitrary and you can do this purely with controllers/rigidbodies/etc?

    Thank you for the quick reply! :D
  12. GrantMarrs


    Mar 29, 2015
    Your welcome! :D
    All you need to do to make this work for a first-person game is attach the player script and ledge climb script to your player (like you would for a third person game), and just not use the camera script (and attach the camera to the player's head). Then, it will play just like a first-person game. I'll make a .Gif of how it plays when you do this to show you what it looks like :)
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2016
  13. SteveB


    Jan 17, 2009
    Awesome thank you Grantrum! :D
  14. GrantMarrs


    Mar 29, 2015
    Here's the .Gif:
    Sorry if it looks choppy, the video I took was smooth (60 fps), but the online .Gif converter I used made it lower quality :)
  15. SteveB


    Jan 17, 2009
    Wow that appears to work very well!

    I really appreciate you putting that little snippet together...sold! :D

    Cheers man

  16. GrantMarrs


    Mar 29, 2015
    Thank you so much! :D

    Also, the scene I changed to first-person for the .Gif was the Character Controller demo scene.
    If you want to make it look exactly like it is in the .Gif, here is the position of the camera when it is attached to the player:

    I also disabled the "Head" and "Hood" model on the player (since they should not be seen in first-person mode), and enabled the "Update When Offscreen" option (in the "Skinned Mesh Renderer" component) on the "Body" model of the player. This option should be enabled so that the player's arms can always be seen. If this option is disabled, the arms might not show up all of the time since most of the player's body is out of the screen. :) Thanks again and have fun!
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2016
  17. J0linar


    Dec 12, 2013
    There are some things i would like to see
    *some kind of power sliding when comin from jump to crouch...
    *maybe i missed it but a way to limit/increase walljumping
    *and a stamina option - tied to walljump and powersliding

    Might buy it anyways :D but then again the things i listed would be really nice to have in this package, thanks
  18. GrantMarrs


    Mar 29, 2015
    My player doesn't crouch, but there is an option to limit/increase wall jumping (and everything else for that matter :)), and I am not exactly sure what you mean by stamina. You can set the acceleration rate and friction of the character's movement if that is what you mean. All of the features are in the documentation (under "Easy Ledge Climb Character System Variables and Features") if you would like to see them all.
  19. GrantMarrs


    Mar 29, 2015
    Tons of updates and new features are coming to the Easy Ledge Climb Character System / 3D Platformer Kit! These updates include:
    Health and coins! (The GUI for the amount of coins you currently have is still being worked on)

    The coins (or any object you put the new "Item.cs" script on) can spin in any direction or speed, and have any value you choose (for example, if you wanted to use a bag of coins, you could set the bag's value to a higher number than that of a single coin's).

    First-Person mode!

    Enemy AI!

    The enemy AI comes with adjustable movement speed, rotation speed, respawn, health, and attack power. It also comes with a feature that only allows the enemy to notice the player if he is in front of the enemy a certain amount (perfect for stealth games and sneaking around enemies).

    Locking on to objects by tag!

    Attacks and attack combos! (For both on the ground or in the air!)
    On the ground:

    In the air:

    I'm working hard to get these updates finished, so I will get them out as soon as I can. If you have purchased my asset and like it, please feel free to rate and review it. It helps so much and makes me happier than you can even imagine! :) Thank you so much!
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2017
  20. Palanysamy


    Dec 25, 2012
    I bought the asset and I have a character player already done, just want to add the climbing action to it. I´ve been trying but unable to achieve it. What´s the setup the player character needs to have in order this to work? I´ve got a capsule collider with rigidbody in the root of the player.
  21. GrantMarrs


    Mar 29, 2015
    Thank you for buying my asset! Do you have the "LedgeClimbController.cs" script attached to your player? If you do, you will also need to set a layer for your player, and deselect that layer on the Collision Layers option of the "LedgeClimbController.cs" script. You can also look at how the player is set up from the demo scene included in the asset to make sure that you have everything set up right :) The documentation will also show you how to set it up. If you still need help, please do not hesitate to ask. :D Thanks again!

    By the way, in my experience with Rigidbodies and CharacterControllers, I've always felt that the movement of a CharacterController is smoother than that of a Rigidbody's (for platformers), but this may not always be true and its just my opinion. My asset works the same for both of them, so either one would work. :) I'm just letting you know in case I can help ;)
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2016
  22. Palanysamy


    Dec 25, 2012
    The setup is the following:
    Is a character set for a 2.5D game, player goes right and left.
    It has a custom player control coded by me, with rigidbody (my physics setup make it smooth enough)
    It has a layer reserved for him.
    I´ll try to post here a gif.
    Regarding your asset, I think your planned features (health etc) is unnecessary and blurs the purpose of this addin, But thats just my opinion.
    Thank you!
  23. GrantMarrs


    Mar 29, 2015
    Did you type the name of your player control script into the "Scripts To Disable On Grab" option of the ledge climb controller? If you have not, I believe that should work :)

    As for the planned features, you are right that they do not have anything to do with ledge climbing, but the asset is also a 3D platformer kit, so I want to give people all the features they need to make a "3D platformer" game. These new features are standalone as well, so if somebody did not want to use them, they would not have to and the asset would be the exact same as it is now. I'm just adding these features in case somebody needs/wants them ;). Thanks again!
    Last edited: May 9, 2016
  24. GrantMarrs


    Mar 29, 2015
    Thank you very much for wanting to purchase my asset, and I'm really sorry, but the asset store is the only place I have it for sale. So hopefully Unity can fix this problem quickly :(
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2016
  25. Palanysamy


    Dec 25, 2012
    It's quite difficult to adjust it to an avatar that is not the ninja.

  26. GrantMarrs


    Mar 29, 2015
    It works for all characters, you just need to adjust the "On Ledge Height" option of the LedgeClimbController.cs script relative to your player's height. For taller characters, you need to lower the "On Ledge Height," and for shorter characters you need to raise the "On Ledge Height." Like in this picture:

    So in your case, you need to lower the "On Ledge Height."
    The documentation tells you how to set everything up (including this) and will tell you everything you need to know. So if you need to know how to make something work, the documentation can probably tell you how to do it :)
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2016
  27. Palanysamy


    Dec 25, 2012
    Very good, thanks!
  28. GrantMarrs


    Mar 29, 2015
    Your welcome! I'm glad I could help :)
  29. keepthachange


    Oct 15, 2014
  30. alsantour


    Feb 11, 2015
    Hello! Great asset , have been working with it for about two weeks. I am having one pressing issue right now i could really use help on, but also wanted to comment on one of posts above, which is the avatar issues... Since ninja avatar does not use the final finger bone (optional in unity) and the natural ninja hand pose is with fingers curled in, all characters i have imported so far would have their fingers tips twisted backwards you can actually see it in Palanysamy post above... I think that is fixable in 3d max if we match the original models.

    The bigger issue i am having , whenever i add a rigidbody (Use Gravity :False ; Kinematic: True) the character grabs on the ledge fine but then but if i start a shimmy left or right , it gets all messed up, it would actually flip the player inside the object either at a 90 deg angle or facing outwards.... If i remove the rigid body on the same object with the same colider (non convex, mesh colider) it then works perfectly fine... i have tried on different objects, and seems to be the same problem. I need to add rigidbody so these objects become detectable/moveable....

    Any thoughts? thanks in advance

    2016-05-20_11h23_43.png 2016-05-20_11h25_31.png 2016-05-20_11h26_11.png
  31. GrantMarrs


    Mar 29, 2015
    I am very sorry, but I do not use Skype. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them here or message me though :)

    Thank you! I had no idea that the finger bones were twisted backwards when I uploaded it, but once I saw Palanysamy's post, I realized that they were wrong in 3DS Max as well (I actually just fixed that ;)). I will be uploading an update to fix this very soon :)

    Hmm, that's really strange :/ My ledge climbing works by using linecasts and raycasts. So if you want to move to the left for example, whenever a linecast hits a collider to the left of the player, the player will move toward the exact spot where the linecast hit. The script makes the player move solely based on the object's collider. It does not have any sort of detection for whether or not the object you are climbing on has a rigidbody.

    This might be a problem with the nature of the rigidbody itself actually. Since the player is basically floating in front of the object that it is grabbed on to, the object's rigidbody may create some sort of tension or friction that makes the player want to fall, but ends up sucking him in instead. Something wierd like that (I actually had a problem similar to that before. If your player was using a Character Controller, and was climbing on a long object, such as a stretched out box, the object's collider would be really stretched out and create some sort of tension that would not allow the player to move. I ended up fixing this problem by measuring the distance from the center of the player to the object's collider, then adjusting the player's position back so that it is a further distance away from the object and is never actually colliding. If it is not colliding, it will not get stuck.).

    Since this is most likely a problem with the rigidbody itself, one way to fix this would be by writing a script that deactivates the components of/removes the rigidbody from whatever object you are currently colliding with. You could then put this script in the "Scripts To Enable On Grab" section of the ledge climb script. Then you could write a script to reactivate the components of/add the rigidbody back to the object you are colliding with, and put this script in the "Scripts To Disable On Grab" section of the ledge climb script. That way, when you are grabbed on to an object, you will not be affected by its rigidbody, but when you let go, its rigidbody will come back. If you need any more help, please let me know :D Thanks again!
    Last edited: May 23, 2016
  32. keepthachange


    Oct 15, 2014
    If you are looking to buy this pack, then do so. price is great for what you are getting plus+ support is great as well totally soved my probs within the hour. This pack has pretty much taking my player controller to a new level. very happy with this pack.
  33. GrantMarrs


    Mar 29, 2015
    Thank you so much for the great review! It makes me so happy that the pack is working well in your project! :,)
    keepthachange likes this.
  34. GrantMarrs


    Mar 29, 2015
    I uploaded the update to fix the rotation of the finger bones! Once the update gets approved, the finger animations should work properly with any humanoid model! :)

    I also added some 1st person demos in case anybody wanted to try the asset out in 1st person mode ;)
    Bhanshee00 likes this.
  35. Hamesh81


    Mar 9, 2012
    Great work on this asset! I have a feature request; it would be great if a character could jump vertically from ledge to ledge. This is similar to how it currently jumps sideways, except it would be up. This would enable continuous vertical climbing, since at the moment the character can pull up one ledge but then needs to walk to another.
  36. witcher101


    Sep 9, 2015
    Do you plan to implement wall run and wall run climb anytime in future. Like the one we see in prince of persia
  37. GrantMarrs


    Mar 29, 2015
    Thank you very much for the great suggestions, but unfortunately, all of these features would be much more difficult to implement than one would imagine :( They would require adding thousands of more lines of code to detect where and where not to jump/run, if the ledge/wall can be scaled or not, and if the ledge/wall is blocked or not.
    As it is, the code had to be compressed to keep Unity from crashing, so unfortunately, it will most likely not be able to handle thousands of more lines of code (and for that matter, neither could I, lol :)). Thank you for all of the great suggestions though, and I am very sorry, but unfortunately, I will not be able to implement them :(
    Last edited: May 31, 2016
  38. Hamesh81


    Mar 9, 2012
    No problems ;)
  39. tomraegan


    Mar 28, 2016
    Edit: Actually, it's all good! Thought I had a problem.

    Enjoying the system. Good work.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2016
  40. GrantMarrs


    Mar 29, 2015
    Thank you! I'm very glad the problem's not there anymore. I saw your post last night, but it was 3 A.M., and I was too tired to think, lol. I was going to try and figure the problem out in the morning, but I'm so glad to see that it all worked out :)
  41. GrantMarrs


    Mar 29, 2015
    The update to fix the rotation of the finger bones has been approved! The finger animations should now work properly with any humanoid model! :D
  42. tomraegan


    Mar 28, 2016
    Hi again.

    I've got this strange situation where if I build platforms descending from the start point, the ninja jumps continually as I descend. Each platform descended increases the continual bump height until, by the 10th platform down, I'm jumping 30 feet high.

    If I build ascending platforms, the problem does not exist.

    Any ideas?

    Edit: It is tileset dependent it seems. It happens with the floating island tileset by 3dFancy.
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2016
  43. GrantMarrs


    Mar 29, 2015
    Try giving the platform a trigger collider in addition to its regular collider, but make the trigger collider a little taller so it collides with the player's feet, then give the platform a tag named "platform" as well.
    Then write a script for the player with the function OnTriggerStay, and in that function, make it so that, if the player is colliding with an object tagged "platform," the tagged object becomes the player's transform.parent. Then, write another function that, OnTriggerExit with the tagged object, makes the player's transform.parent = null.

    Hopefully this helps! :) If this doesn't work or you need any more help, please don't hesitate to ask. ;) Thanks!
  44. tomraegan


    Mar 28, 2016
    I will try it.

  45. magique


    May 2, 2014
    This looks great. I'm thinking of getting this for a mini platformer game I have in the works. I'm wondering how soon before we see the updates you mentioned with enemy AI, health, pickups, etc? Also, would you consider adding a climbing feature like that seen in the new Zelda game?

    EDIT: Although this does look nice and quite promising, I decided to go with the Third Person Game Foundation Kit instead.
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2016
  46. GrantMarrs


    Mar 29, 2015
    Thank you for your interest in my asset anyways, lol :)
    I still have a few more things I need to do for the updates, and every time you try to add or edit something, glitches always happen, so I'm not exactly sure when they'll be finished XD
    As for the new Zelda climbing feature, it's possible, but I haven't put much thought into it. I'm still working these other updates after all, lol. It's a good suggestion though and it would be pretty cool to have :) Thanks again!
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2016
  47. magique


    May 2, 2014
    It's very nice, but my project is really on the fast track and the other asset has some key features that are not available in yours. However, if it turns out to be a dud then I'll be back. lol.
  48. GrantMarrs


    Mar 29, 2015
    Lol. Thank you and good luck!
  49. Mad_Fox


    May 27, 2013
    Hi, i've buyed your asset the other day, it's really nice.
    I've a few suggestions, can you consider making a cover system? That mini ninja deserve one!
    Not a full one, just the minimum to be "sticked" to a wall and maybe turn around corners (maybe like the "Volume" game), just like your hanging script, but walking or crouching instead (obviousky im talking about the Third Person mechanic), i'm making a Stealth game prototype, the hanging mechanic is perfect for it, but it's missing a few movements mechanics.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2016
  50. GrantMarrs


    Mar 29, 2015
    Great ideas! These features would be nice to have, and they do not seem too difficult to implement. I will definitely consider these :) Thank you!