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Third Party Photon Networking Player Names

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by Coderz33, Aug 16, 2014.

  1. Coderz33


    Aug 16, 2014
    Hello Everyone,
    I am making a chat room that players can customize there players and the color of the 3D text mesh and be able to join a chat room with there custom colorful 3D Text Mesh. But when 2 instances join 1 room the player would see there text on all players. And the other instance would see there text on all players to. How do I make it so players can join a room and have there own colorful text and name? BTW I am using FSM(Play-Maker) to do this... The problem explained short is. Players don't get there own separate name they see there name on all clients connected and in Room...
    Here is a Example...

    Bob is Client
    Coderz is MasterClient

    Plus I'm new to the forums sorry if I break any rules... example500x500.png
    I need to solve this please help. :)
  2. vadiml


    Aug 12, 2014