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Occlusion Culling and LoadLevelAdditive together?

Discussion in 'Editor & General Support' started by immFX, Oct 4, 2011.

  1. immFX


    Mar 20, 2010
    In my large world, I have a bunch of scenes that I load in real time (LoadLevelAdditiveAsync) when I get close enough.
    I'd like to bake OC data for all of them, but I know that you can not "stream" occlusion culling.

    What I want to do however is try to put all the scenes together and bake Occlusion Culling data for all of them once. Then, at game time, I plan to use the scene with the OC data (object named "Occlusion Area") as the 'mother' scene (i.e. always loaded) and Load/Unload the rest as the game progresses.

    Will this trick keep OC working for all scenes?
    Have yet to test this, just want to know if you guys have smt similar working.
  2. Dreamora


    Apr 5, 2008
    That trick would work as OC has no relationship to the meshes etc present in the level later on at all anymore, its only about bake time.

    Problem is that you might simply not be able to bake it anymore at all as you hit ram borders pretty fast especially in the current umbra baking process.

    as long as OC can't be streamed I would take it for granted that you can not and will not be able to create anything 'open world alike' (where loadleveladditive comes in) at all with PVS present