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Need some help with a FPS, Mecanim character controller...

Discussion in 'Scripting' started by SaturnsVoid, Oct 2, 2014.

  1. SaturnsVoid


    Dec 1, 2012
    I am using Mecanim animations for a free asset character i downloaded to test the networking for my game... I can't seem to figure out how to control my character. Its a First Person game so i want to be able to see my feet when i look down and see my arms/hands... I tried the free FPS controller but when i try to use it my character just bugsout.... Help?

    Also how would i be able to freely turn my head if the rigging allows it?
  2. aoe_labs


    Nov 4, 2013
    For controlling your character, you'll likely have to write your own script that checks for user input and move your character accordingly.

    If you want a first person view, you can attach a camera as a child to the character and position it at eye level. In order to freely turn your head, you can move the childed camera with mouselooks via scripting. This will emulate head movement without actually moving the head. However, if you do want to move the head and the head is an individual part of the rig, i.e. is its own gameObject that is the child of a larger body gameObject, then child the camera to the head, and move the head via scripting, which will in turn move the camera.