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My video tutorial series

Discussion in 'Community Learning & Teaching' started by Jiraiyah, Sep 5, 2015.


What do you like to see in future of these tutorials?

  1. Dialogue system

  2. Behavior Tree

  3. Advanced Item System (more reflection)

  4. More Mecanim

  5. Base Classes for RPG

  6. In Game GUI

  7. Inventory System

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  1. Jiraiyah


    Mar 4, 2013
    Hi everyone,
    I had this you tube channel for so long and i never thought about writing about it in unity forums, simply because i had to leave making the video tutorials for long gap between unity 3.5 and unity 5, but now i am back on track and pushing and recording video after video.
    So what is these videos about? I will develop an RPG API core in front of camera, i will record every aspect of generating it, from mecanim animation stats for character movement (partially done by now in unity 3.5) up to different editor extensions, and systems needed for any RPG game, although i call it an RPG Core API, i think most of the assets I am creating can be used in different projects and themes, for example, I started my Item System the way Peter at burgzerg arcade done, but as soon as I get to the point to define Item Base Types like weapon, consumables, etc, i change the whole system to use reflection, hence, letting users to develop their own Item Categories and use them.
    What I am recording now, is start of a node based editor that later on, will be used for both Dialogue system and Behavior Trees.
    So I thought about posting about my channel just in case people missed my tutorials on you tube, here are the play lists :
    The mecanim animation system in Unity 3.5 :

    Play List

    The new series in Unity 5.x (first video is porting that mecanim system to unity 5) :

    Play List

    Bellow is the list of videos added one by one in the new series, those without the link are the videos that are recorded but not uploaded yet, so this list will get bigger and bigger as the recording and uploading continues, I hope you enjoy it :

    RPG API in Unity3D - 001 - Porting to Unity 5
    RPG API in Unity3D - 002 - Item System - 01 - Interfaces
    RPG API in Unity3D - 003 - Item System - 02 - Base Classes

    RPG API in Unity3D - 004 - Item System - 03 - Resource Constants
    RPG API in Unity3D - 005 - Item System - 04 - Database Scripts
    RPG API in Unity3D - 006 - Item System - 05 - Quality Editor
    RPG API in Unity3D - 007 - Item System - 06 - Rarity Editor
    RPG API in Unity3D - 008 - Item System - 07 - Category Editor Part 1
    RPG API in Unity3D - 009 - Item System - 08 - Category Editor Part 2
    RPG API in Unity3D - 010 - Item System - 09 - Item Editor - Layout
    RPG API in Unity3D - 011 - Item System - 10 - Item Editor - Context Menu
    RPG API in Unity3D - 012 - Item System - 11 - Item Editor - Callback Method
    RPG API in Unity3D - 013 - Item System - 12 - Item Editor - Properties View
    RPG API in Unity3D - 014 - Item System - 13 - Item Object - On GUI
    RPG API in Unity3D - 015 - Item System - 14 - Finalize Item System
    RPG API in Unity3D - 016 - Utilities - 01 - Using Font Awesome
    RPG API in Unity3D - 017 - Utilities - 02 - Reflection Utilities
    RPG API in Unity3D - 018 - Utilities - 03 - Conversion Utilities
    RPG API in Unity3D - 019 - Utilities - 04 - Serializable Dictionary and Guid Generator for Unique ID
    RPG API in Unity3D - 020 - Utilities - 05 - Value Class
    RPG API in Unity3D - 021 - Utilities - 06 - Property Drawer for Value Class
    RPG API in Unity3D - 022 - Utilities - 07 - Property Drawer for Float Values
    RPG API in Unity3D - 023 - Utilities - 08 - Serializable Dictionary Revisited
    RPG API in Unity3D - 024 - Utilities - 09 - Forking to LordOfDuct Github Repository
    RPG API in Unity3D - 025 - Node Editor - Brain Storming
    RPG API in Unity3D - 026 - Node Editor - Iteration 1 - 01 - Node Editor Layout

    RPG API in Unity3D - 027 - Node Editor - Iteration 1 - 02 - Create New Graph
    RPG API in Unity3D - 028 - Node Editor - Iteration 1 - 03 - Toolbar Functionality
    RPG API in Unity3D - 029 - Node Editor - Iteration 1 - 04 - Adding Node Classes
    RPG API in Unity3D - 030 - Node Editor - Iteration 1 - 05 - Draw Node GUI
    RPG API in Unity3D - 031 - Node Editor - Iteration 1 - 06 - Connect Nodes
    RPG API in Unity3D - 032 - Node Editor - Iteration 1 - 07 - Break Connections
    RPG API in Unity3D - 033 - Node Editor - Iteration 1 - 08 - Finalize
    RPG API in Unity3D - 034 - Node Editor - iteration 1 - 09 - GUI Styles
    RPG API in Unity3D - 035 - Cryptography - 01 - Common Class
    RPG API in Unity3D - 036 - Cryptography - 02 - Encryption Buffer
    RPG API in Unity3D - 037 - Cryptography - 03 - Decryption Buffer
    RPG API in Unity3D - 038 - Cryptography - 04 - Helper Class
    RPG API in Unity3D - 039 - Cryptography - 05 - Integer Shuffling
    RPG API in Unity3D - 040 - Cryptography - 06 - Extension Methods
    RPG API in Unity3D - 041 - DLL Solution Generator - 01 - Getting Templates
    RPG API in Unity3D - 042 - DLL Solution Generator - 02 - Generating Solution
    RPG API in Unity3D - 043 - Utilities - 06 - Adding Old Helpers
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2015
    ikemen_blueD, Litwin and dstew like this.
  2. Daniel466


    Apr 9, 2014
    Love the video but im stuck here on NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object RPG.NodeEditor.Editor.NodeWorkView.UpdateView (Rect EditorRect, Rect PercentageRect, UnityEngine.Event e, RPG.NodeEditor.NodeGraph graph) (at Assets/Node Editor/Editor/Views/NodeWorkView.cs:25) RPG.NodeEditor.Editor.NodeEditorWindow.OnGUI () (at Assets/Node Editor/Editor/Windows/NodeEditorWindow.cs:40)
  3. Jiraiyah


    Mar 4, 2013
    can i ask if you can put the code for update view method of node work view in a code section and post it, i think either you have a typo somewhere or you maybe in the middle of an episode although as much as i remember, the videos should finish when the code works properly
  4. Daniel466


    Apr 9, 2014
    Yeah i have an typo some were just need to try and find it in the video
  5. Daniel466


    Apr 9, 2014
    is it coming from ViewBase

    public virtual void UpdateView(Rect EditorRect, Rect PercentageRect, Event e, NodeGraph graph)
    if (ViewSkin == null)

    ViewRect = new Rect(EditorRect.x * PercentageRect.x,
    EditorRect.y * PercentageRect.y,
    EditorRect.width * PercentageRect.width,
    EditorRect.height * PercentageRect.height);
    CurrentGraph = graph;
  6. Daniel466


    Apr 9, 2014
    all i know error coming from GUI.Box(ViewRect, ViewTitle, ViewSkin.GetStyle("StatusViewBackground"));
  7. Jiraiyah


    Mar 4, 2013
    I don't see any error in that method, if you want to get a better debugging, download unity visual stadio tools, then you can put debug points and see what is getting that null assignment, you should put the debug break point, then attach to unity, after that as soon as you go back to unity while the editor window is open, you should hit that break point
  8. Jiraiyah


    Mar 4, 2013
    On second thought, also, double check the node editor window, it's totally possible that you are not instantiating one of the views or made a mistake by copy/paste
  9. Daniel466


    Apr 9, 2014
    ok i will check that thank you
  10. Jiraiyah


    Mar 4, 2013
    Guys, I started posting the videos on, it's much easier for me to send videos there than you tube, registration on 3dbuzz is free, well, some videos will be only for member sponsors but again, their price for member sponsors are really low, if you subscribed, then you can find my tutorials under training > Unity > RPG CORE API
    here is the link for that section :
    Also, if you ask me, getting member sponsor and watching the MMO section is well worth it, there are more than 100 - 150 hours of video tutorials on unity just in that one section, there are even more in other sections for you to very well satisfy what you pay for monthly subscription
  11. HasanKhani9


    Jan 18, 2019
    NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    RPG.NodeEditor.Editor.NodeWorkView.UpdateView (Rect EditorRect, Rect PercentageRect, UnityEngine.Event e, RPG.NodeEditor.NodeGraph graph) (at Assets/Node/Editor/Views/NodeWorkView.cs:28)
    RPG.NodeEditor.Editor.NudeEditorWindow.OnGUI () (at Assets/Node/Editor/Windows/NudeEditorWindow.cs:39)
    System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/mono/build/mcs/class/corlib/System.Reflection/MonoMethod.cs:222)

    GUI.Box(ViewRect, ViewTitile, ViewSkin.GetStyle("WorkViewBackground"));

    please help
    Where is the mistake?