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MMO Realtime shooter TopDown

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by isometricLove, Oct 28, 2014.

  1. isometricLove


    Sep 23, 2014
    Hi i want to make an top down (isometric) mmo shoter at least demo for start but i duno really about performance shoud game like this use bulet caracter colision or simple raycasts whit some visual effects or somthing better?

    I will not (at least thets an plan) implement any specific hit boxes ex head arm leg torso it will be just simple hit or miss

    i was thinkinng of making like small city where people can kill each other and probably saparete parts of city on difrent servers or somthing like thet cuz dont think 1 server can handle MMO numbers

    Anywey for start i am building demo only so my first gool is to start right so waht would you sugest for me to use raycast or waht?
  2. Christian-Tucker


    Aug 18, 2013
    Depending on how series you are about this project depends on the amount of information and help you will receive, this is one of many threads about somebody who is going to make a "MMO".

    The first thing that you need to take into consideration before you even start to think about what you're going to use for collision detection is your networking solution, are you going to be using your own server, or are you going to be purchasing something like SmartFoxServer, UnityPark, or PhotonServer. Some solutions are integrated with Unity, and some are not

    If your networking solution is not integrated with Unity, then you're going to have to use a bunch of Vector math, What direction was your character facing when he shot the bullet? What's the travel speed of the bullet? What's the location that the bullet was spawned at? How big are your characters? You'll have to perform math to get all of this information, and the collision detection would simply be based on the result of a mathematical equation. ( is the current bullet position within the players position, times the radius and height of the player.

    If your networking solution is integrated with Unity, you could just use the standard OnCollisionEnter function that comes with it and pass a remote procedure call to the server when it's collision detects the player.
  3. isometricLove


    Sep 23, 2014
    you get me wrong i am asking shoud i use raycast hit or bullet collision for MMO cuz i think bullet colision would be better for looks but will eat up PING cuz like 100 people fire bulets same time and i guess raycast dosent cost thet much?

    I was thinkig of using Photon
  4. Christian-Tucker


    Aug 18, 2013
    I didn't get you wrong, I answered your question with more detail than you requested.

    Short answer: Use bullet coliision.