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Fix saving through symlinks please...

Discussion in 'Wish List' started by judy3turn, Apr 2, 2013.

  1. judy3turn


    Aug 16, 2012
    Determined to remove duplicate code from a client/server project, I have created my projects(one for client, one for server) using symlinks into the common code repository. I managed to fix the tricky problem with the meta files (they have different UIDs on client and server). I've got the whole thing working great except for a couple of things I just can't seem to fix with the Prefabs folder.

    I tried manually modifying the prefabs to get the right scripts and materials attached and discovered that instead of writing the changes through the symlink to the actual file, it is somehow overwriting the file such that the symlink is gone and I have the raw file now. Of course this means that the fixed prefab doesn't get into the source repository without an extra manual step which is what I'm trying to avoid. The more manual steps in the build process, the more likely the build process will break.

    So not sure how to convince you to please not just delete the old prefab and just write over it (same with meta files, you write over them instead of modifying them) as it violates symlinks. Yes only a handful of people use them, but they are INCREDIBLY the most useful things ever. But you can't delete a file that's a symlink and then copy on top of it without ruining the entire work-around (and the only one I have found) to the fact that your build process does NOTHING to accommodate client/server development.

    I really thought I'd found a great solution, but apparently not given the way Unity writes to files.
  2. judy3turn


    Aug 16, 2012
    And while you're at it, could you please make determining if a file has been modified and needs recompiling work as well.