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ex2D - the best 2D sprite solution for Unity [RELEASED]

Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by johnny_karas, Aug 24, 2011.

  1. SanjuanRJ


    Sep 11, 2011
    Ok, thx for the answer.
  2. ChezDoodles


    Sep 13, 2007
    Feature request

    The soft clipper is great, thanx! ...and looking forward to see what the Scale9Grid can do...

    ...but... I do have a couple of more important feature requests:

    1. Need somehow to keep the text flow confined to an area/rect/width. I need to be able to specify a given line width in pixels/units, have ex3D split the text into multiple lines according to this width, and query the height of the complete text. This is great for scrollable text fields.
    2. I would also like to know how many characters in text string that will fit into a fixed rectangle. This is necessary to present information page by page.
    3. Another cool feature would be to be able to have tokens inserted into text, to change the text color, bold, font, etc.
      Something like: "This is a [#ff0000][bold]sample[/bold][/#] text.", where [#ff0000] define red text color and [bold] make the text ... bold :)
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2011
  3. nantas


    Feb 11, 2010
  4. johnny_karas


    Sep 20, 2010
    Hello ChezDoodles,

    Your first request is already in our todo list, just need more time to start doing it. The second one can be a bonus when first one was done. I will add these two request in one issue in github later.

    About the request 3, since ex2D use bitmapfont render the text, the style of your font is pre-generated. Which means when you apply the exBitmapfont asset to a sprite font component, you already set its style, bold or normal or italic.... It is the same things for the color of the font. Event I can parse the text and detect the color value, it just add the color on top of the color in the bitmap font. For these reasons, it will confuse user and make things complex in ex2D. And I think it is more suitable in Dynamic Font Rendering technique. So let's hope Unity3D will support ttf/free type font rendering someday :)

    Another reason we may not add request 3 in our recent milestone is: ex2D is designed as a simple and base library which provide essential tools and scripts for 2D games. So we leave specific tasks for user, and I think you can build a special parser based on ex2D.

    In this case, you can design your bold and normal bitmap font assets, you can assume your fonts are white color, then when parsing the text, you can set the mesh color and choose different font texture by inherit from exSpriteFont component and override the UpdateMesh function.

    We will discuss the rich text parser in the future, and if possible, we will add request 3 in our milestone and let you know the progress.
  5. ChezDoodles


    Sep 13, 2007
    Thanks a lot!
    You are doing a fantastic job!

    About request 3 in the above post:
    It is by far the least important - and yes - it is something that I can slap on top of ex2D myself. However, to simplify this and many other possibilities, it would be great if you would define a standard token begin/end that you would recognize when parsing the text (which will never be rendered nor used for width/size/word calculations) and have a plug-in method which will be called upon mesh creation with your current character rendering status (font color info, shadow on/off/offset, outline on/off/offset, etc), so the plug-in method could do custom parsing and modify the current character rendering status. This would enable a lot of cool stuff.

    something like...
    Code (csharp):
    1. public class ex2DCharacterRenderingState {
    2.     bool useKerning;
    3.     float tracking;
    4.     float lineSpacing;
    5.     Color topColor;
    6.     Color botColor;
    7.     bool useOutline;
    8.     float outlineWidth;
    9.     Color outlineColor;
    10.     bool useShadow;
    11.     Vector2 shadowBias;
    12.     Color shadowColor;
    14.     float tiltDegree; // for faking italics...
    15.     Vector2 scaleCharacter; // Would LOVE to see this implemented - would enable all sorts of cool stuff :)
    16. };
    18. interface ex2DTextParser {
    19.     void ParseToken( ex2DCharacterRenderingState state, string token );
    20. }
    21. anyone could define custom tokens and modify the character rendering state accordingly. This is of course just one way to do it - but I think it is a reasonable tradeoff between flexibility and speed...

    ..and by making it stack based like HTML [token] [/token] you could automatically revert to the previous state upon finding the end-token identifier.
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2011
  6. johnny_karas


    Sep 20, 2010
    Hi ChezDoodles,

    Sounds great! I will consider this. Actually I do not have a plan in rich text rendering at first, but when I seeing your suggest I think it is a good advise, though I don't have time in doing this recently, I will take the advise and do some research in my spare time.

    Thanks very much !
  7. Seokho


    Aug 31, 2011
    Hello, jwu.

    We are processing to buy ex2D. ^ 0^

    And I read a released post. You did great job.

    I have two questions for you. (I'm still using evaluation ex2D)
    First Question:
    1. Make a empty GAMEOBJECT, add the ex2D Sprite to it. (sprite is 0.png)
    2. Make a prefab using #1's GAMEOBJECT.
    3. Instantiate with #2's prefab when running the game.
    4. Change #3 gameObject's sprite to 1.png.
    -> Then it works! But! When I watch in the Inspector Editor, #3 gameObject's sprite is still 0.png. (But it changed to 1.png and worked great)

    Second Question:
    1. Make a prefab included ex2D sprite component.
    2. Make a AssetBundle using #1's prefab.
    -> If the prefab has "Pixel Perfect Component", can't build a assetbundle. It has a error.
    -> However if I unchecked "pixel perfect" or remove the "Pixel Perfect Component", can build a assetbundle without error.

    I have no idea these questions has been solved at V1.1.2.

  8. Biggz


    Aug 29, 2011
    I know this isn't an ex2D specific question, but it ties in with a sprite collision mesh editor.

    How do I create a custom collision mesh that matches my sprite? Can this be done from within Unity or do I need to create something within a 3D editor?
  9. johnny_karas


    Sep 20, 2010
    Hi Seokho,

    For the first question, I don't think changing a picture from a running game is possible when you start doing the same thing in a standalone version. So drag and drop texture to a sprite inspector is only benefit in the editor. (If I anything I misunderstand, let me know.)

    Assume your question is about when changing picture in a prefab, they are not show correctly in the Scene. This is true, and the solution is press alt + ctrl/command + b or go to the Menu -> Edit -> ex2D -> Rebuild Scene Sprites after you change settings in prefab. Because I still can't find a way to update sprites in the scene when Prefab changes, and also I didn't find functions to hook when Unity3D loading a scene.

    For the second question, I have a problem in creating asset bundles in Unity3D 3.4 Pro in my PC :(. It keeps report errors and all I find of the answer is here:, they said this is a bug. But I do success create a bundle when I change the code to :

    Code (csharp):
    2.             BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundle(Selection.activeObject,
    3.                                            selection,
    4.                                            path,
    5.                                            BuildAssetBundleOptions.DeterministicAssetBundle,
    6.                                            BuildTarget.StandaloneOSXUniversal
    7.                                            );
    I use BuildAssetBundleOptions.DeterministicAssetBundle instead of other settings. I do not know if I am doing the right thing. Anyway, see your feedback.
  10. johnny_karas


    Sep 20, 2010
    Hello Biggz,

    I've already create an Issue relate with this:, in the issue, it also link to the post that ask from other people.

    So the answer is, you are not able to do this in current version of ex2D. Based on the issue, we will add this collision editor in the future version.

    So far, You can do this through other 3D mesh editor, and use this mesh as collider in your sprite.
  11. Biggz


    Aug 29, 2011
    Thanks Jwu,

    I realised it wasn't part of ex2D *yet*, but I've only been using Unity for a few weeks and I wasn't sure if there was another way from within Unity to create collision meshes.

    I will have a look on the Asset store and see if there is anything that can help me :)

    Thanks again.
  12. wesllg


    Jan 8, 2011
    Hi JWU,

    Is there a way to retrieve the Z position of a layer (when using the XY plane) from ex2D? I know you have listed the calculation in the documentation, but it would be preferable to ask ex2D what this. Perhaps a function in ex2DExtension?

  13. AntLewis


    Feb 2, 2010
    Guys, bought this a week ago and it's great, but one question. When I start the game, quite a few of my sprite objects flash (ie are drawn for a frame then not drawn) before returning to always being drawn. Any ideas why this would be happening?
  14. johnny_karas


    Sep 20, 2010
    Hello wesllg,
    To get a z position, you can use exLayer2D.CalculateDepth () function. But in current version it is protected. Is this what you want ? tell me and I will make it public in the next version.
  15. johnny_karas


    Sep 20, 2010
    Hello bishylewis,

    Based on your description, it could be happend in case below:

    1. You are using Layer2D for these sprites, and you are changing the z position in your script every frame
    2. You are using Layer2D and you change camera z position every frame
    3. You are using Animation Clip, and the animation clip changes z position

    I need more information to locate your problem, so if possible, can you send me a example scene of this ?
  16. AntLewis


    Feb 2, 2010
    Ah great - it was indeed a Layer2D issue. Thanks for the quick response!
  17. wesllg


    Jan 8, 2011
    Hi jwu. Just checked the code and yes, that would suffice.
  18. johnny_karas


    Sep 20, 2010
    Hi wesllg,

    Ok, I can make this public.

    But one more question about it. Why don't you just use transform.position.z to get the depth ? Since the
    exLayer2D.CalculateDepth() will just assign the value to transform.position.z ( or x, or y, depends on your plane).

    So what I guess is you actually just want a function that can take planeType, layer, bias and camera variable then produce a depth, such as a function like this:

    Code (csharp):
    2. static float CalculateDepth ( exPlane.Plane _plane, int _layer, float _bias, Camera _camera )
    Let me know if I am right. No matter how, the changes will be added in ex2D v1.1.3 probably coming in next week (Monday or Tuesday).
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2011
  19. badawe


    Jan 17, 2011
    I'm getting some errors when try to create some fonts on 1.1.2 update:

    Code (csharp):
    1. exBitmapFontEditor.OnGUI ()
    2. System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
  20. johnny_karas


    Sep 20, 2010
    Hi badawe,

    Would you be more specific? I repeated the same thing to create a font, looks good. How you process it? and when do you get this error ?
  21. badawe


    Jan 17, 2011
    I'm just click over my font, and click over Create Bitmap font!
    and after that, create a new object, set font!

    Now i get this errors:

    Code (csharp):
    2. Parse Failed: The texture Futur not found.
    3. UnityEngine.Debug:LogError(Object)
    4. exBitmapFontUtility:ParseFontInfo(exBitmapFont, Object)
    5. exBitmapFontUtility:Build(exBitmapFont, Object)
    6. exBitmapFontWizard:CreateNewBitmapFont(String, String, Object)
    7. exBitmapFontWizard:OnGUI()
    8. UnityEditor.HostView:OnGUI()
    I Found, is I use space " " in the name, I get this error, just renamed my font from: "Arial 20" to "Arial20" and everything work
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2011
  22. johnny_karas


    Sep 20, 2010
    Hi badawe,

    Bug fixed :) Thanks for the report. This fix will be added in v1.1.3 and can be available in the next week.
  23. badawe


    Jan 17, 2011
    jwu! What is this new animation editor?! i can't find what I'm must put in the Sample Rate!

    what is this?

    before i make this code:

    1 / (my actual FPS) * number of frames
  24. badawe


    Jan 17, 2011

    This new versions has a lot of bugs for me!

    Everytime I change something in the atlas, everything bug!
  25. johnny_karas


    Sep 20, 2010
    Hi badawe,

    The Sample Rate is a very to control the performance(not effect in current version) and precise of the animation. It demonstrate the frames will be sampled in one second in Sprite Animation Component.

    For example, if you put Sample Rate = 30, it will sample the clip 30 times in one second, so each frame will take 1/30 seconds to play.

    After I change this, people complain that they can't slightly adjust the length of the animation. So I add a speed option in v1.1.3.

    Can you show me the step to reproduce them?

    Tips: don't upgrade when select any sprite game-object and make inspector, editor show something in the screen.

    Don't know why, but I do riceve error when I upgrade dll in this case, which make me have to unselect something to stop error.

    Looking forward to see your feedback.
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2011
  26. funshark


    Mar 24, 2009
    Hi jwu,

    We have started to use your 2D framework tools today and yet we meet some issues :

    1- I always have the same error when I try to duplicate a prefab object with the Ex Sprite script :
    " UnassignedReferenceException: The variable camera_ of 'exSprite' has not been assigned.
    You probably need to assign the camera_ variable of the exSprite script in the inspector.
    ex2DExtension.MakePixelPerfect (.exSpriteBase _sp, UnityEngine.Camera _camera, Single _screenWidth, Single _screenHeight)
    exPixelPerfect.Update () "

    2- In some cases, the box collider ( when specified ) is updated automatically although I don't want it. The "Auto Resize" box is unchecked but it's like it has been checked when that occurs. :/

    3- We are using subversion you know. For some reason, I've done a clean checkout of our project and reloaded Unity. I first had an error, then, after the recompiling of the entire project, I had a bad surprise. All the Ex Sprites have moved by a fixed offset by object type. I can't figure why. :/

    I have a question too :

    - what is the "Use Texture Offset" option? I've tried to check and uncheck it, but I'm not sure what it does.
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2011
  27. Boud


    Dec 5, 2009
    Hi Jwu,

    I"m working with the funshark gentleman, using your framework as he said. I have a few concerns also, the documentation doesn't seem up-to-date (both the online and offline versions). Are you planning to update them anytime soon ?

    Also can you tell me more about the property useLayer2D in the sprite Component ? I tried to use the enable property of the sprite "class" to simulate a blinking effect when the character gets hit, however if that property useLayer2D is checked, the character falls off the ground (if it's not, it works fine). Can you please give me some input about that ?

    Thanks in advance.
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2011
  28. johnny_karas


    Sep 20, 2010
    Hi funshark,

    Thanks for using ex2D, let me answer your questions:

    The error message is come from an old version, so which version do you use? The error is because you didn't setup a camera for exSprite or even more you didn't have a camera in the scene.

    Can you tell me the step to reproduce this problem? And after v1.1.1, we fix some problem of resizing collider, may be u can try the latest version first?

    "after the recompiling of the entire project", What does the recompile do? Build the project ? or wait for script compiled? or anything else ?

    "All the Ex Sprites have moved by a fixed offset by object type", I'm sorry but I don't understand this step? Would you mind to show me some details ?
  29. johnny_karas


    Sep 20, 2010
    Hi Bound,

    Yes the documentation is old and broke. We are busying in making a new version, and will back to documentation in next week. Please wait for it :)

    The documentation of layer2D can be found here: Generally said, the layer2D provide you a convince way to adjust object's depth position in 2D scene. So it sorts the sprite by layer from front to back (0-31) so that we can render them with fixed depth. Object in the same layer will have same z value unless they use bias to slightly adjust it.

    If you use layer2D work with physics feature (here I guess your ground and player have collisions), you probably need to enlarge the z size of these collision box so that it can prevent them not collide when they are in different layer. The z size can set to Camera.farclip - Camera.nearclip which will over all layers

    Hope this help you
  30. funshark


    Mar 24, 2009
    Hi jwu, I'm assuming we have the last version since we have downloaded it today on the asset store (?)
  31. johnny_karas


    Sep 20, 2010

    so question 1 still can solve it that way.

    question 2 and 3 would you give me more details ?
  32. funshark


    Mar 24, 2009
    It seems that the error comes from the prefabs. The camera component of the prefab is not correctly updated ( but the name is correct ?? ) when you link a game object to a prefab. Actually, setting up the camera again in the prefab directly seems to solve the issue. I will do some further tests.

    One way to reproduce is to set another value in the Z size of a box collider, then update the scne sprite layers. The box collider is resized automatically to its default size. ( the autosize checkbox is unchecked here ).
    It is possible that it is also related to the prefabs since we use them intensively. Let me do more tests to confirm that.

    Eheh, in fact, it was a Unity related "issue". the game screen resolution has changed for some reason and then all the sprites with the pixel perfect option were resized according to that new size. All is ok now ;)
  33. johnny_karas


    Sep 20, 2010
    Hello funshark,

    I have fix the problem in Question2. The fix will be added in v1.1.3. Probably available in asset store in two days :)
  34. shinriyo_twitter


    Aug 12, 2011
    HI, I am using ex2D in Japan.
    I like it

    I have a question.

    I'd like to make offset some frame of the animation created by"ex2D Sprite Animation".
    How can I make it?

    And, I'd like to change "idle' animation to "jump" animation.
    But, "jump" animation is little right offset.
    How can I move left?
  35. johnny_karas


    Sep 20, 2010
    Hi shinriyo,

    You have two ways two change offset.

    1. Use sprite animation with Unity's Animation Editor. You create a root GO and a child sprite animation GO. In root GO, just add an Animation Component and use Animation Editor adjust the offset manually.

    2. Use Texture Offset in exSprite (Recommend). Basically, when you import texture to Atlas Editor, ex2D will trim the texture to remove empty pixel to save texture space. If you enable the texture offset, ex2D will calculate the anchor of the texture based on the original size of texture not the trimmed one. So you can adjust your character animation such as attack in the Photoshop, add offset there, and in the ex2D, the offset will be applied.

    I think Use Texture Offset can solve this problem, too
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2011
  36. shinriyo_twitter


    Aug 12, 2011

    I will task 1
    So, I should create all sprites again, shouldn't I?
    However I don't have Photoshop, so I will use GIMP
  37. johnny_karas


    Sep 20, 2010

    You don't need to recreate them. Just select and change those sprites you expect to animate. Enable the Texture Offset in the inspector.

    It doen't matter which Image Process Tools you use. You only need to draw your pictures(animations) in same size, and adjust your character actions in these fixed size pictures.
  38. badawe


    Jan 17, 2011

    Everytime i change something in one of my Atlas! All animations must be rebuild, all prefabs, everything! this is really a bad thing!
  39. EskemaGames


    Jun 23, 2010
    What kind of physics support does this tool have actually?, because I don't see any mention in your website or tutorials, and a 2d editor/tool without support for physics seems totally outdated to me...
  40. funshark


    Mar 24, 2009
    Eskema > What do you mean by physic support? Any Unity 2D tool have actually the same one : Unity physX.
  41. EskemaGames


    Jun 23, 2010
    by physics I mean, (example) we have a sprite, so we add a box collider and also we can attach another gameobject to add more colliders to it, to have for example a box collider for the head, another for the legs,etc,etc. Or another example, we can create a "poly shape" for that sprite, creating points and lines to create a shape to fit the surrounding area of the sprite, something like this image
  42. funshark


    Mar 24, 2009
    Ok so it is colliders, not really physic :)
    I think jwu is planning to add these poly shapes in a future release.
  43. EskemaGames


    Jun 23, 2010
    Well obviously these colliders should respond to the physics environment generating the proper collisions with the rest of the "cube shapes" or other "level physics" (talking about a 2d platformer game)
  44. nantas


    Feb 11, 2010
    Hi Eskema,

    In most cases I would simplify the collider for a sprite to a box or a cylinder.

    I can see editable 2d collision would be pretty handy for some physics heavy game with a lot of different shaped object. We do have other user requested this feature as well and you can see the ticket created here:

    But we won't create another physics system. You still need to use Unity physX to do your work.
    For now you can also just create 3D models for a physics heavy game. Then cover up all your physic objects with 2D sprites (if you still want it to look like a 2D game).

    If you just want your action game hero to react better to collision on different body parts, then it's totally doable to use multiple sprites for different body parts. And we plan to make a skeleton animation editor to make this kind of work very convenient with ex2D.
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2011
  45. EskemaGames


    Jun 23, 2010
    Very good points nantas, but my answer is no, this doesn't sound too much effort to me :)
    I was just asking because I don't see any clear reference to "physics" or "shapes" when you talk about this middleware, I mean you are not talking about how you drag and drop a box collider (or whatever) and how that reacts, maybe that could be common sense for you or other developers, but I'm not used to work with unity daily, and with tons of middleware tools out there, it's important to know exactly what this package may offer besides animations and sprites management. Obviously I don't want to buy a tool and then realize that this doesn't cover what I expected from it :)
    Even if it sounds stupid, your competitor 2d toolkit have a video showing the "colliders/physics stuff", so in that case I know what I can expect from it, but I cannot simply expect that your package can do the same thing.

    I hope this makes sense :)
  46. johnny_karas


    Sep 20, 2010
    Hello Eskema,

    We already provide an evaluate version in our website --, in which you can try and test things before buying it.

    For the physics features, ex2D works well with Physics in Unity3D. Even more, it provide interface to help you quickly adding Box and Mesh collider. And it also provide you an auto-resize option which can sync the collision box to fit your sprite.

    Recently we are making effort on adding more collision support for 2D games. So if you have any advice about them, feel free to ask me.

    We are working hard for the new documentation, and I will add more information about editing physics.

    I hope you can try our evaluate version first, and see if that help you understand our product and our working flow with Physics. We hope you can understand the section we forget to mentioned clearly, and thank you for your advice, we will do something to introduce the physics features.
  47. johnny_karas


    Sep 20, 2010
    Hello badawe,

    I will E-mail you and get more details. When you change an Atlas, and build it. ex2D will find all Animations relate with it and rebuild those sprite animations. But not all of them and no prefabs. I remember this is start from the first version, and you are enjoy with it. So something must be wrong in your project, any way. I've send the mail.
  48. EskemaGames


    Jun 23, 2010
    Thanks jwu, I will take a look at your demo. I'm aiming for a 2d platformer game and at this point I'm evaluating the technology to see if I can do this with unity3d and any of the existing middleware solutions like yours or if I should stick with cocos2d.
    Too many tools to consider these days :)
  49. johnny_karas


    Sep 20, 2010
    ex2D v1.1.3 is now available in the Asset Store!

    check the fixes, changes and others in the first Pageanges and others in the first Page
  50. nantas


    Feb 11, 2010
    That's a very good point. Sorry I didn't get your idea at first.
    I think you're right. A lot of potential buyers want to see it doing things they want, before spending a huge amount of time to study the technical possibility with Unity native tools.

    We will still try not to reinvent the wheel. But yes we should show more of those "how-tos" to the potential buyers.

    Great advice :)