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C# How to send a string to my FTP server.

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by RadioactiveTechnologies, Nov 21, 2014.

  1. RadioactiveTechnologies


    Jul 17, 2014
    1. RPG rpg = myPlayer.GetComponent<RPG>();
    2. WWWForm form =newWWWForm();
    3. // The name of the player submitting the scores
    4. form.AddField("Username", rpg.username );
    5. // The score
    6. form.AddField("MaxHealth", rpg.maxHealthPoints.ToString());
    7. // Create a download object
    8. WWW download =new WWW(WhatDoIPutHere, form );
    9. while(!download.isDone){
    10. print(download.progress.ToString());
    11. }
    12. if(download.error!=null){
    13. Debug.Log(download.error);
    14. }
    15. print(download.isDone);
    16. print("Uploaded");
    I have that in a void. What do I put instead of 'WhatDoIPutHere'? I have an FTP server which I can log into in Filezilla. Could someone tell me the format that I input the data from Filezilla into the string? Thanks in advance for all you advanced programmers,
    CEO of Radioactive Technologies.
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2014