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Introducing Voxelform - voxel terrain (Marching Cubes) with real-time deformation.

Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by Mark-Davis, Jun 24, 2011.

  1. Mark-Davis


    Jun 21, 2011

    Hi All - I'd like to introduce my new Voxelform scripting package, now available on the Unity Asset Store, and provide a public forum for questions and answers.

    Voxelform 2.0 was released Dec 21, 2011
    For more information and playable demos, check out the website:


    • Designed to be a flexible, customizable, part of your project.
    • New: Includes two demo scenes: A simple run-time editor demo, and a simple FPS controller game demo.
    • Heavily documented source with XML code docs for tool tip support.
    • Marching Cubes algorithm at the core, provides efficient dynamic organic terrain.
    • Sculpt the terrain on the fly, any way you see fit.
    • Easy access to voxel data, and easily scripted externally.
    • New: Voxel data source is fully customizable via an interface.
    • New: Voxel structure with "factory settings" includes support for volume, material index, and neighbor info.
    • New: Use voxel type information for multi-material support with material palettes.
    • New: Material palettes (for use with voxel terrain) support a theoretical maximum of 65,536 Unity Materials.
    • New: Hidden regions within multi-material welds are culled before Marching Cubes processes them.
    • Chunk based design.
    • Flexible voxel chunk sizes.
    • Chunks can be any shape or size.
    • Create as many chunks as you can safely fit into memory. Note: Mono has a limit.
    • No wait time for initial building of the chunks. Chunks load in, and away from you as you play.
    • New: Single frame loading allows the entire voxel terrain to be loaded on the first frame, but incurs a delay.
    • Chunks past a certain distance become disabled, and then re-enabled as the observer moves.
    • A queuing system keeps chunk processing well balanced over multiple frames.
    • All background tasks are successfully load balanced on the main thread.
    • Your clients will not need a multi-core processor to run your game.
    • New: 15 built-in volumetric shaders with built-in material examples for each will save you time.
    • New: Built-in shaders provide diffuse, normal, and specular mapping for triplanar texturing.
    • Easily simulate granite, marble, regular stone, stratification, and more, or roll your own shaders.
    • Built-in methods for saving, and loading raw terrain data.
    • Built-in methods for Improved Perlin, and Simplex Noise to create fractal geometry.
    • Solid (volumetric) texturing.
    • Solid fractal texturing.
    • Triplanar texturing.
    • New: Complete code overhaul with improved flexibility, and additional helper methods.
    • New: Editor menu items for saving, loading, creating, and editing voxel terrain.
    • New: Experimental (beta) voxel terrain editor (editor extension requiring Unity Pro) is included but not required.

    Known Issues:

    iOS is under investigation, but not currently supported.

    Background and Overview:

    I was inspired to create this after getting sucked into Minecraft for a couple months. Initially, I wanted to do the obvious thing and recreate Minecraft with all the goodies that everyone thinks it ought to have. But after a little thought, realized it would be so much more fun to implement a deformable voxel based terrain system instead. The result is a month of research and development and many late nights glued to the computer.

    My intent with Voxelform, is to save you that time and effort, and to provide a very fun, efficient and reliable set of tools to get you off the ground running. The project is well documented on multiple levels and is intended for heavy customization. To that end, I've tried my best to help you understand the basics of what you're looking at and provide suggested reading to understand the marching cubes algorithm.

    The project should be helpful and entertaining for novices and advanced users alike. It's definitely a scripting package, and it's intended for programmers (intermediate C# skills recommended), but there's something there to enjoy for everyone at every level.

    I really can't wait to see what the community does with this. The possibilities are endless!

    If you have any questions, please feel free to either ask them here or send me a private message. I'm a one man operation, but will do my best to help in whatever way I can. If you feel that documentation is lacking in any area, please let me know and I'll do my best to correct the situation.

    Thank you so much for taking a look and for your feedback. It really means a lot.

    - Mark Davis
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2011
  2. the_gnoblin


    Jan 10, 2009
  3. kerters


    May 13, 2011
    I played with your demo for 3 hours non stop.This is a must have and seriously addicting ^^ :)
    Keep up the good work!
  4. spinaljack


    Mar 18, 2010
    It's cool but I get terrible frame rate on my macbook pro
  5. Jaimi


    Jan 10, 2009
    Can you have multiple materials on the Voxel Terrain?

    ie - grass on top, stone on the sides?
  6. Dreamora


    Apr 5, 2008
    Would love to say that too but on my 2011 MBP (2.2ghz stock) its that fast that sculpting is a prob ^^
  7. spinaljack


    Mar 18, 2010
    Mine is 2.66GHz Core 2 Duo and is a few months old
    4GB DDR3
    OSX 10.6.7

    Using chrome

    When I press jump there's a half second delay before you move, granted editing the terrain is pretty fast but I can only do straight lines because turning and moving is so slow
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2011
  8. I am da bawss

    I am da bawss

    Jun 2, 2011
    WOW, that is amazing! Love it !!

    Question: can you change the resolution of the terrain? it seems quite "chunky". Or perhaps implement a multi-resolution mesh approach where you get very fine detail mesh up close but further away terrain remain low res?
  9. Eric5h5


    Volunteer Moderator Moderator

    Jul 19, 2006
    No problems on my Mac Pro; it's extremely fast.

  10. jeffro11


    Jan 7, 2010
    Really good performance on my end. Considering I have a lowly Radeon 3300 integrated GPU. If there screen effects were off I would get over 60fps easily. VERY cool, keep it up!
  11. aninjamonk


    Aug 31, 2010
    Heyyyyy.....I knew it was coming....... much awaited solution.. and nicely done.... congrates!!
  12. larvantholos


    Oct 29, 2009
    Amazing, and fun.
  13. Mark-Davis


    Jun 21, 2011
    Thanks so much for all your feedback today, on the forum and via private postings. I have to say, the Unity Community is really an outgoing quality group of people. Also, I'm so glad to hear that so many are enjoying it or @kerters, getting sucked in for 3 hours! Awesome! :)

    @spinaljack - Sorry to hear it's not working as well as you'd like. There are a number of options for tuning the performance based on the needs of your minimum spec machine. I'll see about putting together a 3rd demo, that's a bit lighter weight.

    @Jaimi - Yes, perhaps with a triplanar shader. It's now on the to-do list, but you can swap in your own custom shaders if you'd like. I targeted the volumetric shaders first because they lend themselves to nice looking deformable terrain, but I'm aware that there are plenty of folks who would like to use this for regular static terrain with overhangs and caves.

    @dreamora - Awesome! Perhaps the demo needs scroll-wheel drilling power adjustment! :) One more to-do item.

    @I am da Bawss - Definitely. The resolution can be easily changed. There's a scale (uniform) property in the VoxelTerrain object's Inspector pane. You can scale a terrain of any number of voxels and chunks to any size you'd like, completely from within the Inspector. For better resolution, you would lower the scale and increase the number of chunks. It could in theory, be used to organically melt sugar cubes in a liquid, create the ultimate butter slicing sim, or create a very large WoW quality terrain with detailed caves. Note: If anyone does try making a multi-voxel cube, this is documented, but be sure to leave at least one layer of voxels empty for each edge. This is because surfaces form where conceptually, a threshold occurs between values above the isolevel and below it.

    Thanks again everyone!
  14. angel_m


    Nov 4, 2005
    I am very interested in making a regular static terrain (large) with this. Will it be possible to build and edit the terrain in the Unity editor? Also having multiple materials-textures would be a must. :)
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2011
  15. Muzzn


    Jan 23, 2011
    One question, did you consider anything other than marching cubes? Because you're not going to get any sharp edges with this (perhaps for the edge of a vertical cliff?). But it's still a nice tool.
  16. MrDude


    Sep 21, 2006
    All I see is a bright white light and as I move my mouse there are some yellow blobs on the screen.... :(
  17. dakka


    Jun 25, 2010
    Awesome and fun. Great tool.

    It would be great to have multiple materials setup by height, slope or falloff angle.
  18. brn


    Feb 8, 2011
    Oh sweet. runs very well for me!
  19. softrare


    Jun 12, 2011
    I would like to know that too :) Anyway, impressive product for sure!
  20. fffMalzbier


    Jun 14, 2011
    It's looking grate.
    If you publish it i will prototype around withe this (only if it hast a fair price :) )
    Don't have a project so far that i could use this on but i will find something.
  21. RandAlThor


    Dec 2, 2007
    You can buy it in the Unity asset store
  22. fffMalzbier


    Jun 14, 2011
    He didn't put a link to it in the first post so i did not know thats already in store.
    95€ is a little bit big for just toying around.
    I will sure remember it wen i have a project where this is REALY needed.
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2011
  23. PrimeDerektive


    Dec 13, 2009
    Wow, this looks like a dream come true!

    Would broken toy games triplanar texture pack work with this?

    When you say you could use any shape, does that mean I could "voxelize" any mesh I have, so i can sculpt it in unity? For instance, can i sculpt a basic terrain shape in sculptris or zbrush, export the .obj file, bring it into unity and voxelize it with voxelform?
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2011
  24. Mr.kylle


    Sep 18, 2010
    is it Not the Constructor your use as Character
  25. Mark-Davis


    Jun 21, 2011
    @angel_m - I'd like to add editor support at some point, but it'll be a little while before that happens. Even though editor support would be part of this package, it's really it's own project, and for the time being, I'd rather spend a little more time improving this project before switching gears to something that sits on top of this. Multiple materials/textures are definitely high on the to-do list though. :)

    @dakka - As stated above, having multiple materials setup by height, slope or fall-off angle is high on the list. All it requires is a custom shader. My main interest was deformable terrain, as opposed to static, so I opted for volumetric shaders instead. It'd probably be done already, but I've been absolutely swamped over the last few days.

    @brn - Thanks, and btw, your Hard Surface Shaders Pro package is stunning! Happy customer here. :)

    @legend411 - I can't vouch for that, but I think it just might! By "Chunks can be any shape or size.", I was referring to groups of voxels that form a mesh. To explain a little: Terrain size can be pretty large... say you have a 512x32x512 voxel terrain size. The terrain is so large, that you need to chop it into multiple "chunks". Then there's a balancing act where larger chunks perform better in static situations, but smaller chunks perform better in dynamic situations due to the fact that certain dynamic operations can involve voxels owned by more than one chunk. For a static terrain of that size, you might create chunks of 16x16x16 voxels, and 32x2x32 actual chunks. For a dynamic terrain, you might choose a chunk size of 8x8x8 voxels and 64x4x64 chunks. Now let's say you have a multiplayer shooter... perhaps even though 8x8x8 is a very nice size for dynamic single player, maybe it's not working for your game with multiple people modifying the world within close proximity of each other. So perhaps you'd find 4x4x4 chunks to do the trick. You might also find at that point, that with the chunks being so small, and a small overhead cost per chunk, you'd need to reduce the world size a little bit. No matter your situation though, the support for chunking up the world and smoothly managing them in the background, should allow you to get the job done.

    Clarification here... all those examples were cubical. You can create chunks of 1x2x3 voxels if you find a need for it. Here's an unlikely example, but perhaps you have a game where for some reason people are digging through a world, but they tend to stay almost totally fixed on the y-axis except for certain times when they use elevators, but aren't digging. You might create chunk sizes of 25x1x25 for that situation.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2011
  26. angel_m


    Nov 4, 2005
    @angel_m - I'd like to add editor support at some point, but it'll be a little while before that happens. Even though editor support would be part of this package, it's really it's own project, and for the time being, I'd rather spend a little more time improving this project before switching gears to something that sits on top of this. Multiple materials/textures are definitely high on the to-do list though. :)

    Thanks for the response.
    I 've been wondering how have you built the initial terrain in the demo, because it is "saved" in his initial form.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2011
  27. HarvesteR


    May 22, 2009
    This is most awesome indeed!

    Great work! I might have some use for this! 95EUR really is a little high for a test drive, but I guess it's a good value for any serious project.

  28. Mark-Davis


    Jun 21, 2011
    Hi All - I just saw my first review come in and was a little disappointed, so wanted to make sure to clear something up.

    From the review:
    title: argh, perlin noise
    very cool, great start - but having trouble customizing the shape of the generated geometry. ideally you'd be able to load in an image file to define to initial shape - there's probably a way to mod this but gonna be some investigation.


    Regardless of my initial intentions, I'm working for you, and so I will do my best to address pain points as they may arise.

    After you've purchased Voxelform, and imported the package to your project, the first order of business is probably to load the included scene and hit play. Following that, you may want to tweak some of the inspector properties for the VoxelTerrain object, and maybe try out or tweak a few materials.

    The Readme.pdf can help you get started with the afore mentioned items.

    Once you feel comfortable with that, it's time to start modifying the code base. The code base was intended to get you quickly started, and work nicely as a behaviour.

    The point of entry, is the Start function. Here's a code snippet for the purpose of discussion:

    /// <summary>
    /// Entry Point - Start here.
    /// </summary>
    void Start ()
    //Screen.lockCursor = Screen.fullScreen;


    _tex = CreateTexture();


    if (_observer == null)
    _observer = Camera.mainCamera;

    // Create the shared voxels, to be used by all chunks.
    _voxels = new Voxel[
    2 + _xChunkCount * _numVoxelsPerXAxis,
    2 + _yChunkCount * _numVoxelsPerYAxis,
    2 + _zChunkCount * _numVoxelsPerZAxis

    // Note: Chunk properties can be set via VoxelTerrain properties in the Inspector.
    _chunks = new VoxelChunk[_xChunkCount, _yChunkCount, _zChunkCount];

    // This algorithm can be modified or replaced to suite your needs.
    GenerateVoxels(VoxelNoise.ModifiedPerlin1, 2);

    // Note: All voxels need to be generated before any chunks are generated.
    // The reason for this is that the chunks require information from their neighbors.

    // Start the world.


    Also of interest for this discussion:

    /// <summary>
    /// Processes a custom function to generate voxel data.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// This is intended for use in Start. Subsequent manipulation should use AlterVoxel.
    /// Note: It's a good idea to leave a buffer along the edges of the world.
    /// It keeps the chunk meshes solid at the edges.
    /// </remarks>
    private void GenerateVoxels(System.Func<Vector3, Voxel> noiseFunc, int groundPlaneHeight)

    I think part of the issue here, may have been a misunderstanding of the GenerateVoxels line. My intent was not to force Perlin noise on anyone, but rather, to provide a fun starting point that could be easily replaced.

    The intent was that you could swap in your own function, or just use GenerateVoxels as an example, and replace it completely.

    This would likely be a place where you might want to load some volumetric data. I figured that everyone would want to load this data in their own way, and that perhaps I shouldn't clutter the code with that type of "feature". But it's a simple thing to do, and several people have requested saving and loading code. So rather than updating the docs to explain what's not there, I'll just add that functionality, and you can remove it, if it doesn't suite your needs.

    It's also a fairly simple thing to load a new level into an existing VoxelTerrain and reuse the existing chunks. So I'll make sure the load/save code handles that for you to, and will document any likely concurrency issues. This will essentially give you a simple editor.

    It seems that an integrated editor is the #1 most desired feature, and as such, I may go ahead and just do it, and improve it over time.

    I have to run, but will be back on later tonight to answer more questions on the forum, and private messages. Very busy day today! :)

    Again, thanks so much everyone!
  29. Mark-Davis


    Jun 21, 2011
    Heru - Because I have no other way of contacting you, if you're reading this, I'd first like to thank you for your support. I'd also like to thank you for your honesty, and if you'd like to contact me to discuss your concerns, I'd be happy to help as much as I can.
  30. Mark-Davis


    Jun 21, 2011
    Just wanted to let everyone know that an update is on the way with minor fixes, and new features. Among other things, due to popular demand, triplanar texturing is in. This means you'll have the ability to use independent textures for top, bottom, and sides. I'll make a full post and update the features list as soon as it's submitted to the Asset Store. After this build, there's much more in the works.
  31. PrimeDerektive


    Dec 13, 2009
    Awesome! Triplanar texturing is gorgeous. How about some screenshots in the meantime? :)
  32. veighlyn


    Jun 26, 2011
    Great work!, would change the aiming reticle color for the demo though.
  33. Muzzn


    Jan 23, 2011
    Two further things:
    1. Guess you've probably already seen this, but I used this when researching marching cubes.
    2. Why are you using MCs anyway? It means every hole you dig looks exactly the same...but I suppose it is faster. (No trolling meant, please don't take it as that).
  34. PrimeDerektive


    Dec 13, 2009
    I'm no expert, but I'd be inclined to believe that the second paragraph there summarily explains why that particular technique would be tough to pull off in Unity:

    "By utilizing several new DirectX 10 capabilities such as..."
  35. Muzzn


    Jan 23, 2011
    Actually, you can pull off most of it in Unity fairly easily. Including triplanar texturing.
  36. Mark-Davis


    Jun 21, 2011
    @veighlyn - Thanks, and yeah, it could be better.

    @Muzz5 - Unless there's something I'm missing here, we already covered this when I responded to your e-mails. You're working on a competing project, and I respect that. Why don't you start a thread and show us a demo?

    For everyone else's benefit, based on the material I encountered while researching this project, MC appears to be faster than any dual-method. There certainly are benefits to other methods, such as improved visual quality, but at a cost. You also have to consider the data structure. Voxelform uses a uniform grid, and marching cubes is made for that. A uniform grid provides the most flexibility from a performance standpoint, not just for the graphics, but for interactivity, and any type of cellular automation you may want to run.

    One of my objectives with Voxelform, was to develop something that would provide reasonable speed for lower-end hardware, while still providing a great experience with a huge world to explore. I also wanted to provide a product that was going to work well, within it's category, for the largest number of games.

    @legend411 - I think you're absolutely right. Although, I would love to be proved wrong on that one. Can't wait until we do get some more advanced features in that area. Seems like the only way to get those graphics with our DX9 feature set, would be to save that image as a jpeg and import it into Unity. :p

    Also, got those screenshots for you. These are very rough, real dev shots if you will, with a lot of junk in the scenes. But you can still get an idea of how things will look in the next build, which was supposed to go out yesterday, and hopefully that'll happen today instead. Just gotta find a good cut-off point.

    Last edited: Jun 28, 2011
  37. DisTrash


    Feb 2, 2009

    Your work seems realy REALLY cool, and i think lots of people who likes caves, underground levels, and need to implat them in their project would be interested by yours.

    I have some questions :

    Can i use it in the unity editor ?

    Can i use heighmap, Tom's terrain tools to build a prototype of terrain and after use yours to dig and create underground space and levels, or i cannot ,and need to use yours all the time if i want create caves ?

    If not, i suggest if it is possible to create something to work with heigmaps, like , step 1 : heighmap, step 2 voxels to tweak and create.

    It is possible to use it as a tool rather as a game ?
    In the unity editor.

    One Million thanks for your work.

    Best Regards.

    ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
  38. PrimeDerektive


    Dec 13, 2009
    Of course you can pull off triplanar texturing in Unity, its already been done before. I'm more referring to the use of the geometry shader, rendering to 3d textures, etc. I'm sorry, but you're not going to be able to get that fidelity of a voxel terrain in real-time in Unity with DX9 and no multithreading.

    Also, doesn't that article use marching cubes, just at a much higher "resolution"?
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2011
  39. kenlem


    Oct 16, 2008
    Any news on an iOS version?
  40. Jenge


    Jun 28, 2011
    Purchased, the code is quite nice and clean... and there is surprisingly very little of it, which is a good thing!

    An area that requires (significant) improvement is material handling. It is a bit better for rendering demo purposes to support tri-planar mapping. However, for games really need voxel material control. Do you have any thoughts on this? If it is a large task, perhaps it would be possible to contract with you to add it?


    Edit: Reading above some thoughts on this, doh! :) If the height/slope/etc controls also allowed per voxel material to be set for like a resource cluster (gold for instance), that would be great!

    Edit2: A couple more thoughts, voxel locking (making some uneditable) and chunk LOD (not having LOD on chunks is a pretty big deal, however you would probably want to keep the physics representation always 100% or have that be a toggle)
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2011
  41. DisTrash


    Feb 2, 2009
    Add splitted terrain compatibility will be great too.

    Thanks a lot !! ;) ;) ;)

    Best Regards.
  42. 3Duaun


    Dec 29, 2009
    +1, any word on benchmarks for this running on at least a 3GS iPhone4?
  43. Demostenes


    Sep 10, 2010
    Is there any roadmap of this project? Does it have ambition to make alternative to unity terrain system? So for example future support for vegetation painting and billboarding.....
  44. Mark-Davis


    Jun 21, 2011
    @DisTrash - Thanks! It's not yet available in the editor. That's a future addition. This system is unrelated to the terrain system. It outputs and manipulates regular meshes at run time, which being behave in all the usual ways you'd expect.
    Yes - loading a grayscale texture will be included in the next release. The texture you specify is independent of the dimensions of the terrain. So a 512x512 texture could be used to initialize a terrain of 128x16x128. You just tell it what size you want the terrain to be, and it'll interpolate the texture correctly.

    @kenlem/zhx - Not yet. iOS is still on the todo list.

    @Jenge - Thanks! That's about the best compliment a fellow programmer could get. :) I wholeheartedly agree with you about the material handling. I want better multi-material support too, and have a few ideas that I need to try in that dept. I'll probably go down the tile atlas route to get there. LOD would be nice too. Will have to look into that further... maybe take the GPU Gems 3 approach.

    @Demostenes - I'd like to consider that, but it's not something I could promise anytime soon.

    Status on the next build, which keeps slipping. Everything is finished. Just needs thorough testing, and updated docs, before I can make the release. Thanks everyone!
  45. DisTrash


    Feb 2, 2009

    And do you offers special prices in the year, or sell it elsewhere that in the assetstore ?

    For the upgrade to the next versions, how does it work.

    I'd like to have a full free lifetime version, for the upgrades ? It is possible.

    I'm indie.

    Does your app works good for unity free ???

    Thanks a lot.
    Best Regards.
    ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
  46. Mark-Davis


    Jun 21, 2011
    @DisTrash - I don't offer any special prices, or sell outside the asset store, but you also don't have to pay for upgrades. You'll receive free upgrades for the lifespan of the project no matter what version number it carries. :)
  47. Mark-Davis


    Jun 21, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2011
  48. DisTrash


    Feb 2, 2009
    Thanks a lot !! ;) ;) ;)

    Do you have planned to implant a visual paint system, a sort of brush with icons , shortcuts to resize +/- size brush , +/- hardness, menus for tools directly on the screen ?

    Best Regards. ;) ;) ;)
  49. PrimeDerektive


    Dec 13, 2009
    Shouldn't that be somewhat alleviated by your chunking system?
  50. Mark-Davis


    Jun 21, 2011
    @DisTrash - That certainly would be fun. Will have to see how it goes. :)

    @legend411 - Yeah, the chunking system takes care of that. I usually stick to 8x8x8 voxel chunks or sometimes 8x16x8 for dynamic stuff.