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Beginning 3D Game Development with Unity

Discussion in 'Community Learning & Teaching' started by k3D-Junkie, Jun 20, 2011.

  1. k3D-Junkie


    Jun 14, 2011
    Hi Zoneman,

    Nice start on the game- I like the feel of the atmosphere and the spacial sense of road and mountains! As to cheesy, it's not. I've seen more games get abandoned because people get hung up on making all the pretty art assets before they even get as far as the basic functionality of the game.

    If you are eventually going to let the player get in and out of a vehicle, you will be able to dynamically parent/un-parent the first person controller to that vehicle.There is a tutorial on a car game that will help with setting up a vehicle,

  2. Zoneman


    Feb 6, 2010
    Thanks Sue, that link to the car game tutorial was exactly what I needed. I hope to be able to combine your framework with Unity's "Penelope" (iOS) tutorial, and the Car tutorial, to make a Mars Explorer type game. I can see everything happening. Implementing the iPhone Touches Events, is going to be a big challenge for me. I did the "joy-pad" controller chapters for the Penelope Tutorial. But it was difficult to grasp. First thing first… I'll complete your book.

    BTW my favorite computer game is Cyans Myst. Your book is perfect for what I need.

    Update to game: wheel now rotation to movement. Elevator to scaffold
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2011
  3. Rush-Rage-Games


    Sep 9, 2010
    You know what would be cool? If everybody who finishes this book posts a webplayer of the game they made. Just an idea...
  4. Zoneman


    Feb 6, 2010
    Rage. Based on what you are saying, I should wait until I complete the book before I post my work.
  5. Rush-Rage-Games


    Sep 9, 2010
    Or whenever you have something to show. Like a work in progress. What every you think! :D
  6. Zoneman


    Feb 6, 2010
    Rage, that's a cool idea. I think it should have it's own thread. Something like "Beginning 3D Game Dev w/Unity PROJECTS SHOWCASE" If we put links to each others post, may help to create awareness from users.
  7. Rush-Rage-Games


    Sep 9, 2010
    I like the thread idea! And I'm looking forward to playing the games made with this book.
  8. k3D-Junkie


    Jun 14, 2011
    I like that idea too!

    I'm looking forward to seeing how many people use what they learn in the book on projects that aren't classic point and click adventure games. I'm also curious to see how many people will use the extra assets to get more practice and experiment with other ideas.

    But I'm really curious to know how many of you tried the final version of the game (from the chapter 16 folder) or tried the bonus version of the game, or haven't tried either because they want stuff to be a surprise :)

    So - did you peek or are you letting it be a surprise?

  9. gposchman


    Jun 8, 2011
    Hi Sue,
    I am treating it like a mystery, and I never page through to the last page to see who dun it. It should be a real treat.

  10. Zoneman


    Feb 6, 2010
    @ Sue, I did check out the final build [ch 16]. I generally like to check things out to see if things compile with out error [version issues]. I can feel more secure that if something is not working, it's probably correctable on my side.

    Last edited: Jul 9, 2011
  11. Zoneman


    Feb 6, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2011
  12. Zoneman


    Feb 6, 2010
    Upgrade script error: for Unity 3.4

    When opening the Chapter 16, I get the following error(s): note similar errors are listed in other scripts, and I didn't check the other chapters.

    "Assets/Adventure Scripts/BouncerManager.js(34,63): BCE0120: 'GameManager.currentInventoryObjects' is inaccessible due to its protection level"

    I looked up the " JavaScript Upgrade Guide for Unity 3.4, clearly addresses the error . But since, I am a n00b, I don't know how to correct. Here is the Unity explanation:

    "Unity 3.4 ships with an improved javascript compiler that supports better type inference heuristics for commonly used Unity APIs such as GameObject.GetComponent and Object.Instantiate as well as a stricter strict compilation mode (#pragma strict). The benefits are improved error checking and more efficient code generation leading to faster execution times. The downside is that in some particular cases code that compiles cleanly with Unity 3.3 might be (correctly) refused by the 3.4 compiler as in the following example:

    // var definition in Foo.js
    private var value = 42;

    // attempt to use Foo.value in Bar.js
    GetComponent(Foo).value = 21;

    In Unity 3.3 the code above compiles without errors but 3.4 will complain with something similar to:

    Assets/Scripts/Bar.js(2,18): BCE0120: 'Foo.value' is inaccessible due to its protection level.

    That's because the 3.4 compiler can infer the call to GetComponent to return a Foo instance and it can see that Foo.value is marked private whereas in previous versions precise type information was lost at the GetComponent boundary. The solution is to mark Foo.value as either internal (accessible only to javascript code in the same project) or public (accessible to any code anywhere) - removing the private marker will have the same effect as marking it public."

    Last edited: Jul 28, 2011
  13. Zoneman


    Feb 6, 2010
    I found a possible solution for this error: [Minor fix..]**** note I'm not an expert.. just trying to help, use at your own risk.

    "Assets/Adventure Scripts/BouncerManager.js(34,63): BCE0120: 'GameManager.navigating' is inaccessible due to its protection level"

    First open the earliest incident where this happens, "BookProject Ch 06 Finished". Located the script error at the bottom in red. DoubleClick the red "!" icon. It opens the scripting panel for "Interactor.js" and hi-lites the script in question.

    if (controlCenter.GetComponent(GameManager).navigating) return;

    Since the "GameManager…." is inaccessible, that probably means one of it's variables need to be "public". Note the call to "navigating" which is probably the variable that is not accessible. Open the "GameManager" script and remove the "private" from the "private var navigating : boolean; // flag for navigation state" making it just " var navigating : boolean; …" this will make it public and the "Interactor.js" script can access that variable.

    Unfortunately it seems we will have to manually fix all subsequent incidents in the following chapters, which will include more cases of protected variable errors. Fix them on a needed bases. Just repeat the above for each project.
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2011
  14. Zoneman


    Feb 6, 2010
  15. Azel


    Feb 11, 2011
    So for those of us who have not started the book project yet, should we use Unity 3.3 or 3.4?

    Any suggestions?
  16. Zoneman


    Feb 6, 2010
    Definitely stick with 3.3, if you're fairly new to scripting.

    I think the book is great and I found not errors so far I'm at page 407. But I already upgraded, and will muddle through the rest of the lessons. I have already manually updated several the code samples, and they seem to work. But I tried to jump ahead to fix code in the final chapter (there are 51 error incidents in the final chapter lesson). After I fixed them it still didn't work. Again, the fix is really simple, just changing the private vars, to public by removing the private keyword. And making sure all the related function, class, components, that are involved are correctly adjusted.

    Fixing the code in later chapters, you might see, simply changing the vars to public may not automatically fix all the problems. My guess is it will not be difficult to make further adjustments to get the code to work.

    In tandem with completing the book lessons, I am developing a unique game based on lessons. And I will use version 3.4. So I will have to use the new public/private var rules.

    Also, after I upgraded to 3.4, and tried to publish a few generic builds to iOS, I had to rack my brain to get it to work (best to start with no packages).

    If you are okay with scripting, upgrading and working through the changes should be no big deal. I am a newbie and I'm up for it.
  17. rockysam888


    Jul 28, 2009
    Thanks for the tips, Zoneman
  18. Azel


    Feb 11, 2011
    Thanks for the tips, Zoneman. I'll stay with 3.3.
  19. Lazerath


    Apr 28, 2011
    I just bought this book last week, still waiting on it to be delevered. Question for ya Sue, Do you by chance go over any "Drag and Drop" ingame functionality?
  20. k3D-Junkie


    Jun 14, 2011
    hi all,
    you got so quiet I forgot to check the forum for a few days

    Zoneman, thanks for the heads up on the new release issues and welcome to the author's nightmare! Every little patch release seems to change the functionality and break scripts here and there. I guess if you're just making quick casual games it's no big deal, but anything longer term these little changes are very frustrating.

    As soon as I can, I'll bite the bullet and put 3.4 on to see what we're dealing with.

    The problem with changing private to public is that it clutters the Inspector. We might be better off making a tiny function to return the value instead of accessing it directly.

    btw- your mars game is looking better and better :)

    Lazerath, just replied to your e-mail.

    Everyone- aside from the 3.4 issues, be sure to check the post publish fixes doc - I think I found stuff starting at chapter 10

  21. troll2


    Aug 2, 2011
    Hi Sue,

    Just ordered and received your book and looking forward to diving in. Unfortunately, I do have Unity 3.4 so hopefully you can look into the new version soon.


    Edit - where can I find the post publish fixed doc?
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2011
  22. k3D-Junkie


    Jun 14, 2011
    The doc file is included with the 3+ gb asset download on the book's Apress webpage. For those of you using 3.4, I believe I have a finished exe (and the mac equivalent) for the straight book project and a bonus version in case you want to see what the project looks like at the end. And yes, I never assume things will still work in the next release, so usually keep a few full exes around :).

    I think what I will do is start a 3.4 addendum to the doc and post it on my website and or someplace in this thread. that way it can be updated as we find things and readily available for a quick download.

    My gut feel for readers on the 3.4 change in JavaScript is to tough it out and make the changes as you go rather than do the whole project in the previous release. Or if it sounds too scary right now, maybe switch over around chapter 8 when people are feeling more confident, but before there is too much to change. As Zoneman and the others of you who are getting pretty far along can tell you, the project will be pretty substantial by the time you are through (at least in functionality) and it would be a shame to have all that effort go to waste as soon as you upgrade to 3.4.

    I won't get a chance to dig into this for a few days, but will try to offer up a few alternatives to removing "private" from the vars.

  23. troll2


    Aug 2, 2011
    I download and unzipped the 3+ gb file from the Apress page, and am seeing what looks to be all of the folders and files properly. However, I can't for the life of me find this post publish fixed .doc file. I even ran a search on everything that was extracted and don't see it.

    Could you point me in the right direction (what subfolder is it saved in, or filename, etc) or maybe PM me? Has anyone else had luck finding this file?

    Thanks for your help.
  24. k3D-Junkie


    Jun 14, 2011
    It should be in the root of the zip file, it's called PostPublishEdits.doc
    Has anyone else found it?
    I had to upload all the files separately, so not sure if Apress got it included in the mongo-sized zipped file

    No worry if not (unless you are already up to chapter 10) - I'll see about getting it up on my website sometime today or tomorrow

  25. RonWilson


    Jan 2, 2011
    Hi Sue
    My name is Ron and so far have found your book to be right up the alley of what I want to try to work on in Unity.......a non shooter game along the lines of Myst; but like others here have had a very hard time getting the assets downloaded from the Apress web site. Truth is I haven't been able to succeed yet and have tried many times.I have tried several different browsers, different computers and also tried using a download manager. The file portions I have managed to download come across as corrupted. I have never had such a hard time downloading something on the web!
    I do want to thank you for putting out what appears to be a very good book, filled with many great features for our game writing challenges.
    My idea later will be to work on a third person character adventure type game with ladder/ ledge climbing, object throws, object pickups, object use or button push/ door open animations, etc.
    Any other way to get the assets out there in the real world might help other users if they are all having the kind of problems I have had and might make your book more usable. Keep us all posted if you go on a write another book using third person controller I would be very interested.
    P.S. 3d has some free Unity tutorials videos on Third Person Controllers, Jump, climb, slide, fall, and Camera control using C# scripts.
  26. Zoneman


    Feb 6, 2010
    @ Sue Thanks for the nice comment for my Mars project. Your advice and criticisms are more welcome. Although, I know the following is beyond the scope of your book, and I'm probably getting ahead of myself…

    I started an iOS version of the book project (that's why I haven't update the website lately). I have navigation working [very easy], and the iOS Touches Event that correspond to Chapter 3. I have everything working except the SimpleRotationToggle script.

    1. I can't see how to make "SimpleRotationToggle,js" work as an external script. So I included it as a function within the script.
    2. My goal: After the first touch ends, the object continually rotates, after the second touch ends, the object stops rotating.

    Here is the code:

    // attach to a mesh to receive iOS Touch Events
    #pragma strict
    private var rotationState = 0;
    private var count = 0; // to increment the count of touches

    function Update(){

    if (Input.touchCount > 0){ // gets the touch input

    var touchControl:Vector2 = Input.GetTouch(0).position;
    var ray : Ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay (touchControl);
    var hit : RaycastHit;
    var taps : int = Input.GetTouch(0).tapCount;

    if (collider.Raycast (ray, hit, 20)) { // raycast touches object

    //if the object is touched, check for tapCount condition
    //if there is a single tap, add 1 to the count and print
    if(taps == 1){
    if(Input.GetTouch(0).phase == TouchPhase.Ended) {

    rotationToggle(); // *************it only does one action, not continuous rotation.************

    Debug.Log("This object tapped "+ count + " times");

    function rotationToggle(){

    if (rotationState == 1){
    transform.Rotate(0,50*Time.deltaTime, 0);
    rotationState = 0;
    else if (rotationState == 0 ) {
    rotationState = 1;

    If anyone is interested in continuing this thread or recommend we start a new thread let me know.
  27. k3D-Junkie


    Jun 14, 2011
    Hi Ron,

    I was hoping Apress would post the files as separate downloads, but they didn't - looks like their system only allows for one per book. My DSL today is getting a smokin' fast 4-12k/ I know what you are experiencing.

    Can you try to dl from someplace faster? You will start needing the assets by about chapter 7. Most of the 3.2 GB is the project per chapter and a couple of exes for both mac pc. The assets and scripts are only about 1 MB and it is silly not to be able to get them separately. Can you e-mailed APress and let them know you are having problems? That way if I bring up the subject, they won't think it's just me being fussy.

    I'll check out the 3d Buzz tuts start thinking about integrating the characters, though I think it will make sense to wait until Unity gets the simple AI integrated so we'll be able to easily move a character from its current position to where the correct response gets triggered.

    Anyway, there is a lot of infrastructure to set up before worrying about animated characters, like controlling the camera (preventing it from going through objects, etc).

    Let us know how you get on with the download- maybe someone else will have suggestions for which download manager works best?

  28. Zoneman


    Feb 6, 2010

    I can provide a download FTP links for the separate chapters, for the forum members. …For a limited time … not sure what my download quota is.
  29. k3D-Junkie


    Jun 14, 2011
    Hi Lawrence,

    just taking a quick look at your code, this is what I see-

    in the book the functionality you are looking at is causing the object to rotate while being touched(a continuous input)
    in your sample, it needs to rotate between touches, so you would need something like:

    function Update () {

    if (rotationState == 1){
    transform.Rotate(0,50*Time.deltaTime, 0);



    function rotationToggle(){

    if (rotationState == 1){
    rotationState = 0;
    else if (rotationState == 0 ) {
    rotationState = 1;

    np about being off topic a little- the book project is just a vehicle for getting familiar with not only Unity, but working out logic and becoming very good at analyzing need and solving problems

  30. k3D-Junkie


    Jun 14, 2011
    Re downloads-

    the most important files are:

    I think we would have to have permission from Apress to post them somewhere other than their website.
  31. Zoneman


    Feb 6, 2010
    About Apress, that's what I thought.

    The offer stands.
  32. RonWilson


    Jan 2, 2011
    Thanks for the reply and attention.............!
    I think I have managed to get the files and folders up to Chapter 06_CursorContro saved on my system now.............I am trying another download now. When I try to unzip what I have downloaded using WinRAR I have to select Repair Archive to get anything at all usable.
    I have learned how to play with Half Life 2 characters and animations in Unity which helps me use additional animations. I have no intention of using them in anything to release but have applied them into LocomotionSystem and also HeadLookController. Makes for interesting fun!
    You will find the tuts on 3d Buzz work on the Camera controls to modify the camera positions determined by determining if the camera view of the third person character is blocked by objects between your player camera and solid objects in the way.Also when the view of the character is blocked the camera is placed into a free view position until the view is cleared again by the player movement.
    I also play around with Torque 3d and found it to be a fairly nice game engine also.
    I have tried to find other people in my area that have an interest in this type of computer applications but so far have been on my own! I found your book at Barnes and Noble and knew it was what I was looking for! Thanks Sue..........


    I am running HP AMD Athlon 64X Dual core processor 4200+ with 3 GB Ram TB HD+ drive space running Windows XP Media Center , and my internet connection is DigitalPath Rural Internet Service Plan Download speed up to 3000 K and Upload speed up to 1000K. During the download my connection is showing between 60KB/sec and 106 KB/sec. The largest download I have managed so far from Apress is 673MB.
    I have emailed Apress and they responded as per attached:
    Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. The download should work, the file is big, it could take couple of hours to download, but it works. It also depends on the connection you have, and please do not decompress the files while downloading.
    Could you clear the cache/cookies before retrying and/or try another browser, such as firefox and make sure you have a continues connection as it does take hours to get the download done.
    Please let us know which browser (with version) you are using if the problem still exists.

    With best regards,
    Web Development Team
  33. RonWilson


    Jan 2, 2011
    Hi again Sue
    My brother in Oakland tried to download the assets with his setup and managed on his first try, so the problem seems to be on my side.
    I will try to visit a friends house with Cable Internet and try from that location and hope for the best.
  34. troll2


    Aug 2, 2011

    Still am not able to locate the PostPublishEdits.doc in the massive zip file download - is it possible to upload to your website? Thanks.
  35. k3D-Junkie


    Jun 14, 2011
    Hi all,

    I just finished going through the BookProject Chapter 16 Finished file (the last of the regular project files for the book) and have made a list of the vars that need private removed. Condensing the list of 65 errors was more tedious than doing the actual fixes, but the project works again <whew>. As soon as I can arrange them by chapter, I will add them to the PostPublishEdits.doc and make it available.

    showMOCursorChange, 11
    showPointer, 11
    iMode, 11
    navigating, 6
    showActionMsg, 11
    shortDesc, 10
    longDesc, 10
    actionMsg, 10
    inRange, 10
    gridPosition, 12
    replaceElement, 12
    end, 16
    camMatch, 14
    currentInventoryObjects, 12
    actionObjects, 13
    startPos, 12
    playerSettings, 16

    state, 16

    iMode, 16
    menuMode, 16
    overRide, 16
    rollCredits, 16
    base, 16
    end, 16

    processing , 9
    iElement, 11
    soundFXVolume, 10

    hope that helps!

    Last edited: Aug 8, 2011
  36. rockysam888


    Jul 28, 2009
    Hi 3D Junkie ,

    Thank you for excellent support.:)

    I downloaded resource for 10 hours before unity3.4 released. Should I download it again now, or just wait for PostPublishEdits.doc ?

    Thanks in advance
  37. k3D-Junkie


    Jun 14, 2011
    Hi Rocky,

    I wasn't planning on changing the existing files, but I have been testing them. Just wait for PostPublishEdits.doc (much less painful anyway )

  38. pixelrenderer


    Oct 1, 2010
    Hi Sue, I am having some issues downloading the 3.2 GB file, it would always fail part way into it and I would have to restart and wait for hours again and this has gone on for two days. Is it possible for you to split it up into smaller files or share the files via a third party fire sharing service?
  39. k3D-Junkie


    Jun 14, 2011
    Hi Pixelrenderer,

    Please e-mail Apress- maybe if enough people let them know the files need to be split up, they will do it. Meanwhile, you might want to pm Zoneman...

  40. RonWilson


    Jan 2, 2011
    Hi Sue
    I finally got all the assets loaded at a friends house using her Cable Modem setup.
    I noted the same errors private Var caused Chapter 8 Finished Project running under Unity 3.4 to have compiler errors.
    In GameManager.js I changed one line : private Var navigating : boolean; changed to Var navigating : boolean; and then that final chapter seems to work.
    I just happened to stumble onto it and then tried other Chapters Finals Projects and noted the same sort of errors in lots of places. I haven't gotten far enough into the projects or Java Scripting yet to understand what has changed in Unity Version 3.4 to cause the problem.
    Also when I tried to run Unity 3.4 demo Pro version my editor window did not work correctly and I had to do a search for UniSciTE to use as my java script editor. It had come up with a .Net Framework error prior to doing that.
    PS as a note to you what I have seen running on my Laptop under Unity 3 is exactly what I had hoped for in quality and leads me to believe your book is the book that I have been waiting for! A big thanks to you Sue !!!!
  41. k3D-Junkie


    Jun 14, 2011
    Hi Ron,

    Glad all the pain of the huge downloads will be worth it :)

    I did some investigating over the weekend and found that instead of deleting "private", we can substitute "internal" and the vars will not show up in the Inspector

    Be sure to check out my post with the variables that need to be changed (a few before this one)


    For those of you who are scratching your heads over the JavaScript changes, when you declare (introduce) a variable (a place to store information) , it can be public (can be accessed by everyone- including other apps??? ), var someVariableName, or it can be private (only accessible to that particular script), private var someVariableName. With the old compiler, that information was being lost, so everyone could gain access to a private variable from other scripts.

    For our purposes, the only reason we really needed to use "private" was to prevent the variable from showing up in the Inspector if it was one that is always managed internally. By using "internal", we get exactly what we want- the variable does not show up in the Inspector and we can still access it from any of the project's other scripts. It now becomes, internal var someVariableName

    If you are using UniSciTE as your script editor, "internal" will not show as bold. If you are using the Mono editor, it will be dark red as per "private" and "var".

    Ron, I haven't updated my Pro version yet, so no idea what's up with the mono editor- you may want to post in the general forum. Though after looking at it, I find it visually too messy to look at as far as colors and fonts, so I'll just continue with UniSciTE until I figure out how to change stuff.

  42. k3D-Junkie


    Jun 14, 2011
    As promised, here is the doc file for all the stuff I found on my final run through of the project after the page proofs were locked down. Most are just little things that you guys can probably figure out on your own, but I did find a couple of things that will prevent stuff from working, so be sure to take a look once you get to chapter 10.

    I've also added a new section for the variables that will need to be changed from "private" to "internal" in order for the project to be used in Unity 3.4 with the JavaScript changes. These affect chapter 6 and on. They are listed by the chapters where the variables are first introduced.

    I will be updating this doc as needed, so be sure to let me know when you guys find things that need to be added.


    BTW, if any of you prefer the UniSciTE script editor to the Mono editor, it is still included. To change it:
    Edit>Preferences>External Script Editor

    It can be found where you installed Unity:

    Attached Files:

  43. RonWilson


    Jan 2, 2011
    Thanks Sue
    I had already figured out how to change the editor for Unity 3.4 at least the Pro demo version ; but others may not have been so lucky and am glade you pointed them in the right direction! Also have gone through Chapter 16 and made your corrections by deleting the private statements (haven't tried your latest fix yet) but Chapter 16 in Unity 3.4 Pro demo is now working also. I bumped into the error last night and hit it on Chapter 8 .........which only had one compiler error under GameManager.js for private Var navigating: boolean; after I found that I moved onto different Chapters and started to implement the same corrections ; but not knowing or understanding Java Scripting yet backed away for now. I will get back into the book now and am looking forward to learning more from you Sue....thanks again!
  44. k3D-Junkie


    Jun 14, 2011
    Except for the 3.4 JavaScript issue, the project files should be up to date for the rest of the fixes. I wrote the doc and fixed the project files before uploading everything to the Apress ftp.

  45. Zoneman


    Feb 6, 2010
    FYI. I sent Apress an email regarding the download issue
  46. Zoneman


    Feb 6, 2010
    Hi Sue, Thanks for the extra tech support.
    regarding Mono, I enjoyed the Unitron scripted editor (MAC) it provides direct link to the script reference library( not so good code hinting). Thanks for showing how to get it back.

    I just downloaded the ePub version of the book. I looks great. I'll find a nice bed for my big book.
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2011
  47. gposchman


    Jun 8, 2011
    Having worked through the first 2/3 of the book, I have done a backtrack. I started the first scene of my own project and I am working through the book, but using mostly my own, or I should say assets that are directed towards completing my own game.

    The first scene takes place in in a Pi's Office and the goal is to become a private detective. The game is called “Booh and Babbot in the Haunted House of Dracula”. The first person player is Booh, and his companion, Babbot will be appearing with actions for Booh to complete in order to move on to the next scene. There is a lot of work for me.

    Here is a link to get more information about the game

    And here is a link to the beginning of the work on the first scene

    The Link has been fixed.

    Gene Poschman
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2011
  48. k3D-Junkie


    Jun 14, 2011
    hey Gene, I think the link is wonky-

    anyway I posted in the other thread- saw a little issue with the building's geometry.

    I've played a few Sam and Max episodes and got a chuckle over the requisite items for a PI's office...hat/coat rack, water cooler, filing cabinets...

    you will of course need a waste paper basket with a crumpled clue - I may have just the thing for you :)

  49. gposchman


    Jun 8, 2011
    Hi Sue,

    Booh and Babbot are Gentlemen cleaners, Janitors who work in suits. There will be lots of crumpled paper to pick up. Booh is the first person player and Babbot wil be a third person mentor, hounder and provider of irony and humour, I hope. This is where the game will begin, though it is not yet afoot.

  50. gposchman


    Jun 8, 2011
    I have updated the scene a bit, I had some issues with FPS and camera positioning, it should still be a little higher, and the FPS game Object itself. It should be a little more maneuverable now. I added some crates to the one room, and adjusted the wall in the one office so it is a little less flashier at the edges, I have yet to make a completely smooth wall, but I have more important things to work on in the level at this point.

    I also did some updating on my blog about the game Meet Booh and Babbot


    The Haunted House of Dracula

    Gene Poschman