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UniDDatabase 2.0

Discussion in 'Made With Unity' started by namoricoo, Jun 3, 2011.

  1. namoricoo


    Apr 14, 2011
    Here are twi video demonstrations of some of the things you'll be able to do.

    Please give feedback and let me know if you have any questions.
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2012
  2. imtrobin


    Nov 30, 2009
    You should post some text description, I don't want to watch 10 mins of video to find out what it does.
  3. namoricoo


    Apr 14, 2011
    UniDDatabase 2.0
    Dynamic Asset Management System

    UniDDatabase 2.0 is the only dynamic Asset Management system that will work for all platforms and require zero configuration. uniDDatabase is for both Unity Indie and Unity Pro users. Just submitted to asset store.
    100% compatibility wity Unity
    Access any amount of data in a row with one line of code.
    Combine any number of “ddatabases” to build unique and powerful games
    Low draw calls.
    Changes made in preview mode will get save permanently.
    Will search 1000 rows of data in 0.193 milliseconds.
    Will export with standard Unity Export(So there is Zero configuration required)
    Get the object or an Object reference.
    Very easy to use, low learning curve.
    Full inspector support
    Free Sample demonstrations and templates

    Unity Does not support International Languages at the moment. So Japanese, Korean, Arabic, or other languages that are not supported by Unity3d with not be supported by UniDDatabase. I will update the package in the Asset Store to reflect this fact.
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2011
  4. runner


    Jul 10, 2010
    I've been watching the video examples with some interest

    There are factors that influence my decision's, The video's do not seem to address those requirements

    I already use Dictionary Key hash's to access text data load/save/read/write

    I'm not looking for an Editor Asset Management system during development but also during run-time

    Such as my game users could use for example in writing notes perhaps a diary or personal PIM, Storing
    Run-Time Stats, ect.

    I would like to see a real life example scene where UniDDatabase leverages what it offers not with just
    a few objects but 1000's even.

    Thank You
  5. namoricoo


    Apr 14, 2011
    Here are some of the numbers. Let me give you a quick introduction to game theory. When dealing with game loop. The table has to be small enough to execute in under 33 milliseconds. Any game engine will try to execute 2 to 3 times per second. A big reason traditional databases like Sql aren't a great match for the game industry is that they are too slow. I have my UniSqlite in the Asset store at the moment. People were saying Sqlite is best suited for small games. you can see from my attachment that a Dictionary is able to execute 1000 line of data in about 0.176 milliseconds. So if somebody has several thousand rows of data. There's a high change they are not using all several thousand in one scene. If you have a game with 10 levels, 20 scene. Each scene has 500 objects. You'll want to divide all of the data into several smaller tables in so that the unity game loop can execute in under 33 milliseconds. The editor is the interface between the user and the data. People can code UniDDatabase by hand. It's would hard to manage without the editor. UniDDatbase is designed for speed, simplicity... Speed was the number priority. Accuracy and ease of use was number 2. Number three thing people have been requestion. Zero configuration and they also wanted something that would work will all supported Unity Gaming consoles. Let me know if you have any question.

    $Screen shot 2011-04-26 at 9.52.24 AM.png
  6. namoricoo


    Apr 14, 2011
    Unity is only as fast as the platform it's running on. So the limit on a PC would not be the same as the Limit on an iPhone or Android. So,the more data somebody has. The'll want to have a good division of the data.
  7. ali31


    Mar 30, 2011
    Were you eating while you narrated that first video?
  8. runner


    Jul 10, 2010
    Thanks for taking the time to Answer my Post, and explaining the minor nuances of game loop, But too me you're explanation seems vague at least to myself and is not the answer i sought.

    Since Unity uses CoRoutines such as StartCoroutine(), Update(), FixedUpdate(), Start(), and yield, If i remember correctly those functions are heavily driven on how many Game Frames/Per/Second and that in return how often a routine can complete of course Unity is only single Threaded, and i also make vague assumptions poorly explained as they are.

    Let me put it this way, As a example maybe I use Visio or Playmaker both have minor impact on the main (Game Loop), but if i use these exclusively rather than rely on Hodge-Podge of varies methods UnityScript's then it likely will drag everything down and i will benefit little from the performance gain from using in this case exclusively Visio or Playmaker.

    So, In my limited understanding, if i include UniDDatabase 2.0 I would expect some performance issues but that is and in whole not what i asked, What i did ask is how can i leverage this product of yours in my Game and at benefit to me and my Users.

    You're product like a few others i have seen in the Asset Store lack the real game world performance when Us designers develop a game and pile loads of crap in there and hammer it into hopefully something that works, Then if i make sales and only then is the value of Asset's earned its value too the game developer.

    Personnel Note: I dabbled in Linux with OpenSim 7 years ago and i used MYSQL after 2 Million writes its reads where 20 secs to load a scene level. So you're stats seem somewhat meaningless in that context.

    Perhaps the Question:

    Is UniDDatabase usefull in the context of Users PIM or Diary? and if it not then i will look elsewhere and sorry for having wasted you're valuable time.

    Last edited: Jun 4, 2011
  9. hallamasch


    Nov 29, 2010
    Would you be able to provide a usage Case for this product.
    (examples where it would make sense to use this product over unitys asset managment)
    As well as examples what this product really does?_?

    I quickly skimmed over the videos, but I am not really sure what added value this product would provide.
    But I also don't want to miss out on a potential product that does provide some added value to me.
    Just because I might not understand immediatly what it does.

  10. namoricoo


    Apr 14, 2011
    No I was not eating. I have seasonal allergies. And I had just gotten up in the morning.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2011
  11. namoricoo


    Apr 14, 2011

    My product will allow users to separate their data, from the presentation of the data. For example. When you build a Website, You have HTML,CSS,and a Database. is the style. The database is where all of the information is. The way Unity is at the moment, You have to hard code all of the data in the C# or the JS file. Both C# and JS are text Assets. I hope you are with me. So when I first came up with Sqlite, I did not understand at the moment all of the limitations of SQlite as they relate to databases. When I was inventing UniDDatabase I took everything I learned from Sqlite, Sql, HTML,XML, CSS, and several other disciplines to build a system that is optimized for the gaming environment. When you hard code the data into the game. You would have to manually write your own code to unload the sections you are not using. So it would be more work for the computer. It you have all of your data in a list. You see from the list how slow it can get. With my system. In the inspector. You'll load only what you need. For example. LoadTextures with key between 1-5, between 20-520, etc. So the tables turn. instead of wasting time loading everything and then remove what you don't need. Because the data is just text. UniDDatabase is very fast and it will "only load the data that you need" If you are using Prefabs with Primary Key between 50 to 975 in one room. And Prefabs 975-1500 in the next room. Only have to focus on what your trying to accomplish. You don't have to worry about the data. Finally, With all of the things you say about StartCoroutine(), Update(), FixedUpdate(), Start(). I expect the speed to be a much faster than the 0.176 milliseconds. I don't have a way take precise measurement. If somebody reading this know how I can get better data let me know .You can check this link to learn more about how fast Unity is.
  12. namoricoo


    Apr 14, 2011
    There are a lot of tools for presenting the data, I can thing of iGUI, EZGUI, and several others. Several ways to build games,PlayMaker and several others. However, Nobody is giving you, the busy developer and easy way to manage all of your data. Especially if you are a Unity Basic Users. Unity Pro Users can use Sqlite of Linq. However, you the developer would have to write your own code in order to get any real work done. UniDDatabase is a lightning fast solution for managing all sorts of data. As you can see in my Video. One Line of code will get you access to one row of data. Let's say for example. You have 950 different sound clips for your entire game. By having all of that content hard coded, you'll put in UniDDatabase. The way unity is now. If you wanted to find one clip that you wanted to update or remove. You would have to remember the name of the file it was attached to, Open the file. and change it. By using my product, you have better control over the data. So what my product does: Is an easy way to manage Text,int,float,Texture,Audio,Prefabs,ScriptFiles,Data,time,... You only load the file that you need. That's what it does.For now, It gives you direct access to the data that you need. So if you are in a scene and only need 250 out of the 1000 prefabs that you have. You'll load get access to the 250 prefabs and do what you are looking for. I hope that made sense. So who is this for. Anybody who has a game with at least a medium amount of data and what a better way to organize their content would benefit from my product. So if you want to get all of your prefabs. you'll use one line of text

    "GameObject[] arrayOfGuiPrefab=UniDDatabaseCs.GetArrayOfGuiPrefabInRow(ddatabase,rowTitleOne);"

    So all of the initializations, all of the wasted space is gone. My system is independent from the size of your file. You can add more prefabs or remove prefabs from UniDDatabase and the complexity of your code is not changing. That same line of code will get 1,10.50, or 1000 prefabs. No other product on the market does this. The only one that come close is UniSqlite. However, with UniSqlite people would have to implement their own functions. However, UniDDatabase is for all platforms, come with Templates, So you hit the ground running from day one. The best part, this is for Unity indie and Unity Pro users. I'm finalizing the documentation at the moment. It should be in the Asset store next week.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2011
  13. namoricoo


    Apr 14, 2011
    Most users will get the subset of data that they need in the Start() method.They won't get getting it in OnGUI, every frame like I do in my presentation. So there will be No performace hit. If you have 50 audio clips in a scene. You don't have to get all 50 every time. As usual, only need one line of code.

    AudioClip[] arrayOfGuiAudioClips=UniDDatabaseCs.GetArrayOfGuiAudioInRowByKey(ddatabase,rowTitleOne,searchOperation,0,50);

    You get this one time when the game is starting and it's available for the entire scene. If in the next scen you need 51-101. Same logic. You don't have to waste any brain juice. At the start() start you call this one time

    AudioClip[] arrayOfGuiAudioClips=UniDDatabaseCs.GetArrayOfGuiAudioInRowByKey(ddatabase,rowTitleOne,searchOperation,51,101);

    So you only load what you need at the start. It's only called one time. Most people can get away with only using between logic. The current version on Unity does not let you do this. You get everything, or can search by pattern. Only integer can search with >,>=,<.<=, or a range of data. That's why people need my product. It's called only one time at the beginning, you get only what you need. You don't have to worry about initializations or anything like that. And you are ready to focus on the gameplay. I hope this is starting to make a little more sense.
  14. namoricoo


    Apr 14, 2011
    If anyone has any more questions or suggestions. Please let me know.
  15. namoricoo


    Apr 14, 2011
    Just submitted to Asset store.
  16. namoricoo


    Apr 14, 2011
    Still working with the Asset Store to get this up...
  17. namoricoo


    Apr 14, 2011
    UniDDatabase is now in AssetStore under complete project. The price is only $65.
  18. 3Duaun


    Dec 29, 2009
    congratulations on the asset store release!
    Are there any plans to extend UniDDatabase support to an offline PHP/SQL database server setup?
  19. namoricoo


    Apr 14, 2011
    If the demand is there, yes. It's all about supply and demand. There has to be a least 100 people who would be willing to buy it before I would consider making the investment of time. My UI would require very little modification to work with PHP. I would only have to re-write the back-end. It would take at least 2 to 3 weeks.
  20. sonicviz


    May 19, 2009
    Could you please provide the manual to read before deciding.
    I have a lot of experience with DB's, but can't quite get my head around your product by watching your videos.
    I need something more to be able to evaluate if it is the solution I need for my current project.
    Do you have a webplayer demo?

  21. namoricoo


    Apr 14, 2011
    This is the first version of the manual. All of the templates are pretty self explanatory. However, I'll be available to answer questions for all paid customers. Once you understand one aspect. you'll get everything. You can click on the picture to download the pdf. Let me know if there's anything you would like to see in future updates of the book.

    View attachment $UniDDatabase2_0.pdf
  22. sonicviz


    May 19, 2009
    ty, I'll read.
  23. namoricoo


    Apr 14, 2011
    just let me know if anybody has any questions. I'm always happy to answer all questions. I've sent an update to the Asset Store. The current Version has UniDDatabaseCs, I've included an update called UniDDatabaseJs for people who want to use Javascript. I also include 1 line instantiation.


    The is is a sample of how you would instantiated any number of prefabs you have in a ddatabase with one line of code. We'll have 4 variations.

    1)MassInstantiation(GameObject[] arrayOfGuiPrefab,Vector3[] arrayOfGuiPostion)
    2)MassInstantiation(GameObject[] arrayOfGuiPrefab,Vector3[] arrayOfGuiPostion,Quaternion[] arrayOfGuiRotation)
    3)MassInstantiation(GameObject[] arrayOfGuiPrefab,Vector3[] arrayOfGuiPostion,String[] arrayOfTagNames)
    4)MassInstantiation(GameObject[] arrayOfGuiPrefab,Vector3[] arrayOfGuiPostion,Quaternion[] arrayOfGuiRotation,String[] arrayOfTagNames)

    So one line instantiation will be live soon. I want to thank everybody who has purchased the product so far. Anybody sitting on the fence. More updates are coming. So buying the product will encourage inovation. I'm working on some new videos and demonstrations.
  24. imtrobin


    Nov 30, 2009
    To be honest, I still don't get what the system offers. If it's to make the file system like a database to manage alot of assets, I get that but you will need to have more admin functions to manage the database. I can't see myself putting all the assets to be reference by keys, and updating them manually.
  25. namoricoo


    Apr 14, 2011
    You don't undate manually. There is a GUI that you can use to manage your assets. You can access by key if you need a range of data; however, if you only need one. You can just get that one data.
  26. runner


    Jul 10, 2010
    I'd like to request a feature
    I want my Game Players to be able to create / delete / write to the Databases

    that would be so :cool: if it did this
  27. namoricoo


    Apr 14, 2011
    Brother runner, thank you for the feature request. That is one of the features I'm in the process of transferring from the Editor script to the game script. The developer is able to do all of those things. I'm finalizing all of these things for the player. I'm just bouncing ideas around. At the current moment in the GUI, I have total control over how the user enters the data. The GUI walks you through the input process. However, when I release the update in the next week or two, each developer will have to control how they interface the script with the public. For example. If you are creating a Checkpoint extension, it would be a slightly different logic from an inventory script. I'm trying to make it as general as possible. I tried to get in touch with the Big Boss at Unity, to see if they would partner up with me so that we could take this logic to the next level. They never responded.
    So, in the next week or two all of these features should be public. Meanwhile. The Editor script is working and it is available.
  28. namoricoo


    Apr 14, 2011
    I found a bug with the Texture2d, I fixed it. I'm almost done with the Code to allow in Game Updating.
  29. runner


    Jul 10, 2010
    So i had time and managed to add value on the database solutions based on code found in the forums that does read,write,(record)delete,search, using the sqlite.dll.

    UniDDatabase has some great features and "Game updating" would make purchasing an easy choice for my personal requirements.
  30. namoricoo


    Apr 14, 2011
    In Game editing is 70% finished... I'm making it so that Developers let users modify a temp ddatabase and not the original ddatabase. Let me give you an example. If you have a game like Angry Bird. If you let users modify the orginal ddatabase, when you re-load the game. Everything will be wrong. However, if you let the user modify a temp ddatabase. When you get back you can load a copy of the ddatabase and start everything over again.
    So in summary, you should not let the user modify the orinal ddatabase. You should only let the user modify a copy of it. That way when they create a new game. It will actually be a new game. I'm going to try to finish the other 30% today.
  31. runner


    Jul 10, 2010
    brother namoricoo,

    That is one example you suggest, the designer should have the flexibility perhaps by ticking off a checkmark which opens access to selective database fields, Imagine if you will a diary or slideshow application that they have full control of. I'm thinking beyond save scores, load scene, and position.
  32. namoricoo


    Apr 14, 2011
    Brother runner, I have also included a bool option in the This update. I finished that on Saturday and it works great.
  33. runner


    Jul 10, 2010
    Could you fill us or me on the details as to what is planned in the update release

  34. namoricoo


    Apr 14, 2011
    1)Fixed the error when searching audioclips
    2)Adding support for bool
    3)In Game Updating with Sample files
    4) As an extra bonus for people who own Edy's vehicle physics, like myself. Even People who own Playmaker,which I also have, Or any other person who is looking for an Advanced collision detection that works with Zero code. I'll also include 3 files.
    You can attach the script to the main player. Load UniDDatabase with TagName,ID,AudioClip combinations and the code will do the rest. So it's safe to say that the $35 discount wont last too long...
    5)Finally I will keep the window of communication open for people who are looking for specialized script with mass appeal, like the Advanced Collision detection script.
    I hope I was able to answer your questions.
  35. runner


    Jul 10, 2010
    3) i was especially keen on the finer details, as for the rest i have a hard time in visioning (grasp) the practical relationship in real game world situations without me seeing a video trailer.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2011
  36. namoricoo


    Apr 14, 2011
    Video demonstrations are coming this week. As soon as I finish coding. Same logic as the editor. You see a list of data, you pick one, an area where you can edit pops up, you make changes, hit a button to save changes.
  37. namoricoo


    Apr 14, 2011
    We finally finished. It took me a little longer to begin posting new videos because I'm currently working on my own game. I also got side track trying to achieve sound in Edy's physics. I'm uploading the video soon. It's uploading at the moment. I also noticed my package had been moved with regular Editor Extensions. That's where it should have been in the first place.
  38. namoricoo


    Apr 14, 2011
    Here is UniDDatabase working with Edy's physics. My script will only have the audio management script.

  39. namoricoo


    Apr 14, 2011
    Quick Video on how to update UniDDatbase while the game is running. I'm finalizing the documentation and we'll send these updates to the Asset store as soon as I'm finish updating the documentation.

  40. namoricoo


    Apr 14, 2011
    The update is now live in the Asset Store. It's under Editor Script, Others...
  41. namoricoo


    Apr 14, 2011
    Let me know if anybody has any question.
  42. runner


    Jul 10, 2010
    hey, I noticed on the Asset Store UniDDatabase has a link stating that the product is under Creative Commons licenseV2 or V3.

    With the understanding that:

    Notice — For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. The best way to do this is with a link to this web page.

    And you raised the price to $45 would you clarify this for me Thanks
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2011
  43. g2mediagroup


    Jun 25, 2011

    I have a project coming up that we need to have database driven textures, videos, etc via a web backend based on PHP/MySQL...can this be integrated with your system? Also, any work being done for UnityCar compatibilty?

    (purchased your package, btw...)

  44. namoricoo


    Apr 14, 2011
    The creative common license applies to the cars and some of the Audio files obtained from the public domain. I wanted to provide example so that people could see what can be done with UniDDatabase. I also show how to use UniDDatabase with Edy's physics. However, His script is not included.

    UniDDatbase is a proprietary code that I developed because I noticed there was a gap in the way video games managed data. At the top of every file you'll find the following notice.

    "Terms Conditions:
    // - Use for unlimited time, any number of projects, royalty-free.
    // - Keep the copyright notices on top of the source files.
    // - Resale or redistribute as anything except a final product to the end user (asset / library / engine / middleware / etc.) is not allowed."

    My script give people the freedom they need to make money with video games. Finally why did the price go up from $35. Two weekk ago I told you and I quote:" it's safe to say that the $35 discount wont last too long... " The original price was $65. One day it will go back up to $65. I identified
    Last thoughts, I identified 7 projects I wanted to work on. UniDDatabase was the most important. Because sales on the Asset Store are unimpressive. I cancelled the other five. I completed UniSqlite and UniDDatabase. This week I will release an update to allow people to Add rows, columns of data in game. People will also be able to create a new ddatabase. They'll be able to delete one they no longer want. So if you have a temporary ddatabase in a checkpoint style system. It will be possible this week. So I will achieve most of of the functionality I need to start making games... So $45 is my gift to the community. If you take $45 to Vworker and try to hire somebody to make UniDDatbase. $45 won't get you far. I was looking to get a good margin by getting a lot of people using my product. So far I have less than 10 users. Very un-impressive. UniDDatabase is fully compatible with GUI product in the asset store. It's also working with UiToolkit. The possibilities are endless what you can do with it.
  45. namoricoo


    Apr 14, 2011
    Brother George the product is already compatible with UniCar:" The collision system and the background music that is." Those two scripts will work with any game. 100% compatibility. For the driving noise, If UnityCar uses the same skidmark script as the Unity tutorial. Everything will work just as the video. However, it they used a different skidmark system. Everything else except the skidmark sound will work.
    When working I try to make my code as generic as possible. I also have a mouse touch collision script to make noise when you touch certain objects on the screen. I'm happy you purchased the product. It will simplify your file.

    For the PHP/MySql support. My System is just organizing your data. The Unity folder structure is not changing so it works on all platforms. Even on the web.
    1) Are you looking to access UniDDatabase from MySql?
    2)I have a lot of PHP and MySql knowledge so you can be technical in what you are trying to do.
    3)The way it is at the moment, PHP will just let you connect to your server. UniDDatabase will have the location of all your information, you would use something like Uitoolkit to display the information to the user. I don't see where you have to use MySql in this chain.
  46. namoricoo


    Apr 14, 2011
    I just checked UnityCar and they are using the skidmars script. You would just delete the skidmarks script. when you download UniDDatabase it will download skidmarks file from my plugin folder and you'll be good to go as in the video. Thanks for supporting my product. Let me know if you have any more questions.
  47. namoricoo


    Apr 14, 2011
    People looking for high quality sound looks for any game can check out sound ranger. The have the biggest collection of royalty free sound loops for any type of games. Their prices are very low and fair
  48. runner


    Jul 10, 2010
    I've been hesitant to buy this solution for varies reasons, Default_DbExamples uses this directory for persistence can i choose the path in which this location stores the files. As when the game is compiled and after during runtime if its within assets it will be compressed and so users will not be able too update. Have you made allowance for this?
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2011
  49. namoricoo


    Apr 14, 2011
    You can save your file where every you want. The Default_DbExamples are for the example provided with the script. Version 2.0 only responded to the Resources folder. I was in talks with a Unity Eng and he told me to make it respond to any folder, anywhere, so it's been like that for a long time. If the file is in the the projects folder, does not contain any spaces in the name, you're good to go.
  50. namoricoo


    Apr 14, 2011
    If somebody has sensitive information they don't want to share with the world. You can always send me a PM and we can talk one-on-one. I'm not here looking to get rich. That's what the Apple AppStore is there for. I'm just here sharing what I've learned and help save other people needless aggravation.