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ORK Okashi RPG Kit for Unity released

Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by gamingislove, Nov 7, 2010.

  1. gamingislove


    Nov 7, 2010
    ORK Framework 2.0.0 and ORK 1.2.7 released, ORK Community forum opened

    Please note that this asset has been replaced by ORK Framework - you can find more information in this >thread< or on

    If you own ORK and the Menu/Shop Extension, you can get a free upgrade to ORK Framework (aka ORK 2). Please send me your order/invoice numbers to

    ORK 1 release:

    Fellow developers, I'm pleased to announce the official release of ORK Okashi RPG Kit!

    What is ORK?
    ORK is the short form of Okashi RPG Kit - a role playing game development kit for Unity.
    The goal of ORK is to make developing RPG's less painful and time consuming by providing a complete and flexible base. It consists of several editors to create the data of your game (e.g. items, characters, enemies, etc.) and a fully functional battle system and event system.

    If you can think of it – you can most likely create it with ORK. If you can't – contact us and we'll probably make it happen in the next update of ORK (if it fits the overall direction of the kit).

    ORK is compatible with Unity 4, and officially supports publishing to the Web Player, PC and Mac Standalone, Android and iOS platform. Although it might run on other platforms (e.g. Xbox360, PlayStation 3, Wii), they are yet untested and not officially supported.
    ORK is available in C# script version.

    Demo created with ORK
    You want to see what you could do with ORK?
    Try the ORK demos (WebPlayer and standalone): >Demos<

    This small demo RPGs shows some of the possibilities of ORK - every gameplay aspect was created using the RPG Kit - the game menu, ingame events, the battle system ... even the camera system in the town area of the game was created by using ORKs event system.

    ORK extends the functionality of Unity with a massive amount of editors, components and prefabs to create gameplay typical for a role playing game.
    Follow this link to read a short overview of the editors of ORK (also contains screenshots): >click<

    ORK has a new FAQ system, check it out and start asking questions there - you can also do feature requests :)

    ORK comes with detailed documentation of everything there is to know about it. And this documentation is available to the public - read it and see if ORK can do what you need.
    You can find the complete documentation in the ORK Wiki.

    Tutorial 1 - Item Creation
    Tutorial 2 - Player/Event Interaction
    Tutorial 3 - Cinematic Dialogue Event
    Tutorial 4 - Changing Scenes
    MSE Tutorial 1 - Let's go shopping!
    More tutorials can be found in the ORK Wiki.

    Licences and prices
    You'll find the shop, information on the licences and prices here: >click<


    Ok, that's it for the official part :D
    It's been some hard months developing this - I hope you'll find it useful and that a lot of great RPGs will be developed.

    To make one thing clear at the beginning:
    ORK is NOT designed for MMO's, it could be adapted for this use, but it's not planned yet.

    ORK is a very complex tool with a great amount of new possibilities for Unity - if you have any questions or are not sure if your game idea can be realized with ORK, just ask me (in this thread, or send me a PM or >mail<). I'll be happy to help :D

    That's it for now - enjoy.


    Latest versions:
    ORK 1.2.7, MSE 1.0.10

    See the >changelog< for all changes in this version or visit the ORK Wiki.


    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jan 15, 2014
  2. Hans


    Feb 20, 2007
    looks good, just 1 question - does it have a spell system?
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2010
  3. gamingislove


    Nov 7, 2010
    depends on what you mean with a spell system ...

    ORK allows the creation of skills. Every skill uses an element when attacking (the damage of the attack will be influenced by the target's element settings), they can be set up to be only used in a battle or in the field (or both), they can be counter attacked, revive dead party members, target allies or enemies (and single or group targets), add/remove status effects to the target and can consume the user's and target's status values (attributes) - e.g. cost the user 5 MP and do 150 damage to the target's HP.

    The user and target damage settings are also fully flexible, since you can create your very own status value system with ORK.

    You can see some of the settings here: >Skill creation<
    More info's can be found in the >editor documentation (pdf, 85 pages)< in chapter 1.8.
  4. RyuMaster


    Sep 13, 2010
    Sound great! I'll look into the kit right now.
  5. gamingislove


    Nov 7, 2010
    what do you think of it, got any questions?
    I'm unsure if I put enough information on the site ...
  6. SteveJ


    Mar 26, 2010
    After looking through your (excellent) documentation, I'm pretty interested in this kit too. What I really wish you had though was a video on your site showing how to use the kit for a basic setup. Just a quick 5 minute intro thing would go a long way toward convincing people to buy something like this. When I'm considering buying a kit like this, I want to see right away that it's much easier than coding things myself.

    EDIT: Sorry - one more quick question, is this fully compatible with Unity 3? No problems that you know of with specific platforms (Mac, iOS, Android, etc)? Obviously you won't have been able to test EVERY platform - not implying that you should have :)
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2010
  7. gamingislove


    Nov 7, 2010
    It depends on how you see it :D
    The rpg kit is fully compatible with Unity 3.0 - but only for standalone on Mac and Windows builds (as I stated in the first post and on the my site). iOS and Android are yet completely untested (and wont be for some time ... lack of licence and hardware), but I'm working on Webplayer tests.
    There is one problem I know of in Webplayer > seems like it's got a problem with Arrays (or how I use them in certain ways)? But I'm on it!

    I'll make a video soon!

  8. SteveJ


    Mar 26, 2010
    Thanks! Would love to see a basic tutorial video.

    I must admit that the demo game on the site is very well done. I actually quite enjoyed the battle system - very smooth :)
  9. dgutierrezpalma


    Dec 22, 2009
    Only two questions:

    1) Is the source code included with the license?
    2) If the answer to the previous question was affirmative, have you used C# or Javascript?
  10. gamingislove


    Nov 7, 2010
    1) yes, source code included - you're free to change it to your needs, but you're not allowed to resell or redistribute it, only in the form of built games.
    2) ORK was written in JavaScript, but can be translated into C# in the future.

    @geppetto, battle system comes with the kit and it is individually adjustable :D
    Read the >battle system documentation (46 pages)< for details!

    Current development focus lies on Webplayer support.
    After this I'll work on needed add ons (menu system, shop system).
  11. liverolA


    Feb 10, 2009
    nice tool ,i will wait until the c# version released
  12. dgutierrezpalma


    Dec 22, 2009
    I will also wait for the c# version. Android and iOS support would be a plus, but it won't be required.
  13. Deleted User

    Deleted User


    Very nice. What about multiplayer support, are you going to add it in future?
  14. gamingislove


    Nov 7, 2010
    good news, Webplayer support is on the way - should be ready tomorrow!
    Solved the last issues and will do some intense testing today.

    Timetable for further developments:
    1) menu system addon: mid-December
    2) shop system addon: end December
    3) C# version: January 2011

    A better homepage with more detailed information is on its way too :D

    edit: multiplayer support currently not planned for the near future, maybe in the middle of next year?
  15. Esila


    Mar 22, 2009
    Very cool! I like it, but add C# version is better.
  16. RoyS


    Jan 12, 2009
    If we purchase this now, will we get these upgrades free? Or should we wait for those? What is the approximate time those will be completed?
  17. Hans


    Feb 20, 2007
    Will buy it when you have the C# version out


    If we buy know do we get a free upgrade to the C# version ?
  18. gamingislove


    Nov 7, 2010
    Updates of the kit are free and will be sent to you once completed, updates would be:
    - bugfixes
    - extended functionality of the included editors/features (will be extended on a regular basis - if you need something in the kit, just drop me a line and I'll see what I can do :D)
    - C# version

    But things like the menu system or shop system are addons and will be sold separatly (but will need the base kit to work).

    Menu system and shop system should both be completed before christmas - if not, it will be around mid-January (christmas time is vacation time :D).

    Just a question - why is everyone so in need for a C# version?
    When I started the development I had the impression most of the people are using JavaScript ...
  19. Hans


    Feb 20, 2007
    Me personal i like to keep the C# all the through so i understand what is happening, also its a real pain to keep switching between C# and JavaScript - and i am learning C# and Not Java :)
  20. RoyS


    Jan 12, 2009
    I'm learning Javascript.

    Do you have an approximate of how much the addons will be?
  21. Ratchet


    Apr 8, 2009
    For commercial use I find 500 Euros very very expensive for such simple package.

    In fact it's very easy to program such simple things for a programmer or people that have leraned basic panels / event progarmming.

    Even more it's very old Rpg sytem, like in NES and SNES games !
    It's a system where you loose all your time on menus instead of watching action and playing.

    By reading the title i thought it was a RPG kit for action rpg games like World of Warcraft or Diablo or Follout 3 like system ; i mean something more in real time !
    Not something for playing in old borring old way with menus !
    Such old basic system can be programmed by a just good programmer really quickly withotu needing all your tools !

    I just think it's stealing money from noobs and new comers to 3D game making !

    But well just reading the price, lot of people that know programming in this site
    will agree that only money drives you in that project !
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2010
  22. gamingislove


    Nov 7, 2010
    The menu system around 50 Euro (will be massive), shop system around 25 Euro.

    Commercial licence is for entities with above 100.000 Euro yearly revenue. Indies get it for 100 Euro - a more than fair price for what's in it. All licences allow use in commercial games.

    It may be easy to program something like it, but it still needs a lot of time - I spent the last 8 months working on it. Even if you hire a cheap programmer that will do it in a 40h week it will be more expensive than the kit.

    I'm sorry if you expected a real time system - currently it's only turn based or active time, but will get a real time extension next year.
    It also may be true that a good programmer could develop a RPG system quite quickly, but this kit is not a simple RPG system, it's a flexible and complete system that can be adjusted to individual needs without any scripting/programming effort.

    If you don't like it - don't buy it. And old school rocks :D
  23. Lioncirth


    Apr 7, 2009
    I like the look of this and will probably buy it - I just have to get my head around Unity first :)
  24. Ratchet


    Apr 8, 2009
    I just gave my point of view :)

    I work in programming, i find 8 months incredibly big for simple parametrable things !!!!!!!!!!
    If i had to do similar things it would take only one or two weeks after knowing Unity framework
    and after having done a concept programming document !

    I don't said it's bad , but very expensive for an old and basic RPG system based on menus !
    30$ would be lot more just for such system , good for indies, especially, beginners or people that don't have a work or enought money !

    I just can give you some tips :

    Next time make a real time system with only an RPG panel stats, a panl with a tree to manage/unlock powers , panels for inventory (also sell/purchase), panels for gems management, and include an icon system like Diablo 3 or MMO like icons instead !
    Something like in the game TorchLight for example , with some ready to use 2D panels and all 2D stuff !

    This would be lot more to date system, and i think you'll find lot more people interested to buy that for even 150$ for indie version.

    Well good luck with your kit !
  25. SteveJ


    Mar 26, 2010
    @Ratchet - If you believe it's too expensive, then don't buy it. It's that simple. There's no need to come in here talking about how you COULD do it in a couple of weeks and would sell it for $30. That's just pointless.

    $100 euro is absolutely nothing if it saves a programmer even a day of coding.
  26. Lioncirth


    Apr 7, 2009

    I personally dont think you need to keep mentioning that he should have done the kit for another RPG style.

    He obviously did this style because he either likes this style of RPG or feels that many developers do. I personally do like this style and they are still a very popular niche if done correctly :)

    Everyone is of course entitled to their own views

    I am rubbish at programming so I believe this kit is amazing and will save me hours and hours :)
  27. gamingislove


    Nov 7, 2010
    I'm happy to announce that the Web Player now is officially supported!
    Try the demo: >Web Player demo<
    I've updated the first post with this info to :D

    Maybe you should read the documentation of the kit to see what's possible with it.
    Things like your screenshot aren't really a problem once the menu system addon is available. It's just a matter of how to display the information - the base behind it is the same. Same thing for the battle system, ORK comes with 2 battle system styles (turn and active time), real time will come next year. There is no big difference between such systems, except the passage of time.
    It's just a design decission, but there is no reason why such a system wont be possible with this kit.

    And as I already stated in the first post - this is not for MMO :D

    Yeah, I prefer this style of RPG over the real time one.
    The kit is designed to enable RPG development without any scripting effort in Unity. Yet not quite there, but with menu and shop system addons it will be!
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2010
  28. Ratchet


    Apr 8, 2009
    I know it's not for MMO !
    But it could if people use the code on top of their own multiplayer code i think !
    If one day you make a real time kit with some good basic 2D icons and panels, i'll take a look :)

    Indeed, some newbbie or non programmer people targetting menu based RPG will find your kit helpfull !

    I just give you my personnal defintion of the perfect RPG Action package :
    I think it will be lot more liek a customizable MOD of an RPG action game made with Unity !
    For 250 or 300 i think i would buy it !
    Here is my vision of the perfect kit :

    - Panels for stats management , selling/buying, inventory, gems,power tree panels !
    - Some spell and sword effects
    - basic sounds : spell,weapon, human, monster fighting
    - Some basic 3D assets to put on tiles
    - Some different weapons/shield models
    - some hero human model
    - one or two bad monsters models
    - Some basic ennemie AI (simple like in mmos could work great also)
    - basic customizable appearance of heroe (hair, texture face)
    - A panel to adjust mouting bones for equipement like armor , weapon (caus it will be 3D visible when equiped)

    In fact some working Rpg Action you can start modifying anything , taht would come with tools
    to customize items and give them attributes, and customize powers , ennemies (regions??) !
    Some sort working game coming with Oblivion management kit like in a very simple way !

    That's my personnal vision only !

    Good luck with menu RPG kit :) !
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2010
  29. gamingislove


    Nov 7, 2010
    If you are an indie developer with an anual income below 100.000 Euros it only costs you 100 Euros :D

    Refering to your points:
    - Panels for stats management , selling/buying, inventory, gems,power tree panels !
    That's what comes with menu and shop system addon.

    - Some basic ennemie AI (simple like in mmos could work great also)
    That's already in the kit. Some simple examples come with it and you can easily set up your own in the editors.

    - A panel to adjust mouting bones for equipement like armor , weapon (caus it will be 3D visible when equiped)
    If you mean equipment menu (or something like that), this comes with menu system addon.
    If you mean visible equipment on your 3D model - that's already in the kit, look at the >Equipment Viewer in the Helper Documentation<

    The rest of your points are all refering to resources (sound, models, textures), and those are not what this kit is about :D
    Setting up skills, items, etc. is all included in the kit - but no models. The RPG kit is about the background system, not the visuals (or about graphics, to be precise - since you can do visual stuff with fading/moving dialogues, cameras, etc.)

    But I appreciate your comments, maybe the kit will one day deliver what you need - this is just the first step on a long road :3
  30. DavidB


    Dec 13, 2009
    This is a fantastic little framework. The demo you put together was absolutely great.

    If a C# version ever comes out, and I have a hankering to put together that RPG I've been dreaming of... I'll definitely check this out! Amazing work!

    (PS: A lot of users use C# because it has amazing editor support, and the backing of a "true" language... lots of libraries and code out there that can be used. Visual studio is likely a big reason though with intellisense.)

  31. 3Duaun


    Dec 29, 2009
    looking forward to the C# version, this kit is one I really want to get soon! Great work @GamingIsLove

    I enjoy my dev time in MonoDevelop, and dont ever use JS in Unity if I dont have to(which is nearly never now)
  32. gamingislove


    Nov 7, 2010
    Since so many people here want a C# version of the RPG Kit, I'll look into porting the scripts from JavaScript to C#.
    Maybe I'll prepone the C# version a bit :D
  33. Hans


    Feb 20, 2007
    Thats great news - looking forward to it :)
  34. gamingislove


    Nov 7, 2010
    Even better news: already started with porting to C#, if everything works out well it will be finished by the end of next week!
  35. Hans


    Feb 20, 2007
    Thats Awesome, also will you do your addons in C# as well?
  36. 3Duaun


    Dec 29, 2009
    great news on the C# work for ORK. After using MonoDevelop(used to use visual studio on Win, but moved to monodevelop on Mac), I only prefer coding in a "real" IDE now.
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2010
  37. MrDude


    Sep 21, 2006
    I am busy with a similar system to yours and when I saw your post it gave me a kick up the rear end knowing someone else has already done it :) Oh the thing I loath more than anything else is having to take something that works and then port it one file at a time until it works again in another language... Good luck with that :D

    I was thinking of contacting you with a collaboration thingy but my own system is so integrated with my item prefabs system and you clearly have your own so I didn't think it would be possible... So, I guess I'll just see you as competition for the most part and "get your arse in gear" inspiration the rest of the time :) Thanks for the wake-up and good luck :D

    P.s I felt I had to comment now, because although my system is geared more towards 3D (well actually 2D and 3D, but mostly 3D) I have to admit that I agree with you old school rocks. I love RPGs because of old megadrive games but Oblivion just doesn't feel the same to me... Old School is king! :D
  38. Hans


    Feb 20, 2007

    when is your starter kit out ?
  39. MrDude


    Sep 21, 2006
    Not to dominate the thread with my stuff, but I have no clear timeline for that yet, I'm afraid. I wanted to get back to work on this since last week and decided to put some serious effort into it this week... The main problem I am having is that the logic is quite easy to code, but deciding what functionality people would require and implement it, that is the biggest hurdle. This week I started working on a custom control that would allow you to display icons in a scrollable GUI.Box but be able to navigate the box via die slider control or via up-down button presses. It also features a customisable old school hand pointer that updates the slider if you press up or down past the confines of what is on display at the moment or moves the hand to the item clicked on in the slider controlled view area. This was one of the things I thought might be of use to GamingIsLove.. :)

    The how to select, move from one inventory to the next, store inventory items, access it again in game... it's all done. it's just the displaying of the menus that still needs work. But... now a new, personal, challenge has presented itself...

    My eyes have been giving me a spot of trouble recently and was the main cause for my lack of sitting down and doing work. Yesterday I went to the bathroom, washed my hands, looked up into the mirror, gawked at myself, got in my car and drove from pharmacy to optometrist to specialist, getting the same 'take two steps back, open eyes wide, speak without breath' reply sending me to the next most qualified person up the line.

    I had this huge ball on top of my eye ball that looked like my eye was leaking out of my eyeball so now I am on meds with a 'it should be okay in a week or two' with the possibility of "I see this often, but once every 5 years this is the first indication of something much larger wrong internally"... So you can just imagine, me sitting in front of that super bright iMac with my eye being like this.... quite the frightening thought....

    But anyways, this is not my thread so I don't want to continue discussion of my stuff in here. if you have questions or suggestions, please PM me instead.

  40. gamingislove


    Nov 7, 2010
    My RPG Kit is geared toward 3D as well :D
    Regarding collaboration, would've been interesting but challenging. Actually my system can easily be integrated into any GUI system, since the GUI would just display the information - data access is quite easy in ORK, read the >scripting documentation< if you're interested...

    I've been quite surprised that no other complete RPG system was already available, lucky me :)
    Good luck to you too!
  41. MrDude


    Sep 21, 2006
    I keep wanting to call you Okashi...

    Anyways, I just sent you a PM but since I can't see an option in the profiles to allow you to be notified of PMs I just thought I'd tell you so you don't miss it for a few days :p
  42. Deleted User

    Deleted User


    Stop adding an exclamatory mark at the end of every sentence, for crying out loud... :/
  43. DigitalShock


    Sep 2, 2009
    AHH you beat me to it!

    I too am developing an 3D RPG kit as well. We been in development for this same app, and had a demo just like yours out sometime in 2004. We just brought our engine up to date and was about to release it sometime next month!!! However ours was geared towards iOS, with PC/Mac version later.

    I guess there will be 3 competitors, but definitely cool setup you got there.

    Good luck with it.
  44. RoyS


    Jan 12, 2009
    This reminds me of "Knights of the Old Republic". I liked that game, except I'm more used to the Elder Scrolls type battle system.
  45. 3Duaun


    Dec 29, 2009
    sooo looking towards C# release ! :)
  46. gamingislove


    Nov 7, 2010
    Sure thing! Addons will be both JS and C#, and you'll get both versions on purchase.

    Porting to C# going smoothly till now, if there wont be too much problems the release should be around Wednesday next week ...
    But I think my arms will fall off soon :D
  47. RoyS


    Jan 12, 2009
    I'm highly considering purchasing. Now do we state what version we want (ie, I want the Javascript version)?

    I would like to integrate one of the inventory systems like "Quest It" (I'm purchasing your version as you have a lot of the other gameplay aspects like load/save, character stats, etc). He has a nice drop back into the game world system, too. How would the inventory be able to be saved along with your own save system? Or is that impossible?
  48. gamingislove


    Nov 7, 2010
    You'll get both JavaScript and C# versions when purchasing.

    I can't really tell, since I don't know the inventory system of "Quest It", but I guess it would be much easier to integrate my inventory system into other GUIs - cause ORK makes massive use of my inventory (e.g. game events, battle system, item use, etc.) and allows easy data access.
    PM me some details and I can tell you if it's possible :D
  49. DigitalShock


    Sep 2, 2009
    can you modify the ui with this on unity free?
  50. Jay_Adams


    Nov 8, 2010
    Looks pretty awesome. I flipped through the manual really quick and it looks like you thought of everything.

    If I go RPG...