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SM2 - 2D made easy and efficient!

Discussion in 'iOS and tvOS' started by Brady, Nov 4, 2009.

  1. Brady


    Sep 25, 2008

    Behold! The new sprite animation timeline editor!

    In addition to giving SM2 its own thread (since SM1's thread is now 37 pages long!), I'm proud to announce that SpriteManager 2 RC2 is now available. As before, SM2 makes working with 2D sprite-based graphics in Unity FAR, FAR easier (everything can be setup in-editor visually). And this latest version features improved performance (now almost 2X faster than RC1 for large numbers of animated sprites), new features and enhancements have been added, and for those of you doing your work in Unity 2.6, you no longer have to manually set all your source textures' import settings.

    For those unfamiliar, you can see what all SpriteManager 2 can do here:

    Be sure to watch the overview and tutorial videos if you haven't already.

    If anyone needs to discuss SM2, has problems, suggestions, etc, please post them here instead of the 37-page SM1 thread. :)

    Thanks, and have fun!
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2010
  2. helmishariff


    Nov 29, 2007
    Just downloaded. Great!
  3. rocket5tim


    May 19, 2009
    I've been using SM2 RC1 for a few days now and it has really helped speed up my dev time! Thanks!

    I haven't updated to RC2 yet, is there any trick to updating? Should I just import the new .unitypackage directly over the top of the existing install in my project or should I clean out the old folders first?
  4. Brady


    Sep 25, 2008
    I believe just re-importing the package should work fine as I think Unity will detect the newer file dates and should notify you that it is replacing the files. You can verify that the correct versions were written by checking the headers of BuildAtlases.cs (in the Editor folder), SpriteBase.cs, PackedSprite.cs, and Sprite.cs. Each of them should say "RC2" after the version number at the top of the file.

    But I suppose it wouldn't hurt anything to remove the old ones.

    I'm glad it's helping you out! Thanks for using it. :)
  5. Dreamora


    Apr 5, 2008
    Bought it with RC1 and can only agree, it saves you really time if you are doing 2D work and lets you focus on the important thing instead of messing around with more or less complex constructs either of 3D model data with bones or alternatively longwinded code constructs with SM1 / SpriteUI
  6. mattimus


    Mar 8, 2008
    Any plans to hook this up with some sort of GUI manager? I don't do any sprite based games, but I would love some of this tech being leveraged into a more optimized and versatile GUIManager for GUI-heavy games. Specifically I am interested rollover buttons and text.

    Rollover buttons in the current GUIManager are kinda goofy in that they don't return to the up state when you push down and then drag away from the button. Some hacky work-arounds make them function most of the time, but they aren't nearly as effective as native Unity GUI buttons despite their draw call savings. They also have problems with pixel-perfect rendering.

    As for text, in the past it has been impossible to do text as a sprite sheet due to non-uniform character size, but with the new SM2 doing non-uniform sprites I bet you could cook up something clever and fancy :)
  7. Dreamora


    Apr 5, 2008
    The natural solution would be SpriteUI 2.0, as SpriteUI is the UI addon to SM 1.0
  8. Brady


    Sep 25, 2008
    Thanks, dreamora!

    Mattiumus, you make some good points. I'll definitely have to do some more thinking about this... I've had a lot of requests along these same lines. Thanks for the input! I really appreciate it, and it helps me decide which direction to go in the future.
  9. jbury


    Nov 7, 2008
    A few (probably silly) questions:

    a) single seat license, does this allow installing it on a PC AND a Mac version of Unity (for one person)?

    b) Will the original sprite manager be moving to a paid license version?

    c) Is there a speed increase over SM1? I'm a month or so away from releasing an iphone game using SM1 and am just wondering the benefits of upgrading, or if it would be better to just wait until the next game to start using SM2 :)

    Also after watching the videos having a visual indication of your sprites without having to have the game running is so awesome - thanks Brady :)
  10. Brady


    Sep 25, 2008
    Thanks for your interest, jbury. These are actually great questions:

    a) Yes, you may use it on as many computers as you need to get your work done, it's more about the number of people in your team than the number of tools you use. :)

    b) No, SM1 will remain free, and would have to since everybody and their brother has a copy of it anyway. :)

    c) I haven't run any side-by-side comparisons with SM1, but I would venture to say they're probably both about the same. There may be some differences however depending on how you're using it. For example, SM1 had to "manually" transform the sprite vertices in script, whilst SM2, when used with Unity iPhone, takes advantage of dynamic batching, which gets performed using native code which should be much faster.

    Now I don't know if 1 month is a significant portion of your total development time, or if you've just recently started your project. I would say, if you're getting really close to completing your game (i.e. pretty much all the sprite setup code is already done), my advice would be, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. :) Unless you still have some ways to go in finishing the setup of your in-game sprites, and therefore you can really benefit from the dramatically increased ease of use offered by SM2 (and the time savings it offers), I'd use SM2 in your next game and finish your present one with SM1. But that's just me. If, however, you still have lots of sprite work left to do, it might be worth it to save time now by using SM2.

    I hope that helps.
  11. Brady


    Sep 25, 2008
    UPDATE: I have released RC3 to address a bug discovered by field testing RC2. This bug had to do with the new animation pump. Sometimes, setting a particular sprite's .active property to false could kill the animation pump for all sprites. This has been fixed by moving the animation pump to an external class that is automatically instantiated by the first sprite object at runtime - so no changes to the workflow, it "just works".

    I apologize for having to release an update so quickly after the previous release, however, I'd rather my customers have the best possible code I can deliver.

    Thanks everyone, and thanks to those who helped discover this issue.
  12. dcp468


    Aug 25, 2009
    Hi Brady

    I've just being playing with SM2 RC3 and I noticed that after creating a new sprite (PackedSprite) it will automatically create a new game object in the hierarchy named "New Game Object". This object seems to be disabled and has the "SpriteAnimationPump" script attached to it. Is this normal with RC3? At the moment I've created a new scene and created one sprite using the "PackedSprite" script, ... ATM I have three (3) "New Game Objects" in the Hierarchy and they wont go away even after I stop playing the scene. At one stage I had about 25 of them in the Hierarchy, basically every time I stop playing the game it automatically adds two (2) new "New Game Objects" to the Hierarchy which I cannot delete. If I restart Unity most of them disappear.

  13. Brady


    Sep 25, 2008
    That is very strange, there should not be duplicate objects getting created, and they certainly should not persist between plays.

    I'll be checking into this right away.
  14. Brady


    Sep 25, 2008
    It would appear after my initial investigation that GameObject.hideFlags doesn't not appear to work as advertised in the Unity docs. For some reason, it is causing the object to not be deletable. This bug appears to have been fixed in 2.5/2.6 as the problem only seems to occur on Unity iPhone. I'm working on a fix right now. Stay tuned.

    Sorry about this, guys.
  15. Brady


    Sep 25, 2008
    UPDATE: I've written a workaround for the bug in Unity iPhone 1.5 related to .hideFlags. However, the next release is going to be delayed a day or two as I'm finishing off an incredible new feature that's going to blow you away.

    In the meantime, the hideFlags bug shouldn't actually be hurting anything, it just results in a bunch of "dead" GameObjects that should not interfere with normal operation. But if you're at a point in your project where you really can't wait for the fix and need to do a production build, send me a message and I'll send you an interim version with the fix right away. Otherwise, expect the new release as early as Saturday, or as late as Sunday night.
  16. steddyman


    Apr 10, 2009
    Stupid question time.

    How do you control the order that overlapping sprites are drawn? I have a UI gadget sprite that is a fuel bar with the word FUEL in the middle, then I have a fill sprite that appears under the word Fill. I can't seem to find a way of telling SM2 that I want the bar sprite drawn after the fill sprite.

    I was previously using GUIManager but changed my code to use SM2 only.

  17. Brady


    Sep 25, 2008
    In SM2, each sprite is a separate mesh which, if using Unity iPhone, gets dynamically batched. So draw order is handled by Unity, which is based on distance from the camera. So things you want drawn "ontop" should be a bit closer to the camera than the things you want "behind". The difference doesn't usually have to be very much.

    If that doesn't fix it, let me know.
  18. steddyman


    Apr 10, 2009
    Great, thanks for the rapid response.

    I had tried that, but forgot I have my camera facing backwards so needed to put the ones in front at a lower Z value.

    Now working fine. Much easier to use than the previous methods.

  19. greensquidsolutions


    Nov 2, 2009

    I am very curious about SM2, however there's no demo to try out. Do you have one hiding which I didn't see or could I play with an eariler version?

  20. Gaspedal


    Mar 29, 2009
    how fast is SM2 ?

    how much frames on iPhone would I get, when I render 20-30 animated Sprites at same time ?

    I need a very fast Sprite Engine :)
  21. Brady


    Sep 25, 2008
    Unfortunately, I don't have a demo version that can be tested since it is source-code only. I do plan on releasing a free performance demo for iPhone however so you can see its performance on the device. In addition, you can check out the videos on my site that show how it is used.

    It is pretty fast. Combined with dynamic batching in Unity iPhone, you can get really good performance. I can get 100 fully-animated sprites with all the features turned on running on an iPod 1st gen (the slowest) at about 40fps. And that's running at a high animation framerate. At slower animation framerates, you can get even better performance. And with only some of the sprites animating at one time, I could easily see 60fps (the iPhone cap).

    As I wrote above, I'm going to try and get a free performance demo out on the AppStore for people to try out.

    Thanks for all your interest!
  22. mattimus


    Mar 8, 2008
    My current project is a very GUI-heavy game. I have spent about 15 hours in GUIManager on it to try and boost performance of the interface. Hours and hours of work of manually building an atlas, recording atlas coordinates, and rebuilding the interface inside Unity. When it was all said and done, the interface was messy, hard to operate, buggy, and ran less than 0.1 fps faster than the same scene built with native Unity GUI elements. Needless to say, I'm frustrated.

    And then I read this:
    40 fps on 1st gen iPod with 100 sprites on screen?!?! Pixel-perfect sprites, automatic atlas builder!?!

    I am doubly convinced. If you can get a simple up/down button to work with SM2 I'll be purchasing it immediately.
  23. Dreamora


    Apr 5, 2008
    You will have to write such classes, there aren't any GUI commands actually.
    But if you are able to get basic rect checking and the few lines of code to switch the animation, thats not much of a problem :)
  24. steddyman


    Apr 10, 2009
    I was using GUIManager for my game but the interface wasn't as complex as yours sounds.

    I converted mine to use SM2 in about an hour. More importantly if I had access to SM2 at the time I did the work originally I would have saved a day or more in creating the texture atlas.

    GUI's are easy to do with SM2, but you need to create your own graphics. Just do the following:

    1. Create your individual drawing elements in something like Photoshop.
    2. Create GameObjects and attach the PackedSprite script to them
    3. Drop the texture for each element onto the PackedSprite script and set any properties you want to change
    4. Place the GameObjects for the GUI's into the GUILayer
    5. Create a new Orthographic Camera object and tell it to only show the GUILayer

    All very easy and quick to setup. SM2 is a great product and well worth the asking price in my opinion.
  25. tau


    Dec 15, 2008
    @Brady: good job on SM2! just in time of my next project.

    I've got few questions:

    1) is dynamic batching available in iPhone 1.5 Basic with SM2?
    2) what will be a correct way to perform sprite collision check with SM2? is it possible to do that based on pixels? or should I still use a collision mesh?
    3) might be a stupid one: is it possible to zoom in/out a pixel perfect sprite? Sometimes I like to change zooming on some actors during camera shakes.

  26. cheezorg


    Jun 5, 2008
    1. Yes.
    2. You'll add a collider to the object.
    3. Don't think so - PixelPerfect resizes to PixelPerfection, so for resizing you wold turn Pixel Perfect off.

    Brady or others, please correct if any of this is wrong.
  27. Brady


    Sep 25, 2008
    You're exactly right cheezorg.

    2) I'd recommend primitive or compound colliders, in that order, and if neither of those will work due to sprite complexity, then I'd recommend a convex mesh collider. But if it's an animated sprite, you're much better off doing a primitive collider (sphere, box, capsule), since this can be easily resized/positioned during the animation to fit the sprite, whereas a complex arrangement of compound colliders, or a convex mesh collider, cannot be easily changed. Then again, I suppose you could use different arrangements/meshes that you selectively turn on/off based on the animation frame, but that sounds like it would be a lot of work, but certainly possible.

    3) What cheezorg said. The way pixel-perfect works is by resizing the sprite to fit the ortho camera. So by definition it can't be zoomed, lest it not be pixel-perfect anymore. So in such a case, you'd want to use Auto Size instead if you still need the automatic resizing.

    Also, note that if you're using pixel-perfect sprites on ortho cameras that will be resized for things like GUI (in which case I'd just recommend using a separate GUI-only camera for that instead), you'll need to inform the pixel-perfect sprites that the camera has been resized so they can adjust immediately. How to do this is explained in the docs.

    Thanks for the questions!
  28. Gaspedal


    Mar 29, 2009
    What do you think is better?
    is it better and faster to makes a own 2D collider-lib without using Unity colliders ? A simple 2D collider that checks the x,y position between 2 objects within a radius.

    by the way: just bought your lib :)
  29. Brady


    Sep 25, 2008
    Thanks, Gaspedal!

    Hmmm... I'm not sure. If you're doing an actual radius check, I think that might be expensive since it usually involves a sqrt(). But I suppose it would depend on how many collision checks you're doing. But if it's not an actual radius, but more like a squared distance or Manhattan distance, it could probably be pretty fast, again depending on how many checks you're doing per-frame. Just remember, however, that the physics (including collider) code is all in native code, whereas anything you write will be in script, which will be significantly slower. That said, you might do up a little test case and see how the speed is.
  30. Brady


    Sep 25, 2008
    RC4 is now available, and includes a great new animation timeline editor! See the first post for a screenshot and look for a demo video of this new feature on my site within the next few days.

    Have fun, everyone!
  31. Gaspedal


    Mar 29, 2009
    wow, great editor! just tested and I find it fantastic. This will speed up the work with sprites.
  32. Gaspedal


    Mar 29, 2009
    But I found a bug. The "Preview" works only when I play it before I start the scene. After starting the scene the "Preview" doesn't work (animations will not play)
  33. Brady


    Sep 25, 2008
    Noted. Thanks! I'll look into this.
  34. Brady


    Sep 25, 2008
    Found it: it looks like there's strange behavior in Time.realtimeSinceStartup in that when you stop the game, it is returning a value that is actually PRIOR to the last check, so I guess this this value must be since the previous play? At any rate, the fix is to clamp the value for timeSinceLastFrameUpdate. Until I can do another release, the fix is to place this line of code at about line 209 in SpritetimelineEditor.cs:

    Code (csharp):
    1. timeSinceLastFrameUpdate = Mathf.Max(0, timeSinceLastFrameUpdate);
    You may also need to replace the original line 244 with:
    Code (csharp):
    1. timeSinceLastFrameUpdate += Mathf.Max(0, Time.realtimeSinceStartup - lastTimeCheck);
  35. tonyd


    Jun 2, 2009
    Just to confirm, does this to allow us to reuse individual frames without placing them on the sprite sheet twice?

    In other words, can we do something like this:

    frame1 - walk1
    frame2 - walk2
    frame3 - walk1
    frame4 - walk3
  36. Brady


    Sep 25, 2008
    Absolutely. Same as before, multiple references to the same source texture only result in an additional set of UV coords in the animation which refer to the same spot of the atlas, but textures are not duplicated on the atlas.
  37. Gaspedal


    Mar 29, 2009
    thanks, works fine now. I've only replaced line 244 as you said.
  38. tonyd


    Jun 2, 2009
    Wow, I didn't realize it worked like that all along!

    Thanks Brady!
  39. Maph


    Sep 19, 2009
    Great work on the timeline editor Brady!

    But a few bugs on my side though. I'm using Unity 2.5 on Windows, and haven't tried this in Unity iPhone yet.

    * Selecting another object with a packedsprite component doesn't always refresh the timeline editor. I need to manually click the tab in the editor window myself to force refresh.

    * Previewing animation doesn't seem to take frames per seconds in regard. I have applied the fix you mentioned above.
    Everything is played back at the same speed none the less.

    * Creating new animations sometimes goes a tad foobar. If I select a gameobject or prefab with a packed sprite, and press the + button it just doesn't work. I need to reselect the gameobject, and pick another animation in the list before I can do that.
    Not a huge issue, but annoying none the less.

    * Selecting a gameObject with a packedsprite, opening the timeline-editor and changing the values do not get parsed through to the actual packedsprite component. Which in my opinion kind of defeats the purpose of the editor. As I want to create and edit animations at the same time. :)

    * And a bug straight out of bizarre-O world. When I added a new packedsprite to the scene that uses a completely new image file, and a completely new atlas; I get this error.
    "GUI Error: You are pushing more GUIClips than you are popping. Make sure they are balanced (type:repaint)"
    Edit: It's a persistant error, it doesn't go away, and it basicly crashes my scene eventually. My own GUI code always worked, and I didn't change a thing in it since I'm using SM2 RC4.

    * When you move the editor window away from it's default position and then close it, every time you call it up again, and try to move it, it jumps to that last position.
    So you create a huge offset to where your mouse is, and where the actual editor window is at.

    These are the first issues I came across with. Works fine otherwise. :)
  40. Brady


    Sep 25, 2008
    Okay, I've numbered each of your issues so it will be easier to track. First, I want to thank you for so thoroughly providing feedback on what you're experiencing as this greatly helps me to improve the product!

    Unfortunately, I'm not able to reproduce many of these, so I'm wondering if it's a 2.5/Windows thing. I have 2.6 on Windows, but it looks like I'll have to find a copy of 2.5 to install (not sure where to find one since I don't seem to have saved an installer here).

    1) It always updates in my tests, both using iPhone 1.5 and 2.6 Windows/Mac. Can you e-mail me a sample project directly that is exhibiting this behavior? (And if you know where I can get an old 2.5 installer, that'd be helful as well.)

    2) Again, I'm not able to reproduce this. The fps is controlling the preview playback here. Again, maybe it's a 2.5/Windows issue? It is working in 2.6 for Windows here. A sample project might be helpful here too.

    3) Again, I think I'll need a sample project or something as I cannot reproduce this on any platform (except that I can't test with 2.5 until I get an older installer).

    4) Do you mean that the changes you perform in the timeline editor do not affect the sprite selected? That should not be the case, and again, I'm unable to reproduce this on any of my test platforms.

    5) I have received this a couple of times since the RC4 release. It has not crashed anything, but I have definitely seen this message before. I will do some investigation as to what is causing this.

    6) Again, I can't reproduce this one, but this time I think I have a good idea why: The method of showing the window is different based on a conditional compilation where I test for the Unity version since not all versions support the same features. If it is 2.6, it shows as a utility window, if not, it just uses the standard EditorWindow.Show(). Since 2.5 doesn't have a #define UNITY_2_5, I can only test for 2.6, so since this winds up false, it is using the method for Unity iPhone. To test if this is the case for you, try removing the "#if UNITY_2_6" in ShowWindow() in SpriteTimelineEditor.cs. Then delete everything from the "#else" up to, and including, the "#endif". That should just run the code intended for 2.6 and we can see if it will work for 2.5 just as well. If so, let me know and I can switch the test for 2.6 to a test for Unity iPhone.

    Who knows, perhaps some of the other problems are related to this difference in how the window is created? If you could, test some of the other problems you've described here once you've made this change and we'll see if they are related.

    Thanks again for the great feedback, and I look forward to getting all of these addressed as soon as possible.
  41. Maph


    Sep 19, 2009
    Cheers for the reply Brady!

    I'll see if I can whip up a small test scene for you asap.
    As far as the 2.5 installer goes, I think I still have one lying around, I'll have a looksie as well.

    But I'm going to try to reproduce all of this myself a few more times though, just to be sure.
    Although from what I just checked, the GUI error is still persistent, and the timeline playback is still wonky (new session, and a reboot).

    Judging from the current session though, points 1,3 and 4 seem to have been a fluke of the moment, because this time it all works properly.

    I'll try out the suggested fix as well.
  42. Brady


    Sep 25, 2008
    Great! I'm pretty sure I have the GUIClips error fixed, and since 1, 3, and 4 are working for you now, that just leaves 2 and 6, which I'm pretty confident will come out in the wash with my latest internal version. I'll send you a copy for you to test with.
  43. wesrm


    May 20, 2009
    Hi Brady,

    I've been checking out this post and I think SM2 would be a great tool for me to use as I'm a Unity Newbie. My main question is using SM2 to create a user interface or menu system. I've read a few posts in this thread that make it sound like this is possible and easy to do. I just wanted to know what your thoughts are in terms of buying SM2 for creating a menu system.


  44. Brady


    Sep 25, 2008
    I think it would be pretty easy to do, but at the same time, understand that as far as the GUI side goes, at this point, SM2 doesn't do any of the GUI work for you. Except, of course, by displaying 2D elements on-screen. But all the touch/click detection code would have to be added (probably using colliders and raycasts).

    I have a really easy to use GUI system I've been working on here and there that works nicely with SM2 that I might put some more work into and release later on.
  45. wesrm


    May 20, 2009
    Hi Brady, I would live to see the GUI system that you've been working on. It would be awesome if you could release this with SM2.

    Are there any code examples of click/touch detection code being utilized in SM2 that I could take a look at? Perhaps something you could include for those who purchase SM2? If not, that's OK. As you mentioned this would be easy to do and I can probably figure it out.


  46. Brady


    Sep 25, 2008
    Sorry, no, I don't have any such samples at the moment. With all the interest in UI, however, I'm starting to think very much about fleshing out the UI system I've been working on...
  47. Brady


    Sep 25, 2008
  48. Gaspedal


    Mar 29, 2009
    Thanks! Great work! Can you upload your TuTorial-Video for downloading ? :D
  49. Brady


    Sep 25, 2008
  50. Maph


    Sep 19, 2009
    I can't seem to download RC5 anymore through the e-seller. Apparently I've exceeded the re-download limit. :)
    Are there any other locations where I can find it?