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Unity Dialogue Engine - Out now!

Discussion in 'Made With Unity' started by MrDude, Aug 5, 2009.

  1. MrDude


    Sep 21, 2006
    Hi all. Following on from last week's pre-announcement in the gossip thread, I am just ever so pleased as punch to announce to you all that the Unity dialogue Engine is now ready...

    The very nature of it means it can always be expanded and it will never ever be completely finished, but a working version is now available so now I can start working on the updates :) Yeay!

    From the website:
    Features and uses include:
    1. Remember past interactions with characters and display different dialogue based on past interactions.
    2. Add simple dialogue to NPC characters
    3. Describe any item in the game (i.e. Look At)
    4. Display different info for Inspection, Interaction, Speak to etc etc etc
    5. Display errors on screen when the player tries to do something they shouldn't do (Like trying to enter a locked room)
    6. Initiate pickups
    7. Includes an inventory system
    8. Interact with the game from within the dialogue
    9. Dialogue is aware of past actions in the game

    The engine sells for $100 and includes:
    1. The Unity Dialogue Engine script (crDialogue.js)
    2. 4 sample interfaces to teach you the ropes
    3. A graphical dialogue editor
    4. Detailed documentation (you will clearly see that I like to speak... :p)
    5. Free Bonus

    Check it out at

    I already have a feature request or two that I am working on for the first update. Please feel free to contact me with your thoughts and views, yeah?

    Enjoy :)
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2012
  2. snicholls


    Mar 19, 2009
    I think $100 is an amazing amount for a system like this. It looks very good but $100?
  3. johan


    May 15, 2009
    Holy S***, 100 bucks? No way sane people will buy it for that price.
  4. showoff


    Apr 28, 2009
    I agree that 100 bucks is a bit too much. Comparing what you get with this plug-in to all the other plug-ins I've seen users create. The price should be lowered to something much more reasonable.
  5. RoyS


    Jan 12, 2009
    I'll purchase it on Friday when I get paid. Am looking forward to using it.

    Very nice job on your website, too.

    You can fill a whole nitch for us artist/non-programmer types.

    I don't mind paying $100. I don't know programming and it would take me quite awhile before I could make a nice system like this! If you had to pay someone to make a system like this for you, it would probably cost a lot more.

    I did searches on this site on inventory and dialogue and can't find anything that would work for someone who is not a programmer.
  6. loadexfa


    Sep 2, 2008
    I think $100 is quite affordable for what's being offered. Once I need a system like this (probably my next game), I will be buying a copy.

  7. jeremyace


    Oct 12, 2005
    Pricing is a very difficult balance, and while I cannot comment one way or the other on the quality of this tool, the price sounds fair.

    Basically, the author has to price the tool/code based on expected sales, investment, and the market. The more of a specific niche product it is, the fewer expected sales and so on. Generally, if you find the price too high, or the tool too "simple", you don't need it and it's not really fair to leave negative comments on the price.

    For some people, $100 is a very small fraction of the cost of doing it themselves, or hiring a pro to do it.

    $100 = about 1 hour of programming time from a pro coder. Very likely a great deal if the tool is a good quality one and solves your problem.

  8. Jacob-Williams


    Jan 30, 2009
    I think $100 is a very reasonable price for anyone who is serious about game development. Most independent game developers (hobbyist included) have day jobs, families, and other time consuming responsibilities. Let me layout a bit of an example for you.

    I primarily do contract game development work as a freelancer... on the side. I have a nine to five job, a wife, and a four year old son. All of these take time. On a great day, I can devote three to four hours to game development, but on most days, less than two. Lets say that company X comes to me wanting a dialog system for a turn based RPG they are working on. They offer me $40 an hour (a reasonable price for me) to build this system. In order to match the value of the system Mr. Dude is offering, I would have to complete the project in less than three hours. I like to think that I work pretty quick, but that is simply something that I would not be able to do.

    I think the fact that Unity Indie is so cheap provides us with a Catch-22. We get such great value for such a small price that most of us expect everyone to follow suit. I think I speak for most independent developers when I say that we absolutely cannot. Mr. Dude deserves to be compensated for his many (possible even 100+) hours of work. So, how much is your time worth to you?

    Edit: Jeremy beat me to the punch by about two minutes, but he is a prime example of what I am talking about with GUI-X.
  9. Murcho


    Mar 2, 2009
    I agree with Jacob and Jeremy, it's a simple equation.
    Code (csharp):
    2. if(hoursToCode * myHourlyRate > costOfProduct  productUsefulness > 0)
    3.   purchase();
    4. else
    5.   dontPurchase();
  10. Armagon


    May 29, 2009
    If that was the case. This is not. You're selling to the masses, not to a single person. What would it be if Unity used your "example" to sell it's products? How much we would pay for it?

    $100 is extremely expensive for such solution. You should focus on selling many copies for a few bucks, instead of few copies for many bucks.
  11. jeremyace


    Oct 12, 2005
    I think you misinterpreted what I was saying.

    I was simply pointing out that the cost of the product is likely _less_ than it would cost to make it yourself, or pay a professional to make it. This is what my "example" ;-) was addressing, not that it should be priced to match the cost of development, as you are implying.

    I am sure it took MrDude more than one hour to design, build, debug, and document this project.

    If Unity's source license sits at $50k, then it is still less than the cost of making it yourself, and thus worth the 50k if it solves your problem. If it doesn't, then you are not the person this tool was built to help. The same applies here, and anywhere else.

    Also, you have to remember that the "masses" is actually reduced to the "masses who use Unity", then is further reduced to "Unity users who actually check the forums", then reduced again to "Unity users who check the forums and need a dialogue system for their game". The size of the "masses" shrinks very quickly.

    Anyway, I think you get my point.

  12. GrimWare


    Jul 23, 2009
    If I had a $100, it'd be mine :twisted: :twisted:

    Will look forward to purchasing soon though for sure!
  13. MrDude


    Sep 21, 2006
    Incredible... I've started a controversy :)

    It seems a lot of you haven't followed the pre-release info from the gossip thread so for your benefit allow me to paste some useful links for you to decide wether this is right for you or not.

    -Outdated links removed-
    A playable demo

    Hope this clarifies it a tad... :)
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2012
  14. Alec


    Mar 11, 2008
    NIce system, I don't know if I read it right but could you use it as a savegame system?
  15. MrDude


    Sep 21, 2006
    That depends entirely on what you want to save...

    I actually intend to write a saveAll() and loadAll() function as part of the next update. At the moment I provide a method to keep track of everything, but I don't save it myself, no.

    So, at the moment, no. If you store all your game's progress in the crGameKeys class then I can give you a simple method of keeping track of everything but, no way of storing it... yet.

    The crGameKeys is a very simple class, to be honest. When you read the notes, you will see I even say so in there also. The very nature of the class dictated that it be just that. In fact, I already made it more complicated than it needs to be, but I thought it best to give people a few more options...

    It works on the principle that everything in the world can be translated into a simple question with an answer of either yes or no. Keep in mind that in programming terms, 0 = no and everything else is true. So, do you have any money? Money = 200 = true. Have you received the third quest? Quests = 3 = true. Have you completed the third quest? QuestsDone = 2 = true. Aha! See here comes the catch! So I added a method to test the true and false against a value. (QuestsDone >= 3) = 2 = false.

    By using this simple system you can keep track of what you have done and what you have not yet done and also keep track of anything you want to keep track of. If you pick up a rocket launcher, add 1 rocket launcher key and add 20 missile keys. Thus do you have any ammo left? Missiles = 7 = true. Then fire. Missiles = 0 = false. Don't fire.

    An example of it's use is as such:
    Code (csharp):
    2. var Inventory : crGameKeys;
    4. function Start()
    5. {
    6.    Inventory = new crGameKeys();
    7. }
    9. function Pickup(weapon: String, ammo: String, qty: int)
    10. {
    11.   if (Inventory.doesNotHave(weapon, 1))
    12.      Inventory.add(weapon,1);
    14.   Inventory.add(ammo, int);
    15. }
    17. function FireRocketLauncher(ammo: String)
    18. {
    19.    if (Inventory.doesNotHave("RocketLauncher", 1))
    20.       return;
    22.    if (Inventory.doesHave(ammo, 1))
    23.    {
    24.       Inventory.subtract(ammo,1);
    25.       InstantiateRocketAndFire();
    26.    }
    27. }
    so if you want to store achievements and inventory then yes, after I write the saveAll and loadAll functions then this system can be used to save games also but once again, it all depends on WHAT you want to save. For example, something that this system can NOT store is the player's position or rotation... These require 3 values and the crGameKeys class only stores a single int value next to every key.

    I think this the very reason why a save game option doesn't come standard with Unity. There is just no way of knowing what people want to save. Let me give you another example.

    In one of my games I had 4 sets of 26 pickups and another 4 sets of 8 pickups. Now, I didn't just need to know IF I had collected a pickup, I needed to know WHICH item I picked up. For me to keep track of every single one of those pickups one by one would be a nightmare. So to keep track of them I assigned each one an int value representing a specific binary value. For those of you who know binary you will understand the significance of calling my items 1,2,4,8,16,32 etc. I then simply AND and OR the pickups into a single int value for every set and I store the result in a GameKey. This way I only ever store 1 value and read back 1 value for each set and I am able to keep track of exactly which of the items in the set I have already collected.

    So for me, this system could be used as a save game system, but if you had the same setup and stored your values differently...

    It all depends on what you want to store...
  16. Alec


    Mar 11, 2008
    For my current project it would be wether the player had finished the level (to unlock others) and what checkpoint they were at.
  17. Dreamora


    Apr 5, 2008
    Do you have a webplayer sample that shows it in action?

    The screenshots don't say much and really couldn't be any smaller. All I see on them is an open breach of copyright on the naruto trademark which is globally exclusive licensed already.
  18. MrDude


    Sep 21, 2006
    Yeah, I intended to mention it in the license that all the Naruto stuff is not mine and used for demonstration purposes only... Completely forgot to do that. My bad!

    As for the sample, yes, see the previous page. Follow the third link to a demo... with Hinata again...

    Please people, the Naruto stuff is not mine.

    The system is in place and ready to use. When you define your dialogue, you select who will partake in it and those characters will then replace the Naruto images. I never expected anyone to build a game using my own artwork so figured I could use anything since you will be replacing it anyways. The chances of anyone building a game that just so happens to have a character that looks exactly like my sample character... Likelyhood factor?

    Here is room for improvement though. If you are an artist and willing to give me some art to replace the Naruto stuff with and willing to put that art into the public domain, I would be willing to give you a free copy of the engine as compensation. I will require 3 full body images and 1 smaller one. PM me for details. First come, first served...
  19. bloobat


    Jun 15, 2009
    I have a question:
    Can this tool follow with lip sync? Like if I play a dialog sound message, have the target lip sync, could this show subtitles? Subtitles that follow the dialog of the target.
  20. Dreamora


    Apr 5, 2008
    You should perhaps link those on the website too. Guess thats the primary place people will look for it that find it through google for example

    looks very nice and from the videos simple to use :)
    But I'm missing a pretty basic feature and thats mouse interaction with the dialog ...
  21. Zante


    Mar 29, 2008
    This sounds good but there's no way in heck I'm buying anything without seeing it in action.
  22. Dreamora


    Apr 5, 2008
    see the page before, there are 2 vids and a webplayer
  23. Quietus2


    Mar 28, 2008
    I tried the webplayer, couldn't get it to work.

    Scooted on up to the cartoon chick, the lips highlighted but no amount of clicking on them produced any activity whatsoever. I even tried having the rabbit stand on her head!
  24. MrDude


    Sep 21, 2006
    Did you try pressing the "L" key as in the directions?

    I mapped the 4 icons to the J,I,L and K buttons.

    I will consider the clickable icons as a feature request and add that to the the next update.

    In the sample scenes I use the OptionPrevious and OptionNext functions in the engine. There is an OptionSelect function specifically created for the use of the mouse. The demo scene and the scene in the first video both make use of the keyboard to select the relevant options. The second video shows an example of how to use the mouse to select dialogue options. To highlight this I created a sliding buttons class to separate the dialogue from the choices to indicate exactly how flexible the system is. So yes, even though it is not in the sample, mouse support is in there...

    I think perhaps I should release the other sample scenes that are included in the pack as web playable demos... Hmmm... that's an idea... First fix that icon clickable thingy and then release a couple more playable demos... Done..!

    That should keep me busy for a little while....
  25. Armagon


    May 29, 2009
    You should really add a feature that allowed us to play sounds while the character is speaking (his speech), similar to the way Grandia II handles this. If you never played Grandia, check a few of the YouTube videos available.

    And since you're going to the RPG way in this system, i believe that your next effort will be some sort of Turn-Based Battle system? That would be something worth $100. :eek:
  26. Quietus2


    Mar 28, 2008
    Directions? Who reads directions? :eek:
  27. MrDude


    Sep 21, 2006

    First thing's first, the demo now has full mouse support and instructions on the page. You can either start the dialogue with the L key or by clicking the icon.

    Using the keyboard, up or down arrow selects the options and enter continues with the conversation. Using the mouse, click on the screen to continue the conversation. If you are viewing menus, just select the option you want and if it is an already selected option it will speak that option or or else it will just select the line. Alternatively, just hit the button on the side of the option you want...

    Sound is already supported. I mentioned this in the pre-announcement but never mentioned it here or on the website. I am realizing that my website is VERY underdeveloped... I reall should make a few more pages explaining all of this...

    The UDE allows you to do absolutely anything you want, right during the dialogue. If you were so enclined, you can start the game, start the dialogue, play your entire game, end the dialogue and then end the game.

    Want to play audio with your dialogue? Done!
    Want to give your player an item during the dialogue? Done!
    Want to instantiate a SFX when that happens? Done!
    Want to create a spinning key above your character when you receive a gold key? Done!
    Want to play a jump animation when you receive an item? Done!
    Anything else you want to do. Done!

    I have uploaded a web player in which I am showing off the ability to collect items during a dialogue session, instantiate a prefab at the same time and how one item can have multiple descriptions. Some of the crates in the level, when you look at them, will tell you to collect the item. Other crates will give you the option of collecting it while viewing it.

    -Outdated links removed-

    Secondly, Naruto references are now removed from the UDE and replaced with custom art. Thanks go to for the artwork.

    Next on my list of things to do is to create a graphical front end for the Inventory. Included with the UDE is the crGameKeys class and that alone is an entire Inventory system. It is, however, essential for players to be able to inspect their inventory graphically so I am going to be making that next.

    This is the exact reverse of the UDE. With the UDE I give you a complete dialogue system but because every game will want to display their dialogue in a different way, I only give you samples of how to create your own displays and give you the option of creating as many different displays as you want...

    With the inventory system I will be giving you a front end only since you will already have the Inventory system...

    However, after that, Armagon,you have hit the nail right on the head...

    I am currently speaking to a guy about a possible collaboration with regards to a character system. But that is his deal so I don't want to go into details about that. I am also busy with negotiations regarding content packs. With what we have in the works already, the only things missing to create an entire RPG is custom art work for the UDE, the story line, the fancy cut scenes and the battle system. The first three I can't do for you, but the last... Can you say Final Fantasy?

    As far as "the PRG way", the UDE is not just limited to RPGs. Not by a long shot... However, yes, I love RPGs and my ultimate goal is to provide the Unity community with a complete RPG Template. But that was supposed to be a surprise. I will do the bits I can and try to form collaborations where needed to bring you the bits I can't and together with these other artists we plan on bringing you ease of use like you cannot possibly begin to expect... Just watch this space... The UDE was merely step 1...
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2012
  28. kenlem


    Oct 16, 2008
    Don't worry about it. Anytime anyone announces anything that is other than free, we go through the same discussion.

    Don't fall for the "lower price=more copies" sold routine. You won't sell enough copies to make up for the price difference. Also, from my own experience, the users that aren't willing to pay much are going to be your most demanding, time consuming and unreasonable users. Keep the price right where it is and get on the iphone version!
  29. SteveB


    Jan 17, 2009
    ^Seconded for truth
  30. Dreamora


    Apr 5, 2008
    so much truth it already hurts ...

    $100 is a reasonable price for something like this with an idiot proof editor.

    Would be something different if they were forced to handwrite XML trees for conversation.
  31. SteveB


    Jan 17, 2009

    ...equally painful is reading forums with people bitching about .99 cent apps that aren't these robust, console-like experiences...sigh. :roll:
  32. RoyS


    Jan 12, 2009
  33. MrDude


    Sep 21, 2006
    That is correct.

    I will be making more as time goes on and those will be made available as free downloads also.
  34. Deleted User

    Deleted User


    On the verge of purchasing this.. just wondering if it will work with Unity iPhone without too much troubles.

  35. MrDude


    Sep 21, 2006
    iPhone support is coming. As it is, it won't work with the iPhone because I use dynamic typing and the iPhone demands static typing.

    Thing is, the engine worked fine. Then I wanted to use it on the iPhone and I had to make some changes. I didn't need certain features so I left some stuff out.

    When I then tried to use the the script at a later date I noticed some weird behavior. I tried to get it to work properly but it was broken. End of story. So I reverted back to the original and it works fine for now.

    To give you an idea, if you add text to a turn then it accepts it fine. It loads it properly. When you load a requirement, it does THAT fine also and during debug sessions you can see it loads the text fine as well, but no text will be returned in game if any requirement was loaded, even though the debug showed that both were loaded properly... That was the kind of errors I had. So you can see why I had to remove iPhone support from the first release.

    What I want to do now is make each change one at a time and then test thoroughly at each change to make sure nothing gets broken again. It should only be a small change, but I don't want to take any chances. By last week it was iPhone compatible with only 5 or so more minutes of work left to do... the next day I made it 100% not iPhone ready.

    iPhone support is definitely coming, but it isn't included, yet, I am sorry to say...
  36. Busker John

    Busker John

    Aug 7, 2009
    Toss me into the pile of interested parties if you get the iPhone support working and stable, although I do feel $100 might be a tad high. I hate to say it, but in comparison, RPGMakerVX's entire RPG engine tool is only $69.

    Also, you might want to pick up an old copy of Neverwinter Nights and look at their Conversation tree editor, and how well it could handle creating multi-branching and looping dialog. It was a very flexible system, and might give you some ideas to grow towards.

    Thanks for your hard work in trying to put together this system! It really will fill a nice nitch in the array of tools for Unity devs!
  37. MrDude


    Sep 21, 2006

    I was very ambitious for my first ever game product and had my idea all laid out and started working on it in Delphi. I used (I think it was called) Quark Swiss Army knife (or something like that) and created my first level. I had a church with hidden rooms, a dungeon system with overlapping routes and hidden passages inside walls that had to be unlocked via triggers deeper into the dungeon... I had complex story lines in place and had so many ideas it just wasn't funny...

    It may have been my first game, but I had a game engine to do the graphics and physics and I had the required programming experience to get it going. I had ideas that I thought nobody had ever seen before
    and I couldn't wait to show people what I had in mind... After about 3 months of work I already had a working demo up and running, complete with dialogue and everything... Another 3 months of work and I was getting real excited about my project, well underway with my turn based fighting mechanic... and then it was announced... Neverwinter Nights is now released after 4 years of work... and wouldn't you believe it, every single one of my ideas was in there... Every single one of them... just by reading the first ever press release, all my ideas were exposed...

    My unique idea had just been released by someone else who started working on my unique ideas 3 years before I had the unique ideas...

    Like the characters always say in Anime:
    "I will never forgive them" ! How dare they!? :p
  38. MrDude


    Sep 21, 2006
    On another note, I did some work on the iPhone port this morning before work and it required surprisingly less work than I thought to get the compilation errors in the actual engine sorted out. (Yes, you read that correctly... It now compiles fine...!)

    However, the Dialogue Editor is 800 lines of code and I had no concerns with typing the arrays so there are a LOT of compilation errors to work though... I then moved the editor out of the project to see if the dialogue engine actually works without the editor in the project, but I had to come to work before I could test it out...

    This has made me very hopeful, though... So if all goes well it means the UDE is already iPhone compatible, but you have to create your dialogue in the normal version of Unity (or by hand). Small comfort. So fingers crossed that this is indeed the case because this would mean I can spend this long weekend getting the GUI Editor iPhone compatible also...
  39. Dreamora


    Apr 5, 2008
    the main problem at the time likely also will be that you targeted the editor at Unity 2.5 and Unity iPhone is Unity 2.1 with the old editor framework.

    Once Unity iPhone has the 2.5 editor backend, I would assume that you will also have less trouble using it.
    (I assume you put it into the editor folder, if you do, it does not care if it goes to iphone or not, that folder is not included in the build :) )
  40. MrDude


    Sep 21, 2006
    Good news and bad news...

    The good news:
    The UDE is iPhone compatible :)

    The bad news:
    The Editor isn't. I got everything to work so far with the exception of 1 single function... the function to make the window appear... Everything else works fine :p Well, it compiles fine at least... So yeah, as long as you are willing to create your dialogues in Unity, the rest of the UDE will run fine on the iPhone... Not ideal, but that's where it's at the moment...

    I am now working on converting the displays for the iPhone so I can include an iPhone sample project also.
  41. perlohmann


    Feb 12, 2009
    Is it posible and if it is "how easy" is it to use in a C# based unity app?
  42. MrDude


    Sep 21, 2006
    This is an interesting question... To make the UDE as easy as possible to use, I put all my code in one place and you never even have to see my code for you to be able to use it...

    All you have to do is subclass my main dialogue script and handle the display options in your custom class. I provide you with 4 sample displays to show you how to do this.

    Now, as I understand it you cannot subclass a JavaScript class into a c# class. This means that you need to create a variable inside your class / file, instead of creating a subclass from mine. So for example, if you do it in JavaScript you would say:
    Code (csharp):
    2. function Update()
    3. {
    4. if (Input.GetKeyDown("return"))
    5.    Speak();
    6. }
    You would now have to say:
    Code (csharp):
    2. crDialogue theDialogue;
    4. void Update()
    5. {
    6. if (Input.GetKeyDown("return"))
    7.    theDialogue.Speak();
    8. }
    My c# script syntax may be a bit rusty but you get the idea...

    The thing I am not sure about, is if you add a variable of a class created in JavaScript into a new class created in c#, will that cause problems...? Anyone have any ideas about this?

    The latest update now also includes an iPhone sample project with 4 sample displays :)
  43. kenlem


    Oct 16, 2008
    Glad to hear you now support iPhone somewhat. I'm waiting for everything to including the editor to support the iphone version of Unity before I buy.
  44. MrDude


    Sep 21, 2006
    I managed to hack the EditorWindow class somewhat today and managed to get it to show up so I made some progress with it, but unfortunately getting the window to show up was the easy part.

    Unfortunately Unity iPhone is the same as Unity 2.1 and the stuff I require to make the Editor work requires the features found in 2.5. As I understand it, Unity iPhone 1.1 will be upgraded to be more like 2.5 so when this comes out then the editor should be compatible with it, but unfortunately, as it is now, Unity iPhone simply doesn't have the required features to make the editor work...

    It was sooo close... :)
  45. Dreamora


    Apr 5, 2008
    Sure on that?
    Can't remember any statement that Unity 1.1 will get the Editor upgrade.
    Was only mentioned as a "future plan" to merge them again.
  46. MrDude


    Sep 21, 2006
    As I understand it...

    I've been reading rumors and predictions and divinations and all round guessing so I am holding my fingers crossed. The Unity blokes have thus far always impressed me with their releases so I am confident they will do the same this time round. This is one of those things I am hoping for...

    What I kept reading is that Unity iPhone is LIKE Unity 2.1 and Unity iPhone 1.1 will be MORE LIKE Unity 2.5... Not exactly... but more...

    I actually thought about building a scene that you could RUN to use the editor, but I can't see a runtime equavalent of ObjectField...

    The issue I am having now is that every dialogue requires actors. No actors = invalid dialogue. It requires at least 1. The drag-and-drop approach made sure that an existing image was chosen and that the filename's case and spelling was 100%. If I do it as a scene then the users will have to enter the filename by hand and that is just asking for finger slips... I try to handle errors on my end and this is one case where I will be begging people to make mistakes. The only option I can think of is to have a verify button that people have to press to first go check if the file they selected actually exists. It could work, but drag-and-drop is just so much cleaner...

    In the Editor environment I can't get the basic text fields to work and in the runtime environment you don't have the file open and file save dialogues... If Unity iPhone 1.1 does NOT feature the Editor code update then the only option is a standalone XCode app, but if you are going to open a separate program to do your dialogues you could just as well open Unity 2.5 and have that now, rather than wait a month and have to open ANOTHER program as the second program...

    So yeah, let's hope the "more like" at least includes that...
  47. Eric5h5


    Volunteer Moderator Moderator

    Jul 19, 2006
    Unfortunately nobody ever said that. Unity iPhone is a fork of Unity 2.1; Unity 2.5 was a huge rewrite of the editor, and not something that would make any sense to fork from at this point, when the plan is for Unity and Unity iPhone to be integrated anyway.

  48. MrDude


    Sep 21, 2006
    Calling me a liar... :eek: Ppfffft!

    Integration... You mean 1 Unity to rule them all? A Unity between the different Unities...

    (Oh, how original I am... Sure nobody saw THAT one coming :p )

    Now that would be nice... But I assume since there is a Unity iPhone 1.1 Beta being beta tested that "Unity 2.6 with iPhone" is not going to be released anytime soon?

    Actually, no wait, scratch that question mark... Let's make that question a statement, shall we...?

    Well this is a bit of a downer, though. First time in my life I ever got depressed from hearing good news :roll: :wink: :cry:
  49. Eric5h5


    Volunteer Moderator Moderator

    Jul 19, 2006
    No, you just misunderstood something apparently. :)

    Yes, one Unity to bring them all and in the darkness bind them, in the land of Denmark where the 1337 c0derz lie. But probably not for a while, alas. It would make some things a lot easier, or less tedious anyway.

  50. RandAlThor


    Dec 2, 2007
    So i want to share my first experiments with UDE and i am realy happy with this.

    I am still in the beginning field of coding in Unity java script or c# and i was a little afraid that i can not setup the UDE in Unity and make a little dialog demo by myself.

    So i carefully readed the documentation and the integration of UDE in Unity was realy easy.

    Then i looked at the examples, the scripts and the editor and after a little while i understand how this is working.

    After that and with a little rereading in the docs i setup a new and simple dialog scene with my own objects and it was simple then.

    What i want to try next is to set up a more complex dialog and i will tell you how that works but for now i have to say thank you for the UDE that makes it easy to get a dialog into Unity, even for me ;o)

    My time invest was around 2 or 3 ours and i think some of you will get it in shorter time.

    Today i will make a little 2 week vacation but when i come back i let you know what i get then with the UDE.
