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New DevAssistant Vita App (1.00.01)

Discussion in 'PSM' started by GrahamReeves, May 7, 2014.

  1. GrahamReeves


    Unity Technologies

    Apr 8, 2014
    There is a new version of the DevAssistant app on the Vita. Your Vita should prompt you to install the new version.

    If you don't, I found that the DevAssistant app says that the license could not be verified (Unfortunately I neglected to take a screenshot of the message so not sure of the exact wording) and I could no longer see or deploy apps. So you must update.

    There are currently no other tools that need updating to work with this.

    The official Sony forums for the DevAssistant can be found here;

    Feel free to post any problems you have with the new version on this thread, or in the Sony forums.