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How hard is building a 3D game alone?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by JohnSaita, Apr 20, 2014.

  1. JohnSaita


    Apr 20, 2014

    I am a second year Software Engineering student and I was wondering how hard is to build a FPS 3D game alone in unity.

    I have almost finished all Math courses (Now learning Calc 3) and I know how to program in C++, C#, F#, Java and I know a little MATLAB.
    Also I know how to use Adobe Photoshop.

    Currently I started learning Autodesk 3DS Max and after that I want to learn Autodesk MudBox so that I will be able to build my own 3D models, also I want to learn Steinberg Cubase to make audio for my game.

    I want to know if I will be able to make my own animated characters and make some advanced AI algorithms for my game without too much CRAZY learning curve, do you think this will be really a lot to learn or possible to learn in a full time learning year without going crazy?
    That's like doing a doctorate in game development.

    Last edited: Apr 20, 2014
    Sadl_24 and BigOlGoof like this.
  2. hippocoder


    Digital Ape

    Apr 11, 2010
    Not too hard, but it is very time consuming :)
  3. sootie8


    Mar 25, 2014
    Not as hard as some would have you believe, I am currently attempting it myself with some success. As you already know how to code then one piece of advise is try not to overcomplicate things and always look for the simplest solution. We programmers have tendency to over engineer things which can be a burden. I would also say that trying to make all aspects of a game is unrealistic, especially animation which requires a certain flair.
    So basically what I did was to attempt each part of the game creation process and find which parts I could do easily which I would do, the rest (like animation and models) I found either free solutions or paid for what I needed. Also I found it more productive to keep at my initial project(which I started without much knowledge of Unity), rather than bothering with tutorials, so its not so much learning it but experiencing it. Good luck
    Sadl_24, ReJonnyC, eterlan and 3 others like this.
  4. TheSniperFan


    Jul 18, 2013
    1. Welcome to the Unity Forums :D
    2. How are we supposed to answer your questions? Especially this question:
    How could we know what you'll be able to do?
    3. (Usually) Game development is hard. There isn't much more to say when it comes to how hard it will be. (Depends on the game)
    4. I think you don't know how much work it is to develop a game. Otherwise you would never want to create everything by yourself and even reinvent the wheel (AI). (Also depends on the game)
    5. How hard a specific project is depends on a variety of factors. Most importantly: The project itself. What do you want to create? A small, simple FPS or the next Half-Life? Ambitions are often equalized by reality.
    6. Developing yourself is expensive. And it's not just money. What you don't invest in form of money, you'll invest in form of time.
    7. You should know how to program in C#, know OOP and be fit in linear algebra. What you'll have to learn is how to program with Unity's "component based model" which is quite different from your usual OOP style.

    So it's less about whether you can create a game all by yourself, and more about whether you really want to.

    That's my take on it.
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2014
    Numbat17 and angrypenguin like this.
  5. christinanorwood


    Aug 9, 2013
    Check this out (a couple of minutes) and if you're interested have a look at the playlist. It's very basic but shows the process. You can then estimate what it will take to do something more worthwhile.
  6. Grimwolf


    Oct 12, 2013
    3D is a lot harder to learn than 2D.
    2D, if you use the right tools like Spriter/Spline/Smooth Moves is way easier to actually do than 3D, but would end up looking extremely simple or even bad unless you do a lot of the harder work anyway (multiple sprites to swap during animations).
    2D is fairly easy to make look good, but in most cases 3D will look horrid if you are not yourself a skilled 3D artist (not simply capable of doing it, but good and talented at it).

    If you're not primarily an artist and intend to only create simple visuals, 2D is much better.
    3D is more difficult to learn and requires more talent to do well, but capable of much more.
    If you're a skilled artist aiming for quality visuals in your games, then once you're past the initial learning curve neither is notably easier or faster to work with. In return for that learning curve though, there is a lot more potential in what you can do with 3D.
    Yengil likes this.
  7. JohnSaita


    Apr 20, 2014
    Thanks for your answers.

    I guess that making a game alone requires to be good at math, good at art and good at music.

    That's like Leonardo Da Vinci who was both mathematician, artist and musician.

    WOW, there's a lot to learn. it's better start now.

    My left and right sides of my brain are going to explode.

    A 1000 miles journey starts at the first mile. :)

    Last edited: Apr 21, 2014
    radiantboy and sush333 like this.
  8. jerotas


    Sep 4, 2011
    You don't have to be good at math. All the truly complex math (read past 6th grade math) is already handled for you. Good at art or music? Not necessary if you can purchase music and/or 3d and 2d assets for your game. For the ones you can't find, yeah you'll need to make them. Music is definitely the easiest one to "just purchase" but you'll likely need tons of sound effects too and those aren't so easy to find what you need out there to buy. And not so easy to create.

    Also, there are lots of things you can spend small amounts of money on (depending on whether you live in a 3rd world country) in the Asset Store that will be necessary in most cases. Such as NGUI (or Daikon Forge GUI), Pool Manager, possibly an audio plugin (I shamelessly plug ours: Master Audio since it is the most popular), maybe Input.Touches, possibly Playmaker if you don't want to have to code, the list goes on and on.

    But the best way to learn is to dive right in and start doing. You can also find some people to help you if you like on the collab forums. Good luck!
    radiantboy likes this.
  9. dogzerx2


    Dec 27, 2009
    I'm making a platformer game on my own. Making the game itself is not hard at all.

    Choosing the right scope, avoiding time sinks, managing time... that's the true juggle.
    toto2003 likes this.
  10. MaxieQ


    Nov 1, 2012
    Well, yes. I like to think of professional game development as something like creating films. It's a collaborative art, not a solo one.

    You can do it, and there are examples of people who have done it, and who have been successful. But to make a fair sized game, you're going to need focused professionals or amateurs, who have studied art or coding or audio or music. Just like in films.

    The exceptions do prove the rule sometimes. So, mostly, I think game development is collaborative.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2014
  11. gallenwolf


    Mar 11, 2012
    This simple bullet hell shooter took me 5 days, models/textures/coding/music. (YouTube) (WebPlayer) (Breakdown)
    Bear in mind I do cg as a full time job. Doable, but needs *loads* of time, and deep focus.
  12. Gigiwoo


    Mar 16, 2011
    It's hard AND time consuming. Good luck :)
  13. BeforeTheLight


    Jan 7, 2011
    I spent the last five teaching myself everything using Google. I am military and only get free time to work on my games. Unity has a great community! I have completed three games by myself in 3D in that time creating everything from textures to models but purchased sounds. Someone already said this but it wasn't incredibly hard but time consuming. It really depends how bad do you want this? Of course you have found the Unity community but here of some of my favorites that got me going.
  14. create3dgames


    Aug 20, 2012
    I wouldn't start with an FPS game til you have some other games created and you can judge accurately how long it will take you.
  15. RichardKain


    Oct 1, 2012
    It's really, really hard. This applies no matter what type of game you're making. Different types of games just make for different levels of how incredibly hard it is. Game development is one of the most time and labor-intensive hobbies you can possibly have. The learning curve is brutal, especially if you aren't already heavily invested in technology and mathematics.

    Thankfully, modern game engines and tools, such as Unity, are making things easier and faster for anyone looking to brave the solo route. But it is still difficult.
  16. tswalk


    Jul 27, 2013

    ^he's under estimating the "time consuming" part... just a bit.^
  17. jRocket


    Jul 12, 2012
    I was making a game between jobs and it was going fast enough. I'm traditionally a 3d artist, and I've picked up programming reasonably well, so I was doing the programming, 3d art, animations, ect. Then I got a job and haven't had as much time. So, I guess what I'm saying is that it goes a lot faster if you have the time to put into it (you're unemployed or have a light school schedule). :)
  18. eskimojoe


    Jun 4, 2012

    The first time you do it, it is very hard, lot of work, lot of guessing, lots of mistakes and eventually you'll make a decent model.

    Several years later, it is a breeze in the park.
  19. RockoDyne


    Apr 10, 2014
    If you're on calc 3, you should already be fine for most of the math you'll do. There is a lot of underlying matrix math in games, but unity buries the majority of it into the vector classes. Add to that, that PhysX takes care of just about all physics cases and there isn't a lot of math that isn't covered by basic programming courses.

    It doesn't actually take that long to make a shell of a game that has the mechanics down, but going from there causes 99 percent of the development time to go to polish.
  20. Cogent


    May 14, 2013

    Emphasis on "time consuming"

    Working on a project while deflecting/handling interruptions from other areas of your life can be a constant challenge.

    Doorbells always sound and phones always ring as soon as you lean in close to the monitor.

  21. JohnSaita


    Apr 20, 2014
    Thanks for your answers.

    I think I'll make some smaller 3D games and after that I'll go to make a FPS

    Still it is time consuming to learn all the stuff but I think I have passed the hardest part (since I already finished hard and very time consuming courses like Discrete Math, Calc 2 and Linear Algebra 2 and I know how to program in some languages)

    I just need to learn about the unity engine, 3D modeling, some audio making and XAML (since I want to use noesisGUI). (Still time consuming)

    And after that I hope that I'll make some nice games.
    That's a real challenge to make all this things but as I am unemployed and just learning, I think I'll beat up this challenge.
    That's a long journey but I think I've passed the hardest part.

    But I got to say that the learning curve is really really brutal (as I learned really a lot and I still need to learn really a lot) .
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2014
    Numbat17 likes this.
  22. jerotas


    Sep 4, 2011
    I see a couple people saying that you need to have calculus math, and I wonder...what the heck kind of games do you make in Unity that requires anything more than normal 6th grade math? We've made 2 games, one of which was pretty complex, but the math part a 10 year old could handle.

    So, OP, take what they are saying with a grain of salt about the math part please. I went through calculus myself in high school, because people were always saying "if you want to go into computer programming you'll need a LOT of math". Lies, plain and simple. Now I've been doing that career for 15 years and Unity for 3, and I've plain forgotten just about everything after beginning algebra because I just NEVER used it at all. What a waste of time learning that math was. Though it was kinda fun to learn.

    Maybe if you write your own physics engine you might need some high math. We have one already. Otherwise it's just a myth that people (even on this thread) keep perpetuating.
    Studio22 likes this.
  23. JohnSaita


    Apr 20, 2014
    I used Vector Valued Functions to move my camera on a helix by the derivative of the helix function (this is a nice camera movement to put when the player is dead and the player is centered in the helix). Also I used some matrices to move particles on rotated parabolas (i.e. quadratic forms).
  24. MaxieQ


    Nov 1, 2012
    It's like all kinds of knowledge. When you don't know something, you don't know what to use it for. When you know something, you see endless possibilities. For instance, over the last couple of days I've been studying anatomy hard. I didn't even know there was such a thing as the 'Zygomatic process'. Yet it's one of the important bits of the face which will determine a lot of your expressions.

    When I didn't know about the zygomatic process I could scoff and say 'Even a ten year old could recognise a face and see if it's wrong'. But knowing WHY a face seems wrong because I didn't know what the zygomatic process does gives me the tools to fix it, doesn't it? So, knowing maths and calculus in a 3d environment laden with geometrical assumptions and functions is probably pretty good, neh?
  25. Gigiwoo


    Mar 16, 2011
    A few years into my career, I longed for the day when I could focus solely on building solutions for my customers, instead of constantly learning new technologies. And yet, each year, the technologies came faster, giving me more to learn. It was years later that I discovered the book, Mindset (by Carol Dweck), which is where I learned the difference between a Fixed Mindset and a Growth Mindset. Mind = blown.

    Looking behind you, you'll see you've come a long way, and yet, it really is just barely the first step along an endless journey of growth. For now, learn what's necessary to keep building small projects.

  26. dogzerx2


    Dec 27, 2009
    It's nice that you can apply math to do what you want. In fact the more you know, the better. But I think it's questioned whether complex math is required.

    Unity makes it non-required to know complex math. At least for most common problems.

    For example in Unity it's piss easy to make an object move in helix motions and whatnot (without any complex function) you can parent it to an object that moves vertically and rotates in the y axis, that's it.

    I sometimes use some very very basic math knowledge, and I'm glad I do! But I could still manage without them. So I wouldn't say you need to know complex math to get in game development, but it's a big plus if you do.
  27. Kavorka


    Sep 15, 2012
    You will not do what I do with 6th grade math and physics.
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2014
  28. jerotas


    Sep 4, 2011
    6th grade physics? lol, over here you are not allowed to take Physics until high school.

    Carry on! I'll carry on having no need for the other 7 years of math that I took long ago. I don't even agree that it's a big plus to know for game dev (or 98% of all other non-game programming jobs). I flat out see no need for it, though cool to know just to know. Anyway, let's not hijack this thread any more. I may start another thread about this. Fascinating to see such opposite views.
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2014
  29. Moosetaco


    Jan 27, 2013
    TLDR: The entire process has been extremely hard and frustrating at times but also extremely rewarding and fun. Someone already mentioned it here but the level of difficulty doesn't matter if it's something you want to do. Also, find Gigi's Challenge thread and give it a read.

    This was the question I had when I decided to give amateur game development a shot but, and this is the important part, I immediately didn't care how long or how hard it would be. At 33 with a good career I wasn't concerned about making a career move or making additional income but I wanted something more constructive to do with my free time and something that my kids could possibly pick up on.

    So now, almost 3 years later, I've come to the point where I'm actually getting close to finishing my first project; However, all of that time was not spent on one project. I've attended a few college courses on C and C++ several years ago and my last position required me to be able to at least read through Python scripts and mostly understand the program, so, I was already familiar with programming but certainly not enough to write my own program. As far as 3d modeling and art goes, I hadn't the slightest clue how to do any of that but as a young kid and teenager I did a lot of artsy-fartsy stuff. I approached the amateur game dev decision with the idea of doing it all by myself - not depending on anyone else. Mainly because I wanted to do it all at my own pace.

    I started out by completing a few of the courses at then jumped into The Walker Boys tutorials, which were extremely helpful, then took the time to learn C# syntax and rewrote a couple of the Walker Boys tutorials in C#. Just as I was feeling pretty comfortable using Unity and re-purposing snippets of code, I switched over to learn how to use Blender for creating my own artwork. From there I bounced back and forth between the two just tinkering and going through tutorials. Given the full time job and a wife and four kids, I didn't have a lot of time to dedicate to game dev. Learning how to write code, make 3d models, create animations for the models, tinkering with Unity and doing a lot of the research required for someone who is completely knew to this whole arena requires an insane amount of time and not just an hour here or there but several hours of uninterrupted dedication.

    This past January my work schedule changed to 12hr midnight shift and during my time off I have to maintain some of the sleep schedule needed, so, I have a lot of quiet time at night while everyone is sleeping to focus on this hobby. I also get to spend a good amount of time at work doing research so that when my time off comes around I can spend more time doing than reading. Since then I've made a couple of models and even a very short 10sec animation and last week I started making a very simple flappy bird derivative using a donkey model - you can take a look at the models here and short animation here. I know a flappy bird clone is nothing spectacular but I want to do something from start to finish to get that full experience.

    I can't say I would do anything different if given the choice. I may not have produced anything from Unity yet but I feel like I've learned a good deal about the game development process but I'm aware that I've only scratched the surface....
    ... In other very short words... it's hard.
    radiantboy likes this.
  30. Aiursrage2k


    Nov 1, 2009
    I just did a project with a ten man team and it was so badly managed that I could have made the game better with a two man team. I remember playing nuns attack which was basically a clone of battle heart and it had game breaking bugs i looked in the credits and there was 15 people, as far I know mika mobile is a 2 person team. So it shows a smaller team can do it better unless you have real good/experienced team and a good manager, though I think you should need at least a second person though I could bring examples of big solo devs like the guy who made gratuitous space battles
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2014
  31. QuinnWinters


    Dec 31, 2013
    The replies so far are definitely not underestimating the time involved. I regularly put in 30-35 hour days. It all comes down to how much you want to do it. I can't think of anything else I'd rather be doing. I'd rather do this for free than a job that made me hundreds of dollars an hour.

    Math? Barely needed. I've been coding in multiple languages since the late 90's, completely self taught aside from two college courses in 1999-2000 on pascal and c++ (I dropped the c++ course) and I also dropped all my math courses. The lack of programming and math courses hasn't hindered me a bit.

    My suggestion is to first focus on learning the unity environment. Make a small 3D world, or several. If you have the time to invest you should be fairly proficient at finding your way around the editor within a month. Once you've got a grasp on the editor move on to coding and making things happen.

    Eventually you'll run into the snag of "I need this kind of art asset" and you won't have it. The learning curve needed for making different types of art can be more of a time sink than anything, and it also requires talent that you may or may not have. There are free resources all over the internet for various types of game-art, and what you can't find for free you can either learn to do without (you'll be doing this a lot even if you're on a team of talented people), find an alternative (asset store ahoy!), or find someone who will make it for you. Make friends who are also interested in game development and that last part becomes a lot easier.

    It all comes down to dedication and time commitment. As the saying goes, where there's a will there's a way.
    radiantboy likes this.
  32. goat


    Aug 24, 2009
    Just about every big asset in the Asset Store has been made by a one man team. The big problem is being both artist and developer and being good at both. Now the artist out there have been given a huge hand up by Unity itself as well as a lot of great code assets. The art hasn't been given such a good hand up, as much as for preference as too many locking into the Zombie/War Game genres.
  33. goat


    Aug 24, 2009
    30 - 35 hours days or a 24 hour daze?
  34. orbobservation


    Feb 28, 2013
    I can definitely back up the 30-35 hour days, in the middle of one now- money + deadline = fun.
  35. yoonitee


    Jun 27, 2013
    Well no bit of it is really hard. But it can take a long long time to learn all the software:

    3D software to make characters. Learn how to rig them and animate them.
    2D software to draw menus etc.
    Learn algorithms for optimisation.
    Learn a programming language.
    Learn some 3D geometry and Vector math.

    So there's a lot to learn. If it was easy everyone would be doing it!


    Perhaps the people above live on venus since on Earth we only have 24 hours in a day!

    As an indie I can choose how many hours I work a day. I find that after about 5-6 hours my brain is tired so I try and do 5 hours a day 7 days a week = 35 hours a week. Works for me!
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2014
  36. eskimojoe


    Jun 4, 2012

    How do you do 30-35 hours days when there is only 24 hours in 1 day?
    Numbat17 likes this.
  37. jerotas


    Sep 4, 2011
    Maybe where you live. Hahaha. Maybe he's coding on Mars?
  38. QuinnWinters


    Dec 31, 2013
    It depends on how you look at a day. If you're looking at it relative to the earths rotation, yeah there's 24 hours. I count my days as sleeping / waking rotations though. From the time I wake up to the time I go to sleep I consider a day; from the time I go to sleep to the time I wake up I consider a night. So if I'm awake for 35 hours and I've worked that whole 35 hours I say I worked a 35 hour day. It's just a relative way of looking at it.
  39. CarterG81


    Jul 25, 2013
    It's difficult, and very time consuming...yet entirely possible if your expectations are practical and seated in reality. It is especially time consuming if you dont possess all the skills required to make a game by yourself.

    It also depends on what your goal is, how you approach the project, what your plan, how much money you plan to use (or if you plan to get money through a kickstarter campaign or push to publishers), etc. etc.

    The scope of the game is the biggest aspect of time consumption.

    For example, you could buy a lot of assets from websites like the unity asset store or other vendors like Arteria3D or TurboSquid. This would allow you to focus on making the GAME, as opposed to making pieces of the game that will probably result in you never getting anything finished. Even if you just *had* to have custom art you designed yourself- it is better to complete your game with placeholder graphics FIRST, and then simply switch out the assets, than to work your butt off making 3D assets for a game that will never be finished.

    You can buy music, sound effects, and graphics. What you can't buy is scripting your game, designing something fun, and placing it all together. Although you can spend money on these things to speed up the process, you HAVE to know programming to make a game unless it is a very simple sidescroller or something easily made without much coding or just using reference coding.

    I'd say that making a video game is the most difficult thing I've ever done, in a life full of intellectualism and floating by because of how easy it is for me to do everything else in life.

    Primarily because it isn't simple, and when you work alone without much experience- it MULTIPLIES factors against you (as opposed to adding resistance, it multiplies it.) It's more like... taking thousands of different pieces and putting them together- but through hard science. By this, I mean that 'hard science' has no mercy.

    Of course, no one will teach you. No one can help you, unless they are part of the team and experienced. Books and Tutorials will only go so far, and in the end- there are TONS of factors, skills, and pieces of information you must learn just to get the basics done. It requires more dedication, commitment, and grueling hard work than most things in life require- all while running entirely on your own willpower because more often than not you are the only one making the game. You are working for yourself. Besides, why WOULD anyone help you when you really need a guiding hand the entire time? You are working on YOUR dream, not THEIR dream.

    I didn't say it was super hard. I'm just saying that in comparison with everything that is easy, and even in comparison to some of the more difficult tasks I've faced in life, it is by far the only thing I've ever actually had trouble overcoming, trouble getting past, trouble motivating myself forward. This is just me, but I am one of those smart 'floaters' who drift through life bc things come so easily to him. Game Dev doesn't come easy. That alone is obvious when looking at what is released by non-AAA studios.

    If anything is hard, making a good video game is hard. Notice I said a GOOD video game. Making a crappy one is easy. That is why things like Android's App Store is flooded with total S***, with barely any gold nuggets after shifting all the crap. And even those gold nuggets smell kindof rotten because they were tainted by the S***.

    LOL, I'm serious. That's a good analogy.

    Game Design, Game Ideas, Game Architecture, GUI Interfaces, Game Testing, Dev Decisions - These are all unique skills all unto themselves.
    A true game designer will spend so much time on the design, they justify that being their one and only job title. Same for GUI interface and whatever that title is given to the player interaction director who has to try and look at the game as if they were the player- knowing nothing about it while simultaneously comparing it to all other games.

    Making a game all by yourself, means you are EVERYTHING combined into one person. There IS a lot of overlap, so it isn't all bad, and it is CERTAINLY possible. It is just easier with a team, and very difficult if you have trouble motivating yourself or working hard. I'd say if you could only have TWO people working on a game, it would be best to split them between Programmer/Artist. Both are very time consuming, and both are required. If you could only have YOURSELF and no one else, then placeholder art + you as programmer.

    It's hard and so time consuming that most people never finish their game. But if you want to do it? You can. It doesn't matter what your innate talents are. EVERYTHING in human life can be learned as a skill, and experience is EVERYTHING. Study Study Study. Read Read Read. Contemplate Contemplate Contemplate. Practice Practice Practice. Study EVERY topic that deals with game dev and after a few years, you will be far better than anyone else simply for the fact most people don't study even the basics of some of the overlooked aspects of game dev (Design, Marketing, Interface Usability, etc.)

    I'd do yourself a big favor though, and drop the art to focus entirely on the game dev aspect. Programming, Design, and Usability. If you can program, you can make it. If you learn design, you can make it good. If you learn Usability, your interface will impress others and people will play your game (instead of quiting after a few seconds) which when combined- is a recipe for success.

    By usability, here is a prime example:

    Dwarf Fortress vs Call of Duty.

    The former, has perhaps the worst usability of any game ever developed. It is a trash game for the vast majority of gamers. Very few people play it. More people talk about it fondly (pretending to like it) than they actually do play it. This is THE reason Dwarf Fortress allows the developer to survive on a meager income, rather than allow him millions of dollars like Notch.

    Call of Duty, is an excellent game (no one can deny it is a quality title even if they dislike it). Even a child can play it, because the usability is excellent. Minecraft and World of Warcraft are another good example, seeing as how even 6 year olds can figure out how to play them.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2014
    Numbat17 likes this.
  40. Kinos141


    Jun 22, 2011

    If you don't know what you want and how to make it, then very hard. If you do, then just hard. :p
  41. CarterG81


    Jul 25, 2013

    I imagine that once you get experience making games, it becomes SIGNIFICANTLY easier.

    The hardest part I find, is how to even begin. Not like, how to begin making games. How to begin each task required to put the game together.

    You are constantly learning the basics of making games- even with a high level engine like Unity.

    How do you store gameobjects? What container should you use, or should you even use a container?
    What should be a Scene? What should be a prefab?
    Of the thousands of ways to do things, what way will you do this part in?

  42. sandboxgod


    Sep 27, 2013
    @JohnSaita (the OP)

    Sounds like you're on the right track. Try to see if you can recruit others to help too. For my 1st project I got various 3d models from others. It was sooo long ago I cant recall how I got animations done. Ah, that was because it was an Unreal mod. So I simply reskinned characters (meaning, we changed textures)

    The Unity equivalent would be try to license models from Asset Store. Hook them up to Mecanim. Try to fully utilize the Asset store for your game
  43. wendellpogi11


    Feb 9, 2017
    How long it takes sir? Thankyou
  44. hippocoder


    Digital Ape

    Apr 11, 2010
    All your life, you won't stop getting better so it's merely a quality issue.
    Ony, angrypenguin and dogzerx2 like this.
  45. dogzerx2


    Dec 27, 2009
    (Game Quality * Game Size) / (Devs Skill * Team Size) = Duration
    Numbat17, AlanMattano and Ryiah like this.
  46. Schneider21


    Feb 6, 2014
    I did that math for my project and came up with "833.3 megabyte-persons". o_O
    Numbat17, Ony, AlanMattano and 3 others like this.
  47. dogzerx2


    Dec 27, 2009
    (Game Quality * Game Size) / (Devs Skill * Team Size) = Duration * 5

  48. drewradley


    Sep 22, 2010
    As long as it takes and not one second less.


    As long as a piece of string.

    Some games take weeks. Some take years. Some are never finished.
    GarBenjamin likes this.
  49. Schneider21


    Feb 6, 2014
    That's quite a piece of string...
  50. drewradley


    Sep 22, 2010
    Theoretical string. :)
    Ony likes this.