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Do you consider yourself a geek?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by yoonitee, Apr 19, 2014.

  1. yoonitee


    Jun 27, 2013
    OK, so geeks are cool now right?

    I think I heard a good definition of a geek once which was:

    "A geek is someone who uses a computer in order to use a computer."

    Now, I don't think (indie) game developers fall into that category. Although, I suppose it depends on whether you're using Unity to make a game, be successful and live on a tropical island with bikini clad waitresses. Or are you using Unity in order to use Unity.

    Maybe another modern definition of a geek might be:

    "Someone who uses a computer for other reasons than Facebook."
  2. hippocoder


    Digital Ape

    Apr 11, 2010
    everyone is a geek now, it's nerds you've got to watch out for.
  3. TylerPerry


    May 29, 2011
    I highly doubt theirs anyone who "uses a computer in order to use a computer" what even is that? Like "Awww yis, dat DOS" everyone is using a computer for a reason, we use the PC to make games not cause using a computer is fun...
  4. gameseizer_00


    Dec 20, 2013
    i am no geek. i am a bully developer!
  5. Hikiko66


    May 5, 2013
    I used to think I was a geek, until I watched coverage of pax east.
  6. Sir-Tiddlesworth


    Oct 19, 2011
    I certainly don't consider myself a geek.
    But I am a nerd.
  7. zombiegorilla



    May 8, 2012
  8. BrainMelter


    Nov 20, 2012
    I liked this :)
  9. Interzoner


    Oct 2, 2013
    Am I the only one who thinks that people labeling themselves as geeks or nerds or whatever is a dumb thing?
  10. drewradley


    Sep 22, 2010
    Nope. I hate labels of any kind. The only way to sum me up in one word is "unique".
  11. JovanD


    Jan 5, 2014
    Be advised that people who like to describe themselves as "unique" are usually regarded as pretentious.
  12. Dabeh


    Oct 26, 2011
    I'm a unique butterfly, the amount of pretentious I excrete makes me even more unique; thus creating an infinite loop of uniqueness and pretentiousness.

    On topic...I don't know if I'm a nerd/geek or whatever...not even really too sure the definition of those terms, geeks would probably be irritated if I said I was one and likewise for nerds.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2014
  13. sootie8


    Mar 25, 2014
  14. drewradley


    Sep 22, 2010
    Just like people who say crap like "Be advised I have something snarky to say" are regarded in much the same way. :)
  15. kburkhart84


    Apr 28, 2012
    I have my nerdy/geeky side, but in certain ways. For example, Star Trek or Star Wars? Both! Make Games or Play Games? Both! Soccer or stay inside? Both! See that last one, the stereotypical nerd/geek doesn't do anything physical or sports related, and yet can be found to be in all different physical shapes between fat and skinny. I'm more like chunky, not fat or skinny. I prefer contacts over glasses. I DO enjoy being right, and proving someone else wrong, but I'm "cool" about it instead of being forceful and stuck up about it. I don't have that "I'm better than thou" attitude that can be found on stereotypical nerds either.

    The above paragraph was referring the exact stereotype of nerd(and maybe geek). In no way should it offend or apply to any specific person, especially me. :p
  16. zombiegorilla



    May 8, 2012
    Simon Pegg...

  17. AndrewGrayGames


    Nov 19, 2009
    Look, this isn't something that you can reasonably approach in an objective way if you're evaluating yourself. Therefore I propose a simple test:

    ||= '/0|_| (4|\| |234|) 7|-||5, '/0|_| 4|23 4 |\/|0|\|573|2 633|<.
  18. CarterG81


    Jul 25, 2013
    Geek is the new nerd, and nerd is the new cool.

    I prefer to go by the classier term, "Online Troll" or "Bitter Gamer".

    Just kidding.

    I call myself by my first name, and also go by my online names. Labels are for people who... like labels? I've never really understood the whole social labeling system. Even during highschool, I floated in every group and did not belong to any group or label. Of course, I was always known for being me. Even today, people do not say "this guy or that", but remember me by name even if I've never seen them before in my entire life. Not that I'm famous or anything, but I have random people walk up to me and claim to know me, know all about me, and it all makes rational sense as to how they know...but I swear I have never seen or heard of them in my life.

    At least, that used to be the case when I belonged to a big social group. These days, I stay inside most of the time, and if someone knew me by name who I had never met I would assume they are cyber-stalkers from the NSA who broke through my VPN.
    I'm an online guy. As I have most of my life, I socialize online for the most part. But between self, family, and game dev.... who has time to socialize?

    I think it's weird when people consider themselves geeks, nerds, or gamers. Mostly because I am the geekiest nerdiest person I've ever known. Not weird, where I collect action figures, anime, and my little ponies. (Although there's nothing wrong with that, it's a niche of fandom I do not understand.) Just the epitome of a nerd. I understand every joke on Big Bang Theory, because I have probably lived it and then some. In fact, those 'nerds' seem like jocks sometimes when compared to a real nerd. So when people claim to be nerdy, I question the validity of their claim. "How many hours did you say you spend online? What deprived online social experiment were you a part of again? How many online girlfriends did you have before getting a real one?" lol.

    However, I own hundreds of board games, card games, video games, roleplaying books, geeky software, etc.
    I also look like and somewhat act like Wil Wheaton IRL, and I own almost the exact same type of games he displays on his youtube channel.
    I assume that it's just a coincidence because we both have great taste in board games, card games, and roleplaying games.

    Ever since I was 12 years old, I have lived most of my life on the computer. That's about as geeky as you can get, but no one ever calls me a geek. Like I said, I don't understand the whole labeling thing.

    Of course, I myself label people all the time.
    One of my favorite things to do is make fun of competitive gamers. The idea of video games is to have fun, which is contrary to the reality of competitive gaming which requires serious competitors to min/max, exploit game mechanics, and practice 18 hours a day, every day, for years just to become "pro". To me, it is so silly it verges on insanity. I only recently discovered how shameful competitive gaming really is, when I considered participated because I have so much experience in games and am always quite excellent because of it. (I have a hard time believing anyone who has over 15 years of competitive gaming experience could possibly be bad at any game they play.)

    That... and have you seen some of these guy's pics? :p
    As silly as it is, and as hypocritical of me it is to do, making fun of them is hilarious. All one needs to do is look up what the pro tournament players of League of Legends look like, to see people who look geekier and nerdier than I have ever known in my entire life. Nerds who are paler and geekier looking than I knew possible.

    Just based on my own self as an example, I assume that people call others geeks/nerds based on their physical appearance. I immediately will think "LOL, man that guy looks geeky." is they look like the typical LoL pro gamer. However, no one ever calls me a geek, unless my personality does something geeky- and then it's a positive version of geek, like people saying how geeky Wil Wheaton is.

    Of course, it makes sense. There is research to suggest that gamers have the quick reflexes of fighter pilots, but the unhealthy bodies of chain smokers. No wonder pro gamers look pale, frail, and sickly.
    Once you do your research, it is also obvious as to why all of them are little kids. Real adults don't have time to devote to a single video game to stay competitive. Of course, who would want to anyway? How boring of a grind to min/max the same game for thousands of hours. I have trouble just starting a video game, let alone finishing one.

    But besides 'pro gamers' and games as competition, I never make fun of geeky or nerdy people. Except LARPers.

    Everyone makes fun of LARPers.
    Even medieval fair LARPers make fun of real LARPers.

    You can't be a human without making fun of LARPers, no matter how nerdy you are. Even if you ARE a LARPer, you gotta make fun of LARPers.

    I mean...come on. They're LARPers.

    Last edited: Apr 20, 2014
  19. Sir-Tiddlesworth


    Oct 19, 2011
    You nearly have it, there is just a small error in your equation.

    Instead of
    It should be
  20. dogzerx2


    Dec 27, 2009
    Firstly it depends what you're talking about... what is "geek" here? Is it a weird/bad thing? Or a good thing?

    I don't consider myself geek in a weird way, because I can only be weird (or socially awkward) to other people's eyes... it's a third party's perspective trait. I'm only a geek because I can't find a lot of people to talk about the things I like. Most people like and share the same topics, such as sports, inside gossip, weather, maybe politics, I don't know... but it's a good thing, it is recommended to be social, but if you don't give a sh*t about most common topics, then BAM you're a geek.

    So others might find me weird, but that's different... and I used to be pretty freaking weird, people told me so all the time... "a guy of few words, very few words". Today I still care very little about small talk, but I've socialized enough to not appear socially awkward to most people, maybe a little quiet but that's it.

    But good news is that people aren't weird out by computers any more, so the fact you "use computers" is nothing special. In fact you'd be pretty damn weird if you don't use any sort of computer now. Tables have turned now baby! You can still be socially awkward though... but it has nothing to do if you're around computers all day.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2014
  21. Steve-Tack


    Mar 12, 2013
    Sometimes when people say "geek" they are referring to the socially awkward (and it used to mean that quite literally). There are many levels of that of course. But I'd like to unplug that from the modern use of the word "geek." Let's just use the term "dork" for that. I don't want to get into that though. It's judgmental and can be an unpleasant topic for many.

    There are at least three categories that the term "geek" can refer to in my mind, though one person can often be all of them:

    1) The escapist. People who love to escape to other worlds in their mind, through fantasy/sci-fi stories, comics, tabletop or computer RPG gaming, VR gaming, live-action role playing or whatnot. These people may or may not have "normal" social lives outside of their flights of fancy. Now if watching Game of Thrones on TV is the only toe that you dip into that world, you may not be a geek. It's more about how "into it" you are. If you've read the novels or talk about the TV show a lot, it's more likely that you're an escapist geek, for instance.

    2) The gamer. I think this one is really unique. It can be related to #2, but since gaming is so wide-ranging, it can encompass competitive online gaming, casual gaming, and everything in between. It's more of a state of mind. If you're "into it", you're a game geek. If five minutes of Candy Crush per week is all the gaming you are interested in, you're not a game geek. If you'd LIKE to play games 20+ hours a week (whether you actually do or not), you're a game geek.

    3) Science, math, and technology geeks. These people want to know how things tick and love experimenting and "playing" with technology. That would include most game developers. When the science or math gets ramped up enough, you start to enter "nerd" territory.

    Personally, yeah, I'm all three. Definitely a geek.
  22. Mwsc


    Aug 26, 2012
    Speak for yourself.
    Many people, including myself and my friends, do things for fun, not just for the end result or to get paid.
    Programming is fun because it is challenging and stretches your brain, above and beyond a means to an end.
  23. CarterG81


    Jul 25, 2013
    I'd like to know a bit more about Brazillian culture when it comes to being a 'geek' and computer usage.

    I ask this, because in my forum readings on MOBA games and Brazillian players, I have heard many people say that some BR gamers will troll MOBA games to have fun, and when someone wants them to play correctly, they will respond making fun of the more serious gamer as a "geeky nerd" or "computer nerd". Some insult along those lines, anyway. I've also seen it myself a few times (although it is rare. Most of the time they just flame like a US child does, with obscenities, childish mockery, and violent threats).

    So it makes me curious if taking competitive games seriously or being a computer programmer is still seen as "geeky" there. Geeky as in, nerdy, like Steve Erkle. Like how in the 80's-90's in the US, computer nerds were stereotyped as uber geeky nerdlingers who lived in their moms basement.

    I don't mean to target Brazillian culture. It's just that I haven't seen anyone from the US or EU say anything close to that for well over a decade. They used to say it all the time over here, but now that everyone has a computer and an i-device, being a 'nerd' is the new 'cool'. Someone who made fun of another for being good at technology is more likely to be seen as weird, than a "cool bully".

    Oh how the tides have turned in our culture. A decade ago, being a computer programmer meant being stereotyped as a mother-loving basement-dwelling nerdlinger. Now, being a computer programmer means being wealthy, having a great job, and more than enough money to get all the good things in life.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2014
  24. CarterG81


    Jul 25, 2013
    Actually the only person I think is being pretentious in this entire thread.... is you.

    You openly mock someone for saying they are unique, in a thread where people discuss how they are nerds and geeks.
    In this thread, you can't get any more pretentious than that.

    Unless you're me.


  25. BrainMelter


    Nov 20, 2012
  26. Arowx


    Nov 12, 2009
    Define Geek?

    Geek - comes from English dialect geek or geck (meaning a "fool" or "freak"; from Middle Low German Geck). "Geck" is a standard term in modern German and means "fool" or "fop."[SUP][2][/SUP] The root also survives in the Dutch and Afrikaans adjective gek ("crazy"), as well as some German dialects, and in the Alsatian word Gickeleshut ("jester's hat"; used during carnival).[SUP][1][/SUP] In 18th century Austria-Hungary,Gecken were freaks on display in some circuses. In 19th century North America, the term geek referred to a performer in a geek show in a circus or travelling carnival side-shows (see also freak show).[SUP][3][/SUP]The 1976 edition of the American Heritage Dictionary included only the definition regarding geek shows. Wrestler Freddie Blassie originated the term pencil-neck geek.[SUP][4][/SUP]
  27. CarterG81


    Jul 25, 2013
    That is definitely not the correct definition of geek in this thread.

    I'll help:
  28. ZJP


    Jan 22, 2010
    "Do you consider yourself a geek?"
    Yes. Absolutely ... I won something? :D
  29. Kaji-Atsushi


    Oct 6, 2012
    It took me a while but, I think you just made me a monster geek.
  30. yoonitee


    Jun 27, 2013
    Ah, OK I can see it now! Its more of a test of good eyesight I would say!

    | |234|) |7 4|\||) |_||\||)3|25700|)!!!
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2014
  31. tectuma


    Nov 26, 2012
    My Home computer...

    Just one of my racks... at home...

    Nope not a geek.... LOL
  32. CarterG81


    Jul 25, 2013
    What are all of the monitors displaying?

    Are you a weather geek or storm chaser or something?
  33. tectuma


    Nov 26, 2012
    At that time I was watching a NASA Launch a rocket to the moon (the rocket is on the projection screen on the right). The middle screen was a live NASA feed from their control room. So I went a little over board... Maybe I should put the unity logo up on the screens and take a pic... lol... FYI - Old pic, I have a few more monitors now... :) And before any one ask:

    Why do you have so many screens:
    A) Makes live soo much better when working on things... Put the editor on one screen, Code Editor on a different screen, the server on another one, etc. You can not tell from the pic but the side bottom monitor even pulls out to my chair or reading on line docs. B) This also doubles a Noc for my project. So I can see what is going on in each of the zones of the game I am working on in real time.
  34. yoonitee


    Jun 27, 2013
    It looks like an evil genius lair!

    Doesn't it hurt your neck looking at all the different screens?

    I heard there's this operating system that can put all different programs in different "windows" on the same screen... Can't remember what it's called...
  35. AndrewGrayGames


    Nov 19, 2009
    Legions of Terror, execute 'Order 66'. Target: this 'yoonitee' fellow...

    Hey yoonitee, I have ordered refreshments and cool things, you should totally open your door when the strangers in strange uniforms come knocking. For serious. ;)
  36. Jamster


    Apr 28, 2012
    How many PCs do you have for all those screens? Are all the 9 screens and the 4 keyboards all connected to the 1 PC :p

    Btw. I like it :p
  37. Arowx


    Nov 12, 2009
    Remember Geek is just a label.

    You are



    made from stardust


    living in an infinite universe

    but on a finite planet!
  38. violinbg


    Mar 24, 2014
    I don't know if people consider me a geek. But I know I'm an engineer. ;)

  39. tectuma


    Nov 26, 2012
    3 computers... 2 - Left better 1/2 computer, 2 top testing server, the rest are on my main computer. Then I use input director so I can control all of them with one keyboard and mouse. Input Director is one program I could not live with out. Even if you only have 2 computers one for your better 1/2 and one for you it comes in handy. Whenever she ask me how to do something I do not even have to get up I can just drag my mouse over to her screen. Best of all I can use the whole system as one large computer (Esp when she is not using hers). The extra keyboards and mouses are because I have 5 kids and I am all ways needing one handy to replace one of theirs. LOL
  40. Kinos141


    Jun 22, 2011
    if by being a geek, you mean someone like Simon Pegg described, then yeah. I like what I like, talk about what I like and don't care what others think. It's funny, the cool kids in school also didn't care what others thought as well.
  41. JamesLeeNZ


    Nov 15, 2011
    To me, a geek has always been someone who is computer savvy, but has a life outside of his/her computer. Im a geek. I like games, I'm a programmer, but I also like to socialise with people, go to parties, surf, snowboard, etc. You could look at me and think, this guys a software engineer?

    A nerd on the other hand, is like a geek, but really has no life outside of the little screen (or um warhammer boardgames) sitting in front of them.