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plyGame, no-scripting game maker

Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by Leslie-Young, Jan 25, 2014.

  1. Kane C Hart

    Kane C Hart

    Jun 29, 2013
    This looks really sweet. I been learning or trying to learn Unity. I been actually playing around with one called RPG Maker. The nice thing about RPG Maker is it's just simple. Downside it becomes so simple that you can't even modify the resolution past 640x480... That is just too crazy. Nice part there is 100's if not 1000's of scripts that add a lot of features and content.

    Is there any value in considering using this yet? Is there a inventory or shop system. The basic RPG sort of features or is this still very bare bones intended still a little higher then the beginners level?
  2. Leslie-Young


    Dec 24, 2008
    Perhaps you can ask on to find out what current users have to say.
  3. Leslie-Young


    Dec 24, 2008
    Latest updates.
    Also check out the youtube channel for a new series of tutorials.

    plyGame 2.1.8
    • Added: Sound Auto-Volume System
    • Added: New Audio Blocks
    • Added: plyGame Global now has a default audio listener which can be controlled via new Blocks under Audio group
    • Added: New Screens system related Blocks
    • Added: Auto-init objects support. See
    • Updated: The Screens Button element can now send a string value to param1 of the called event
    • Fixed: Game would get stuck after splash screens if loading screens where defined
    • Fixed: The 'Is Visible' Block was returning true even when a Screen was not visible
    plyBlox 1.1.9
    • Added: Blocks related to quality settings (under Render group)
    • Added: Blocks and Events can now be disabled so that they exist but will not do anything at runtime
    • Fixed: Temporary variables could become invalid in active event when events are triggered in same blox object
      Temporary Variables are now correctly associated per Event and not the plyBlox object as a whole
    • Updated: Temporary Variable Blocks do not take a plyBlox field any longer as they should not be able to access temp vars of other events

    plyGame 2.1.7

    • Fixed: Screens System Blocks could cause non-critical error messages when used in Update event
    • Added: Screens System related Events
    plyBlox 1.1.8

    • Updated: Events now accept custom parameters. The Trigger Event Block can now pass parameters
    • Added: Flow > Comparison > String IsEmpty Block
  4. gurayg


    Nov 28, 2013
    Hello Mr.Young,
    I recall you were changing your hosting for recently.
    Since then, I'm unable to open your www site but I can access your "" page.

    To make clear;
    I can access to ""
    but can not access to "" or ""

    Chrome says " took too long to respond"

    Not sure If the problem is on my side but I was able to access all your websites before.
    Is there anything I can try?

  5. Leslie-Young


    Dec 24, 2008
    Tested and working fine on my side, but just in case, you can try this url

    The forum is hosted at a different host while the site (and docs) are on google app engine. Would be strange if gae is blocked somehow.
  6. gurayg


    Nov 28, 2013
    That url works! :)
    I don't know the reasons but looks like I can read through docs from that url.
  7. Leslie-Young


    Dec 24, 2008
    Latest update ...

    ## plyGame 2.1.9 ##

    - Fixed: Interface effects not correctly updating when volume changed
    - Added: Block to get what item is equipped on a slot
    - Added: Block to set what object the audio listener should follow
    - Added: Option to disable creation of a default audio listener
    - Added: 'Click-to-continue' option in Load Screens
    - Updated: 'Show Load Screen' Block

    ## plyRPG 1.0.2 ##

    - Added: Block that returns the plyBlox of an Item
    - Fixed: Bag would return wrong number of slots used when using weight-based system
    - Change: Player now only jumps when jump button pressed and not while held (need to release and press to jump again)
    - Added: Block to change bag max-weight

    ## plyBlox 1.2.0 ##

    ## DiaQ 2.0.1 ##

    - Fixed: Bug in getting metaData interface of Nodes
  8. Leslie-Young


    Dec 24, 2008
    *Also uploading some new tutorials so check back later for that. To be posted in

    ## plyGame 2.2.0 ##

    - Update: PersistableObject now allows for a custom save/ load key for object at runtime
    - Added: Block to get Screens System's plyBlox object
    - Fixed: Global Variables where not being saved/ restored correctly

    ## plyRPG 1.0.3 ##

    - Added: Player Manager. See
    - Added: Events and Blocks related to the Player manager
    - Added: Simple Customizer. See
    - Added: Blocks related to customizer
    - Added: Skill Effect Event, triggered when the effect would be created (for example a projectile)
    - Changed: Projectile based Skill no longer require projectile prefabs but will then not handle projectile and hit detection

    ## plyBlox 1.2.0 ##

    - Added: Variable Block that can return a plyBlox value
  9. Leslie-Young


    Dec 24, 2008
  10. Leslie-Young


    Dec 24, 2008
    ## plyGame 2.2.1 ##

    - This update includes updates to RPG module and Blox

    ## plyRPG 1.0.4 ##

    - Updated: Area Trigger now has options to set what kind of object can trigger it. All other will be ignored.
    - Added: Area Trigger specific Blox Events (under Events > Triggers > Area Trigger)
    - Added: `Player is Ready` Block which can be used to check if player is ready before accessing values in it.

    ## plyBlox 1.2.0 ##

    - Added: Variable Block that can return a plyBlox value.
    - Added: New screen resolution related Blocks.
    - Added: Variation of `Object > Get Position` that can return only X, Y, or Z of position.
    red2blue likes this.
  11. Leslie-Young


    Dec 24, 2008
    Another quick update to fix some important areas that where bugged.

    ## plyGame 2.2.2 ##

    - Added: Pause game and Blocks to control this
    - Updated with plyRPG 1.0.5 and DiaQ 2.0.2

    ## plyRPG 1.0.5 ##

    - Fixed: Bug that would cause `Player Ready` to not return True when it should.
    - Fixed: There was a bug in the Curve Editor. It caused Attributes to start at the wrong value in relation to level.
    - Fixed: Bonus values would have no affect if the attribute was already at its max.

    ## DiaQ 2.0.2 ##

    - Fixed: Added missing `Update Quest Condition` Block (for plyGame/Blox)
    red2blue likes this.
  12. Alexarah


    May 1, 2014
    Hey there Leslie Young I was wondering if you have or plan on making a video tutorial or documentation on making follower AI smarter because I saw your tutorial on making a basic pet or a follower for the player. I would like to know how or if it's possible in doing this in plyBox. Such as basically having the follower make their own decisions as to what skill, attack, or animation they should use according to the given situation mainly in battle.
  13. Leslie-Young


    Dec 24, 2008
    For a Pet the Skills would triggered via Blocks just like for any other NPC. Normally you use a `Use Skill` Block in the `On AI Think` and let it attack whatever is closest but you could first do some checks, like distance so decide to selected so it can decide to use a ranged skill, or to run through the list of detected characters and choose a different one to target.
  14. rbarbosa


    Jun 20, 2012
    Hello Leslie,

    After a recent update, in plyData\System\playerselectors, I'm seeing an error indicating that there is a missing behavior script. Has this object been deprecated? It appears to only have one script attached to it, and that script is the one that is missing.

    Any assistance?

    The referenced script on this Behaviour is missing!
    UnityEditor.AssetDatabase:LoadAssetAtPath(String, Type)
    plyCommonEditor.plyEdUtil:LoadOrCreateAsset(String, String) (at d:/Work/Unity AS/plyGame/_SOURCE_/plyCommonEditor/plyEdUtil.cs:23)
    plyGameEditor.EdGlobal:LoadOrCreateAsset(String, String) (at d:/Work/Unity AS/plyGame/_SOURCE_/plyGameEditor/System/EdGlobal.cs:862)
    plyGameEditor.EdGlobal:GetDataAsset() (at d:/Work/Unity AS/plyGame/_SOURCE_/plyGameEditor/System/EdGlobal.cs:844)
    plyGameEditor.EdGlobal:RegisterAutoCreate(GameObject) (at d:/Work/Unity AS/plyGame/_SOURCE_/plyGameEditor/System/EdGlobal.cs:792)
    DiaQEditor.plyDiaQEdGlobal:RunOnce() (at Assets/plyoung/DiaQ/plyGame/Editor/plyDiaQEdGlobal.cs:39)
  15. Leslie-Young


    Dec 24, 2008
    No, it has not been deprecated. Can you please update to the latest version 2.2.3 has just been submitted. If that does not work, have a look at this post about problems with updates.

    Let me know if you still get the problem and copy paste the err message again so that reflect the new code.
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2014
  16. Leslie-Young


    Dec 24, 2008
    Big update that includes the new Items System.

    - Clear all old save data as the way some data is saved has changed. (via plyGame Main Editor > LoadingSaving > Delete)
    - The Items System has been totally reworked. You will have to recreate all Items and remove the old ones from your scene(s). See the docs for more info

    ## plyGame 2.2.3 ##

    - Updated: Added a confirmation when choosing to delete something in the plyGame main, and Screens editors
    - Updated to plyRPG 1.0.6, plyBlox 1.2.1 and DiaQ 2.0.3

    ## plyRPG 1.0.6 ##

    - Updated: The Items System has been totally reworked and should be much easier to work with now. See docs to learn more.
    - Updated: ItemBag and EquipmentSlots systems to work with new Items System
    - Updated: Player does not need to face an Item to be able to pick it up
    - Updated: Remove Item from Bag now allows to set if it should auto-drop to scene or not
    - Updated: 3rd Person Player controller now support auto-turn and auto-move requests
    - Updated: Top-Down Player controller now has 'always face mouse' option
    - Updated: Added Pause check to Projectiles
    - Updated: Added a confirmation when choosing to delete something in the plyGame editor
    - Fixed: NPC would not disengage dead character
    - Fixed: Player would sometime get stuck in a command to look at interactable object
    - Fixed: Player Manager: The player character position was restored when changing to a previous scene, causing a player to potentially spawn in the trigger that send it to a scene and thus causing endless loop of scenes loading back and forth
    - Fixed: PersistObject Load() could fail when distance based (en)disable is on an object
    - Fixed: Sometimes run-time created objects would not restore themselves - assuming they are the kind that is supposed to be able to do so
    - Fixed: Faction Manager event handler where not being detect
    - Fixed: Spawn Point event handler where not being detected

    ## plyBlox 1.2.1 ##

    - Added: `Variable Defined` Bock which can be used to check of Global, Local, Temp, and meta variable exist or not
    - Added: Encode/ Decode Global and Local variables for saving/ loading added to API
    - Added: Way to mark variables that can be persisted or not in variable editor/ inspector
    - Updated: Global & Local Variable "set" blocks can now set if variables partake in loading/ saving in properties
    - Updated: Added a confirmation when choosing to delete a State or Event
    - Updated: Made it easier to spot deactivated Events in the editor's list of events

    ## DiaQ 2.0.3 ##

    - Updated: Added a confirmation when choosing to delete a Graph or Quest
    - Updated: plyGame plugin to work with new Items System of plyGame RPG module
    red2blue likes this.
  17. Leslie-Young


    Dec 24, 2008
    IMPORTANT: Many of the Skills related Blocks where changed to improve their usability. You will have to check and update all Events that makes use of Skills.

    ## plyGame 2.2.4 ##

    - Added: Block to delete LoadSave profiles
    - Fixed: Error in Sound Volume Updater during startup
    - Fixed: Problem with Screens System Blox not triggering Update events
    - Updated to plyRPG 1.0.7, plyBlox 1.2.2, and DiaQ 2.0.4

    ## plyRPG 1.0.7 ##

    - Added: Block to get character's current movement speed
    - Updated: The Skills related Blocks where changed to improve their usability
    - Updated: Skills can now save and restore their local variables that are set to persist
    - Updated: Changed some functions in Skill class to be virtual so that it is easier to create derived functionality
    - Updated: Items no longer need a PersistObject to be able to save. It will be added automatically when needed
    - Fixed: Errors in Factions System
    - Fixed: Item Bag was not removing all save data related to removed items
    - Fixed: Bug in Item Bag when restoring Item variable values
    - Fixed: Error with Item not being removed when doing unequip
    - Fixed: Equipment Slots was not correctly saving and restoring equipped Items

    ## plyBlox 1.2.2 ##

    - Added: Blox Event Data Exporter
    - Added: Unity Input Acceleration related Blocks
    - Added: More Animation related Blocks

    ## DiaQ 2.0.4 ##

    - Added: Graph Update Block for plyGame
    - Fixed: Giving a Quest's Rewards was not being recorded by the quest
    Alexarah and red2blue like this.
  18. Leslie-Young


    Dec 24, 2008
    Time for another update :D

    I've updated the DiaQ Guide with info on how to use the new Inline Values feature. See bottom of guide.

    ## plyGame 2.2.5 ##

    - Updated to plyRPG 1.0.8, plyBlox 1.2.3, DiaQ 2.0.5

    ## plyRPG 1.0.8 ##

    - Added: `Interact With` Block for characters
    - Updated: Added 'engaged range' options to NPC Controller
    - Updated: Home location for disengaged NPC changed to spawn point location from within disengage home range setting
    - Fixed: Skills triggered activate event more than once when used
    - Fixed: Bug in NPC controller that would sometimes prevent NPC from attacking targeted

    ## plyBlox 1.2.3 ##

    - Added: Input > Mouse X/Y Block
    - Added: "InlineValue" Data Provider that can provide Global and Local variable values
    - Updated: It is now possible to copy a whole Event (using copy while no block is selected) or Blocks with all those following it (from context menu)

    ## DiaQ 2.0.5 ##

    - Added: Support for inserting variable values into text like Dialogue node text, and other
    - Fixed: Some button icons in Graph and Quest editor would not always show up
    red2blue likes this.
  19. Leslie-Young


    Dec 24, 2008
    IMPORTANT: Changes to OnGUI Blocks. Please go over any Events that makes use of these and correct where needed.

    ## plyGame 2.2.6 ##

    - Updated: `Pause` Block was moved to `Flow > System`
    - Updated to plyRPG 1.0.9 and plyBlox 1.2.4

    ## plyRPG 1.0.9 ##

    - Added: Option in Attribute Blocks that allows you set a "Bonus Value" for the attribute
    - Added: Blocks to get Item weight and value
    - Updated: NPC will first check for new target, after disengaging, before defaulting to going to home location
    - Updated: NPC Pro-Move will now first check (or find closest) point on the navmesh before trying to move to requested position
    - Updated: NPC will now auto-engage its attacker when attacked (when Health linked attribute decreased). Will not work if no HP set up or when already engaged. Note that Attribute Blocks where updated to support this, see the `Influence` field of the Blocks.
    - Fixed: Error message related to factions when accessed before it was initialised
    - Fixed: Queued skills would be cleared when character moves, even if set not to
    - Fixed: Possible error when leaving/ joining faction at runtime

    ## plyBlox 1.2.4 ##

    - Added: `GUIContent` Block under `GUI > OnGUI`
    - Updated: All OnGUI Blocks changed. They now have a field that accepts the new GUIContent Block as value
    - Updated: Improved drag-drop of objects/ components onto Block fields
    hopeful likes this.
  20. Leslie-Young


    Dec 24, 2008
    IMPORTANT: Legacy Animation Controller updated to support Animation groups. You need to go over all characters that makes use of this controller.

    ## plyGame 2.2.7 ##

    - Fixed: The `reset last load` was not clearing the temp key store, resulting in errors when starting new game
    - Updated to plyRPG 1.1.0, plyBlox 1.2.5, and DiaQ 2.0.6

    ## plyRPG 1.1.0 ##

    - Added: Loot Tables. See
    - Added: Action Slots to Player Controllers. More info
    - Updated: The Legacy Animation Controller now supports Animation Groups
    - Updated: The Player Manager settings has been changed such that you can now specify one of the listed player character definitions as the default character when you do not want to specify a `default player prefab`
    - Updated: Added the `validInteractTarget` property to player character. More info
    - Updated: Skills with 'instant' option changed to collect targets only once hit delay passed
    - Fixed: Problem with NPC running up to last way point before going after detected target
    - Fixed: XP was not being updated when a specific level was forced on character

    ## plyBlox 1.2.5 ##

    - Updated: Optimized the Event and Block rendering in Blox Editor
    - Updated: The Property Get/ Set Blocks now allows you to enter a path to the property manually
    - Fixed: Bug in OnGUi Window Block

    ## DiaQ 2.0.6 ##

    - Added: Way to reset a quest's status
    - Added: Blocks to give quest reward(s)
    - Fixed: plyGame Attribute rewards was setting value to, rather than changing it by, specified amount
    hopeful and red2blue like this.
  21. red2blue


    Feb 26, 2013
    Thanks for the cool new features and fixes. The Loot Tables looking really useful :)!

    Thanks and have a nice weekend!
  22. eridani


    Aug 30, 2012
    Does PlyGame have any integration with A* Pathfinding Project for enemy AI pathfinding?
  23. eridani


    Aug 30, 2012
    Also, does PlyGame have a built-in Inventory/equip system, and Shop system with buy/sell?

  24. Leslie-Young


    Dec 24, 2008
    > Does PlyGame have any integration with A* Pathfinding Project for enemy AI pathfinding?
    There are no plugins that I know of.

    > does PlyGame have a built-in Inventory/equip system, and Shop system with buy/sell?
    There is support for inventory and equipment slots. You create the visual side (GUI) yourself and interact with the system via Blocks.
  25. eridani


    Aug 30, 2012
    Thanks. Is there a video tutorial for doing this?
  26. Leslie-Young


    Dec 24, 2008
    Not yet. I'm actually working on it now so it will be the next one to be released.
    hopeful likes this.
  27. Leslie-Young


    Dec 24, 2008
    ## plyGame 2.2.8 ##

    - Updated to plyRPG 1.1.1 and plyBlox 1.2.6

    ## plyRPG 1.1.1 ##

    - Added: Sample runtime user interface
    + Item Bag Panel
    + Character Panel with Equip Slots and attributes
    + Interface for Action Slots
    + Status (Health bar) of Player and Target
    + Dialogue Panel
    + Quest Log Panel
    - Added: Currency Add/ Remove Events
    - Added: Block to check if Skill is known by Actor
    - Added: Block to check if specified Item is equipped
    - Updated: Action Slots persistence added
    - Updated: Changed the `Item from Bag Slot` Block to return null of slot is not origin of item but only a slot spanned by the item
    - Updated: Added count option to `Add to Bag` Block
    - Updated: Added "Trigger" as reward type to Loot Table to trigger Events
    - Updated: `Drop Loot` Block with *Direct to Bag* option
    - Fixed: Item slot/ weight options was not being saved correctly
    - Fixed: Camera controllers initialise from current position/ rotation when control component enabled

    ## plyBlox 1.2.6 ##

    - Added: Blocks to create and access Lists of values
    - Added: More GUI Related Blocks
    - Added: `TriggerEvent` and `SetState` public functions in plyBlox component. These can be used with Unity's new GUI Events to trigger events in a Blox on a target GameObject
    - Added: Non-container type comment block
    - Added: `Has Component` Block
    - Added: Audio `Play OneShot (auto)` to create an AudioSource, play sound, and then destroy AudioSource when done
    - Updated: Added Silent Fail option to `Get Component` Block
    - Updated: Added Ctr+LeftClick to simulate Right-Click, to Blox Editor
    - Fixed: Various fixes to prevent possible orphan Blocks and added code to detect existing orphan Blocks and remove them

    Attached Files:

  28. takapi


    Jun 8, 2013
    plyGame 2.2.8

    I can not import the sample_ui.unitypackage.
    Unity will be terminated.
  29. Kiroshima


    Jan 13, 2014
    plyGame 2.2.8

    After importing the sample_ui, Unity will crash when opening the project containing the imported package, citing Access Violation for me at least. Removing the prefabs folder gets rid of the crash. From what I can tell, there's something wrong with all three prefabs as Unity will only run when all of them are removed (hence removing the folder works).
  30. Leslie-Young


    Dec 24, 2008
    You can't open the sample UI in Unity 4.5 as it is based on Unity's new UI, which is in 4.6. I will update the docs to make this clearer.
  31. Kiori


    Jun 25, 2014
    Hi i have 2 questions, first how is the integration of you visual scripting or plygame in general with 2d toolkit?
    if there isnt any, can it be integrated? I Mean 2d toolkit is pretty standard, and even if you're focused on rpgs, not all rpgs are 3D.

    Also, how fast is your visual scripting solution(plybox) vs. regular scripting, on mobile.
    I hear that playmaker has a reasonable performance, how does your solution compare?

  32. Leslie-Young


    Dec 24, 2008
    I've do not own 2D Toolkit and do not know how it works so I could not say what it would take to make it work. From the visual scripting (Blox) side you might want Blocks (what perform actions in Events) to interact with 2DTK. There are non of these that I know of. The Blox system has an API to easily add new Blocks and Event and you can also interact with plyGame via scripting if that is preferred or needed.

    plyGame has various systems that can be used to ease development, whether the game is 2D or 3D. Like the screens system that helps with splash screens, menus, etc; the LoadSave System that handles loading and saving of game sessions, and the Input Manager which makes it easier to define mouse and keyboard input.

    The plyGame RPG module's character and camera controllers where created for 3D control. There is no 2D (side scrolling or 2.5D) controllers. The other systems like the Inventory (Bag), Actor, PlayerManager, Attributes, Factions, Skills, etc could be reused with a 2D RPG game.

    I've not done performance tests and do not really know what kind of test would make sense to get a feeling of what the performance hit would be like. My focus with this tool is on non-mobile development and I do not do tests on mobile.
  33. Kiori


    Jun 25, 2014
    Thanks, more questions.
    About the save/load:
    you said "When the player choose to start a new game (or start over) you will have to delete all the slots under the current/ active profile. If you do not do this and override an old save slot you will find that data get corrupt"

    I ask, but what if you 'clear load' in a new game, then when saving on 'slot x', you delete/clear slot x first, then 'save' on slot x.
    Will that work?
    Because i see no point of a save/load system, that doesnt -also- work with a new game option.
    Having to create a new profile every time you start a new game is limiting.
    Also, is there a save/load provider that saves to a file, instead of playerprefs? like serializable application.yadayada... etc.
    On Profiles, can you save any sort of info in each 'profile', like special options or tags or whatnot? I'm not sure i got how it works or 'what' it is per se.
    Plygame seems very modular, but its good to ask.
    About the ui options, can you create GUIs that are dynamic? as in, change size depending on whats visible/enabled?
    Also is it possible to have plygame be touch compatible, or any other input? specially with the new unity ui coming up, making touch controls/interface might be easier and not require any external coding/assets.
    Again I expect its not a problem since the plugin doesnt seem to be locked into its self but rather modular, yet its good to ask.

    Everything else seems great, I'm not really sure pbox will be needed for a coder like me, but I do get lazy sometimes, and all the other features are great to have out of the box(specially the rpg ones).

    I would suggest you add the possibility of each 'level' giving a random min/max stat, instead of a static value. And also the possibility of combining 2 'classes' into a single character. so one can have a base class, and also its additional class, where the stats of the player are a combination of both classes. Custom options in the skill and attribute sections would be nice(I'm not sure if that's already possible).

    Thanks again.
  34. Leslie-Young


    Dec 24, 2008
    > but what if you 'clear load' in a new game

    Lets say the player have been playing and saving to slot 1 the whole time. Now he starts a new game, then it is fine if you delete everything in slot 1 before saving. But how do you know it is the right thing to do if he has been playing for a while (under new game) and then choose to save? If it was not a new game and you delete slot 1 you just wiped a lot of progress. As the player moves from scene to scene the keys created for objects in the scenes are saved to a temp store and when he choose to save those are written to the slot. All the data is not kept in memory all the time and if he is in scene 3 and you delete the data in the slot before saving you will delete all saved data related to scenes 1 and 2 (or any other scene visited) and if the player return to those he will see the scenes as if it is the first visit there.

    When saving to a different slot the system actually makes a copy form the last loaded slot and then add/ override with whatever is in its temp store. This way the "old" data do not get lost when new slots are chosen to save into.

    Hope what I explained made sense to explain why the player can start a new game but he will have to loose all progress in all slots if he do so. I do not really have a clean solution for this.

    > On Profiles, can you save any sort of info in each 'profile'

    Yes. When in the plyGame/ Blox environment it will probably be easiest to just use the Blox Global Variables for such data but it is possible to save via scripting too. There is an overall global key generated that represents the profile, and then the slot is added to the key when saving to slots. Each system of plyGame further modifies the main key further to make keys unique from each other. There is also the Persistable Object component which can be placed onto objects that should participate in saving/ loading and an interface you can add to your own components that will make sure those component's Load/Save gets called when Persistable Object wants them to load/ save data.

    > About the ui options, can you create GUIs that are dynamic

    The Screens System is limited and besides, it makes use of OnGUI so it should probably be phased out. I will be reworking the whole bootstrap (startup) part of plyGame to support splash screens and loading screens made in Unity's new UI (uGUI). You can already use it to create the main menu and other UI screens and tell plyGame to load those UI scenes when needed (via Blocks). There is a sample UI included to show how you can interact with the plyGame (and RPG module) via script to update the UI but the UI could also be updated via the new Unity UI specific Blocks (thing for example, setting the text or disabling a button).

    > Also is it possible to have plygame be touch compatible

    This would not be a problem for UI created with uGUI since it supports it. The plyGame Screens System will also works with this since it is OnGUI.

    The RPG module's player and camera controllers makes use of the plyGame Input Manager, which only support Keyboard, Mouse and Gamepad input. The top-down player should work on mobile since touches are simulated as mouse clicks but it will not be as easy to fine tune as something created specificity for touch input. The 3rd person controller uses AWSD input heavily and you would not be able to move the character on touch. Code for the controllers are provided so you could modify them or use them to learn how to create a totally new controller that will work in plyGame and with the rest of its systems.

    > Everything else seems great, I'm not really sure pbox will be needed for a coder like me,

    If you are a coder then you might be better off without it. The systems provided might save you some time but it depends on your skill and how far you want to be limited to what my systems provide and do not. You could do everything in code, with perhaps some visual scripting here and there for quick things where you do not want to create components. Source is provided for the RPG module's runtime and editors and also the plyGame runtime. The RPG module include things like the player bag, the player and npc controllers, attributes, classes, skills, and so on. The plyGame runtime is the bootstrap, splash screens, loading screens, loading and saving system, and so on. All these can be interacted with via script.
    Kiori likes this.
  35. SirCrazyNugget


    Jan 6, 2014

    I purchased plyGame yesterday for the source code of DiaQ to see how you handle drawing the nodes and bezier lines. I've opened the DiaQ-src zip file but can't see any code for where you're drawing these handles.

    Could you please point me at where these files are located?

    Many thanks
  36. Leslie-Young


    Dec 24, 2008
    DiaQ makes use of the Graph and Nodes system provided in my Common lib. The editor of this (node rendering) is also in the Common lib.This lib is closed source. The code of DiaQ is provided in plyGame because it is done in the stand-alone DiaQ package too. It is needed when you want to extend DiaQ with new nodes.

    Drawing connected nodes is not really that complicated. You can use the GUI.Window to draw a window that can be dragged around and some simple calculations to determine the shape of the line and where it connects. This might make a nice Blog article. I'll have to look into writing about how I did this.

    Here's a simple example of drawing connected nodes in the editor

    or have a look at the code of these!/content/37!/content/456
  37. Nimanima


    Nov 11, 2014
    Hi Leslie,

    Great product! Just purchased it full price yesterday and loving it!

    That being said, I did read all the posts here and was wondering if you had an update regarding Turn-Based System (also bought Map&Nav to use with this, but anything incorporated in plyGame would be better) as well as in-combat system (like you mentioned for games like Final Fantasy where the battle triggers another map)?

    Finally, to expand on the first questions above, would you have any guidance or recommendations on how to handle that or where to go for that (Turn-Based system and Battle System)?

    Thanks Leslie!
  38. Nimanima


    Nov 11, 2014
    Oh, one last question...Touch Screen!

    My intent is to make something for mobile, so I also read about the touch-screen statement you made above and was wondering how best to approach and handle it given the base controls are not touch screen friendly in plyGame?

    Thank you!
  39. Leslie-Young


    Dec 24, 2008
    > update regarding Turn-Based System
    No update on this. If I do anything in this area it would be as a plugin for the main tool.

    >. how to handle that
    The included player controllers are made for real-time combat so one would need to either create a new controller that has that combat part disabled. Or for the world exploration on of the existing controllers could be used with its combat turned off and then when the "combat scene" is loaded you spawn a player character that makes use of a combat controller. Same for NPCs. Thing is, there will be scripting cause there is nothing in the RPG Module to handle the turn based combat part. An existing turn-based pack could be used but would probably require a few Blocks (actions performed in visual scripting) so you can interact with it when events are triggered.

    > Touch Screen
    If the needed support is simple touches then it should work fine with input set up to use the mouse button. If you need swipes or a virtual gamepad then scripting will be needed to add support for this.
  40. Nimanima


    Nov 11, 2014
    Thanks Les!

    Great product and great forums...will check them out as needed before I reach out with any other questions...thanks for the replies!
  41. Alexarah


    May 1, 2014
    Hey Leslie do you know how I can make cinematics in PlyGame without Unity Pro? Basically like this

    So do I use something like the Dialogue System to accomplish this in PlyGame or simply use PlyBlox? I do have the Dialogue System already by the way.
  42. TonyLi


    Apr 10, 2012
    Hi @Alexarah, you can use the Dialogue System to do this (and version 1.3.8 was just released today). However, you may prefer to use an interactive, scrubbing cutscene editor such as uSequencer or Cinema Director. The Dialogue System is great for embedding short cutscenes within dialogue, and you already own it so there's no extra cost. But for extended cutscenes it's often easier to build them with an interactive, visual tool. uSequencer and Cinema Director provide methods to trigger cutscenes, or you can use a SendMessage block to tell them to play.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2014
  43. HeadClot88


    Jul 3, 2012
    Does this require unity Pro and will this be updated for Unity 5?

    That is really the only 2 things preventing me from making a purchase :)

    Edit: Also what platforms is Plygame and its respective addons supported on officially?

    Just curious :)
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2014
  44. Leslie-Young


    Dec 24, 2008
    It odes not require Pro and will be updated for Unity 5 once 5 is out of beta. I might start support before beta ends but the official date is once out of beta.

    The focus with the tool is on desktop platforms like Windows, Linux and OSX. Users have reported that it works on Android and iOS. Window Mobile does not work and throw errors when you try to build the project. The RPG Add-on (included) was created for mouse and keyboard input but some of the controllers (like the top-down player) works on touch devices too where mouse input is simulated. Of course you are free to create your own player controller and other scripts as plyGame does have an API to interact with.
    HeadClot88 likes this.
  45. HeadClot88


    Jul 3, 2012
    Last question (Hopefully) Are gamepads supported?
  46. Leslie-Young


    Dec 24, 2008
    Yes. It is based on Unity's Input Manager.
  47. HeadClot88


    Jul 3, 2012
    Awesome - As soon as I get some money - I will be sending it your way via the asset store :)
  48. Leslie-Young


    Dec 24, 2008
    Latest updates ....

    ## plyGame 2.3.3 ##

    - Added: Localization support
    - Added: Language strings Editor
    - Added: Block to set/ get Event's "return value" under `Flow > System`
    - Updated: The Language Screen now has a function
    - Updated: Events are now able to set a "return value"
    - Updated to plyRPG 1.1.6, plyBlox 1.3.1, DiaQ 2.0.8

    ## plyRPG 1.1.6 ##

    - Added: `plyRPG > Skill > On Validate` Event for Skills. It is optional and if used it should set a Boolean return value (True or False) to indicate whether the Skill may execute or not. Useful when you need to check if certain attribute value and other requirements are met before a skill may be executed
    - Added: Block to get Skill property value `Character > Skills > Get Skill Property`
    - Added: Character > Skills related Blocks. `Known Count` and `Get Known` to run through the list of known skill
    - Fixed: XP-Level growth curve was not working correctly and would level up the character too soon for given XP
    - Fixed: Position of scrollable content of Bag, Quest Log, and Character Sheet

    ## plyBlox 1.3.1 ##

    - Added: Block to set Language when localization is used

    ## DiaQ 2.0.8 ##

    - Added: Localization support
    - Added: Language strings Editor
    - Fixed: [plyGame/Blox] Items that has no Screen Name will show the prefab's name in quest rewards selection
    red2blue likes this.
  49. Alexarah


    May 1, 2014
    What's up Leslie do know how this person was able to make enemies explode into pieces once their dead?

    Notice at 0:13 enemies come at and surround the main character then right at 0:18 some the enemies were killed and their bodies explode into pieces then disintegrate. Was this done by in PlyGame alone or was an asset called Exploder or something similar from the Asset Store was used?
  50. Leslie-Young


    Dec 24, 2008
    There is no such build in function. Most likely would be to activate the special effect (particles and perhaps animated gib) and a sound when the enemy's Death event is triggered.
    Alexarah likes this.