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New Standard Assets - a.k.a. Sample Assets, Beta Release

Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by duck, Jan 17, 2014.

  1. DSebJ


    Mar 30, 2013
    The sample asset refresh is awesome.

    When there is a sample assest released, using the new Unity GUI, with in game remapping of keys - that would be everything

  2. id0


    Nov 23, 2012
    I want motobike! :cry:
  3. CoderDawson


    Apr 29, 2013
    I have only just begun playing around with these samples and I am quite impressed with the functionality provided. The scripts and examples available will go a long way toward providing a great starting point for many game types. Keep up the good work Unity Team!

    My only disappointment so far is the lack of built-in support for game controller input. The support provided in both the First Person and Third Person demos leaves much to be desired. Have I missed some sort of configuration change to allow the camera to be controlled by the right joystick (on either an Xbox or PS3 controller)?

    I played around a bit with the input naming for the Xbox 360 controller, setting the names of the right stick X and Y values to Mouse X and Y respectively and even with some sensitivity tweaks the controls just don't feel right. Also, having the Jump button default mapped to the Y button on the Xbox 360 controller seems really weird to me (easily tweakable I realize).

    I feel there are some assumed expectations for controls when approaching a First Person or Third Person game; mainly that the left joystick is used to move the player and the right joystick is used to position the camera (as seen in many games in the respective genres today). I think it would be great if the next update could include (or simply provide some direction for implementation) better mapping of controller input for the First Person and Third Person examples (as well as the other examples) so at least the right joystick can used to move the camera.
  4. Wahooney


    Mar 8, 2010
    Slight feature request for editor friendliness :D

    Could the components that lock the cursor only work when the cursor is in fact locked. ie. The FPS controller, when testing/editing, one often wants to ESC out of the action and keep the controller looking in the same direction (and keep the game runing) while fiddling with settings inside the editor. As it stands now, I press ESC, the cursor becomes available, but when I move it the character spins out like a ROFL Copter on acid, then you have to resort to moves that require samurai patience to get your view back to where it was.


    PS: I realized too late that mentioning ROFL Copters and samurai in the same post might cause safety issues, please be careful!
  5. jashan


    Mar 9, 2007
    I couldn't agree more. I think originally, the image effects were done in C#. Then someone got really weird and moved them over to JavaScript. Very bad decision IMHO.

    Another thing I really strongly agree with! Unity is seemingly used by a lot of people who aren't software-engineers and simply don't know about namespaces. Unfortunately, not using namespaces creates a really severe risk in any project - especially with the Asset Store in place. Teach by example and use proper namespaces!
  6. jashan


    Mar 9, 2007
    I just tried the Web player demo and that's pretty cool. However, while playing the car demo, everything felt very slow and I was like "hm ... why are they doing it all in slow-motion?"

    It took a little while until I realized that I had activated "slo-mo" in the particles demo (without even noticing it - I just clicked that time symbol and wondered if now some alarm is going to go off or something ... that much about universal icons ... or my capability of "getting" them ;-) ).

    This is easy to fix: Just make sure to have Time.timeScale = 1; somewhere in every demo-scene. Or, probably better: Have this on the "Return to Main Menu"-button before switching the scene.
  7. Major-Idea


    Jul 26, 2012
    These are stellar! So far I've only got two problems with it:

    1 - Small Error in the Third Person Model skinning when crouching - A vertex in the back didn't get skinned properly.

    2 - It would be SUPER helpful if in the Auto Cam Scrip, there was a way to limit the Min/Max values for the Follow Tilt. Seems like a strange omission considering the Free Look Cam seems to have it... but, being a noob I can't seem to copy it to the Auto Cam script without it blowing up in my face.
  8. jkpagley


    Nov 27, 2013
    These assets are absolutely stunning and they work so well! These assets are proof that Unity3D's main focus is truly to help anyone and everyone make a game of there own and this standard assets package screams that!! Keep it up Unity!!!
  9. ckrin


    Oct 8, 2013
    i have a small problem making the third person controller work in network. player B's movements speeds do not work properly.
    i made the Move function a RFC and added the velocity to it since i was told i could not rely on the values the cloneobject has.
    i debugged the values and they seem to be transmitted correctly but player B, moves quite slow and shifts from walk about two seconds to late. i guess the problem is somewhere in the logic that is applied in the move function.
    Code (csharp):
    2. [RFC]
    3.     public void Move (Vector3 move, bool crouch, bool jump, Vector3 lookPos, Vector3 netVelocity) {
    5.             if (move.magnitude > 1) move.Normalize();
    7.             // transfer input parameters to member variables.
    8.             this.moveInput = move;
    9.             this.crouchInput = crouch;
    10.             this.jumpInput = jump;
    11.             this.currentLookPos = lookPos;
    13.             if(tno.isMine)
    14.             {
    15.                 // grab current velocity, we will be changing it.
    16.                 velocity = rigidbody.velocity;
    17.             //Debug.Log ("my velocity:"+velocity);
    18.             }
    19.             else
    20.             {
    21.                 // grab param velocity, if not my object.
    22.                 velocity = netVelocity;
    23.             //  Debug.Log ("external velocity:"+velocity);
    24.             }
    25.                ConvertMoveInput (); // converts the relative move vector into local turn  fwd values
    27.             TurnTowardsCameraForward (); // makes the character face the way the camera is looking
    29.             PreventStandingInLowHeadroom (); // so the character's head doesn't penetrate a low ceiling
    31.             ScaleCapsuleForCrouching (); // so you can fit under low areas when crouching
    33.             ApplyExtraTurnRotation(); // this is in addition to root rotation in the animations
    35.             GroundCheck (); // detect and stick to ground
    37.             SetFriction (); // use low or high friction values depending on the current state
    39.             // control and velocity handling is different when grounded and airborne:
    40.             if (onGround) {
    41.                 HandleGroundedVelocities();
    42.             } else {
    43.                 HandleAirborneVelocities();
    44.             }
    46.             UpdateAnimator (); // send input and other state parameters to the animator[/COLOR]
    48.             // reassign velocity, since it will have been modified by the above functions.
    50.         rigidbody.velocity = velocity; 
    51.         }
    do some of the code guru's here have any ideas ?:D
  10. Brainswitch


    Apr 24, 2013
    Unfortunately it is quite recently Unity started supporting namespaces, and it still has some weird issues with them (or at least I had some rather severe issues with namespaces with 4.2). I have heard iOS doesn't like them either.
    Because of these issues I only use them for everything but Monobehaviours, although I have been using them more and more for Monobehaviours as well (but I am wary, since it wasn't long ago that broke my project).
  11. MadJohny


    Mar 8, 2013
    You should probably look into fixing the first person character camera, it looks kinda buggy in slopes sometimes, and not to mention stairs, that is horrible the way that it is now, otherwise the assets have potential
  12. fullme7al


    Sep 17, 2013
    Does anyone know If there is something wrong with the CrossPlatformInput GetButtonDown function. I'm building to android and Getbutton Up and GetButton work fine. But GetbuttonDown doesn't work. Is there something I should be changing to get it to work? Thanks in advance for any answers .
  13. Reanimate_L


    Oct 10, 2009
    No it's not just you, the new FPC doing wall run, and if you jump over small object (say those white boxes) it will automaticaly doing double jump so you jump higher...
    And also when jumping the head bobing effect is still active so it's kinda weird when you were in the air but the camera still bobing.

    all of those happened if you holding run key ("LShift")
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2014
  14. FargleBargle


    Oct 15, 2011
    The new assets come with input settings for an X-box style controller, but they may not be right for you. As I had previously set up X-box inputs, I tossed out the ones that came with the asset pack, and substituted my own InputManager.asset from the ProjectSettings folder of another project. As a result, my left and the right stick controls, and all of the buttons work the way I want them to. Just check the applicable controller scripts to see what the inputs you want to change are called. Then make sure your own custom X-box or joystick inputs use the same names.
  15. MileSplit


    Dec 25, 2012
    I was wondering if somone could help, I built the First person game on my windows phone and I do not see any buttons (jump move ect.) and when i drag my finger the screen rotates.
    Thanks in advance!
  16. Matt-Duffield


    Jul 25, 2013

    I noticed the same thing as MileSplit but when testing a game on Android. I have a simple 2D game that I am using the Mobile Single Stick Control Rig. The buttons show up on my iPhone but when I test the same app targeting Android, I don't see any of the input buttons?

    Is there something that I am missing for Android?

  17. Dustin-Horne


    Apr 4, 2013
    I like the camera affects with the first person controller but it did give me a bit of a headache when testing. I was importing some real world scale room models that seemed "small" and when I jumped the camera was clipping out of the top of the rooms (with 8 foot ceilings). The heights of everything looked fine... but when watching what was happening in the scene window I realized that the "bob" animation on the camera when you jump is flinging the camera out of the top of the collider by quite a ways which is making it clip out of ceilings in standard height rooms.
  18. Reanimate_L


    Oct 10, 2009
    Find another bug with FPSC, if you run (holding Rshift) then jump and release Rshift key in midair, it will suddenly slowing down (to walk speed) in midair....
  19. zeppeldep


    Jun 2, 2013
    In the Jet Plane scene, I would like to add keyboard input for different throttle percentage, 1 = 10%, 2 = 20% etc.
    To do this, is it ok to add Input.GetKey(KeyCode in the Update method in the AeroplaneController.cs ?
    What would be the best way?
  20. Griffo


    Jul 5, 2011
    I've got a problem with the FP camera, if i walk over a plane it's fine but if I walk over a terrain it judders (video below).

    The problem is in this code

    Code (csharp):
    1. // vertical head position "spring simulation" for jumping/landing impacts
    2.         springVelocity -= velocityChange.y;                  // input to spring from change in character Y velocity
    3.         springVelocity -= springPos*springElastic;           // elastic spring force towards zero position
    4.         springVelocity *= springDampen;                      // damping towards zero velocity
    5.         springPos += springVelocity * Time.deltaTime;        // output to head Y position
    6.         springPos = Mathf.Clamp( springPos, -.3f, .3f );     // clamp spring distance
    7. // snap spring values to zero if almost stopped:
    8.         if (Mathf.Abs(springVelocity) < springVelocityThreshold  Mathf.Abs (springPos) < springPositionThreshold){
    9.             springVelocity = 0;
    10.             springPos = 0;
    11.         }
    If I turn down the springDampen it stops but the effect is lost.

    Anyone know why this would happen?


  21. Machouki


    Mar 9, 2014
    It's very good ! (sorry for my bad English)....
  22. id0


    Nov 23, 2012
    Ok, third person view. Good. Capsule collider. Good. But I still can't turn controller on 180 or whathever degrees (to gravity change for example) unexpected troubles wait me there. And he still can't grab the ledges, use ladders, swim, dive... Almost every controller I saw ignore this things, and it's not too easy to make, especially the swim, especially if you artist.
  23. MNML__


    Mar 14, 2014
    Здравствуйте ! не могу сделать управление под андроид!
  24. Leucome


    Aug 28, 2013
    The right stick is supposed to control the camera.
    It standard for so many games nowaday .

    Edit: I found a quick fix that do not require to change any script by duplicating the input Mouse Y and Mouse Y and assigning the thumbstick to it.

    I'll probably need to do something like this for the car to get acceleration and brake on the controller trigger.

    The 4 axe airplane control for the elevator is inverted. Not really a big problem but the 2 plane provided could have an uniform input setup.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2014
  25. Partel-Lang


    Jan 2, 2013
    Nope, rotating the neck bone results in this: $Screen Shot 2014-03-18 at 1.06.01 AM.png
    ...that and the unlucky vertex in the back that got skinned to the hips :)
  26. Leucome


    Aug 28, 2013
    So far I like this pack a way more that the original standard asset.

    I noticed that player character jump use the rigid body Mass but it's effect is inverted. I mean if we put higher mass the character jump higher that make no sense because he is more massive.

    An other thing about mass.

    The car in this pack is made to work with a mass of "1" and it's incompatible with the player model because the player can push the car like it weight nothing. So we can not put higher mass to the car because it overweight the suspension and we can not lower the mass of the player because he can not jump anymore if we do.

    So i"ll take a look how to fix this but it may be a good idea to work on this for the final release.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2014
  27. Deleted User

    Deleted User


    The first person character can climb up slopes (almost vertical ones) if you keep the run button down and jump on a slope. Video of the bug follows:

    If the slope isn't almost vertical, but still quite steep (up to 83 degrees), you don't even have to run but just jump on the slope and keep pressing forward.

    Also, it's quite buggy when it comes to stairs. Unless the steps are really short, (less than 0.2 units) the controller can't climb them. You have to sprint towards them to climb them. One solution is to change the center of the capsule collider, and place it higher. But this, while it fixes the stairs problem, it causes other issues like sliding down slopes.

    The numbers mentioned are with the default speed settings etc.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 23, 2014
  28. marcos


    Oct 18, 2009
    I would love a mobile-optimised Depth of Field Image Effect. I might be dreaming though.
  29. Stefan-Boeykens


    Jan 7, 2013
    I do miss the control we had from the old Character Controllers, where you could indicate the maximum slope and step size. While not totally accurate, this allowed to embed certain physical constraints that totally make sense for architectural visualisation. I did use it to mimic the movements of a wheelchair, where slope angle is a defining factor and steps can not be taken.
  30. linyunfeng99512


    Dec 29, 2013

    I recently use the joystick prefeb apply to the sample ThirdPersonCharacter. the joystick code runs fine on PC or MAC but it is not working on the IPHONE. The character transform.forward turns to (-1,0,0) instead of (0,0,1). So when the game is launched, the camera is looking at the character's left hand side instead of the back. I tested the touchPad works fine only after I apply to the joystick.

  31. dibdab


    Jul 5, 2011
    recently noticed this too. it's a shame 'cause the driving script is nice otherwise. please share if you come up with a solution.
  32. TheSniperFan


    Jul 18, 2013
    The underlying problem seems to be a different one:
    When standing next to a wall, you can jump considerably higher. Try it out. Run into a wall, then hit the jump key. When you're standing in a corner touching two walls, you can jump even higher. With the standard configuration I was able to climb up any wall with this.

    I am not entirely sure, but I think it has to do with the way the vertical velocity is saved and restored (using the "yv" variable). After doing some testing it seems like the friction between the player and the walls slows the effects of gravity down, which is something that shouldn't happen.

    I played around with the script and the "yv" variable is certainly behaving differently when standing in a corner (i.e. slowed down).
  33. Leucome


    Aug 28, 2013

    To fix this I lowered the character mass and adjusted the jump power parameter an gravity factor on the Third Person Character script.

    Driving script is nice but i'll probably try to rewrite the gear shifting part. This one is hard to control and tune. I'm unable to get a good sound for other type of vehicle. When a gear shift up it get a higher pitch when it supposed to lower. I tried to fix this with only changing parameters but it do not work it's really a problem with the logic behind I think.

    I also have some troubles to understand what do what inside the script the code is a little cryptic.
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2014
  34. zKici


    Feb 12, 2014
    Just a question that possibly has been answered before,

    can I use any of these products from the beta asset in my game, a game which could make revenue but will not sell any of these contents?

  35. Reanimate_L


    Oct 10, 2009
    is there a way to reduce the controller collider jitter in slope :/??
  36. BengalTiger


    Feb 1, 2014
    Followup question:
    What about using modified Standard Assets?

    I'm building a spherical world with Newtonian gravity and some of the scripts were originally incompatible (for instance - they have a hard coded "Up" direction).

    Can I use the modified scripts for a game?
    Can I publish a "Spherical World Starter Kit" on the Asset Store which contains modified Standard Assets scripts (among others), or do I need to create controllers for the player, camera and vehicles from scratch?

    There's this on the blog:

    But on the other hand, there's a legally binding:

  37. Kale


    Aug 25, 2011
    Unless otherwise permitted...
  38. Silvan


    Apr 23, 2014
    Hey Guys

    I have some questions about the first person character... If i change to mobile input there are two fields with a text: move touch area...look touch area
    How can u make that if u touch it u cant see them no more? And on the right buttom is a text :trial version.. is there a way to put that away?
    And third question: How can i make the jump button bigger?(the whole buttom not just a little field) ps: sorry for my bad english ;)
  39. WingBro


    Apr 30, 2014
    What version of Unity will this work with? I have Unity 4.1
  40. graham20


    Sep 28, 2013
    Awesome set of assets. Sorry if this is better asked in Unity Answers, but I'm wondering about a line of code in the GroundCheck method of the ThirdPersonCharacterController:

    Code (csharp):
    1. if (velocity.y < jumpPower * .5f) ...
    This seems pretty arbitrary to me, and I wonder what it's for. Is it because when you first jump, the first few frames might still be touching the ground, so you basically want to skip the GroundCheck while the initial velocity is added?
  41. TheSniperFan


    Jul 18, 2013
    If you start the game and look in the inspector, you'll see the ray that is used for the ground check.
    For reliability reasons it extends a bit below the player.
    Inside this code block you'll find code that attaches the player to the ground he is standing on. It was implemented to allow the player to walk down slopes in a smooth manner.
    This line of code ensures that the player can still be detached from the ground. If you were to remove it, you couldn't jump anymore because you'd be reattached to the ground immediately after leaving it.

    I hope this clears things up. :)
  42. jorgegb1997


    Apr 15, 2014

    I'd like to set the controls of the car on my android, but the textures do not appear in the game, appears as follows image:

    --> $help.png

    Anyone can help me put the mobile controls in the car?

  43. citizen_12


    Jun 21, 2013
    Very excited about this package. In particular I like the utility scripts and good documentation. Making it easier and faster to get developers going is fantastic (e.g. movement camera scripts, x-plat tools, etc).

    The Free Look Camera Rig and Multipurpose Camera Rig do not seem to respect the right thumb stick input from the Mobile Dual Stick Control Rig. I'm using an Nvidia SHIELD, which has built-in game controller buttons etc. When I enable Mobile Input from the new menu item, none of the game controller buttons function. When I disable Mobile Input, the left thumb stick controls the character, but the right thumb doesn't move the camera.

    I'm using the Third Person Character scene for testing.
  44. markharkness


    Unity Technologies

    Nov 2, 2010
    Hey folks,

    Just so you know you are not forgotten and we are still working on these. Currently I have been upgrading them for future releases ( read new gui system and 5) which has eaten up a lot of time. Besides that however I have been working on some other stuff to do with the sample assets.

    Cross platform input:
    This has been overhauled to some extent. This was mainly due to the upcoming new GUI system that we will release in the future which effected all of the buttons and controls especially on mobile. A lot of the #if's have been removed and the system now operates through a singleton. It feels much cleaner and removes a lot of the garbage from your scripts.

    First Person:
    This is where a lot of what I have been doing is happening for the time being. This is being completely redone, though a lot of the old code still exists. We received some feedback from some people that worked on AAA first person titles about things that could be improved on with this so taking that into account.
    1) The head bob will no longer move the point that the character is looking at. This is more in line with the way the human eye actually works. When you move around your eye maintains focus on a single point rather changing it's position. This will also change the springy neck on jumping and landing.
    2) Bringing back the slope speed multiplier. You will once again be able to map a curve to determine how the slope the player is on will effect their speed.
    3) FOV kicks. When going from walking to running and vice versa the field of view on the camera can be changed to give the illusions of increased speed.
    4) Various bug fixes and code simplification.

    Everything will now be in namespaces

    No more JS:
    All of the legacy image effects etc have been changed to C#. I know that this may cause a headache for some people but we have internal tech that I can leverage to convert from C# to JS so the plan will be to do a seperate release completely in JS at some point in the future.

    My plan for the time being is to go through all the areas of the assets one by one and iterate over them again to improve on them.
    I will try and spend some time today going through the issues everyone is having and create a reply with solutions if possible.
  45. markharkness


    Unity Technologies

    Nov 2, 2010
    The issue with this was that as they would be shipped as packages we could not include custom setups in the input manager. We toyed with the idea of having editor utilities that would write to the input manager settings file to include these but it was decided this was not best for an early release. Is this something that you would like to see for a future release?

    I too noticed this ill look into adding some #if UNITY_EDITOR code to be able to make this more humane :)

    Working on it. The namespaces are ready and at some point I will take a hard look at file names etc then run a code formatting tool over everything so it is uniform.

    1 - I will get one of out artists to look at that. Can't promise anything though as they are pretty flat out.

    2 - Seems like small change. I will add it to the TODO list

    Make sure the cross platform input scripts are set as high as possible in the script execution order. They need to execute before anything else to ensure that the button states are captured correctly.

    More accurate mass representation is something that I will get around to for the vehicles.

    Looks like mobile input has not been enabled from the menu item.

    The changes that are coming to this may help but I don't have one of those devices to be able to test that out.

    These seem to be the most pertinent questions. There were a lot of others in there that will be covered by the changes that are coming to the first person character.
  46. jorgegb1997


    Apr 15, 2014
    tnetennba I LOVE YOU! Thanks!!!!
  47. irie


    Dec 24, 2012
    Thanks for the great samples. They pushed my unity comprehension to a higher level. But I have troubles activating dynamic shadows on mobile plattforms.

    Does anyone else have problems activating mobile shadows in any sample scene? With desktop mode, the dynamic shadows are working perfect, but when I switch to a mobile plattform, they are only appearing in the editor, but not on my mobile devices.
    I use the latest free version of unity and dynamic shadow is working easily in other projects.
  48. MD_Reptile


    Jan 19, 2012
    In the first post the link didn't work for me, but did!

    EDIT oh it is missing the "files" at the beginning of the link

    Anyway this package looks awesome, I like the AI car waypoint scene! Very good additions for the Standard Assets.
    Last edited: May 6, 2014
  49. markharkness


    Unity Technologies

    Nov 2, 2010
    I'm not sure I am ready for that level of commitment yet. :)
  50. adsamcik


    Jan 13, 2013
    I have noticed several issue with Third Person Character. At first the Third Person Character seems to be running in some cases towards the higher place by itself (I can send you test map, to see for yourself, if you want). I understand this might be meant as a feature but in a lot of cases it causes weird behaviour.
    Secondly I would like to ask if you could help me with solving one issue, it probably wont be caused with default everything, but I have ran into it. Do you have any idea what can cause rigidbody.rotation = animator.rootRotation; to have null reference exeption. Its only on the first frame so it seems its called early. We havent really made many changes to TPC, because our game is in earlier stage and we can live without them and I thought that we might at least help you test these new assets. Thank you for awesome new assets.