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[WIP] Ninja Brothers! Splitscreen Stealth Action

Discussion in 'Works In Progress - Archive' started by 0tacun, Jan 17, 2014.


What do you like?

  1. Singleplayer

    26 vote(s)
  2. Multiplayer(coop) (network)

    29 vote(s)
  3. Multiplayer(coop) (one machine)

    23 vote(s)
  4. Go away with coop on one machine, you 90's kid!

    7 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. 0tacun


    Jun 23, 2013

    Highly inspired by the Tenchu series, I created my own stealth game.
    The special feature: Local COOP!

    $fight.jpg $nightlyScene.jpg

    Ninja Brothers is my first game I managed to develop this far.
    Sneak alone or with a friend through various levels and master the art of stealth.

    Get it here:

    Credits for music:
    John Leonard French

    Image Effects:
    FuzzyQuills and Tryder
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2014
  2. Adrianis


    Apr 20, 2013
    It's cool man, good work :) Didn't have any issues with webplayer, so no problem there.
    You're right about the controls, the bugs, particularly around jumping (normally onto buildings), it doesn't feel good to move around attack currently. With tighter controls it could be really awesome! Was a massive Tenchu fan back in the day so it'd great to have something to fill the void.

    Personally, I'd also love to have the option for singleplayer as the chances of someone being around to play with me are very very low (and with singleplayer - mouse control!), and in a downloadable exe rather than just a webplayer

    Also, love the moustaches :)

    Keep it up!
  3. 0tacun


    Jun 23, 2013
    Thank you! :)

    Yes the controls are very bad at the moment and also not polished, many people also told me the ninja looks like a old man with back problems while running :D

    The only keyboard option, was chosen because I wanted to try what possible is when the players are a little bit restricted in the view, i maybe have to overthink this

    Singleplayer could be done, but I'm lazy :D this is because at the moment there is no 3d sounds, as I wanted, that player2 can also listen what is around him happening. So I would have to revert this.

    Thank you very much for your reply! :)

    Note: Excuse me for my englisch
  4. 0tacun


    Jun 23, 2013

    -New mission!
    -Boss added
    -Items: shurikens! and caltrops (spikes)
    -Simple Lock-On system
    -Three different light scenes (Night, Dawn, Sun)
    -Only player1 mode (early)
    -Enemys can now hear
    -Improved control response

    I hope you have fun with my game :) tell me what you dislike! I really appreciate every comment!
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2014
  5. GamehubDev


    Nov 19, 2013
    This is like the perfect game for me. :)

    Its performance on my computer is really bad. :/
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2014
  6. create3dgames


    Aug 20, 2012
    Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but...the ninja looks really weird.
  7. 0tacun


    Jun 23, 2013
    @GamehubDev: I noticed this issue, I'm sorry. I have uploaded a new version, hope this runs better for you. I'm working on optimizing it! :)

    @create3dgames: Well I'm glad with critical messages :) but could you explain to me why? Because it has no eyes? :D I choosed this abstract style because my modeling skills are pretty bad.

    Thank you both for your feedback! :)

    - added attack animations
    - improved jumping
    - working on combat collision detection
    - working on tutorial level
  8. TremesEx


    Nov 6, 2013
    This is just amazing, I'm a fan of the series and I can see that this has potential. Awesome work though the controls are bad.
  9. 0tacun


    Jun 23, 2013


    -Main Menu added
    -Tutorial Level added
    -increased performance (AI - Calculation in Update() wasn't smart from me :D)
    -there is a blocking bug, if the enemy is to near he will hit you. Evade

    @TremesEx: Thank you for your kind words, it makes me happy to hear that you like it! :) Yes the controls are truly not perfect, but at the moment I have no real solution. Maybe useing two gamepads? I appreciate any kind of idea :D

    At the very begining of the development I used mouse input, but it somehow didn't felt right and also excluded 2 player coop on one machine.

    My next steps are fixing blocking and tweak some animations. Also I have thought about redoing the current level 1 and adding a mountain level. Because at the aspect of gamedesign it isn't very good.

    If you have some ideas what is missing or what I could try, please tell me :)

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Feb 1, 2014
  10. 0tacun


    Jun 23, 2013

    -fixed blocking

    - Item Selection Screen

    new items:
    -Grenade - due to technically inacuracy these dosen't always explode
    -Mine - a deathly last step for everyone
    -Smokebomb - blur your enemy's vision to escape

    better visuals:
    -motion blur
    -set those settings in the bottom left corner of the main menu. Attention: Could be hardware hungry

    thanks to FuzzyQuills and his epic Indie ImageEffects pack! Check it out:

    As always leave me a comment and tell me what you think ;)
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2014
  11. jonkuze


    Aug 19, 2012
    Awesome Ninja Game! they look more like Samurai to me but either way still cool! I like it but would much rather prefer to play single player, not sure how often people play coop on a PC together, it's a bit weird to me to have a split screen PC Game. Networking makes more sense.

    Also, if you go single player, instead of full keyboard controls, lets use the mouse, or have the option to configure a mouse to player with, it will feel much better this way as Single player, or Networked Game, plus Control with Keyboard for Movement, and Mouse to Aim and attack.
  12. 0tacun


    Jun 23, 2013
    @Kuroato: Thank you for your feedback! :D
    I see the issue with coop on one pc... looks like nowadays there isn't really a market for that :). Personally coop games are the games I had most fun!
    I never looked into network code, I'm a little bit afraid, maybe I try it sometime.
    Since Adrianis and now you mentioned the lacking mouse support, I worked around a bit and have finally implemented it! I think it isn't the best solution, but maybe in the future it will be improved. Also placed the sheat of ninjas on theirs back, hope they look less like samurais now :D

    -added mouse support, see input manager for additional keybindings (enable mouse in bottom left corner of the Main menu)
    -added training level, a randomly generated level with enemys (early state)
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2014
  13. jonkuze


    Aug 19, 2012
    I tried with the Mouse, it's defiantly nice to at least be able to attack with mouse...

    but here is a good example of really good third person controller with mouse camera control: < - - - Web Player (try the third person Demo) < - - - Download Free Asset

    I say if you can combine this controller with your actions that it will be pretty smooth! = )

    Regarding Networking... honestly if you really want to make this a Coop game you should really look into networking, i don't recall the last time i hear anything about Local Coop Games besides on OUYA and Wii, and OUYA is not exactly a system you want to waste your time developing for unless you are just making this game for fun, then hey by all means go for it!

    I'd recommend Photon Unity Networking. < - - - Website to Signup for App ID < - - - Photo Networking Assets, just Download the Free one, and Demo Projects to Learn from. < - - - Great Beginner Step by Step Guide to Setting up a Basic Multiplayer Game with Player Movement and Sync
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2014
  14. 0tacun


    Jun 23, 2013
    Only attacking? Did you enable the mouse in the Main menu? I forgot to mention it, I'm sorry.

    Anyway thank you very much for the Information! I must look what can be done since my project becomes a little complicated (it is my first project which can be called a game).

    I have a feeling that integrating networking in an existing project is much more difficult than from scratch. But I'll be looking into the tutorials which you provided me, thank you! :)
  15. jonkuze


    Aug 19, 2012
    yea, i can see you running into some issues i guess, but supposedly Photon Unity Networking is very friendly and is designed to help anyone turn a single player game into multiplayer easily. But all depends on your code i guess and if your willing to put in the time for it...

    but hey man, if you really like the Coop idea I would say try aiming for OUYA or other console that is good for this kind of gameplay, as i don't recall ever hearing about a Successful Local Coop Game on a PC, played on same PC. But maybe you could make this one a hit who knows lol... i'm just another Indie just like you just sharing some thoughts... = )
  16. 0tacun


    Jun 23, 2013
    I have already some ideas with a networking game, for example expanding the possible players and the team which manages to retrieve the secret message of the enemy lair wins. Man you gave me some good ideas! :) But yes, I have to see what is possible for me.

    Since I don't own a ouya and personally never much heard of it, I will stick to the pc and keep the momentary coop part. Also my intention at the moment isn't really to make money :) I'm happy to see my friends and other people laughing while playing my small game :D
  17. create3dgames


    Aug 20, 2012
    I like the splitscreen, don't get rid of it. But if you want to add networked multiplayer that would be cool too.
  18. jonkuze


    Aug 19, 2012
    yep there you go, then in this case don't worry about any of the networking then, if your just making a game just to make it, and you don't care about making money, then by all means ignore me haha... as i'm in the business of making games to earn a living from so my views will be different.

    but if there is anything i would like to see is a single player mode, so i can play by myself without the split screen, so maybe you can give that option on the main menu, singleplayer, or coop
  19. 0tacun


    Jun 23, 2013
    @create3dgames: glad to hear! :)

    @Kuroato: Your feedback was very helpful, I won't ignore it :). You are right at the moment the main menu is pretty confus and everything is rough. For example you can use fullscreen mode for singleplayer while playing a map and still switching to coop (the button under the light settings). Also I think I need an seperate option menu.

    Well we will see what can be done by me...


    There is a new mission! Rescue the captive viliagers!


    I'm at the moment not really happy with the result so far... It is still pretty ugly and buggy :/
    Some suggetions would help a lot :)
  20. hippocoder


    Digital Ape

    Apr 11, 2010
    it's not *that* much of a big deal to do remote co-op, we're doing it for the current game in dev as well... co op multiplayer allows you to cheat - you con't really need a server, you don't need special prediction, you just need 1 computer to do the ai and the other guy to be "trusted" - ie ignore cheating. Shouldn't be too hard and will open up the game to wider audiences. TNet is more than capable, or unity networking.
  21. jonkuze


    Aug 19, 2012
    + 1

    Also, don;t worry about Models looking Ugly in this Moment! I'm actually following the progress of this Project because of the Gameplay, and not so much the Graphics right now. Get the Game Mechanics, and Features you want working first, then worry about the Graphics later... Graphics are pretty decent in my opinion for the work-in-progress, not horrible to look at... keep going! = )
  22. 0tacun


    Jun 23, 2013
    @hippocoder: Yes I agree with the wider audiences and the possiblity to code it, but for me it is a bit stressing :). I just noticed that there would be a problem with the items which get stored in the main story line. When it comes to networking I think, I would first start with just one on one. But I decided to implement this probably later.

    @Kuroato: Thank you :) I'm still discovering what should be implemented and what is missing. For example the AI doesn't care about dead bodies and much more. So much do be done!

    As always any feedback and ideas are welcomed! Did you liked the mountain level?

    Havee fun!


    Finally I reworked the movement and it is now like a classical adventures controlmechanism. Thanks to Kuroato for the information about 3rd person camera control. Locking on an enemy still exists.
    Also I implemented for player2 gamepad support. Now it is easier to play on one machine! Because of this I added the new version as a standalone.

    Also I like to mention that there is a bug of disappearing enemys. Sometimes if the enemys are not in the cameras viewing frustum they are not visible, but can still be hit and locked on. Also they will spot you. If anyone has an solution it would be very good! (turning on "Always Animate" is not an option).

    Edit: Standalone Version was not complete, updated it
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2014
  23. 0tacun


    Jun 23, 2013

    Just a small Update:

    I managed to do some simple network stuff. Fighting against each others worked and was fun :)
    I encounterd some issues and it was a nice lesson for networking setup and network logic. It is a very early state and pretty much far away reliable use, shouldn't be too hard to implement everything, but the more I programmed the network part, the more I thought of releasing this part as a standalone.

    For example I had do convert my audio "system". At the moment Unity isn't capable of using multiple audiolistener, so I had to come up to use the left speaker for player1 and the right for player2, since I wanted that both players can be independet from each other moving on the map and hear something. Nobody noticed it, maybe it was doing a good job :).

    So currently I'am thinking of only implementing some (Team-)Deathmatch option. We will see!

    My next goal will be adding more enemy types. But maybe I get distracted and do something else :)

    Note: I updated the webplayer on the newest version. Currently no network test is included. Sorry.
  24. jonkuze


    Aug 19, 2012
    Very Cool man! Keep up the good work, I think this project will eventually become more than just a "just for fun game project" lol! man if it can become something the world wants to play, then why not reach for it! = )
  25. 0tacun


    Jun 23, 2013
    ha thanks :D well we will see, but maybe not in this slow tempo I'm working on this :)


    Not much is known about this mysterious musican. He was seen in many different places, always playing music and forgetting the world around him. It is adviced not to disturb him...

    I have completed my bonus charakter, he is truely just sitting there and playing music. Only thing that is missing is some logic polishment and then you can become a fan of him.

    I created an enemy who fights with a spear. Later I want to give him a different apperance, more of a guard. Furthermore I like to add an archer and an normal guard with a sword, besides from the existing ninja enemy.

    -improved control responsiveness
    -increased movement speed a little (don't know if it is now good, maybe I have to redo my crappy animations)
    -reworked interface: no visible mouse while playing and option menu pops up with escape key.
    -camera sensitivity slider added


    @all: I have added Ninja Brothers to IndieDB! Check it out:
    It is truely easier to reach a wider audience there and I hope to gain more feedback.

    At this point I want to thank everyone who gave me feedback to improve my game! It means a lot to me.

    Thank you

    note: no updated demo version
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2014
  26. FuzzyQuills


    Jun 8, 2013
    NICE WORK!!! And thanks for pointing out IndieDB! I might actually use that to host my game once it's complete!

    Definitely needs one improvement: it's to make the walking pace a tad faster, because in my opinion, it feels like kid Icarus with a heavy cannon. If you have played Kid Icarus: Uprising, you will know how slow that feels! :)

    And the running is ok, but he has a bit of a delay before he starts running at full speed. the combat system could also do with a new control layout, which is all the combat really needs. that, and maybe a faster attack speed so you can do several sword combos in 3 seconds! (And again, i am taking this from Kid Icarus: Uprising. if you have a 3DS, i suggest giving that a try: It has some sick combat mechanics you could derive from)

    And if you need help, i can animate characters for you, since i am a pro in blender. (At least i think so. there are more badass people out there than me :))
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2014
  27. Heu


    Feb 13, 2012
    Looks great man, love the design. I think if you plan to have local splitscreen, controller support will be needed.
  28. FuzzyQuills


    Jun 8, 2013

    I don't have a screenshot, but I managed to pass through the wall and fall out when doing the second level, haha
  29. 0tacun


    Jun 23, 2013
    Thanks again for your feedback! What do you mean with a new control layout regarding the combat system? Incresing the attack speed could very fast become unbalanced, as I want to have an sweet-inducing combat! But I was thinking about a small stats system in which you can improve your attack speed.
    Oh by the way sounds like you already used the secret Ninja-Wall-Shift-Technique! Just kidding :) This bug occurs because of the crappy climbing system, which I have probably to rework. Currently I have no hint how to do it.

    Glad to hear! Controller support is already enabled for player 2! Check the options in the main screen. Later I will also enable controller support for player1.

    I'm currently creating more items and enemys, the SSAO implementation has somewhat eaten my time :) I will probably upload a new version in the next week. Stay tuned!
  30. FuzzyQuills


    Jun 8, 2013
    Try giving me your wall climbing scrpt so i can help fix it. That way, everyone can contribute!
  31. 0tacun


    Jun 23, 2013
    Thank you for the offer but the issue with the script is more a whole idea problem. It is pretty inter-connected with other scripts, objects and mecanim, thus it isn't just one "climbing.script".

    *Short update:*
    -Item selection screen reworked

    -parrying added
    If you manage to block the enemys attack in the right moment, you are deflecting the attack and bringing the enemy off-balance

    -items added
    A health and strength potion and five different secret ninja scrolls, which will be obtainened after an excellent mission.

    -added menu to change cloth color ( for those who doesn't like the Mario and Luigi color scheme). I will expand this feature with different cloths.
    -smoothed camera movement

    If you have any ideas for more items, let me know!
  32. FuzzyQuills


    Jun 8, 2013
    Parrying... HELL YEA!!!! Well Done! pitty i couldn't help with climbing... BTW, have you uploaded this? I rally want this! And what are the scrolls for? And i had no idea your game used mecanim!

    EDIT: I can help with networking if you like. did a network demo not too long ago, so if you still need help i can point you to the source i found it on, or give you the source code if you like!

    EDIT2: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! the new version isn't here! :( Ah well...
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2014
  33. 0tacun


    Jun 23, 2013
    Sorry still no new version online! I like to add some things and redo the levels a bit, then I upload it. I totally forgot to say what the scrolls are up to:
    They are consumable items, each with a different effect. Currently I don't want to spoil what they do, but I can tell you the Kanji's on the scrolls ;)
    Red: Fire, Yellow: Control, Green: Originality, Black: Shadow, White: Light.

    I like Mecanim very much, as it allows me to nearly skip movement scripting and gives the control fully to animators.
    Currently I do nothing for the network part as it is nerve-racking with my project. It was amazing difficult for me to send mecanim states per RPC :D and the result was far from the offline part which I disliked. There would be so much to optimize. But thanks again for your offer, I will keep it in mind :)
  34. FuzzyQuills


    Jun 8, 2013
    Really? is that all Mecanim is for? i will have to look this up!

    And i didn't think network syncing of animation was that hard. ah well, feel free to call me for help, as i have a bit of knowledge on networked multi-player.

    EDIT: I tried using mecanim with one of my projects... WEIRD! my characters would move forward, but then they would sit there walking on the spot, HELP!

    EDIT2: never mind, used the legacy animation with well-timed movements and got some pretty natural motions with my character. personally find movement scripting easier than mecanim!
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2014
  35. 0tacun


    Jun 23, 2013
    Well mecanim does indeed take some time to set it up. Have you checked loop pose? I remember when mecanim was fresh out the box and I thought that the documentation was not really that helpful, it took me some time to set very thing up. If you need any help PM me.

    I think most developers do script the movement by themself, just as you, and some do use mecanim for animation blending but not useing root motion at all. It does lack percision and control using mecanim, but I'm fine with what I came up.

    *small update*


    I have added armour model, which can later be choosen as an item. It does absord some damage, but also makes you slower.

    Currently I am changing the climbing system, since I can't position at every edge and corner a triggerbox for edge detection. So I googled a lot, but didn't find very much. Because of this I just wanted to talk a bit about my approuch:


    I'm doing a simple raycasting solution, 2 raycasts are going upwards to check if there is any ceiling we could hit. The raycast further to the back of the character gives us information if we are standing too far under a roof. If we don't hit anything the second red raycast can be shot to grab this ledge. Furthermore if we are in jumping or falling state and we aren't under a roof the green raycasts (those are currently SphereCasts) are thrown forwards. The upper one says if there is still something in the way (a wall for example). If not, the lower one can gives us again some point to hold on. To align the player to the edge I'm getting hit.normal, deleting the y-component and letting the player look in this direction. After this I rotate him around 180° to actually look at the ledge.

    Currently there are some bugs with this system and I am working on improving it. If someone has a suggestion, let me hear it!

    I wanted to upload a new demo in maybe one or two weeks. But I don't know how far the progress will then be, but hopefully I get the climbing, items and inventory working till then.
  36. MadJohny


    Mar 8, 2013
    Having two players on a keyboard and 1 of them using mouse isn't comfortable at all in my opinnion.
  37. FuzzyQuills


    Jun 8, 2013
    Hi, here is an example of a network game i am developing:


    Try getting two people in the act to test it!

    EDIT: Just realized that the "create server" button won't work via google drive... Wonder why that is someone? I am using "network.initializeserver" to do this.
  38. 0tacun


    Jun 23, 2013
    @MadJohny: Luckily I have already considered this and added gamepad support. Stay tuned for the next demo release.

    @FuzzyQuills: Looked like a similar setup which I also used for my network test :). Did you used unity built-in network solution? I also encounterd problems with that and counld't find a setting for connecting over the internet, I had to use Hamachi (simulating local lan over the internet).

    I'm currently trying to change the inventory system. Gives me bit of a headache.
  39. drixle


    Apr 14, 2014
    The controls are still terrible. The camera is very bad as well. If the camera some how gets zoomed in, it locks and there's no way to unlock the zoom and all enemies disappear, leaving you guessing where the enemy is. Luckily that's not a problem because since the enemy disappears, it appears they can't hurt you, but you can still hurt them.
  40. FuzzyQuills


    Jun 8, 2013
    @0tacun: yes, i am using built-in unity networking. And it is darn easy to set up. especially when using legacy animation for your game, it's as simple as "RPC for each animation" and it's done! (well, not quite, we also have RPCs for game time, defeated players... etc!)

    Don't know how Mecanim can handle RPC calls, it be around the same lines. how i did my legacy call was this:
    Code (csharp):
    2. @RPC
    3. function animate (state : string){
    4. <your variable for animation controller>.play(state)
    5. }
    then in Update():
    Code (csharp):
    2. var currentanimation : string = <the animation clip being played>
    3. <animationController>.Play(currentanimation);
    4. networkView.RPC("animate", RPCMode.AllBuffered, currentanimation);
    There you go. that's how i synced my animations. IMO, it is possible to update almost anything on all the clients using an RPC call, and this came in handy with syncing the timer in my game. (the original implementation had the clocks going out of sync, so this had to be set up) It is also possible to replace Play with CrossFade instead. i did this too to smooth the animation transitions out on all the clients.
  41. 0tacun


    Jun 23, 2013
    @drixle: Thanks for pointing it out, I knew this bug and have somehow eliminated it. Camera is still not perfect but check the next demo release, I would glad to hear again some feedback from you. The demo here in the unity forums is pretty old (nearly 2 months?), I suggest to wait for the new demo.

    @FuzzyQuills: Looks interessting! I'll check it after the demo release, looks promising. When I was implementing network, I thought a bit inconvenient, sending the floats, triggers and booleans for the mecanim states. So, thanks for your solution!

    [HR][/HR] $nightlyScene.jpg

    The next demo release is nearing, as I managed to fix various things. Also I added a score screen after a mission, the better your result the more items you will get. Furthermore I added a long jump, but currently I'm not sure if it is too mighty. So I depend on your feedback after the Demo release.

    By the way. Ninja Brothers now have some eyes!
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2014
  42. FuzzyQuills


    Jun 8, 2013
    I hear of a new demo coming: When will it be out? (this would probably be approximate, as by the sounds of it, the wall-climbing glitch is still a problem) BTW, ironically, i got to model eyes for my characters too! (well, for female characters that is. i figured out males long ago... ;))

    And You are welcome for the network code! if you need further help, then don't hesitate: just call on me! Once my game demo has a functional stage, i might give you a copy... And at that point, i would then suggest you go find a mate to test my game with! And BTW, go check your wall-climb thead, speaking of which: i sent a reply that might help! (then again though, it might not... time shall decide!)
  43. 0tacun


    Jun 23, 2013
    New demo is out!

    Get it here:

    @FuzzyQuills: Yes thank you for your feedback! The thread was unfortunately not very much visited.

    @All: Thank your very much for the feedback I got from you. I tried to improve the game thanks to this source.

    So what's new?

    - Level 1 reworked
    - Removed currently Level 2 and Trainings Level, I was not satisfied with the quality
    - Character customization: change cloths and color
    - Ranking system. The better your rank, the more items you get. If you manage to gain the highest rank you will unlock a special item
    - Added some animations / changed some animations
    - long jump available: dash forward or while running press jump
    - Potions and armour added
    - Enemy with spear added
    - reworked climbing system, I hope it is at least less buggy
    - Control improvement
    - Various small programming improvements
    - And more I can't remember...

    Currently I am wondering how I could improve the button layout. Should sprinting and dashing be seperate keys? Should dashing only be available when locking on an enemy?
    I still need to rework the inventory system, but I'm a little clueless haha.

    Furthermore I have some additional ideas in my mind, for example:
    - draw/sheat sword
    - additional acrobatics
    - grab enemys
    - detect dead allies
    - include allies for ninja brothers
    - changeable combos: unlock more combo levels and chose what kind of attack you want
    - level- /skillsystem

    I would be glad to hear some of your ideas.
  44. FuzzyQuills


    Jun 8, 2013
    Awwwwwwwwwwwwww yeahhhhhhhhhhh!

    EDIT: Umm... where's the download link?

    EDIT2: Never mind, the links weren't obvious! Would also be helpful if the game was compressed in .zip format instead, for those unable to get WinRAR.

    EDIT3: My goodness! anyway, how did you restrict the display resolutions in the config dialog?
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2014
  45. FuzzyQuills


    Jun 8, 2013
    Here you go, my verdict and ideas:

    The climbing system? definitely less buggy, but sometimes, i go to jump, but the ninja sometimes doesn't grab onto the ledge. (or he grabs onto an "invisible" ledge!) Also, jumping feels too heavy!
    Animations are much faster and somewhat smoother, although some movements are still a tad robotic. (I can help animate your characters if you like! I use blender for modelling and animation as well, so if you would like to see some examples of my work, i can do a render for you!)
    Sword attacking is faster, but isn't as fluid as i would have liked. this might be because i am so used to Kid Icarus: Uprising's melee attacks though! (Again, i can try giving an example with the test feature in the game if you like! I also have a fighting game in development that has pretty fast attack combos!)
    For some reason, holding down "H" doesn't make the Ninja crouch. if this control is meant to be for the second player, then making the first player controls more obvious would be great. Haven't tried yet with a gamepad, so will update this post when done!
    The enemies seem to attack faster when you invoke them like you would, and i find myself defeated within a few seconds. perhaps there's an explanation for this? again, haven't tried with a gamepad yet, so will update this section when i test with gamepad.
    The bloom effect, which did look gorgeous, is sometimes overbloomed in parts, giving the game a really weird look. And where did the new motion blur go? it seems to still be using my base blurring. B&W effect is epic though, and almost reminds me of that "mad world" game on Wii!

    So there you go. my verdict. for ideas, there is a new list!

    • Maybe a "hero mode" where if you get a certain item, your attacks, speed and overall performance are boosted for a brief period of time.
    • A sample control layout i thought of:
      * A = Jump!
      * Z = Attack!
      * X = Running!
      * S = Crouch!
      * Arrow Keys = Movement (Kinda obvious, but most games usually use WASD)
      * Mouse or C + Arrow Keys = Look around.
    • some sort of "Ultimate" Level, where you fight lots of ninjas, followed by a chinese (or other!) dragon!
    And that ends my two cents. Later!

  46. 0tacun


    Jun 23, 2013
    Thank you very much for your extensive feedback!

    - WinRAR: oh I thought .rar format was pretty common and most file compression software has no problems with it. Did you know that you can still use WinRAR even when the test phase expired?

    - under edit/project settings/player you can restrict the resolution.

    - climbing/jumping: glad to hear! But I know that it is far from perfect I will still look into this mater. Good to know about the jumping he truly isn't as light as a feather. I'll change that.

    - animation: Thanks for your offer! As my animations were rough for basic prototyping , I'll change them in the next iterations of the game.

    - crouch: oh I forgot! Crouching is now on a different key left ctrl or v for player 1 and numpad 0 for player 2. The dash key was overloaded with 3 commands, that was too much! So I changed that. Please look into the player input config if there is still something unknown. I'm sorry.

    - enemy: I think due that the enemy's are driven by the computer they have direct input for their actions. It has to be optimized. Anyways I recommended not to fight against those guys as they show no mercy! If a fight is unavoidable my tip is to lock on, avoid attacks and be patient.

    -postFX: the bloom was a testing subject maybe I will remove it. The motion blur wasn't stackable with bloom so I excluded it for the moment. Also object motion blur was not achievable.

    -hero mode: if you want to be temporary stronger I suggest the green strength potion!

    -keys: thank you for the suggestion. The problem is where do you then put movement keys and next item key, lockOn key, use item etc? But I see that you want sprinting on a separate button.

    -ultimate level: sounds really cool! I'll keep that in my mind!

    Thank you again for the feedback. It was very help- and insightful.
  47. FuzzyQuills


    Jun 8, 2013
    An update to the feedback BTW, as i got home... and had access to my epic gamepad!

    My verdict again:
    - attacking: Actually not too bad this time, using gamepad keys was more effective in some ways, as you have assigned the triggers for attacks. (AWESOMENESS!)
    - stealth button (crouching): actually found the "V" Key does this, however, i can't find which button does it on the gamepad! Other than that, i got pretty far through it with the red ninja, and used the keyboard. would be nice to have gamepad control available to both characters.
    -WinRAR: yes i do know this, but not everyone likes popup messages ;) Anyway, wouldn't mind 7-Zip either, as that is actually free to use.
    -Key layout: that was just a rough suggestion, but yes, i will think of the item keys when updating the layout. will do this later, as i am busy with other things at the moment.
    -bloom: looked fine without motion blur, but yea, in areas it looked too bright. (mainly during the daytime)
    -Levels: where's the end? After beating the guy at the temple, there wasn't really an obvious path to go through, so i quitted to main menu.

    BTW, i ended up with a ninja rank at the end of the game! would be a good idea to have everyone post their rank if possible. And if you are going to do the ultimate level, i can help model the dragon if you like!

  48. fleshtheworld


    May 26, 2011
    Thats a lot of work on Ninja Brothers. Its a bit broken overall though but still a good effort.

    Personally I would change a lot of things. How come you didnt keep the Tenchu control layout? The double tap of the directional buttons makes the dash and roll possible without relying on pressing the shift key. Pressing the shift key makes the dash and roll awkward to execute. The camera seem is ok. The animations cold use more life in them, like the sword slashes, the torso should turn a little bit so the character doesn't look so stiff.

    How are you dealing with mecanim for animations?
  49. 0tacun


    Jun 23, 2013
    @FuzzyQuills: Good one :) if you manage to achive "Grand Master" you will unlock a special item ;). BTW thanks again for your feedback!

    @fleshtheworld: I agree many things aren't polished, I hope to manage to clean things up.

    The controls had a long way down to the current form. First the controls were like in Tenchu, but the masses demanded a more inuitive control sheme (more like Tenchu 3 actually). In addition to that I was inspired by Dark Souls for the dashing mechanism. While playing with mouse I don't think that double tapping in the direction to dash would be a good idea. But I will check it, if I come up with something different.

    I agree with the animations! Will be replacing them.

    I use mecanim with Root Animation, so I don't need to script movement (more or less).
    My States are pretty nested already: View attachment 98256


    I started simple and expanded it even further so I haven't implemented sub-states. There are more variables listed than I'm using, mainly because I started with mecanim before Unity integrated triggers (programming booleans as oneshots was a pain). Well I don't know what to explain, if you have any questions, feel free to ask :)

    Thanks for feedback, you mentioned you would do many things different. Could I ask you what for example? I highly appreciate it.
    Last edited: May 3, 2014
  50. fleshtheworld


    May 26, 2011
    Just gave it another play. I guess the game just need some polishing on the animations and the coding of the animations themselves so they execute more fluidly. The dashing are kind of hard to execute in combat. Seems like you have to press shift and the direction you want to dash in at the same time.

    Hope it turns out well when completed. Im a huge fan of the Tenchu series, especially Tenchu Stealth Assasins.
    Last edited: May 4, 2014