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Clicks RTS Framework [WIP]

Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by duhprey, Oct 19, 2013.

  1. duhprey


    Nov 13, 2009
    Clicks RTS Framework
    $Screen shot 2013-10-19 at 2.45.24 PM.png
    Play with the demo here

    This is an early performance test of a new RTS framework I'm working on using RAIN{Indie} (also available on the Asset Store) and based on the code I've developed for Netstorm II. This library will be generalized for many possible RTS-like games.

    This first test is a simple tower defense game. I will next make a MOBA style game and then finally a full RTS game with base building etc.

    Features expected in the Release:
    • Source code for the library and all examples
    • Code documentation and a tutorial for building the three example types.
    • Customized RAIN{Indie} components including a heavily cached Grid-based A* Navigation and unit Behavior Trees.
    • All components fully networked using Built-in Unity Networking (future examples will include networked code)
    • Highly performant code allowing hundreds of units in play at once
    • Large squad control including avoidance and flocking behaviors.
    Not planned:
    • Full player AI. (But maybe sometime...)
    • Really nice models.
    • Fancier graphics.

    I expect I'll make the final release $100, but may put out an early beta release for $50.

    Please let me know if there are particular features you'd like to see that I haven't mentioned here.

    Netstorm II is currently a free download here:
