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Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by MrSkeletarik, Sep 19, 2013.

  1. MrSkeletarik


    Aug 7, 2013
    Ultimate MMORPG Kit

    Ultimate MMORPG Kit is a powerful instrument which allows you to create your own MMORPG games!

    Buy it now! Asset Store Link

    Web Player Demo


    You can create your MMORPG absolutely without programming!

    It contains a lot of C# and JavaScript scripts with the comments.
    Since the MMORPG game that doesn’t save your progress to the database isn’t the MMORPG game at all, this package contains over ten PHP scripts and the SQL code for creating an Internet-connected (online) game.

    Simply Drag&Drop the scripts to the GameObjects!

    Also we included an Example Project called «World of VikingCraft» that uses all package’s scripts. It will help you to learn how to use this Kit as soon as possible.

    Ultimate MMORPG Kit includes a 36-paged detailed Documentation that will help you to create MMORPG games! All things are fully-described, so you will know either "how to do this" or "how does it work".

    Ultimate MMORPG Kit contains scripts for useful things like:
    • Sign in and sign up;
    • Creating a character;
    • Choosing a character;
    • NPC-friends and NPC-enemies;
    • Vendors;
    • Dialogs;
    • Playerʼs bag;
    • Quests;
    • Equipment and Playerʼs stats;
    • Gathering resources;
    • Crafting;
    • Drop;
    • Simple AI;
    • Portals;
    • Mini-map;
    • Chat;
    • And more!

    If you know any programming language, you will be able to change the code as you like.
    Ultimate MMORPG Kit is separated into 2 parts: Client and Server. Server uses Photon Cloud.

    Ultimate MMORPG Kit Trailer - Look what you can do with this package (and even more):

    A few screenshots:​

    Login and Password menu. Also the registration is here.

    Character's creation

    Drop and frightful attack :)

    Crafting and gathering

    What you will see in the next updates
    • Spawn Kit for the NPCs
    • Easier adding of new game classes and new races
    • Ability Kit
    • Groups (2-5 Players)
    • Guilds
    • The Talents’ system
    • Bag as an item’s type. The possibility of wearing a few bags at the same time
    • Battleground Kit
    • Dungeon Kit
    • AI Kit
    • Upgraded chat. The possibility of writing in the different chat’s channels

    If you have any questions, write an email to the

    Hope you like it!

    Enjoy this Ultimate MMORPG Kit and Happy Game-Making!
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2013
  2. cmrcmr


    Aug 28, 2012
    hello, I'm seeing your project and I like, but I want to ask you something.

    - The chat allows private chat speak?
    - Allows verification email, and activation of account, when a user logs into the game?
    - Compatible Unity 4.2.1?

    Last edited: Sep 21, 2013
  3. MrSkeletarik


    Aug 7, 2013
    Hello! Thank you!

    For this moment there is no functions such an email verification and private chat speak. But I'm sure that they will be added in the next updates.

    Ah, you added a question about 4.2.1 version. Of course, Ultimate MMORPG Kit is compatible with Unity 4.1 and higher, so 4.2.1 is also supported.
  4. cmrcmr


    Aug 28, 2012
    Hello friend, well then if you add these features will be great, in a few days I'll buy the package because I can not right now.

    When i have the package, i help you with new tips to improve your product.

    Thanks, sorry for my English.
  5. MrSkeletarik


    Aug 7, 2013
    Okay, I'm glad you like it! :)
  6. Ignoble Arts

    Ignoble Arts

    Feb 9, 2013
    Looks good, please be careful when it comes to ease of use though, you want this kit to be as simple to set up and add features to as UniRPG. It is great however that you provide a sturdy multiplayer support, that's something that few enough assets have to offer.
  7. MrSkeletarik


    Aug 7, 2013
    Thanks for your opinion!
    But what did you mean under warning of "ease of use"? The adding features is simple because you need just drag&drop the scripts to the GameObjects. But it doesn't make the Kit (and the choice) constrained because you can set up a lot of things. May be I didn't understand you :)

    Well, yes, I am glad you like the multiplayer support, I think it's important because sometimes this part is the most difficult in the game's creation. It would be great not to program all this stuff (including PHP-MySQL Database connecting) and just getting the pleasure from the game's making. Ultimate MMORPG Kit helps to achieve that.
  8. aspire9


    Aug 8, 2013
    Looks good. Do you plan to upload a demo?
  9. MrSkeletarik


    Aug 7, 2013
    No, I don't think that I will upload any demo or webplayer game. You can see a few (but not all) things in the video. If you have any questions, I will answer them. But, you know, you will be able to feel all advantages of the Ultimate MMORPG Kit only if you buy it.
  10. Sashimi_2


    Jun 26, 2013
    did you do a ultimate stress test, to your ultimate mmorpg kit :)
    sorry for sounding a bit like a jack ass, but i am really wondering if its tested in regard of mmo! scalability and such.

  11. MrSkeletarik


    Aug 7, 2013
    Well, Photon Cloud is a perfect choice for the games with low online. If there is high online, it can be converted to the Photon Server. So, there can't be any problems with server's capacity. All functions, features and etc. were tested for a long time by very different people. You see, Ultimate MMORPG Kit is a reliable solution for MMORPG games' creation.
  12. GPG


    Feb 22, 2013
    Is there any sort of combat system built in, such as learning abilities and skills or simply a basic attack when you right click enemies.

    I see ability kit and I am not 100% sure if thats what I am talking about here, could you confirm.

    Also when does the next update come out?
  13. MrSkeletarik


    Aug 7, 2013
    Now there are 2 types of character's attack - like two skills - normal and great. The feature about you talking ("combat system built in, such as learning abilities and skills") will come in the next updates.

    The huge update will be in October. And one of the new things will be Ability Kit.
    But if you want to buy this package, it will be better to do this now (not after the next update), because probably the price will increase.
    Also you will need some time to set NPC's, quests and etc., you know. Depends on the size of MMORPG game it will take different quantity of time.
  14. jonkuze


    Aug 19, 2012
    I think it's best if you can upload a demo for this asset. I for one would never buy an asset like this without being able to first test it myself. Wish you all the best and hope you can upload a demo soon.
  15. Venged


    Oct 24, 2010
    Does this kit use mecanim?
  16. MrSkeletarik


    Aug 7, 2013
    No, the character's controller doesn't use mecanim. But you can add this by yourself if it is important to you, it won't be very difficult.
  17. dreamlarp


    Apr 22, 2011
    You are thinking backwards. Most will not buy it till you put up a demo and more of a video. You show so little in your demo. Many other kits show video's showcasing the features and how to set them up in your game. Just saying you can do this yourself is saying to most that I did some of the features and you need to do the rest of the work to make this a basic framework. I think it looks ok from what I can see but its way to little. When selling kits in unity you can not be cryptic about what you are offering. And when you say ease of use and no programming that means custom editors to set features and add assets. From what you have here we have no idea if you have those. As was stated above make it easy to add assets and features as unirpg or some other kits with editors and it would sell more.

    Understand that I am saying this because the other mmo kit's all have these things. Naming yours the Ultimate kit and not even showing much is not going to let you compete with those kits. Everyone would love to see this BE the untimate mmo kit not just be named this. Let us all see that it is and you will have a lot of sales.


    With only 8 posts on these forums you have to go that much further since many here have not seen you produce or release anything. Be more open and descriptive with what you offer.
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2013
  18. chiapet1021


    Jun 5, 2013

    Does this kit use an authoritative server for movement, collisions, game logic, etc.? It is my understanding that Photon Cloud doesn't allow for an authoritative server, but perhaps things have changed since I last checked.
  19. Brainswitch


    Apr 24, 2013
    I have yet to read about any such change. In Photon Cloud, each Room has a "master client" (or what they call it, can't remember) but that is one of the players. So I am too curious about the choice of Photon Cloud (perhaps they have changed it), and also would like to know about authoritativeness.
  20. MrSkeletarik


    Aug 7, 2013
    Well, Ultimate MMORPG Kit consists of two parts: server and client. And there are two projects: for server and for client. Server's project contains the server's creation scripts and NPCs' creation scripts. Client's project contains everything else.
    Yes, Photon Cloud doesn't allow for an authoritative server but it has something like "master client". In the kit this "master client" is Administrator. He can run the Server Application (compile the server's project) and there create the Server (create new Photon Cloud room or group of rooms). Then this server can be seen by the Clients in the Client's Application (MMORPG Game Client).
    So, Administrator won't be a player, he won't be display anyhow in the world, just creating a new Server. And this Server (that Administrator had started) will do all work that need to be done as the Server (damage, NPCs, etc.).
  21. chiapet1021


    Jun 5, 2013
    Great, thank you for the added information! I think I can see how that would work in Photon Cloud.

    I'm assuming that the Administrator/server project encompasses all of the typical server "types" for an MMO into one server application, correct? In other words, your asset's server project would be the account server, world server, database server, etc all in one? Do you have any results on performance testing with your asset, such as total number of concurrent players the project can reasonably support without too much lag?
  22. dreamlarp


    Apr 22, 2011
    Not sure this is a real mmo engine. From what you said it looks more like a multiplayer. Witch is fantastic if it does take care of everything on the server side. Just mmo this way working on cloud, I can see many problems. If enough features are done and its all handled on the server side and if there are editors to build the database and add your own assets this could be great. Just not full mmo.

    I would like to know why you did not just use the full photon server and make it fully authoritative. It would not be cloud but it could work as a mmo.
  23. MrSkeletarik


    Aug 7, 2013
    So, there are two "types" of servers: world server (game server) and Database.
    World server is a Photon Cloud room (or groups of rooms). Players can enter the World and play there. World Server is started by Administrator ("master client") in the server's unity project.
    MySQL Database is the base that contains all information about players: usernames, passwords, characters' information (level, name, items, exp and etc.). For MySQL Database you need a hosting that supports PHP and MySQL. Or you can start this locally using Apache and other programms.
  24. MrSkeletarik


    Aug 7, 2013
    Well, I respect your point of view. But it is not comfortable to take care of everything on the server side. One things needed to be handled by the server and others doesn't. Numbers like character's position, its damage and etc. must be handled by server (because player would be able to change them in other way). Something like character's collision with the tree is the client's work. There is no sense to overload the server with useless data.

    If online is high, of course you will be able to use Photon Server. It is not difficult to change the configuration and I will help you with this if you want. But if the game has the small online or it's in the development stage, Photon Cloud will suit perfectly, and it won't load your computer as Photon Server will do. So, there can exist this type of MMO server's logic, why not.

    "if there are editors to build the database" - I'm sorry but have you ever create a game with the MySQL Database? Of course, I don't think that that's impossible, but what for? The MySQL Database lives in the hosting. You can create it using PHPMyAdmin (usually included in the hosing user panel). There is no sense to create MySQL Database inside the Unity3D. It's perfect game engine but these things needed to be done in the hosting - in the browser (easier) or by the command line (harder). Documentation is included detailed instruction of the setting all this stuff.
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2013
  25. ZeoWorks


    Dec 13, 2012
    Looking great! :) As does the Photon Cloud support. It would be nice to have a webplayer demo setup for us to try this out ourselves. I will definitely buy this within an update or two. Does this support multiple scenes? What I'm really hoping for is NPC and Player ranged combat system. Can't wait to see more updates! :D
  26. dreamlarp


    Apr 22, 2011
    I am sorry if I was not clear, Building the database does not mean making the database it self. I was talking about adding all the game specific items to the database such as items, npc's ect.. Having an API for that and to allow things like building loot tables ect.. is what the other posters were talking about that UniRPG and RPG Kit 2 do.

    I get what you are saying about the server and yes thats what I was referring to. As it is cloud is good for smaller online games. Witch the industry calls muti=player not mmo. With you configuring the full photon server then yes you could make a mmo.

    But I would like to add that to sell this kit much more making several video's on what the features look like and how to make your game with this kit would make all the difference. Its said over and over in most of these kinds of kits threads that what is lacking most is video tutorials and demo/showcases. Just saying you will find out when you buy it is going to put many buyers off.

    I would love to see this kit take off. But like all the others your users are not programmers mostly. And most are looking for is a kit that lets you make your game step by step without much programming. Take a look at the atavism engine. Yours may not be a fully build custom server but their features that help users build a game are great.
  27. MrSkeletarik


    Aug 7, 2013
    Glad to hear you like it! :)
    Okay, it looks like I will add the webplayer demo probably at the end of the week, because for this moment I am a little bit busy.
    Yes, it supports the multiple scenes!
    Your offer is really interesting - ranged combat system is possible and not only with NPCs if you just set the abilities you need in the Ability Kit window. It comes with the next update, I'm working on it.
  28. ZeoWorks


    Dec 13, 2012
    Sounds great, when is the next update?
  29. MrSkeletarik


    Aug 7, 2013
    Ok, you are talking about adding fields to the database. So, the Kit does this automatically. If player takes a new quest, levels up or something else, it will write to the database itself. You just need to write the Database information (host, username, password and database name) in the configuration. You don't need to make something by your hands, the scripts will do that instead of you.

    About server it looks like you got my idea but after all you think that Photon Cloud is useless for mmo games. It is not so. It seems that we simply have the different points of view on the same problem and even after a long discussion wouldn't be able to take the same point. Sometimes that happens :)

    building loot tables - yes, of course you can do it with the Ultimate MMORPG Kit.

    Well, I caught your advice about tutorial videos and demo. I'm sure I will do that. And I know that the most of users are not programmers, therefore I made this Kit. It allows to create games taking pleasure from the process of it, as you said "step by step" and without programming. Moreover it will fit for the programmers too.

    Thanks for advices, live long and prosper! :D
  30. MrSkeletarik


    Aug 7, 2013
    The huge update will be in the October. It will include the Ability Kit and a few other great things.
    But probably the price for the package will be a little bit higher.
  31. wmgcata


    Jul 20, 2012

    Couldn't have said it any better. This is something he could work on in the future.
    For the rest, it's a good looking system.
  32. ZeoWorks


    Dec 13, 2012
    Awesome! :) What are your thoughts on having a gender selection for the character creation?
  33. nixter


    Mar 17, 2012
    I was very skeptical of this package but publishing a demo will go a long way towards allaying my concerns. I'm not expecting anything fancy. Floating cubes would be fine, I just want to see the systems working and check it for general performance.

    The fact that this is available on the Asset Store and has been (presumably) checked at their end is another +1 for this kit. If I'm disappointed, I can send 30% of my disappointment their way. ;)
  34. cmrcmr


    Aug 28, 2012
    MrSkeletarik Hi, I just bought your project and I'm very happy about it.

    I hope you add the new features that I asked you the first time at the beginning of the forum, also I will ask some more improvements, because they will look good.

    To all that you doubt the project, everything is correct and as our friend MrSkeletarik posts photos and videos!.

    Thank you!!!

    I'm very, very happy!
  35. Jaybones


    Jul 14, 2012
    Hello, im interested in your project.
    One thing i don't see mention is if u need unity pro or will this kit work fine on unity free.
    im also looking forward to seeing a webplayer demo
  36. MrSkeletarik


    Aug 7, 2013
    Well, it will work with Unity Free because it doesn't use any Pro features.
    I think that webplayer demo will be available in the weekends. I am going to load it at the end of the week.
  37. cmrcmr


    Aug 28, 2012
    MrSkeletarik and send you all 5 stars and a comment to the Asset Store.

    I look forward to the next version! : D

    Everyone who sees this thread, everything is correct as published, and with new updates greatly improve this product.
    BUY, do not let it pass!
  38. Jaybones


    Jul 14, 2012
    MrSkeletarik, I just bought your project as well.
    i plan on setup today and adding in content i have.
  39. aspire9


    Aug 8, 2013
    good, i will try that demo
  40. nixter


    Mar 17, 2012
    Any plans to release the demo this weekend?
  41. ZeoWorks


    Dec 13, 2012
    +1 This.

    Also, where is all the player information saved? Is it in the SQL server? :)
  42. MrSkeletarik


    Aug 7, 2013
    I am planning to load the demo today or tommorow, so check the thread - I will post about that.

    The information is saved in the MySQL Database. It can be in your hosting or the local one.
  43. MrSkeletarik


    Aug 7, 2013
  44. nixter


    Mar 17, 2012
    While it does have functioning multiplayer, the client has numerous problems that make the demo unplayable.

    Skills: I didn't find any way to allocate or even use skills. There are slots for them, but no skill system that I can find. Edit: Never mind. I see the Skills system isn't implemented yet.
    Quests: There are no descriptions of what the player is supposed to do on quests. The quest log doesn't have any information as well. While this system does seem to function, it needs a much better demonstration.
    Combat: It took a while, but I was able to get combat to work. Since there are no skills, I was only able to kill the monster after numerous tries spamming the “1” button. The AI was very simplistic and got stuck trying to run through NPCs. Worst of all, when I got my rewards for killing the creature, I was not able to place more than one item into my inventory (This seems to be a GUI issue more that a database related one though). While combat is working, the example of it in the demo is frustrating, boring and unsatisfying. You need a better example with weaker creatures.
    Leveling: After earning enough XP the HUD said I was Level 2 but that change was not reflected in my character sheet.

    What does work:
    Text Chat: I was using the demo when someone else joined and the chat works OK.
    Basic Movement: Basic movement in the 3D environment seems to work in multiplayer although the jumping was buggy.
    Login/Registration: Good enough for now.
    XP: I was able to get XP for completing quests.
    Damage bars: When I was wounded these were working properly.

    You have the beginnings of a decent MMORPG Kit here but this demonstration needs lots of changes before it will appeal to many buyers. I hope you will continue working on it and put in the effort to make it a competitive asset.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2013
  45. MrSkeletarik


    Aug 7, 2013
    Nixter, thanks for your opinion!
    Well, the skills is concerned with the combat. So, with the next update that will include Ability Kit, skills will automatically improve the combat.

    Also you didn't check the gathering and the crafting. Hope you will try them too, because it is one of the most my favourite things in this Kit.
  46. ZeoWorks


    Dec 13, 2012
    I like the webplayer! any news on updates? :)
  47. ungr


    Oct 9, 2013
    So I was finally able to buy this kit after a little trouble (due to my way of paying online). And I have to say that this is by far the best asset I have ever used. Although it is mostly just scripts rather than trying to have some sort of easy to use interface, this is the first pack regarding RPG kits I have used that I have been able to get running and understand to the point to where I felt comfortable that I could (with the upcoming updates) create something that I have been trying to make for a while now. Personally I feel like the price on this first version is well worth it. Actually just the login system alone would be worth more than that.

    Also, I am not sure how many people would find this useful but it is possible to host this with a photon server offline. This was a must for me because all my game creator machines do not get online (best firewall ever)

    Not sure about the uploaded demo, but the one I have setup with my photon server works fine. I just double click the items in the popup list one by one and they are added to the inventory.
  48. MrSkeletarik


    Aug 7, 2013
    Thanks! A huge update will be in this month. Not sure actually when, but in this month.

    Ungr, thank you for such good reply! Glad you like it! If you set 5 stars in the Asset Store, the update will come faster! ;)
  49. ZeoWorks


    Dec 13, 2012
    Can't wait to see the update! It'll be very interesting to see how it would turn out, from what I know this would get many more sales if the update turns out as expected. :)
  50. kurtfury


    Oct 18, 2012
    not exactly sure what im doing wrong,perhaps someone could help me figure this out. so i bout the mmorpg kit,and for the sake of testing i attempted to just getting it running the demo project. i created 2 seperate projects as requested in the readme. i installed the php files on my server "" on the same machine"" and i setup the photon id. yet i can not seem to get this to work. i ran a test php file on my server to make sure it was working because i just sett it up for this project. php test file worked fine, so i Queried my mysql server and can get returns and see the activity on the server yet when i attempt to run the projects i do not get any errors just cant login and do not see any activity on the mysql server when i attempt to login from the unity project.
    so i figured id check here to see if anyone else had any issues.