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UTest - Simplified and easy unit test framework

Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by ericknajjar, Sep 12, 2013.

  1. ericknajjar


    Sep 12, 2013
    Doing unit tests and TDD on your games is a hard task, to say the least. When I tried to approach this daunting task, I found myself lacking a simple tool to help me get the job done. So I did one myself! Check it out.

    This is the official support threat. I would like to collect any feedback from you, so I can improve the tool making it more useful for me and the unity community.
  2. imtrobin


    Nov 30, 2009
    You should describe how to do tests, Also include source
  3. ericknajjar


    Sep 12, 2013
    All the info is on the Readme file, I'll copy it bellow.

    ======= Getting Stated =========

    To Start testing all you have to do is make a class that implements UTest.IModule
    and Decorate it with Utest.Module Attribute ([UTest.Module]). A test is just a method inside that class
    decorated with Utest.Test Attribute ([UTest.Test]).

    ======= Tests Modules =========

    Every test must be contained inside a module(a class).Test and module attibutes both support custom namming
    and description, for easy spotting on the UTest window.

    The constructor of a module class will be called once prior running it's tests, and it's dispose method will be
    called when UTest is done with your module. Per module setup and cleanup should be done on the constructor and
    dispose methods of a module, respectively.

    The WarmUp and TearDown methods of a module are called before and after each test, respectively. Per test setup
    and cleanup should be done inside this methods.

    A module can be any class with a trivial constructor, including nested classes, and can be even inside Editor

    ====== Asserts ======

    UTest has a very minimalistic aproach to assertions providing you with:

    UTest.Assert.Truth -> Test boolean values
    UTest.Assert.Equality -> Test equality between 2 objects(using equals)
    UTest.Assert.Throws -> Test if a piece of code throws a given exception

    This three assertions should be all you need to test anything!

    ===== UTest window =======

    Window->UTest->Open View : Will open you UTest window

    On that window you'll see all your test organized in a fouldout hierarchy, with root as it's, well, root
    and each indiviaual test as a leaf. Between then will be your modules.

    On the right side of each node(root, module or test), you'll find a "Run" button. If Pressed, UTest will run
    All thest inside that node, be it a single test, all the test in a module or all your tests, if you press root's
    "Run" button.

    On the right side of the Run "button" you'll find a check box. When checked you will add that node, and all it's
    children, to the Selection. Unheck to remove.

    By hovering the mouse ouver a node, a pop-up will apear, showing you that node's description.

    In the bottom of the window you'll find 2 buttons:

    Run Selection: Will run all selected nodes
    Clear Selection: Will unselect all nodes

    The result of any run will be displayed at the bottom of the window, right above the buttons. In case of full
    success a simple message will appear telling you how many test have passed.
    In case of failure, A big red message will apear, telling you information about the test that just failed and a
    also new button will appear, "Open offender", that when pressed will open the script editor on the line and file
    of the cause of the failure.

    The window run the nodes 'till completion or 'till it find a failling test. If you want to run all tests
    regardless Of failures, press ctrl+shift+T.

    ===== Keyboard shortcuts ======

    ctrl+T : Open UTest Window
    ctrl+shift+T : Run all tests and print the results on the console