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Jewel Match Framework

Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by kurayami88, Aug 30, 2013.

  1. kurayami88


    Aug 30, 2013

    I'm an independent developer just starting out fresh. Hope to get support from elites and veterans here.

    I'm here to post about my new and upcoming (as soon as the asset store approves it) project. It is a match 3 game with features similar to bejeweled and candy crush.

    Hopefully this will be the discussion / bug report section for my project.


    Known Bugs :-

    None for now....


    Developed on Unity 4.6.1 f1
    REQUIRES :- 2D Toolkit LeenTween

    Current Version : JMF Basic - 3.0.6 (discontinued)
    JMF Pro - v3.0.0

    WebPlayer Demo : - Basic - Pro ( with treasure drop feature portal panels )
    Facebook :
    Asset Store link : - JMF Pro - JMF Basic
    JMF Basic
    Part 1 :
    Part 2 :
    JMF Pro

    JMF Pro code references

    *Don't forget to run browser as administrator (if needed)

    It is best to keep your own changelog; and when updating jewel match framework, ensure you replace everything (especially the scripts) or delete and import jewel match framework fresh again. Only then apply back your own customizations on top of the new update.
    There are cases whereby users are experiencing old bugs in the new version which may already been resolved; this is because you did not update properly.

    Release Notes / Changelog :-

    JMF Pro


    * (New) Multi-Panel feature
    - with multi-panel auto-sort feature (API only)

    * (New) Sub-Panel feature

    * (New) Dynamic board re-position / re-size ability

    * (New) Pieces can ignore 'pop-specials' at the end

    * BoardLayout upgraded to accommodate Multi/sub panel feature

    * Major optimization & minor bugfixes of asset
    - pieces / panels / sub-panels now have shorter (and easier) API parameters
    - Improved Landslide code
    - Improved 'Eliminate pre-start match' code
    - No longer need to call "NotifyBoardHasChanged()"
    - WinningCondition 'get-Types' mode bugfix

    * Compatible with JMFP v2.x vanilla asset settings (except PanelsManager script-order)
    - BoardLayout may need to be re-adjusted per prefab requirement.

    JMF Basic

    * make board layout inspector not draw board buttons during play
    > improves framerate during play-mode while GameManagerPanel is selected
    > does not affect actual game after exporting to desired platform

    * revert back base Unity support to Unity v4.2.2

    * Minor bugfix concerning gravity and panel related

    * upgrade to Unity 4.3 compatibility

    * IMPROVED - PieceTracker to tracker based on board relative size (was fixed size before this)

    * bugfixes :-
    # new special gems do not affect panels below it (e.g. shaded will not get hit)
    # fix Pop specials at end - was unable to pop some pieces due to panel restrictions. Now fixed

    * HOTFIX : changed box padding to percentage based
    - padding is relative to box-size regardless of size defined.

    **NOTE : images below are VERY DATED... a lot of kewl awesome features have been added since... do support thanks!!

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: May 21, 2015
  2. kurayami88


    Aug 30, 2013
    Additional screenies~

    $screen5.png $screen6.png $screen4.png

    Past Versions

    JMFP Pro


    * new *and better* Manual Update method ~yey!~

    * Updated LeanTween APIs to be compatible to the new versions

    * Fixed PanelTracker bug when gm.size > 5

    * Fixed Appear-Mode z-scale.

    * Updated Master Prefab "JSF Template" to include two AudioSource ( Unity 5 compatibility issue )
    1 AudioSource for BGM
    1 AudioSource for SFX
    Isolated AudioListener to its own GameObject
    *** GameObjects located under "Anchor (LowerLeft)"


    * Removed support for Unity 4.2.
    Current default at Unity 4.6 / backwards compatible to Unity 4.5.

    * Unity 5 compatible (accept and run the Unity Updater).

    * (new) Checkered board design support for square-boards.
    look for "Default Alt Square Back Board" in VisualManager.

    * Changed "LoadThisLevel" script to run based on scene name instead.

    * Fix Define errorLogs for JXF add-ons when upgrading to Unity5.

    * Fix minor swipe check sequence for special pieces. (GameManager level)

    * Added some free scripts in an online shared folder.
    (visit the Online code reference hyperlink for access to the shared folder).


    * Added a new script to self Identify this asset.
    > Preparation for JXF Add-Ons
    > auto-adds a 'JMFP' global define

    * strengthen 'SuggestPiece' codes for null exceptions


    * Revised Game Engine's loading order to accomodate PoolManager5 loading order
    > was broken since v2.1.0 due to the Manual Start feature.


    * Added eventDelegates to JMFRelay.cs as a default
    > Required to support future JXF Add-ons

    * Changed JMFRelay.cs onScoreIssue() function a bit to get x & y info
    > GameManager.cs function call changed to accomodate the new function


    * Updated inspector properties of JMFP to support Unity 4.6.x
    > Will drop support for Unity 4.2.x once Unity 4.7.x / Unity 5.x is released

    * Improved the WinningCondition.cs script to behave more like commercial games:-
    > Retain dynamic mode selector (can mix-and-match modes!)
    > Added Win/Lose criteria selector on top of the dynamic mode
    > Supplementary built-in 3 star system based on score required
    > Added the manual-start boolean for this script to control...
    > End-game Specialize gem now prioritize normal pieces first

    * added a Manual-Start feature so the game does start instantly if you want to...
    > WinningConditions.cs script currently controls the manual-start option
    > Minor changes to GameManager.cs functions to accomodate the changes
    > Minor changes to Board.cs functions to accomodate the changes
    > Minor changes to JMFRelay.cs function to accomodate the changes
    > Please call "gm.startThisGame()" to start the game.
    *** currently assigned to WinningConditions.cs ***

    * Changed BombPiece.cs to behave back to old JMFP v1 behavior for square boards

    * Added Spawn Weights to NormalPiece.cs script. You can now control the color frequency!
    P.S.> only for spawning during gameplay! for game-start weights, checkout BoardLayout!
    *** Please check the NormalPiece inspector in the PieceManager GameObject ***

    * Added BoardLayout game-start Weights controller Colored gems!
    > control the color gems weights when selecting 'random' color!

    * Removed GameManager.cs script's elliminate pre-start-match function
    > A duplicate function exists in BoardLayout for color grouping
    making the function in GameManager redundant


    * fix demo scenes (Unity2D only)


    * fix minor bugs (please refer to Manual Update folder for changes)
    * fix NoMoreMoves prefab (Unity2D only)


    * Fixed PieceTracker bug. Previously does not work properly on mobile.


    * JMFP 2d-Toolkit GameManager.cs script had a broken syntax
    --> 'JSFGravity' should be just 'Gravity'


    ### Upgraded entire JMFP game engine ###

    * (New) Hex game mode

    * (New) Appear mode for new pieces. ( might be pointless in JMF though )

    * (New) All boards have 'neighouring board' references for easy and precise access

    * (New) Piece/Panel onClick function in each custom piece/panel script.
    Calling function in JMFRelay also updated.

    * Suggested pieces tween coding now more fluid

    * Upgraded the 'Audio Player' script to be more efficient and simple to use!

    * Upgraded Landslide effect logic

    * Custom Pieces now have the option to trigger 'landslide effect'

    * PieceTracker script now collider dependant (instead of specified distance)
    It is super accurate now!

    * other minor bugfixes...

    JMF Basic

    * improved scene visual grid to be more informative and helpful
    - includes scene drag handle for easy board value adjustment
    - tooltips display for users
    - added padding value and padding visualizer to easily judge desired looks
    - main contributor -> "sebastian" aka 'Tauz'

    * auto-scaling of ALL prefabs used as game piece to suit desired board size
    - Please keep in mind that animations are not auto adjusted. You will still need to adjust animations yourself.

    * tidy up revise GameManager BoardLayout inspector tab

    * Youtube explanation for v3.0.2 -

    * fixed board positioning bug when specials is made

    * added auto-add-support-scripts for custom piece prefabs ( so that you dont need too manually )

    * added "get number of pieces" game condition into "Winning COnditions"

    * Youtube explanation for v3.0.1 -

    * convert support from NGUI to 2D Toolkit
    - remove NGUI references and now hardcoded to 2D toolkit using several 2D toolkit features

    * Board Visualizer when not in play-mode. Contributed by 'Tauz'

    - intro video to 2d toolkit + swap out default gems

    - add support for NGUI v3.0.2 but also supports NGUI v.3.0.3 simultaneously
    - z-depth for non-NGUI minor bugfix (was in the wrong direction)

    WARNING : This version has major changesets. Please keep your old version as backup and reference
    when porting over to this version.

    NOTE : NGUI v3.0.3 -> v3.0.3f has a UILabel error. Bug includes corruption in the text or text is missing.
    It's an NGUI issue; a quick-fix is available from me ->>

    * Upgrade compatibility to NGUI v3.0.3 (NOT Backwards compatible!)

    * Changed GameManager calculations from world-space to local-space.
    - With aboved changed, all scaling is therefore brought down to reasonable size again.
    - made compatible with NGUI pixel (dimensions) scaling.
    - camera size now reset to '1'. Previously @ a ridiculous '5'. (means all old scaling are 5x larger)

    * GameManager now scales the board via pixel size. (defined in the inspector)
    - replaced UIroot dependancy to 'pixelSize'.
    - all NGUI sprites are scaled and positioned appropriately automatically so do not worry.
    - non NGUI sprites are sorted via Z-order. User still needs to scale their prefab accordingly.

    * Added accelerated gravity function for pieces to drop faster when the distance to travel is longer.

    * Modified "Winning Conditions" to include two new features :-
    - convert remaining time moves to specials
    - pop any remaining specials before game ends

    * additional placeholders in anims and sounds ( for panels)

    * revised how boardPanels are created.
    - shaded panels now have the default backPanel attached in case your shaded are translucent.
    - positioning of the panels are fixed in a single point.
    (previously it moves a few pixels away after each changes - I don't know why...)

    JMF v2.3.0 video explanation

    * Added score HUD display for matched tiles

    * Added feature in the "winning conditions" to explode all specials before game ends

    * Reduced the current "as-is" game draw calls down to only 3+1 ! (previously about 7+1);
    - 1 draw call for gems/panels
    - 1 draw call for the huge backdrop/background
    - 1 draw call for all the texts
    - + 1 draw call whenever an animation is present. (shuriken particles)

    * Board Layout setup now has variable strength input


    * Major code optimization debugging (especially GameManager)

    * Added minor Game Manager features :-
    - player can only move after the board settles
    - Variable timing delayed Gravity drop
    - Can adjust strength of special panels seperate from prefab array size

    * Added sound/music toggles for player in-game control


    * Added simple sound music support

    * added a gravity drop after-effect (toggle on/off)


    * "No More Moves" prefab adjusted correctly ( was broken since ngui v3.0 upgrade compatibility)

    * suggest piece function now includes special pieces too

    * gravity function revised for rare bug

    * added a new method to use in special merges.

    * revised default special merge codes

    * moved editor window from "Match Framework/Editor Window" to -> "Window/Match Framework/Editor Window"
    (due to Unity request)

    * made the PieceTracker script added dynamically if users forgot/lazy to add it to the prefab

    * Bugfixes etc

    Features :-
    NEW in V 2.01a
    * Update compatibility to NGUI v3.0

    * Added an AnimCamera ( using Layer8 )
    (to specifically show particles on top of NGUI widgets)

    * added "eliminate pre-start matches" to GameManager script

    NEW in V 2.0a

    * Landslide-type falling for blocked tiles

    * Special Tiles/Panels (e.g. Ice, Shaded, Rock)

    * GUI Board Layout - Control how you want your board to look

    * Easy to use "Winning Conditions" - Specify time / Max moves allowed / Clear Shaded / Max scores

    * Commented coding with summary tips at the top for Customisable scripts

    * Ready customisable scripts waiting for your changes.
    ( Powers script ) - controls how a power piece reacts when triggered
    ( SpecialMerge script ) - controls how two power piece reacts when merged
    ( MatchType script ) - controls how a power piece is created

    UPDATED in V 2.0a
    * Fully Drag and Drop compatible script ( still need to delve into the script for advanced customisations)

    * Easily specify how many types of gems to use in a single game

    * Ability to turn any type power geming on/off

    * power gem characteristics ( similar to "Candy Crush")
    mergeable "power gem" "power gem"
    up to match-6 gem pre-defined

    * Gravity function (up,down,left,right)

    PREVIOUSLY from 1.0a
    * created based on NGUI for fast and lightweight gaming ( designed primarily for mobiles )

    * supports up to 9 possible different gems

    * board timers to control how fast things are moving

    * Next Move Hints for stuck players
    Last edited: May 21, 2015
  3. jay1davis


    Feb 21, 2013
    This assets looks great, but I'm a newbie. Is there a video screencast or tutorial on how to use this? If not I think it will help a lot of newbies pull the trigger on this if you can show us how to create our own levels.
  4. jerotas


    Sep 4, 2011
    Great! Have you submitted to the Asset Store yet? Very interested?

    Also I'm wondering how hard it will be for me to code up special weird pieces that can be like a bomb when they are tapped on?
    I would also want to make the pieces above matched piece fall one row at a time, with a "delayed gravity". Is that possible?
  5. kurayami88


    Aug 30, 2013
    hi jay1davis,
    it's currently pending approval by unity asset store. i kept updating and bugfixing before the previous was approved thus the long delay. Hopefully the current version is approved soon.
    as for screencast or video, none atm coz i'm not familiar with creating one. There is a ReadMe and a F.A.Q. section included though. I will try and make one soon hopefully.
  6. jerotas


    Sep 4, 2011
    You can use software such as Fraps to record the video of you working in Unity to demo things. Then record your voice-over after the fact and mix them together in a video program. That's what I do.
  7. kurayami88


    Aug 30, 2013

    hi jerotas,
    it's currently pending approval by unity asset store. i kept updating and bugfixing before the previous was approved thus the long delay. Hopefully the current version is approved soon.

    in terms of difficulty in coding special weird pieces, i would say easy-moderate depending on how well you know scripting. I have personally isolated the powers special pieces creation into separate classes so that you can modify them without affecting the basic game-engine.

    to tap on special pieces to explode, you will probably need to modify a script i attached to the gameObject prefab called PieceTracker.cs. from there you can customise it to trigger the game manager following the default code in it.

    also, the current gravity speed is universal... unless you create a new overloaded method to accommodate a new gravity speed on top of the current universal speed. i believe it is easily customisable as i can think of ways to implement what you suggested straight of the top of my head
  8. jerotas


    Sep 4, 2011
    Cool. How is performance on mobile? I'm not planning on doing a Facebook game any time soon unfortunately.
    Oh and the important question: what's your initial price? I'll likely buy this the day it's released :)
  9. kurayami88


    Aug 30, 2013
    weird... my initial reply probably got flagged as spam coz too much replies within a few mins? =P


    as i was saying, i tested on galaxy wonder (low-end phone) as well as galaxy s4... both phones playable just fine :)

    as for the price...
    there's an asset currently on the store similar to mine ( ) ...
    i loved the work but it seems there is some bugs as well as features missing (which is why i decided to make my own)

    so my price is currently $50... depending on respond or reviews, i will re-evaluate it's worth.
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2013
  10. kurayami88


    Aug 30, 2013
  11. kurayami88


    Aug 30, 2013
  12. kurayami88


    Aug 30, 2013
    both screen cast is out.... hopefully it will help you gain a better understanding of what you will be purchasing :)

    for the links, pls check the top post... OR
    Screencast intro :
    Part 1 :
    Part 2 :
  13. blackant


    Jun 18, 2009

    really nice work but by the way i started using it for my projects, here is a littl bug that appear frequently when many blocks are distroyed.


    This special bonus need some adjustments
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2013
  14. kurayami88


    Aug 30, 2013
    Hi, thx for your interest in my asset!
    I've notice this bug too recently and have a fix for that in the next version (2.0.3) which is not out yet and may take awhile since unity store reviewers are kinda slow.

    in the mean time, perhaps i can give it to you direct. i'll pm u the .unitypackage in a short while and you can test it again pls?
  15. blackant


    Jun 18, 2009
    should be nice thanks
    i noticed other thing you may already know
  16. kurayami88


    Aug 30, 2013
    it'll be nice if you can kindly list them down...then i may look into it if adjustments/fix are needed :)

    as for the rainbow gem. currently how it works is that there's a 2 second delay between trigger and detonation. within that time frame, the star animation prefab is instantiated. and new gems may take the star's place (thus u may notice gems falling into the star's slot momentarily).
    not really a bug but may be a bit annoying.
  17. rickcollette


    Mar 17, 2013
    I've been digging around, but cannot seem to find where the audio effects connect to the object.. so when i click, select, shift, and when the match is made.. I watched the videos, and read the docs.. maybe I'm just missing it. Or is this something "to come" or do I need to add this in myself?
  18. kurayami88


    Aug 30, 2013
    Hi arrested_games,
    Sorry the asset does not actually come integrated with sound at the moment. Would figure others would have better sound choices and would like to implement how it sounds like for themselves.
    Perhaps in the next release I would make a simple sound integration.
  19. jerotas


    Sep 4, 2011
    May I be so bold as to recommend you (arrested_games) take a look at our plugin Master Audio, currently on sale for 50% off ($30). It can handle all manner of simple and sophisticated sound and music tasks for you with usually zero code on your part. And it also comes with 31 Playmaker custom actions and a highly flexible triggered event sound script (also zero code for you to write).

    I haven't picked up the jewel match framework yet, but I intend to as soon as I get my game concept together.
  20. rickcollette


    Mar 17, 2013
    I would totally pick up that audio plugin you have if I knew how to get it to connect to specific actions; I'm really just prototyping something to get to a real code person.. the trouble with design :) You get stuck trying to figure out something the dev folks should really be focusing on ..
  21. rickcollette


    Mar 17, 2013
    I have a couple of other match engines - this one really is a lot closer to what I want, and works really well (kudos!), I saw the audio content in the asset store and thought it was integrated already :) Im not after anything more than a simple sound associated with the movement (click), and destruction (when a match happens), and when the object moves to a new location because of a previous match (when an object falls into place when you match something else). I could probably hack something together from examples in the other engines.. just thought I'd ask here before doing it... thanks!
  22. kurayami88


    Aug 30, 2013
    it's actually really simple i think... just a few lines of extra code. If you really want, I can try and pull something up and give u the revised package once its done.
  23. rickcollette


    Mar 17, 2013
    If you plan on doing it, then I would love it. If you had not planned on it - then I can figure it out.. don't wanna put anyone out over this - I really do love this engine, and will stick with it ... you did an excellent job..
    thank you!
  24. kurayami88


    Aug 30, 2013
    Sorry for the long delay in replying...
    I thought of slapping a quick addition to the asset. Then decided to make a proper release for the sound (as well as a request from another purchaser - drop pieces extra effect rather than static stop).

    i'm done with the coding and have added :-
    simple sound bgm music support (via a new script called AudioPlayer.cs)
    added a new boolean into GameManager to display the drop piece effect. You can turn it on/off as you wish. Perhaps some people dont like it who knows? =P


    I still have yet to update my doco for official release and it's currently late here... will continue after dinner
    expect to have the private release soon (as well as public once unity reviews the package when i upload it).
    Those interested please email me @ (old email) -- OR @ (new official email )
  25. kurayami88


    Aug 30, 2013
    Jewel Match Framework v2.1.4 is unofficially out!
    *unofficial until asset store approves it =P

    for those of you interested to getting it early before store release, kindly PM or Email me @ along with purchase ID as prove. Thanks!

    You may view the demo ( up-to-date till v2.1.4) for the new features... Enjoy!!!
    ** you may need to run your browser as admin to use unity webplayer

    On a developer's rant... the new bgm makes me feel so dreamy each time i test a scene...
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2013
  26. rickcollette


    Mar 17, 2013
    Woot! Thank you a TON! Email sent - heading over to the asset store to give this 5 stars. Just the fact that you answer questions is enough for me to warrant the stars, but actually adding a feature .. wish there was a 6th star. :)

    -- EDIT: Ok - I just tried it, and it is perfect for my use. Kura Studios is amazing, and crazy fast at getting stuff done. This thing.. I would have paid more for. Fantastic! And wow.. you have a great customer focus.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2013
  27. unitylover


    Jul 6, 2013
    For some reason when using the below board layout the game gets stuck when there are no moves. The board just simply sits there with no re-arranging or suggested moves. Anybody have any thoughts?


    ** EDIT **
    I am noticing the "no more moves" function is triggered if I do not have an entire row of empty panels. It might be pure coincidence but it's triggered the last 5 times I've run it but not once if I have the 100% empty row.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2013
  28. kurayami88


    Aug 30, 2013
    Hi unitylover,
    Which version package are you using? v3.0.2a? (sorry because the "no more moves" prefab was broken and is fixed in v3.0.3).

    As for the engine itself, if the board cannot find a match (3 or more) it will trigger a reset. If you have not touched any of the script in "area 51", try checking if you have assigned the visual piece prefabs on game manager accurately, you may have miss-assigned a piece that make you think there's a valid move but gameManager thinks differently.

    I shall send over 3.0.4 to you. Please check PM thanks!
  29. unitylover


    Jul 6, 2013
    Has anyone noticed on the rare occasion the game kind of freezes up in the beginning? You are able to move pieces but the routine that scans them and moves them accordingly does not trigger for about 5-10 seconds. This happens so rarely it's not that big of a deal but I've been profiling for an hour now trying to figure out what it could be. Maybe one of the coroutines is holding it up?
  30. kurayami88


    Aug 30, 2013
    noticed it too... no idea what causes it... so in turn, have no idea how to fix =(

    i'll add it to the pool of bugs...
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2013
  31. jay1davis


    Feb 21, 2013
    Thanks for the screencast - I'm buying right now!
  32. unitylover


    Jul 6, 2013
    It's all good, things like this happen. One of us will figure out what's causing it and it will be fixed. It's a very minor issue really. I just did tests with mobile using an iPhone and an iPad and the performance was outstanding. Mega thumbs up for such a good asset.
  33. kurayami88


    Aug 30, 2013
    thanks for the positive feedback :)
    i'm still working on performance enhancement. Currently working on pooling the prefabs, as well as code optimization. there are just a few more features i added to turn on/off certain aspects like "player has to wait for board to stabilize before making the next move" kinda thing :D
  34. unitylover


    Jul 6, 2013
    Keep up the great work! You've began a great solid framework here and I have nothing but high hopes for it's future.
  35. rickcollette


    Mar 17, 2013
    Note: This is not specific to this asset, I just realize a lot of people using it would want to do what I am doing.

    So, being totally a newb here - is there a tutorial on using the atlas stuff? I like the gems that are there, but want to change them out for other objects. Same with the background blocks, and such. It seems to be just a 2d image sheet.. like the old spritesheets.. but how to you maintain precision when replacing existing images? And how do you keep the 3d-ish look to it?

    Is there an atlas editor of some kind?

    Any direction/help is appreciated.
  36. kurayami88


    Aug 30, 2013

    NGUI has a very simple atlas creator and the NGUI sprites easily use the atlas that is made by it.
    All you have to do is provide the texture (texture can be any of the common picture formats imported into Unity). However, I don't think NGUI can identify spritesheets easily yet (or at least i have not found the option to do so). You will need to provide individual textures that will combine into a spritesheet.

    To use create/update the NGUI altas, simply go to the NGUI window tab located at the top bar -> choose "Open" -> Atlas Maker. OR the short cut key is ALT + SHIFT + M . from there, You can create or modify any atlas based on the current selected textures you already have in unity.

    Think of the atlas as a big spritesheet instead. So, in turn, you can just use a single sprite (which is what I have done with the gems) OR, you can add another component on-top of the already active UISprite script. You can choose "Add component" and the script is located @ NGUI -> UI -> Sprite Animation. From there, there's an inspector property that says "name prefix". Based on the selected atlas and the names of the texture you made into the atlas, "name prefix" will find any sprite with the same name and repeat it in sequence.

    E.g.> I have an atlas that has "jog 1, jog 2, jog 3, run 1, run 2, run 3"... if I put "jog" into the name-prefix, it will cycle through all the jog sprites as if it was animating, and will not display the "run" sprites.


    sorry my explaination may not be if you need, I can make a simple video to demo it to you. But not within 24 hrs or so because i'm currently busy with other RL stuff atm.
  37. jerotas


    Sep 4, 2011
  38. kurayami88


    Aug 30, 2013
    Thanks for lending a hand :)
    its extremely dated, but i guess the concept is the same. (just remember the structure of the NGUI window toolbar has changed),
  39. rickcollette


    Mar 17, 2013
    ... 'killer'... :)
    mucho appreciated.
    I looked around on youtube.. but somehow missed this one...
  40. jerotas


    Sep 4, 2011
    Thank you. I would be buying this package if it had "delayed gravity". What I mean is that instead of all rows above the match falling at once, if they fell later and later and looked like they were falling instead of sliding, then this package would be everything I need. As long as that's not in there though, I will probably continue trying to build my own.
  41. kurayami88


    Aug 30, 2013
    Just to share a self-inflicted bug. No biggie. Just annoying. the project settings are saved when you download my "completed projects" asset thus my studipity followed to your projects too. Sorry for this, will update the fix in the next release along with some other minor suggestions Thanks!

  42. rickcollette


    Mar 17, 2013
    Just curious, is there a way to have multiple levels in one scene?
  43. kurayami88


    Aug 30, 2013
    I guess you could, if you add multiple gameManagers and enable/disable them with your own script. But that is like counter productive... why not just make multiple scenes?
  44. rickcollette


    Mar 17, 2013
    I had thought that the multiple scenes might take more storage space.. is that wrong?
    The other thing I was thinking was; I could make it so that there were various levels to a single scene, then when you completed those, it would load the next scene, which might have a different set of "gems", background image, etc.. Like completed a set of levels in a given "zone"..
  45. kurayami88


    Aug 30, 2013
    I would believe each scene only takes up a very small space and does not bloat any game especially if you are using prefabs. It is easier to manage (mostly) vs having to script what turns on and off in one big scene.

    So my opinion is 1 scene per level.... but i'm a unity newbie so perhaps veterans may have a different opinion.
  46. unitylover


    Jul 6, 2013
    Is anyone else experiencing issues when using all the game pieces in random mode that it tends to very rarely not trigger the board to reset when there are no moves? I am using the latest version 2.1.4. My wife and I are still aggressively trying to figure out which usage case is triggering this bug but so far we've not been able to come up with a steady pattern.
  47. rickcollette


    Mar 17, 2013
    I saw this twice when I use a lot of pieces on a small board (more likely to have a no-move pattern), the first time I thought I was missing the move, the second time i took a screen shot and stared at it all day.. gave it to a co-worker who confirmed no move :) But.. It has not happened since.
  48. kurayami88


    Aug 30, 2013
    Thanks for the feedback. I'm currently optimizing the coding for GameManager (throw out redundant clauses, remove excess baggage, rewire better logic, etc etc) as well as trying to fit in some of the suggestions that are currently not available. Due to this, the bug mentioned may or may not have been fixed.

    I believe it is fair to note that there is a new bug introduced in v2.1.4 whereby the star gem and the rainbow gem will not grow and shrink ( like the suggested piece) during special piece triggers (e.g., star star / star rainbow ) and it gets a stuck animation where-by it will grow and stop scaling.

    It's a visual effect introduced due to the "gravity extra effect" introduction during 2.1.4 whereby not enough testing was done prior to release. It does not however affect gameplay logic in any sense what so ever and have been fixed in my current in-house version.
  49. rickcollette


    Mar 17, 2013
    Man - I can't believe how fast you are rocking this thing. Awesome job :)
  50. EmergingMobile


    Aug 7, 2013
    Excellent package. I just have one question. I'm not sure why I cannot figure this out, but I am wanting to resize the pieces and panels in order for the game to be playable in portrait mode. Without resizing, only 6 pieces are visible horizontally. I tried changing the size of the textures in photoshop, then updating the atlas with NGUI but they stayed the same size in the game, just with loss of quality. I searched the code and can't find anywhere that you make them a certain size. Could you please help me figure out how to go about this? Thanks!