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Could you recommend a really good Video, Web, Or Even Book Series for Brand new 100%

Discussion in 'Community Learning & Teaching' started by Kane C Hart, Aug 16, 2013.

  1. Kane C Hart

    Kane C Hart

    Jun 29, 2013
    I been told essentials is worth getting in the past but best to wait till I the next edition is out though sounds like it might not be out for a while. What about any Web / Videos series though I think Web ones tend to be better when you read and helps stick in your mind. I tried the Unity Gems but he really jobs into it fast where I was lost the first paragraph hehe.

    I don't have any C# Experience or really any programming experience but I do want to learn and I want to spend like 4-5 hours a day learning.

    I also don't have a lot of money but I'm trying learn how to get github to work well I know a lot people say use dropbox and such but I really enjoy the idea of it makes me feel good and also lets me experience something that you want to know and do down the road. Anyone knows any good github tuts with Unity that be amazing!

    Thank you so much hopefully I learn something I mean you always do and maybe just maybe someday I will have something to show for it!
  2. SubZeroGaming


    Mar 4, 2013
    My signature.

