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TerraVol: volumetric/voxel terrain system. Dig holes caves in your terrains!

Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by Amfu, Apr 9, 2013.

  1. Amfu


    Apr 9, 2013

    Hi everyone,

    TerraVol is a voxel terrain engine which will certainly raise your interest if you are looking for realistic terrains with powerful features like creating holes (in real-time), caves, overhanging cliffs, etc. In other words, you get the power of Minecraft-like games combined with realistic, good-looking environments. With TerraVol, you get true volumetric terrains.

    In TerraVol, terrain geometry isn't defined by a simple height map but is instead stored in a more complex 3D structure, using voxels. This gives you a total freedom on your terrain shape and allows you to build more realistic environment and give a deeper experience to the player which will be able (for example) to dig holes just like in Minecraft, in real-time.

    Get it here:

    Demos (webplayer):
    • Core functionnalities are multithreaded to get a lower impact on the frame rate.
    • Procedural terrain generation in real time using Perlin noise. [See the result in the demo]
    • Infinite terrains.
    • Supports heightmaps on finite terrains.
    • Real time terraforming. [Try it in the demo: just click!]
    • Optimized saving system to store terrain information in a file. Dynamic and fast loading. Easier to sync voxels in a multiplayer context.
    • Supports as many type of blocks as you want thanks to the BlockSet component.
    • Customizable terrain texturing. Supports multiple materials. Compatible with RTP3 (recommanded but not included).
    • Vegetation placement (trees, etc.) using your own assets. [Look at trees in the demo]
    • Powerful grass generator. [Look at grass in the demo]
    • In-editor builder tool.
    • 3D A* path finder with path smoothing. [Try it in the demo: press 'I' to set the start point at your position, then move where you want and press 'I' again to display the path (if it exists)]
    • Possiblity to limit the size of your terrain in X and/or Z direction. Very useful for 2.5D games.
    Note: a question which is often asked is "is TerraVol compatible with standard terrains / world composer?". The answer is no. TerraVol has nothing to do with standard Unity terrains, and so isn't compatible with world composer neither. TerraVol uses it's own meshes to render terrain.

    In-Editor Builder Tool features:
    • Choose between different brushes: cube, sharp cube, sphere, or cylinder.
    • Choose between different actions: dig, build, flatten, paint.
    • Choose between any type of block you want. You can add as many type of blocks as you want thanks to the BlockSet component.
    • Start the tool, click on the scene view, and press 'B' at anytime to build more terrain all around you.
    • Press 'Z' to undo your actions. You can undo as much actions as you want (since you opened the map).
    • Toogle between "One action per click" / "continuous editing".
    • Toogle "Delta-edit" mode and customize brush strength.
    • Note about grass placement: if you want to place/remove grass, you have to create a new type of block in the Block-Set with 'vegetation enabled' property set to what you want. Then, simply select it in the 'Current type of block' select-box and choose the 'Paint' action to affect the ground without modifying terrain shape. This may look a bit unintuitive, but this is mandatory because terrain creation is driven by blocks data only (ie. voxels).


    API reference:

    Note: from version 2.0, only one terrain can be used in a scene. This should not be a problem as you can model it the way you want and use multiple materials on it.





    I hope you will enjoy it!
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2014
  2. MikaelTroc


    Nov 2, 2012
    The screenshots looks nice. Any chance you can post videos and a webplayer ?
  3. Amfu


    Apr 9, 2013
    Thanks Mikael!

    I will definitely post a webplayer very soon. I just want to finalize a few (minor) things before. I think it should be available tomorrow or the day after tomorrow ;)
  4. VicToMeyeZR


    Jun 3, 2012
    Sounds very promising. Keeping my eye on this one
  5. Rasmus Linden

    Rasmus Linden

    Jan 26, 2013
    Looks interesting, I've made something similar for a custom C++ engine a while back... Will be interesting to see how performance is.

    Good luck, I'll be keeping an eye on this!
  6. Amfu


    Apr 9, 2013
    Thanks! I really appreciate your interest.

    Performance has been my top priority during the development of TerraVol, in order to make it alterable in real-time without the player noticing it. I hope you will find it good!
  7. Tethys


    Jul 2, 2012
    I am curious to see how far the draw distance is. From my experience so far, having large voxel terrains and good stable performance/FPS is a challenge.
  8. Mantra-Games


    Nov 27, 2012
    Excellent! :) This is exactly what I need to really enhance a game I'm developing. There hasn't been one great real time terraforming asset yet on the store. This is an insta-buy for me if it does what you say it does. Ill be back in a week to check it out!
  9. ronan-thibaudau


    Jun 29, 2012
    subscribed, any estimate on price? can we get a webplayer (or better yet a standalone) demo?
  10. nuverian


    Oct 3, 2011
    Im interested
  11. Amfu


    Apr 9, 2013
    First of all I'm very happy to see that all of you are interested in TerraVol :) Thank you!

    You're right: if your main concern is a far draw distance, you should probably not use a voxel terrain. Standard terrains will always beat them. Actually you should use voxel terrains only if your main concern is terraforming and if you are ready to lower the view distance. But I'm sure you will be glad to see that you can keep very good performance with a descent view distance.

    Also, on this first version of TerraVol, terrains are generated at start (not dynamically) but can be built dynamically (you can set the "build distance"). In future versions, terrains will also be generated dynamically allowing the creation of bigger terrains with a good loading time.

    A webplayer is going to be available, I am just polishing a bit the example scene.

    About the price, I saw another voxel engine on this forum, which is apparently sold for about $3000. TerraVol certainly doesn't do all what this other system does, and sources won't be included for now (you will get a DLL). Actually this other engine seems to be more an entire project than just a voxel engine.
    Personally, I prefer to choose a different approach: I sell an independent package that you can setup very easily in your existing/new projects at an affordable price.

    This is why TerraVol won't be more than $200 and will be available on the Asset Store with access to free updates.
    I prefer not to give an exact price for now, but their will be a launch offer ;)
  12. Wild-Factor


    Oct 11, 2010
    No source code -> this killed it for me.
    The other engine is way overpriced.
  13. Amfu


    Apr 9, 2013
    I understand. I prefer to give a DLL for now, so I can keep more control over the evolution of TerraVol (as it is the first release), but this might change in the future. I will probably sell the source code for a higher price (still affordable). I don't know yet.
    Well I don't know the other engine (never tested it) but $3000 seems a lot you're right.
  14. Tethys


    Jul 2, 2012
    @Amfu - Actually I think you are mistaken about not using a Voxel terrain for having a world with a decent draw distance. Yes standard terrains beat it for draw distance but that doesn't matter. Have you ever played Minecraft? Take a look at Minecrafts draw distance. Very far with fast draw in time. There is someone else that has their game on Steam that is doing voxel, editable smooth terrains and they also have a very far draw distance like Minecraft. It is possible but the system has to be built for it. I think the thing that will keep this alive is whether or not you can listen to your base of game developers and make your terrain system work well for a game and for them, not just work well in Unity (not to imply that it doesn't - some programmers don't know how to design for a players game environment though - only how to make their technology work in the game engine).

    I bought the $3000 smooth terrain engine every one is mentioning. The system is awesome. Draw distance is a challenge but we are working on it. I must reserve any kind of comparison, however, until I see amfu's. Most people don't realize how much is involved with making a good voxel terrain system that is going to be useful for games and isn't cubes like Minecraft. Smooth Terrain that I have has already tackled many of them. Liquids, trees, vegetation, minerals, multiple biome types - these are but a few things a Voxel system needs in order to be useful to a game developer and take a long time to develop, from my experience.

    Amfu - How are you handling liquids?
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2013
  15. kenlem


    Oct 16, 2008
    Amfu - can this run on mobile? Are there detail settings we can alter to increase performance?
  16. Amfu


    Apr 9, 2013
    @Tethys - I agree, I wasn't saying you can't have a good draw distance with voxel terrains, I was just saying standard terrains will always beat them on this point. With voxels, the draw distance will depend on many parameters like, for example, the size of each block. I think you're talking about Starforge on Steam right ? From what I've seen, their blocks are quite big (so bigger draw distance but lower "geometry details").
    TerraVol only handles the terrain. Vegetation, etc. are standard game objects placed on the ground (which you can delete or make them fall when you dig the terrain for example). And for now liquids are not handled. If the other engine is doing all of this, then maybe it is not as mush overpriced as people say because, yes, I agree : this is a LOT of work. :)

    Anyway, TerraVol is not meant to be a concurrent of the other one. It is really a different approach (big difference of price functionalities) . I think TerraVol will be great for a lot of projects and most indie developers will be able to buy it.

    @kenlem - I've not tested it on mobile. I think this could work with right parameters (lower details). I can't test it right now but I'll let you know.

    And yes, there are some parameters which will increase performance, mainly:
    • build distance (lower it)
    • block size (increase it)
  17. Tethys


    Jul 2, 2012
    I was actually referring to Planet Explorers. Star Forge has a decent draw distance but when I tried it, to be blunt, the terrain wasn't very impressive. And you couldn't alter the terrain. In fact, in the version I played it seemed like they were using a combo of standard terrains and a voxel system for building. That was early on though (a couple months ago).

    GL to you Amfu, I certainly look forward to seeing your work, if anything, just to appreciate seeing another voxel smooth terrain system in action! :)
  18. Amfu


    Apr 9, 2013
    Thank you Tethys! All these messages are encouraging me to keep going and improve TerraVol. First of all, I need to finish the first release, which is a matter of days.

    Webplayer is coming... very (very) soon ;)
  19. dyox


    Aug 19, 2011
    Hi Amfu. I am happy to see another developer is interested in marching cubes.
    I am waiting impatiently for your demo.

    I would like to know how you manage the Ram/Cpu/Gpu.
    It's mutithreaded ?
    What type of Voxels storage you're using (size for one voxel).
    Witch compression method for the save/load.
    The terrain is infinite or limited by the "MaxValue" of float ( Transform.position is limited by float.MaxValue)
    And are you using MeshCollider for chunks ?

    Thx in advance.
  20. Amfu


    Apr 9, 2013
    Hi dyox!

    No, TerraVol is not multithreaded. I successfully did all the job to make it multithreaded but I didn't get significant performance improvement compared to Unity's coroutines which I use. Maybe I didn't spend enough time on it though.

    I'm using Protobuf-net (de)serialization for saving/loading.

    For now, the terrain is not infinite at all, because it can build dynamically but it can't generate dynamically. I'm already working on this and it's actually almost finished but I prefer to stay simple for the first release.

    And yes, I'm using MeshCollider for chunks.

    I would like to congratulate you for your work on VoxelForm. You must have spent a lot of time on it. As I said before, TerraVol is not meant to offer as much functionalities. It's more like a "new kind of terrain for Unity" than an entire "Voxel-world-engine".
    Anyway, I'm happy to share information about that with you :)
  21. ronan-thibaudau


    Jun 29, 2012
    You should consider offloading it to another thread (even if it's only 1 thread total), even if you're not getting any performance boost, because while you may not see a perf boost, there will be one for your end users when they start using the main thread themselves (more cpu time left on it)

    He's not the maker of voxelform, it's another voxel based engine.
  22. Amfu


    Apr 9, 2013
    This is a good observation. I will take it into account. Thanks!

    Ok i was wrong, it's TerrainEngine. Thanks again :)
  23. Amfu


    Apr 9, 2013
    To all interested people: the webplayer demo is now available ;)
    This has been made with the free version of Unity 4.
  24. ronan-thibaudau


    Jun 29, 2012
    Any chance of a standalone pc build? for me webplayers = defaults to my integrated card for some reason, so i can't gauge the perf :(
  25. Mantra-Games


    Nov 27, 2012
    Very cool demo, Amfu, thanks. I assume we can adjust the size of the brush and opacity/strength too?

    When will it be available and how much?

  26. Amfu


    Apr 9, 2013
    Thanks TouchTiltGames!
    Yes, you can adjust the size and "strength" of the brush. Look at this method:
    map.Dig(diggedBlock, position, range, 0.25f * Time.deltaTime);
    "range" is the size of the brush and the last parameter is the digging speed (or strength, as you prefer).

    It will be available very soon (it's a matter of days, but I don't know how much time is needed for Unity's team to approve assests).
    The price will be less than $200, and I will make a launch offer ;)
  27. Amfu


    Apr 9, 2013
    Hello everyone!

    I'm pleased to announce that TerraVol is now available on the Asset Store right there.

    For any question, reply to this thread or send an email to

  28. Psyckosama


    Mar 20, 2013
  29. nuverian


    Oct 3, 2011
    I have some question:

    Are the shaders custom and if yes, do they support normal map specular?

    Is/will there be the ability to blend different materials?

    Last edited: Apr 17, 2013
  30. EmeralLotus


    Aug 10, 2012
    Wow, Great project, just tried the webplayer demo and it's really fantastic.

    Would really love to purchase but have a few questions.

    1. Does it work on IOS/Android and what is the performance stats.
    2. Multithreading, can this be used with Loom Multithreading kit on the asset store.

    MarcusWatson likes this.
  31. Amfu


    Apr 9, 2013
    A basic shader is included, but I strongly recommend to get the Triplanar Shaders pack available on the Asset Store:

    Due to copyrights (these shaders are not mine), I could not include them in TerraVol.

    1. It has not been tested on smartphones. Theoretically, it should be compatible with very low settings but I can't give you an answer for now. I've planed to test it very soon.
    2. I am about to upload a new version of TerraVol with code source included (i think this will be required for most users). This way, you will be able to multtihread it with Loom quite easily :)
  32. Amfu


    Apr 9, 2013
    Hello everyone,

    I've just released TerraVol 1.02 which is already available on the Asset Store.
    You will be glad to know that the source code is now included (no DLL)!

    Next step is to test TerraVol on smartphones.
  33. Psyckosama


    Mar 20, 2013
    Question, when your trees render do they do so as a voxel render?
  34. Amfu


    Apr 9, 2013
    No, trees are Unity's built-in trees (gameobjects). This has the disadvantage that you can't break them but has the advantage that you can animate them very easily and get a nicer looking result.
  35. Psyckosama


    Mar 20, 2013
    Any thoughts to adding it as a future option?
  36. Amfu


    Apr 9, 2013
    I didn't plane it for now but that could be a good idea :) I'm working on making it compatible with smartphones right now, and then I've planed to think about fluids which is also an important part of voxel worlds.
  37. Psyckosama


    Mar 20, 2013
    Any longterm plan to eventually support Biomes and multiple material terrain... (AKA: Minecraft-esque map generation)?
  38. Amfu


    Apr 9, 2013
    TerraVol already supports multiple materials ;)
    Actually, nothing prevents you from having different Biomes, even if it's not natively handled:
    - you can have several terrains in the same scene
    - or you can use different materials on the same terrain. You will need to modify a bit the vegetation generation system to handle regions but this should be quite easy (you would need programmer skills).
  39. Psyckosama


    Mar 20, 2013
    Nice. How customizable it that set up esp when it comes to stuff like say... dir

    Any intent to eventually introduce it or any world generation options?

    Also, any intention of adding voxel based fluids like water and lava?
  40. TomH


    Jul 10, 2012
    This would make TerraVol for me an Instant-Buy !
  41. Psyckosama


    Mar 20, 2013
    Lets be honest with ourselves. Anything that could accomplish the fundamental basics of Minecraft world gen without the following three requirements would be a must by for most.

    a) Looking like Lego
    b) Killing the frame rate
    c) Costing 3000 dollars
  42. Deleted User

    Deleted User


    Good day Amfu,

    The web player demo is definitely intriguing.

    I know in your documentation you mention you are trying to move away from the ugly box like minecraft style, but could your product be used to create such a blocky terrain?

    Also, can you comment on whether you think this would be a suitable tool for a 3rd person RTS style game.

    Thanks for your thoughts.
  43. Amfu


    Apr 9, 2013
    Hello everybody,

    I added a little "coming soon" section on the first message of this thread so you can get a better idea of what's coming. I prefer not to give any deadline but I tried to write it in a probable chronological order.

    @Redbeard: That's a good question, actually I've never tried it, but I'm pretty sure it's possible. Voxels in TerraVol use float values between -1 and 1 to determine their distance from surface and get a smooth surface. If you generate a terrain with voxels having values of -1 or 1 exactly (extreme values), you should have something cubic... But to be honest, if you're looking for this, you should search a simpler, minecraft-like, voxel engine which only makes cubes but will tend to be faster (if well implemented).
    For a RTS game, it will entirely depend on what level of detail you want. You can always have big maps if voxels are large, but if you want a RTS game with, say, ants that dig small tunnels in a map as big as a baseball terrain, you will have performance issues.

    Thanks to everyone for all your interest. This gives me the will to keep going and improve TerraVol. I'm also very happy of the success of TerraVol on the Asset Store which is better than expected.
    Thanks again! :)
  44. ikelaiah


    Apr 15, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2013
  45. Psyckosama


    Mar 20, 2013
    Is there any way to use this to get a semi-blocky surface? Not minecraft cubic but polygonal looking?
  46. Deleted User

    Deleted User


    Thanks for the reply Amfu.

    You will find that there really aren't other simpler voxel engines out there (for Unity) either freely availble or on the store. I am messing with my own but its a long road ahead of me and I am still learning.

    I have also purchased yours, if nothing else than as a learning tool. I will try your value readjustment and see what it looks like.

    A question about changing the amount of land dug when clicking... in a previous post you mentioned adjusting the map.dig call in builder.cs

    Ive tried adjusting range as well as the last parameter but it doesnt seem to affect how much land i am taking away with a click. Can you provide any additional guidance there?

    Thanks for your help.
  47. ikelaiah


    Apr 15, 2013

    What about making the terrain smaller, say put 2k x 2k terrain as 512 x 512 size, would that change the amount of digging size?
    Would that work?
  48. Banksy


    Mar 31, 2013
    I just purchased TERRAVOL !

    At this great price I'm sure it won't be TERRABOL ;)

    A few ideas, thoughts etc... from a complete novice to Terravol. ( hour one)

    It states that in the beginning I should get used to the example scene... but it's completely empty.. no ground plane nothing... just a camera skybox... So when I hit play, the camera simply falls away into space. This was confusing as it took me some time to finally realise that there are two "scene" files .... one in the TerravolPack folder one in Terravol folder. Perhaps they should be renamed.. to Scene_example Scene_base

    I don't want to complain as I've just purchased the product so I naturally have a few questions.. So onwards and upwards... in my case downwards... I finally learnt how to dig a hole :)

    I managed to set up my own scene... but I feel the docs are lacking...

    1.) There's no explanation for the Map component.

    For example there are many "size" variables such as
    SIZE X,Y,Z
    SizeAtStart X . etc.. LoadPath,
    Block Size X , Y
    Build Distance
    etc... ????

    A basic breakdown of the Map controls would be really appreciated. (this will help so much to get moving faster)

    2.) Is it possible to create small chunks similar in size to Minecraft... Not square chunks but smaller... at the moment I am building huge 5m x 5m chunks. I guess asking in laymen's terms I'd simply like to have a shovel not a bulldozer.. is this possible ? I feel like I'm ripping up complete mountain sides most of the time... I would like to remove smaller pieces.

    3.) Is there or will there be a reference section with a few detailed tutorial available ? That would be really welcome

    4.) Could I use finger gestures, touch screen to terraform.. I'll be building mainly to iOS platform...So I'm thinking would I simply add the "build " script to a finger tap ? eg. one finger = create terrain 2 finger = delete terrain
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2013
  49. Amfu


    Apr 9, 2013
    To see a difference when adjusting the range, you have to increase or decrease it by at least the size of a block (by default: 3).
    Also, if you want to adjust speed of digging, change the last parameter of map.Dig() method.

    Unfortunately this is impossible to reproduce TerraVol's terrain geometry with a standard Unity's terrain, so the plugin Mesh To Terrain may not work (unless I misunderstood what this plugin does).

    Hi Banksky,

    Thank you very much for purschasing TerraVol!

    Thanks for your feedback Bansky.
    The current version of TerraVol is the first public release, and I have good feedbacks, but it isn't perfect yet (mainly the documentation!). I'm about to release a new version of TerraVol in about a week (with dynamic generation, and a few more parameters to customize how terrain is generated), and I will improve documentation a lot, taking into account all the feedbacks I had and the questions people asked me.

    1. Explanations about size parameters:
    Size X/Y/Z is the max size of your terrain.
    Size X/Y/Z at start is the size of the portion of the terrain that will be built before the game begins
    Size X/Y/Z generated at start is the size of the portion of the terrain that will be generated before the game begins. This will make more sense in the next version of TerraVol because currently generation can only be done before the game begins. In other words, in the current version, this will be the final size of your terrain.
    Block size X/Y/Z is the size of a "block", which leads us to your next question.

    2. What you call chunks is actually called "blocks". The map contains several chunks (small portion of the terrain) and each chunk contains 8x8x8 blocks. If you want to dig smaller pieces, you want to reduce Block Size. This will result in having smaller blocks and though, you will be more precise when digging. You can reduce it to 1.
    Also, when you use the map.dig() method, be sure to reduce the size of the brush (i.e. range).

    3. This will be part of documentation improvement. This will take some time but will be definitely done.

    4. Yes, you can: you have to use map.Dig() method where you handle screen touch inputs. Nothing obliges you to use keyboard or mouse inputs.
  50. ikelaiah


    Apr 15, 2013
    Hi Amfu,

    Thanks for your reply :)
    If I have a terrain made with Mesh to Terrain texture, would I be able to use your plugin on my terrain?