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After Reset RPG [WIP]

Discussion in 'Works In Progress - Archive' started by Mr-Nixon, Mar 30, 2013.

  1. Mr-Nixon


    Mar 30, 2013

    After Reset™ - a classic roleplaying open world game with old school top view, which action takes place in the future on Earth dying slowly after nuclear cataclysm that buried nearly all life on the planet.

    Planet Earth. 132 years after the "Reset," the thermonuclear apocalypse which ended human civilization. Around one third of the globe is covered by "Yellow Zones," where the ruins of cities are covered with radioactive dust. In these areas, anarchist "Survivor" groups have taken control, and uncontaminated food and drinking water are valued at parity with human life. Another third of the Earth is in the agony of the "Red Zones," the epicenters of the deadly anomalies which arose as a result of a nuclear chain reaction in the atmosphere, and the morphing of the planet. The majority of terrestrial organisms are not capable of surviving in the "Red Zones," which makes it a perfect home for mutants and "guests" from deep space. The planet is unrecognizable and empty…

    • EMOTIONAL AND PROFOUND STORY: it makes you feel nostalgic for the classics of RPG, such as Fallout 1/2, Torment Planescape, or Baldur’s Gate.
    • LIFELIKE AND SERIOUS ENVIRONMENT: you are immersed in the tragic story of a dying world, surviving every day traveling among the ruins and anomalies, stealing and trading information, and interacting with other survivors.
    • BRANCHING CHARACTER-DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM: Think, plan, and play through the development of your character in any way you choose, using our huge system of characteristics, items, perks, and skills, in the style of the best features of D20 and S.P.E.C.I.A.L.

    TARGET AUDIENCE: males, 21+ y.o., from USA, Canada, Europe.
    TARGET PLATFORM: PC (Windows, Linux), Mac OS X.
    GAME ENGINE: Unity 3D.
    GAME MODE: single-player, co-op.




  2. imaginaryhuman


    Mar 21, 2010
    I really like the original concept artwork `look and feel`. For me it is far more intriguing and unique and gorgeous to look at than attempts made to convert these art scenes into low-polygon 3d models. If you could really do a great job of making your end product look VERY close to your original artwork, this game would be awesome.
  3. Myhijim


    Jun 15, 2012
    I want it!
  4. Khyrid


    Oct 8, 2010
    The art is pro.
  5. snowconesolid


    Dec 9, 2011
    wow great art work. Looks really good.
  6. SevenBits


    Dec 26, 2011
    Definetly one of the best sets of concept art I've ever seen. I hope you get somewhere with this.
  7. Gigabeat


    Feb 26, 2011
    The concept art is beautiful! I'm looking forward to see more in the future.
  8. Mr-Nixon


    Mar 30, 2013
    Last edited: May 12, 2013
  9. piluve


    Mar 17, 2012
    Love the music, love the art... Keep with it men!
    See you!
  10. Mr-Nixon


    Mar 30, 2013

    Recently, I read an article by game critic Sergei Tsiryulik for “Gameland,” in which, in my opinion, he takes a very deep look at the story component of games. In that the story in After Reset™ is set up as one of the pillars of the game's concept, I wanted to take some time to look at some quotes from this article, which support my current opinion and point of view, and also add my comments, extrapolating on the issues touched upon in the article as they relate to the RPG After Reset™.

    Mr.Nixon: I myself also suppose that the target audience was raised on such games as Fallout (1-2), Baldur’s Gate, Planescape: Torment, Fahrenheit, Mass Effect (1-2), and on such films as The Game, Identity, The Sixth Sense etc. We have been spoiled by plots. Most plot twists, entanglements, suspense clichés, and conclusions, we can predict in the first minutes of playing or watching – thereafter, we get bored, just as bored as we get with MMOs. In my years as a gamer, I’ve read many pre-release promises and nice words, which 95% of the time never came to fruition. So, I’ll be brief: the plot should be one of three pillars on which a game should be built; the idea that it should not be a trivial aspect comes not from marketing professionals, but from me myself.

    Mr.Nixon: The level to which the setting of After Reset™ is thought out should not be less than that of PhB, D&D and the first Fallout games.

    Mr.Nixon: Well sure, our protagonist is smart, educated and calculating. In any case, he starts out that way. The beginning of the game zeros out his abilities (which is harmoniously fit into the plot, no worse than in Planescape: Torment) and it is for the player to decide who the main character will become by the end of the game.

    Mr.Nixon: I really want to give the atmosphere of incipient conflicts no worse than it was done in “A Song of Ice and Fire.” The proportions of what has happened can be insignificant to the player (eg. If he decides to live as a hermit, pilgrim, or desert researcher, not getting involved with things) or, very serious to him (eg. if he interferes in the business of concrete factions and the motives of independent people/beings). Thus, independent of the player’s actions, the conflicts should develop, but the player should have the ability to interfere in them and influence their development, and outcomes. Among a few of the factions in After Reset, I’d like to mention the United Governments, Stalkers, New Confederation, Black Sand etc.

    Mr.Nixon: I often get emails from players and representatives of publishers asking, “Is this a game about the apocalypse?” My answer is no. The atmosphere of the apocalypse is just a nice decoration. Right now, I don’t particularly want to answer questions like “What is this game about? What thoughts and ideas does it communicate,” because that would mean I would have to reveal maps, and details of the plot and other such things. I’d like to leave an element of pleasant surprise. But I can say that the theme touched on by After Reset, is very rare in videogames.

    Mr.Nixon: Yes. I don’t think you guys, nor I need another Lost. In the future, I’d like to make a list of questions from potential players, related to moral problems and on this basis try to bring them to life in the game. Personally, I also like the post-credit endings of Mass Effect 3 or Bioshock Infinity. If the developers have already decided linearly to kill the main character after a few sleepless nights, during which they fought with a player… if they’ve decided to kill him/us, then there’s no reason to take away that clearness with open endings after the credits- otherwise, the mind simply cannot make sense of it. It is good to marketing types, but bad for the player’s peace of mind.

    Mr.Nixon: Guys, I want you to take a look at the fact that, our concept art notwithstanding, you can’t quickly find powerful armor, and a plasma cannon and go off to take everyone out. A large part of the game takes place at the technological level of Fallout 1 before energy weapons are discovered. With this, there is no cap- almost always realistic barter. Having a simple firearm and ammunition makes you practically a demi-god in this post-apocalyptic world. It’s not for nothing that many role-play gamers know me as a hardcore Game Master.
    Last edited: May 12, 2013
  11. Dooskington


    Apr 3, 2013
    Fantastic work. Will be watching this. Closely.
  12. ShaneS


    Oct 5, 2011
    That is impressive artwork
  13. squared55


    Aug 28, 2012
    The art's really good!
  14. Mr-Nixon


    Mar 30, 2013
    A new piece of concept arts has been released for the upcoming After Reset™ Game.






    You can find full list of After Reset™ concept arts on on
    Last edited: May 12, 2013
    balaam likes this.
  15. hippocoder


    Digital Ape

    Apr 11, 2010
    And that's how you kick ass in game dev, folks.
  16. Mr-Nixon


    Mar 30, 2013
    We have done programming camera for old-school rpg top-down view. There are screen-shots below as demonstration.

    Please, keep in mind that this is not level from the game setting, and the level of graphics in final build will be no worse than that.

    Last edited: May 12, 2013
    balaam likes this.
  17. HolBol


    Feb 9, 2010
    Please stop using that yellow font- I can't read it.
  18. Mr-Nixon


    Mar 30, 2013
    balaam likes this.
  19. Mr-Nixon


    Mar 30, 2013
    Hello, fellows,

    There are new concepts and some relevant info from After Reset™ Wiki below (WARNING: spoilers!)

    balaam likes this.
  20. Gatto_matto


    Feb 15, 2011
    Art is astonishing! You rock!
  21. Mr-Nixon


    Mar 30, 2013
  22. McMayhem


    Aug 24, 2011
    This looks really interesting. Love the art and the style your aiming for. I myself am one of those raised on the old-style RPG and am a proud supporter of keeping thought provoking, non-linear role playing games alive. I'm really looking forward to see what you come up with in the realm of gameplay as you continue.

    I wish you the best of luck on your project, and I'm anxious to see what comes next :)

  23. Mr-Nixon


    Mar 30, 2013
    -McMayhem, thank you!

    Hi there!

    We have a plenty of new 3d stuff for update: models of one of the customable characters (naked and wearing casual clothes from concept art), several 3d models from game assets and new 3d-dev team-member.

    Sadly, we changed our web-site ( engine that caused wipe of all registration. If you like and follow After Reset RPG, please make a registration on our forum once again.

    As good news there are new game-engine screens below :)

    Last edited: Aug 9, 2013
    balaam likes this.
  24. theAfrican


    Dec 15, 2012
    amazing.... i like the 3d art work too. wish i had enuff skill to do such. that is definately what im lacking in my game
  25. FlaxSycle


    Oct 6, 2012
    Wow, top notch artwork, both concepts and assets! Will be looking forwards to seeing how this develops!
  26. primus88


    May 14, 2013
    Artwork is AAA quality or better, if it's even possible..
    Also you said that the story will be on par with games like Planescape Torment.

    I will follow this game for sure.
  27. Mr-Nixon


    Mar 30, 2013
    theAfrican, FlaxSycle, primus88, thanks. Your comments motivate to proceed.
  28. Mirace


    Nov 29, 2010
    If you can keep same feel on gameplay what fallout 2 has, i will buy this game. Please don't ruin anything! Like bethesda ruined fallout serries
  29. Mr-Nixon


    Mar 30, 2013
    Thanks, Mirace. No Oblivion's mods, no pointless Tactics: only hardcore F1-2/BG/Planescape. Now working on interface (keeping Fallout 2 screens of hi-res as a background to inspire).

    With this news we presents our in-game Wiki for After Reset™ setting. The data within is transmitted via CORE-7 Implant (VI-implant of the Protagonist you are playing). Find more on

    The Great Desert is a region in the After Reset™ world. It is a desert, which encompasses a large chunk of the former US state of Nevada. It is a playable area in the game After Reset™ RPG. By 132 AR, a large part of the Great Desert is a Yellow Zone.

    The State of Eagle a region of the After Reset™ world, combining the semi-desert zones (on the edge of the Great Desert) and prairie areas (in the central part and coastal regions). In large part, the State of Eagle has encompassed the former US state of California. It is a playable area in the game After Reset™ RPG. By 132 AR, a large part of the State of Eagle is a Yellow Zone.

    Types of geonatural zones according to the United Governments classification system:

    Red Zones
    – areas not suitable for human life. Survival cannot be guaranteed even with technical and military support. Judging by available evidence, the Red Zones appeared during the Reset and subsequent morphing of the Earth. Relatively small pockets dot the inside of the Yellow Zones, but, as a rule, do not grow beyond their borders. In the “Red” Zones, most terrestrial organisms are not able to live, however mutants and recently arrived alien life forms feel quite at ease here.

    Yellow Zones – areas that are appropriate, if not necessarily for life, then at least for human survival. They contain leftover traces of elevated background radiation. Nonetheless, in the majority of cases, these areas allow for survival even without the support of technology. They often cover areas of ruined cities of the Past Era. As a rule, flora, fauna and soil are seriously harmed by these areas, and has had great difficulty recovering after the Reset, which is why edible food and potable water are valued at parity with life. By 132 AR, power in most Yellow Zones is held by small anarchist gangs.

    Green Zones – areas that didn’t suffer whatsoever during the Reset. By 132 AR, the existence of Green Zones has not been officially confirmed by the UG.

    Thermonuclear Reactor DT-7 – a United Governments thermonuclear reactor. It runs on deuterium-tritium plates, collected by the UG from the ocean with laser separation of isotopes using SILEX technology. By 132 AR, it is obsolete and has been replaced by the Singularity Reactor AM-2.

    Singularity Reactor AM-2 – a United Governments singularity experimental reactor. Developed on the basis of the study of Higgs Field Theory and interaction fields used by the Incorporeals. It functions due to the suspension of creation and retention of microscopic black holes.

    Plasma Reactor KL-7 – a United Governments plasma reactor. Its functioning is based on the principle of cold plasma vortex acceleration. It is fairly portable, but this also makes it quite expensive to produce, which is why it’s generally used in small closed systems (e.g. personal bunkers).

    Shark Skin Technology – a United Governments technology, widely used by them in the design and production of various materials (e.g. fabrics, dyes, windows). This technology works based on an improved imitation of the nanostructures of a number of natural surfaces, such as shark skin, rice leaves, butterfly wings, etc. Self-cleaning Surfaces have a very low coefficient of friction and have anti-contamination properties, working mostly against inorganic matter (dust, soot), but also matter with a biological origin (fungal spores, microbes, algae, etc.).

    Neutrino Detector Argus-2 – a United Governments neutrino detector. Neutrinos are fundamental particles with half-integer spin that participate only in weak and gravitational interactions. Low energy neutrinos interact extremely weakly with matter, which is why radiation from them at any dose is totally harmless to humans. It is structured like a nesting doll for maximal shielding from any particles other than neutrinos (a layer of ultrapure water, then a layer of pseudocumene, and a scintillator core, in which, interacting with electrons, neutrinos generate traces in the form of Cherenkov Radiation).

    Cherenkov Radiation – a glow caused in a transparent medium by a charged particle that moves faster than the phase velocity of light in that medium. It often accompanies United Government technologies that use high-energy physics.

    Blue Light Optical Technology (abbr. BLOT) – a technology that concentrates electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths from 360 nm to 480 nm (which the human eye interprets as dark blue and purple), used by the United Governments in laser weaponry.

    Last edited: Aug 9, 2013
  30. Bobo70z


    Feb 16, 2013
    I am working on A similar game. And just to say it.
    BIO L8

    Your work is amazing.
    Did you do this yourself?
    How did you do it???!

    Bethesda should start making a run for their money cause this game is on FIRE!!

    Followed. No questions Ask.

    One More Thing-
    Son you just got competition from Me.
    My game Has to be better than yours!!
  31. Mr-Nixon


    Mar 30, 2013
    MadBlade2, thank you.

    This short article is meant to describe: What games will After Reset™ RPG be similar to, and what games will it be nothing like.






    Last edited: Jul 27, 2013
  32. Mr-Nixon


    Mar 30, 2013

    Abandoned cars will behave differently depending on the environment that they're in. E.g. a car left in the Mojave Desert, is going to last a long time. A car abandoned in Washington or San Francisco is going to have a very different fate.

    Any cars in a coastal environment with salt in the atmosphere, they might not last more than 30-40 years. Tires deflate within a few years, although the rubber and synthetics they're made of will remain intact for centuries. Paint deteriorates quickly. And once it flakes away, rust corrodes the car's body at a rate of 5,000ths of an inch per year.

    Up to 123 A.R. most cars, even in the most forgiving of environments, are reduced to skeletons. And in a coastal environment any family car is a barely recognizable heap of metal.

    Last edited: Aug 9, 2013
  33. Mr-Nixon


    Mar 30, 2013

    In this piece of news I want to demonstrate to you, the followers the new clothes from the world of After Reset™ RPG: the suit of a citizen of the United Governments (hereinafter, UG) which I'm sure will make many of you nostalgic for the Vault Dweller's Suit from Fallout 1/2.

    So, some facts about the UG Citizen's Suit:

    • these suits are made using Shark Skin Technology, which allows it to repel bacteria and dirt, and self-clean to a certain extent.

    • hybrid and nanotechnologies of the UG allow it to change color on parts of its panels. On the left of the chest, we see that the wearer is a member of a certain UG brigade, and on the right is the wearer's name.

    • depending on the alignment of the wearer to a certain brigade, the suit can also change color shade. Additional modifications are possible. The Social Brigade over the course of many decades sets this achievable norm, so that despite the severe conditions for survival in the UG's underground cities, Individuality wouldn't be forgotten. All the same, beyond the boundaries of this established norm, the price of Individuality has sharply risen, and depends on the personal success of the citizen.

    • the suit has its own BIOS which essentially reads data entered into it, either from an off-line source, or real time if the wearer is in a zone where the UG's Quanton computer network is active.

    • on the right shoulder of the suit the flag of the UG is depicted.

    • UG resources over the last 100+ years, which they spent in isolation underground, were quite limited, and for this reason the severe economic regime was so strictly cultivated. These suits are fairly long-lived, but all the same, there were only so many suits for a period of many decades, which is why, despite their high level of technology, they're quite worn out.

    Last edited: Aug 9, 2013
  34. protopop


    May 19, 2009
    Not only is your concept art breathtaking, but your character models and world history are so professional. I just finished reading The Art of Remember Me (and playing the game) and what you've done is on par with a studio 10 times your size. Adding the wiki and all the posts that describe the world background adds flavor that I think will get people excited about After Reset. Great work, and inspiring.
  35. Mr-Nixon


    Mar 30, 2013
    protopop, thank you )
  36. Mr-Nixon


    Mar 30, 2013

    Hello guys,

    Since many of you asked about publishing new screenshots, let me show a couple of them.

    I hope you like them )

    Like us on Facebook.
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2013
  37. ogier


    Nov 23, 2011
    really nice artwork and really nice work for all things.
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2013
  38. Mr-Nixon


    Mar 30, 2013
    Ogier, thank you.

    Hi there. We have CORE-7 WIKI loading short movie on Video section of our website here:
    Moreover we have a decent update of our Wiki. Suit yourselves:

    Neuro-Mental-Computer Interface (abrr. NMCI) – an interface through which CORE implants and the Quanton quantum network can be connected.

    The Quanton – a unified quantum computer network of the United Governments. It is a disorganized network from local quantum subnetworks called Quanton Hubs, which are often given the personalized names of bunkers, cities or other places where they exist. By 132 AR, Quanton has reached version 4.0. It is not fully fledged AI. Initially, the prototype Quanton was developed back in the Past Era in the walls of the Science Corps of the UG, however, even in the design stage it fell under government oversight of the HRW Department (abbreviation of Human Rights Watch) of the Social Corps of the UG. The purpose of this oversight was to enforce the proactive and comprehensive ban on the creation, or accidental appearance of AI during work on the project. After the Reset, for a variety of social and technical reasons, Quanton grew into the universal information infrastructure of the whole UG.

    Molybdenum Semiconductor Technology – a technology for manufacturing semi-conductive microcircuits and computer chips using molybdenum as the main semiconductor. This technology is widely used in all kinds of devices and computer networks of the United Governments. In the Past Era, molybdenum microchips practically replaced their silicon forbearers and were fundamental in developing quantum computers. Like grapheme, molybdenum has a layered structure, and differently from silicon, layers of molybdenum are two-dimensional, which allowed the technologies of the Past Era to reach a new level of miniaturization even in the decades leading up to the Reset.

    Environmental Control and Life Support Systems (abrr. ECLSS) – systems intended for the processing, filtration and purification of air and drinking water. The ECLSS can work both in locked mode (which provides full oxygen and water circulation inside a base) and in open mode (which takes water into the filtration system and purifies it with water from an additional man-made underground spring, and oxygen comes from separate man-made oxygen mines).

    Reverse Osmosis (abrr. RO) – a water purification technology that uses a semipermeable membrane. This membrane-technology is not properly a filtration method. In RO, an applied pressure is used to overcome osmotic pressure, a colligative property, that is driven by chemical potential, a thermodynamic parameter. RO can remove many types of molecules and ions from solutions and is used in both industrial processes and in producing potable water. The result is that the solute is retained on the pressurized side of the membrane and the pure solvent is allowed to pass to the other side. To be "selective," this membrane should not allow large molecules or ions through the pores (holes), but should allow smaller components of the solution (such as the solvent) to pass freely. RO is most commonly known for its use in ECLSS and drinking water purification from seawater, removing the salt and other effluent materials from the water molecules.

    In Vitro Cloning Technology – a Past Era technology for cloning living beings in a laboratory setting. Before the Reset, civil society had an ambiguous view toward cloning, which is why it was forbidden in some regions of the United Governments. Simultaneously, it found a great popularity in other areas after an array of scientific discoveries in cloning using trichostatin, which solved geometric pathology issues with cloning. Most Artificial Fertilization Centers in the underground cities of the United Governments have the ability to produce clones of living beings, though this function is practically not used.

    Artificial Fertilization Centers – parts of the medical blocks of the underground cities of the United Governments in which artificial fertilization is done, and children are raised in a laboratory setting. They are a part of the Birth Rate Control Program under the supervision of the Social Corps. Because of the high average lifespan (around 150 years) and the strict rationing of resources, the right to have a child in the year 123 AR for those living in such cities is a privilege. All the same, with the UG coming out onto the surface and regaining access to resources, the situation may change.

    Field Weapons – a warfare technology that does not involve emitting energy but operating fields and entanglements. This type of weapon is very rare on Earth. Even the United Governments had yet to develop a prototype before the Reset. And only after the invasion of the Incorporeals, based on studying their technology, the Science Corps of the UG was able to develop experimental versions. The first of such versions, the Higgs Field Static Disruptor T1, was tested and used for the destruction of the Artifact of the Incorporeals at the time of The Dallas Incident in 129 AR.

    Higgs Field Static Disruptor T1 – an experimental field weapon, used by the United Governments in 129 AR to destroy the Artifact of the Incorporeals during The Dallas Incident. The prototype functions based on manipulating masses of elementary particles in a concrete coordinate in space-time within Higgs Field Technology.

    Higgs Field Technology – a UG after Reset technology, developed on the scientific theory according to which a Higgs field, regardless of its even distribution in our part of the Universe, can have both low and high pressure as its natural form (in other parts of the Universe), as well as artificial. In light of the absence of examples of change of the average vacuum value of this field before the appearance of the Incorporeals and in light of the colossal energies needed for direct changes of this field, before the Reset the Higgs Field Theory existed only in a theoretical, static sense within the generally accepted Standard Model of Elementary Particles. And only after more than 100 years after the Reset could the Science Corps of the UG create the first stationary experimental example weapon, the Higgs Field Static Disruptor T1, which successfully underwent testing during The Dallas Incident. Despite the successful test, further development of any weapon based on this technology was officially frozen under pressure from the Economic and Social Corps of the UG. First they lobbied for an embargo against developing the technology because of its unsustainable resource consumption. Secondly, because of its potential danger for the UG:

    “… The potential of this technology is as shocking as it is terrible. Yes, in medicine and terraforming this technology could be applied to deflect radiation. But at the same time, a weapon based on Higgs Field Technology is able to change elements for technology, weaponry and carbon-based life from their stable form to radioactive. Experiments with the Higgs field can directly affect the electron shields of all atoms without exception. Decreasing the size of the Higgs field reduces the mass of electrons, because of which the radius of their orbits grows. Isolated atoms survive this, as do simple molecules, but complex ones lose their stability. A small weakening of the Higgs field is almost undetectable in water, methane, carbon dioxide gas or ammonia molecules, but it has a negative effect on multi-atom biomolecule proteins and nucleic acids. They all have complex three-dimensional structures, which are destroyed even with small changes to electron mass. A directed reduction or increase of the Higgs field can become a weapon many times more terrifying than atomic weapons, reckless use of which could destroy all terrestrial life forms…”
    from the report of Steven Manton,
    head of the UG Social Corps, 130 AR​
  39. LightSource


    Sep 29, 2012
    I really love your long, thought out posts. Thanks for the detail!
  40. Mr-Nixon


    Mar 30, 2013
    Thank you, LightSource. Your attitude motivates.
  41. DrunkGamer


    Aug 6, 2013
    Oh man, this game looks awesome already. Only if i could make games as awesome as your's :(
  42. Mr-Nixon


    Mar 30, 2013
    Thanks, DrunkGamer ;)

    This fresh update gives out several draft of SACPIC game mechanics we develop especially for After Reset™ RPG.

    Character Creation process in SACPIC game mechanics consists of eight stages:

    Stage 1: SPECIES

    Stage 2: RACE

    Stage 3: GENDER

    Stage 4: ALIGNMENT

    Stage 5: STATS

    Stage 6: FEATS

    Stage 7: SKILLS

    Stage 8: APPEARANCE

    Today I present you, my dear fellows, a draft of STATS stage.

    Every primary statistic describes one of a character’s attributes and affects everything he does in the game. Primary statistic Modifiers are applied in certain situations, which change the stat by one point for every two basic stat points away from 10 (for example, the Strength Modifier for a character with 15 STR would be +2, and for one with 6 STR, -2).

    When creating a player in the After Reset™ RPG every statistic can range from 4 to 20, in other words, you can’t start with any stat below 4 or above 20.


    Strength indicates how developed a characters musculature and physical strength is. Strength can also affect your characters ability to carry heavy objects, and the damage your character can inflict with his bare hands or melee weapons.

    Brute strength helps you carry heavy objects, and inflict heavy strikes in melee combat. A stronger character can carry more weight, cause higher damage in battle, etc.

    The Strength Modifier is applied in such situations as:
    - in melee Attack Roll;
    - in Damage Rolls for melee and throwing weapons.


    Agility defines coordination, swiftness, reflexes and balance of the character. Accuracy with firearms and throwing weapons as well as block and dodge chance also depend on Agility.

    A character with low Agility will be constricted and clumsy, his movements ridiculous and badly coordinated, which causes him to make a lot of noise when moving. A character with high Agility will be nimble and flexible, his movements confident and graceful, with dazzling reflexes.

    The Agility Modifier is applied in such situations as:
    - in melee, firearms and throwing weapons Attack Rolls;
    - when calculating Armor Class (AC);
    - in checks of Chance-of-Saving (CoS) for Reflex;
    - in checks of skills related to Agility.


    Constitution affects the total health of the character, and the rate of water consumption when walking on the world map. Also, like Strength, this stat affects the amount a character can carry. If Constitution changes enough to change its Modifier, then your characters hit-points will change correspondingly. If Constitution falls down to zero, then your character dies.

    A character with high Constitution can survive in places where others would die. Such a character will have high health and good resistance to disease and infection - even if he gets infected, he will easily and quickly recover.

    The Constitution Modifier is applied in such situations as:
    - in calculating hit-points received by the character at each level (but the possible penalty can never lower this stat beyond 1);
    - in Damage Resistance (DR) for Physical and Environmental damage types;
    - in checks of Chance-of-Saving (CoS) for Fortitude;
    - in checks of skills associated with Constitution.


    Perception reflects a quick eye of a character, his quick-wittedness, mental reaction time, and street smarts. If Intelligence reflects the ability of a character to analyze information, then Perception relates more to how well a character adapts to unexpected situations in the world around him. Perception also defines how far a character can see.

    Good Perception sharpens all of a character’s senses, including touch, sight, taste, smell and hearing. It affects range with firearms and throwing weapons, and helps you to notice small things that could be important, etc. Characters with high Perception get more information from the world around them by noticing the little details others pass by.

    The Perception Modifier is applied in the following situations:
    - in Range-of-View (RoF) evaluation;
    - in Angle-of-View (AoV) evaluation;
    - in firearms and throwing weapons Attack Rolls;
    - in checks of skills associated with Perception.


    Intelligence defines how knowledgeable and erudite a character is, defines mental facilities and education. The higher a character’s Intelligence, and the more skills he will be able to master, and the more possible answers he can think up in conversations.

    A character with low Intelligence often can not speak or pronounce words properly, has difficulty thinking out his movements, and often does not understand jokes. A character with high Intelligence is resourceful, knows a lot, learns fast, and is inclined to use technology and invent things.

    The Intelligence Modifier is applied in such situations as:
    - amount of skill points the character receives with each new level (but the possible penalty can never lower this number below 1);
    - in field and energy weapons Attack Rolls;
    - in checks of skills related to Intelligence.


    Charisma measures the strength of a character’s personality, his persuasiveness, personal magnetism, ability to lead others, and sex appeal. This stat reflects the way the character is perceived in society on appearance as well as on his inner charm.

    Charisma combines looks and personal charm. The higher a character’s Charisma, the better he will communicate with other people. Charismatic characters have a higher chance of getting their way without resorting to violence, and can trade better than others. High charisma is important to characters who want to influence people with their powers of persuasion and lead them.

    The Charisma Modifier is used in the situations such as:
    - amount of companions the character can travel with;
    - in checks of Chance-of-Saving (CoS) for Will;
    - in checks of skills associated with Charisma.

  43. Mr-Nixon


    Mar 30, 2013

    An interview with me was published on Small Dev Talk. The full version of it is in this news.

    Small Dev Talk: What is After Reset RPG?

    Mr.Nixon: After Reset RPG is a classic open world roleplaying game with an old school top-down view, in which the action takes place in the future on a slowly dying Earth after a nuclear cataclysm that destroyed nearly all life on the planet.

    Small Dev Talk: What is the story in After Reset RPG?

    Mr.Nixon: Planet Earth. 132 years after the "Reset," the thermonuclear apocalypse that ended human civilization. Around one third of the globe is covered by "Yellow Zones," where the ruins of cities are covered with radioactive dust. In these areas, anarchist "Survivor" groups have taken control, and uncontaminated food and drinking water are valued at parity with human life. Another third of the Earth is in the agony of the "Red Zones," the epicenters of the deadly anomalies which arose as a result of a nuclear chain reaction in the atmosphere, and the morphing of the planet. The majority of terrestrial organisms are not capable of surviving in the "Red Zones," which makes it a perfect home for mutants and "guests" from deep space. The planet is unrecognizable and looks empty…

    An unfamiliar woman’s voice wakes you up with phrases like “Wake up, Commander!” You come to naked on the floor of some kind of laboratory surrounded by shards of glass and some kind of liquid. You can’t figure out who you are, where you are, what you are doing there, and what kind of voice you’re hearing.

    Small Dev Talk: Can you go in detail with us about the branching character development system in After Reset RPG? What type of perks and skills will the player be able to choose from in After Reset RPG?

    Mr.Nixon: I'm still working on our game mechanic, SACPIC, so any details aren’t for sure, and could change. In general terms, it takes the best (from my point of view as a player and Game/Dungeon Master) features from DnD (specifically edition 3.5) and SPECIAL (the development of which should have been integrated into Fallout Van Buren).

    At the moment of our release on Kickstarter, I’d like to be able to show a clip about character creation for future bakers. And in general for those who are already looking forward to our game and believe in us.
    But I can already say that the level of the player will top out at level 20, but it won’t necessarily be a vertical progression. First of all, if you’re unarmed in the desert, 20 feet away from an attacker with a firearm, your chances of surviving the attack are nearly zero. And that’s regardless of your level. We try to aim for “real science fiction” in the same way A Song of Fire and Ice tries to be “real fantasy.” Our target gamers are fairly grown up and well versed in games, which is why, in order to guarantee the maximum immersion in the severe world of After Reset, we have to be able to guarantee a certain level of reality. In everything, including the branching character development system.

    Small Dev Talk: Being an open world game, what will the player be able to do in the open world environment of After Reset RPG?

    Mr.Nixon: There are at least two regions available to the player: The Great Desert (mostly ex-Nevada) and The State of Eagle (mostly ex-California). You can travel and do whatever you want within those regions and do whatever you want. This is the open-world part of the game. The range of your movement across the Global Map is limited by your water reserve and is affected by stats/skills/perks.

    Small Dev Talk: How is the co-op going to work in After Reset RPG?

    Mr.Nixon: For now, let’s let that stay a secret. We don’t want to tie that down for marketing reasons. The game will not have to be connected to the internet, there will not be DRM-protection , nor an in-game store, auctions or other heresies. All the same there will be plenty of good reasons, in my opinion, for you to WANT to play the game with the internet on.

    Small Dev Talk: What type of weapons will the player come across and get to use in After Reset RPG?

    Mr.Nixon: As in the setting of DnD (edition 3.5), the world will have a lot of types of weapons. Most of them are home made, but some rare specimens are hold-overs from the Past Era. Private weapon ownership is fairly widespread in the US, and the climate of Nevada helps preserve things. Many types of weapon could fully survive the Reset. It is also impossible to write off some kind of metallurgy being practiced in the growing New Confederation.

    If your question is what are feats, which you have to accomplish to have this or that type of weapon, the answer is: Weapon Proficiency: Unarmed, Weapon Proficiency: Cold Steel, Weapon Proficiency: Firearms, Weapon Proficiency: Energy Weapons, and others.

    Small Dev Talk: What type of enemies will the player come across in After Reset RPG?

    Mr.Nixon: Mankind's biggest enemy is people themselves. But other than other people, you could come across such beings as Animals, Synthetics, Biomass, Aliens, Aberrations and some others. Each species could have several subspecies.

    Small Dev Talk: What will the environment be like in After Reset RPG? How will it be lifelike and serious?

    Mr.Nixon: As you remember, Fallout 1/2 was always satirical and phantasmagoric. And we loved it for that. The retro-future world of Fallout 1/2, drenched with romanticism, and having already rebuilt after the catastrophe, found it’s path to the development of a new world.

    The setting of the game After Reset RPG is drenched with the atmosphere of a dying desert on the planet. Human civilization lost the battle for the Earth by hiding. The earth itself in large areas is reminiscent of Mars. It’s a miracle that a handful of people are still clinging to life. All the same, for those who were born on the earth’s surface among the survivors of the Reset, that world is taken for granted – they simply don’t know any other one.

    Over the 100 years without humans, lots of traces of the civilization of the Past Era have been erased. That’s one of the reasons we chose an arid region as a scene – the desert climate guarantees the highest amount of traces of past civilizations possible will be preserved.

    What are the morals, norms of behavior, values and psychology of the descendants of people who survived the Reset on the surface – then it’s different from ours no less than our modern habits and dogmas differ from those that were prominent two centuries ago.

    I’ve developed the setting based on real scientific studies and original documents remaining from our reality. Thus for example, according to present USA military doctrine, atomic attacks will be made on their own densely populated cities, on their own inhabitants in certain circumstances. And they do that only if necessary, but that doesn’t mean that decision will be made in cold blood. A similar decision will change the USA forever.

    What are the Survivors? They are people for whom murder, might makes right, thievery, drugs, power, short lifespans, and treason are as natural as a cup of coffee in the morning for most of us. On the surface, there is no more Government capable of protecting and guaranteeing something – nothing remains to hold back Human Nature. And no one’s around to make TV shows about that nature – it’s like TOR brought to life (note: Tor is a fully anonymous internet network, not controlled by any governments or corporations). But beyond that, among all that horror, we can see sparks of real valor, honesty, morals, self-sacrificing, and empathy as other spark sides of human nature. They’re called “sparks” because they quickly fade in the darkness, because a person with these qualities on the Earth’s surface in After Reset world wouldn’t live long.

    Well, if you’re totally disillusioned with humanity, or generally find your self experience social phobia, you can always throw your backpack over your shoulder, rifle on the other, a flask on your hip and set off to wander in the Great Desert. To study the remains of a human civilization that never quite reached the stars, or simply to live the life of a wanderer, searching for yourself, and your path.

    Small Dev Talk: What inspired you to create After Reset RPG?

    Mr.Nixon: I was sick of waiting for a decent Fallout 3 :) But to be serious, yes I was really sick of waiting for an interesting RPG to come out. Over the last 4 years I made Fallout D20, the fan-made PW NWN2 and got it to a playable server. But due to legal issues, I had to stop development. And then, from my 20 years of experience as a gamer, 6 years of experience as a Dungeon Master, and 5-year experience as a businessman, the setting of After Reset was born.

    Intenseness of development of the game sharply grew after I found out about Kickstarter, and the game Avernum: Escape From the Pit. Successful gaming startups on Kickstarter have shown that it’s completely possible to attract the necessary funds to develop a worthy old-school RPG (from a minimum $900 thousand collection + $100,000 of my own personal savings). Avernum: Escape From the Pit with its huge world, hundreds of hours travelling, and created by just one person really convinced me that even independent of the results of co-founding, I could really create After Reset RPG, even at the level of a hobby.

    Small Dev Talk: What is your favorite aspect of After Reset RPG?

    Mr.Nixon: Atmosphere, Story, Roleplaying, and Freedom of Actions.

    Small Dev Talk: What challenges did you and your team come across in the development of After Reset RPG?

    Mr.Nixon: Just as in anything, the basic problem, and simultaneously secret to success is people. It’s really hard to find high quality experts in their business with an adequate self-assessment.

    Small Dev Talk: Do you have any advice for upcoming developers?

    Mr.Nixon: Ups and downs are unavoidable on the path to your goal. Try to stay calm during the ups, and have unshakeable confidence during the downs, and monotonously, and inevitably walk toward your goal. If you can’t take a step, crawl inch by inch. If you cant crawl, at least lie down in the direction of your goal. And then everything becomes possible.

    Small Dev Talk: What is the expected release date for After Reset RPG and how much will it cost or will it be Free-To-Play?

    Mr.Nixon: If we get support on Kickstarter, I think we can expect this game to come out in around 1-2 years. If no, then we’re talking about 5 years. Here’s the simple math:
    Game = Time * Money * Perseverance.
    Money = Time * Perseverance.
    Thus, Game = Time² * Perseverance or Game = Money² * Perseverance
    I’m not much for Perseverance, so the release date will be totally dependent on the wishes of the gamers.

    Small Dev Talk: Do you have anything to say towards our readers?

    Mr.Nixon: Clearly define your goals and never give up. And of course follow After Reset RPG and read/watch Small Dev Talk.

    balaam likes this.
  44. Sooshi


    Jul 21, 2013
    I salute you
  45. rbx775


    Aug 16, 2010
    You already produce alot of Atmosphere in text form. solely by writing those updates. (along with your artworks)
    I salute you too. ._.
  46. Mr-Nixon


    Mar 30, 2013
    Sooshi, rbx775, thank you. Your words inspire.
  47. Mr-Nixon


    Mar 30, 2013

    In this news, I would like to show you, followers, a new armor from the world of After Reset RPG: Power Armor UGSOC (United Governments Social Corps), which I am sure will cause many of you nostalgia for the Power Armor of Fallout 1,2).

    Some facts about Power Armor UGSOC:

    • it is the most common kind of power armor in the underground cities of the United Governments. Despite the high cost, this power armor modification, used by the UGSOC, perfectly proved itself in saving lives and popularized this type of armor among the United Governments population. This power armor modification was most widely used in the course of expanding the underground territories of the United Governments and in the construction of underground structures. Besides, Power Armor UGSOC is made of SWAT team of police departments from the Social Corps.

    • the armor has diversified energy accumulators, whose central node is recharged from an external source. Despite this, a fully charged accumulator will last for at least one year of effective use of the armor.

    • the armor is activated by means of emitted short-haul communication between the CORE implant of the carrier and the armor BIOS. The armor is controlled passively intuitively by reading the neural and nerve impulses in the brain and central nervous system of the carrier and transmitting them via the CORE implant. Such a close communication with the implants of the carrier makes it possible to not only increase the armor efficiency but also prevent unauthorized access to its control system. This armor model is compatible with all the CORE implant generations used by the United Governments.

    • there is no transparent visor in the helmet of Power Armor UGSOC. This is done for defensive purposes and in order to improve visibility, as it would not seem strange at first glance. Instead of a transparent visor, over 5000 structural ommatidia of less than 100 microns in diameter are placed on the surface of the helmet. These ommatidia are oriented at different angles. Image from them after processing are projected directly onto the retina of the helmet carrier. This facet technology allows to increase the effective viewing angle of the carrier to 220 degrees.

    • the armor has its own Environmental Control and Life Support Systems (ECLSS).

    • the combined structure of the armor exoskeleton in which rigid elements are combined with nanocomposite materials makes it possible to considerably increase the power quality of the carrier with minimal loss of its flexibility, inevitable for this personal protection class.

    • the tag of the United Governments flag is placed on the right shoulder of the armor, while the affiliation of the carrier to the Social Corps is placed on the left. The latter is also indicated through the armor coloring and a red mark on its sites.

    balaam likes this.
  48. Mr-Nixon


    Mar 30, 2013

    By this fresh news I would like to present a new storyline concept arts as illustration of the Past Age and the Reset.

    The United Governments (UG) as a single organization representing the interests of all mankind became known to citizens only a few years before the Reset. By the time alien ships had appeared above and in the cities of megapolises the United Governments were forced to go public about their existence. For 2 BR years heads of the majority if countries possessing nuclear weapons, officially confirmed the existence and powers of the United Governments as an international organization representing the interests of the Earth and all humanity instead of the United Nations (in fact, being a political, economic, scientific and military elite of the society).

    Barely half an hour later heads of the UG, having prudently taken refuge in underground and underwater bunkers, made the only choice, though a hard one, - nuclear weapons should be used. To demonstrate the determination of humanity and its strength the targets chosen were the destroyed capitals with merged with them alien spacecraft. Since all ground-based nuclear missiles had been destroyed, the challenge of attacking was conferred to the submarine and underground battle forces of the UG.

    The earth shuddered under megatons of nuclear explosions, reacting with extraterrestrial objects, and giving rise to the chain reaction in the atmosphere. The surface of the Earth turned blazing with little suns, billions of people were instantly killed, the Earth’s crust was set in motion, the poles shifted, the seas dried up, radioactive smoke shrouded the dying planet bulging at the seams. This was the moment that scientists and prophets had predicted - the end of the world called in history as the "Reset".

    Like us on Facebook.
    balaam likes this.
  49. Mr-Nixon


    Mar 30, 2013

    That is true that rat species definitely survived the Reset. Meanwhile, rats, that would seem to be able to exist easily without humans, are surprisingly quite dependent on our food supplies. In the initial weeks after humanity was gone, rats raided radiated pantries in what remained from homes, grocery shelves and stores. After eating through these food supplies, they we struggle to survive on things like cardboard, cloth or glue. After years when there was nothing to eat except for radioactive waste the most of their populations abandoned ruins of the cities and had to go back to the wild and compete for resources there. That made them easy pickings for predators. Thus, although, rats and other similar mice species survived after the Reset, up to 132 AR their numbers are greatly diminished.

    Like us on Facebook.
  50. Mr-Nixon


    Mar 30, 2013

    Hello, fellows. Here we have a couple of fresh screenshots for fun for you. Following our trend of evolution of level design now we are able to generate the whole exterior areas of The Great Desert and The State of Eagle.

    The area gameplay will be shown during our Kickstarter campaign. But now you can download those screenshots in Full-HD (1920x1080) from there:
    - Promo Screen1920x1080-01.png
    - Promo Screen1920x1080-03.png

    //P.S. We have about 300+ members on Indie DB, and about 100 Likes on FB, good content, we are making videos of game play and story movie now... but still cant reach any serious Game Media It is only one thing which slows us on our way to Kickstarter... Because if nobody knows about the game nobody could back on it... If anyone knows the leads to serious Game Media, I would be appreciate your help...

    balaam likes this.