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The Leap Motion Controller

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Mr.T, Jan 6, 2013.

  1. Mr.T


    Jan 1, 2011
    The Leap Motion Controller
    The Leap Motion controller senses your individual hand and finger movements so you can interact directly with your computer.
    Leap Motion, which created an innovative gesture control technology that measures users' movements to an accuracy of a hundredth of a millimeter, has struck a deal to bundle its Leap device and app store with a series of Asus computers.

    According to Michael Buckwald, CEO of the San Francisco startup, the Asus deal -- under which the computer giant will package the Leap device with high-end laptops and premium all-in-one PCs, and pre-install the Leap app store on those computers -- is just the first partnership of its kind. Similar deals with other computer makers, or even smartphone manufacturers, are possible in the future, Buckwald said.
  2. Mr.T


    Jan 1, 2011
  3. UnknownProfile


    Jan 17, 2009
    This has been brought up quite a few times. The price seems a little too low, and most people would prefer some form of tactile feedback, myself included. It looks interesting, but it isn't something I would buy.
  4. Mr.T


    Jan 1, 2011
    I see. Well, I missed it since this is the first time I am hearing about this. Anyway I think ASUS is teaming up with them so it gives them a bit more legitimacy and thats what has brought them in the news lately

    Price wise, I think that would depend on the quality. If it works as smoothly as advertised, I personally think it would be worth it
  5. KyleStaves


    Nov 4, 2009
    I'm a sucker for cool tech, put a pre-order in for one forever ago. Doubt I'll use it a ton, but moving through 3D space can be a PiTA in things like the Unity Editor - so who knows.
  6. Mr.T


    Jan 1, 2011
    If it works as well as advertised, it could be useful for those 3d models where a lot of sculpting is required IMO
  7. yls


    Apr 13, 2012
    It has been around from one year now. Vaporware ?
  8. TylerPerry


    May 29, 2011
    I don't think Asus would be taken in with vaporware.
  9. npsf3000


    Sep 19, 2010
  10. yls


    Apr 13, 2012
    Oh yes, you got me :) , i would buy one the day it's availaible... This post just remind me how much i have need this things (what for ? i don't know). And still no release date.
  11. programmrzinc


    May 29, 2011
    I actually got a developer kit from them.( Actually two =) ) so I am sure it is not Vaporware. If you guys want one... for a price, I may give it to you.
  12. MarigoldFleur


    May 12, 2012
    Must not be that great if you're looking to unload it.
  13. TylerPerry


    May 29, 2011
    I'll buy it for one camel, and I'll through in a hot dog free. Deal?
  14. angrypenguin


    Dec 29, 2011
    Pretty sure you're not allowed to sell or otherwise pass on a dev kit. In fact, I don't think we're allowed to let other people use it except for testing the things we're making with it.

    I got one but unfortunately haven't had time to play around with it much due to other work. The thing is cool, though, and in the short time I did play around with it I found it to be really slick and responsive. It did have some issues such as losing track of fingers at certain angles, but they were on the developer's list of stuff to fix and for all I know they've done it by now.

    I'm really looking forward to getting a chance to play with it in more depth.
  15. Redz0ne


    Oct 19, 2010
    I know this thread is kind of old but this peripheral could radically change how we interface with computers, to be honest.

    though, I wonder if it would be paired up with a program like zbrush and/or the occulus rift? imagine being able to do 3d-CG with something like that? add in a "playstation-move" style controller (it'd have to me much smaller though) and you could have a stylus in there too.

    it's not often that tech gets me all revved up like this... but this could be a game-changer.
  16. kenlem


    Oct 16, 2008
    Meh... I have a dev kit. Accuracy and recognition are pretty rough but slowly getting better.

    It reminds me of the power glove.
  17. TylerPerry


    May 29, 2011
    I like it, I think for moving the mouse but not clicking it will be good(Like with Wacom tablets when you hold the stylus above the surface)
  18. UnknownProfile


    Jan 17, 2009
    In ZBrush wouldn't you rather be able to actually feel something push back on your hand while sculpting, like a tablet pen or even a mouse? I wouldn't be able to sculpt freehand in midair. I need sort of feedback that lets me know I am contacting and sculpting a model.
  19. code-blep


    Oct 1, 2010
    I have loved playing with the dev kit, so much so that it distracted me somewhat from my current game. I've had to re-focus but I do have some functions that might integrate into my current game, so who knows! I found it pretty good in terms of response and accuracy, and each new ver of the dev kit and firmware brings solid improvements.
  20. Kinos141


    Jun 22, 2011
    What I want is this

    What I get is this:

  21. code-blep


    Oct 1, 2010
    lol! Great comparison. In a way you do make a good point about the Leap Controller. I have found that positioning is critical, so much so that even a my coffee mug if placed to close can start to affect it's accuracy due to what feels like interference of the object. But when in a clear area, I find myself impressed, although the low cost (compared to the Kinect) probably does make me a bit more forgiving. Either way I genuinely have high hopes for the Leap.

    What styles of interaction have you tried? Mine have been FPS and manipulating flat planes.
  22. hippocoder


    Digital Ape

    Apr 11, 2010
    Been working with Leap on the quiet for a while since they sent us some nice toys. Good people, bright tech.
  23. TylerPerry


    May 29, 2011
    Is the Leap Motion equally accurate throughout the whole sensing area?
  24. code-blep


    Oct 1, 2010
    Pretty much, I've found that on the very edges when fingers pass in and out of the sensing area it can get a little twitchy. I generally code to make my max movement amounts in unity occur before reaching that zone. The sensing area is quite big by the way. I was quite surprised when I first used it, but that of course was based on my own personal expectations ;)
  25. Redz0ne


    Oct 19, 2010
    fair enough. though as far as i know there is a haptic system for sculpting already... but it's awfully expensive from what i can figure and insanely specialized.

    i dunno... like i said, it's not often that tech like this gets me revved up like this so my mind is just exploding with possibilities :)

    i can see it being very handy with vert-to-vert modeling though... haptic feedback isn't really as important when you're manipulating vertices and such (or at least that's my personal view.)

    still, i'm hoping to get my hands on one of these soon... the price is right and it could radically alter how we interface with computers.

    ... that and even if it doesn't take off, i still want to take that risk... because I have a control scheme for an FPS that i think would work phenomenally well with it: Having a wii-mote like nunchuk (probably a PS-Move though since afaik it's easier to interface that with a computer) to control the forward/back and strafing... the trigger for firing and using the leap to control the rotation/pitch of the camera as well as how you interact with things like switches and other things. (though, if i am talking total fantasy, the occulus rift would also be a beast to pair this all together which could help control some of the camera rotation/pitch.)

    and as far as i can figure, this scheme would be southpaw-friendly. (oh, and any developer out there that likes the idea i've just mentioned... feel free to implement it. i'm not one of those "this has to be a seekrit" kinds of people most times... besides, i know my strengths... and programming/coding and all that higher-brain stuff is not my area of expertise. i'm an artist, not a brainiac.)
    Last edited: May 5, 2013
  26. Fattie


    Jul 5, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2013
  27. code-blep


    Oct 1, 2010
    Hi Fattie,

    Totally agree. Leap Motion totally rocks and for the money, it's more than worth it.

    This is deffo interesting, however some more details please :) . . . .

    I have got Leap working with game concepts etc so:

    Would Leap For Unity allow both in Editor and 'In Game' support? So one complete tool that has an across the board use?

    Will there be an API to access it from 'In Game' to make game development faster, with both UnityScript and C# examples. I am not very impressed with the Leap Motion implementation on this side of things as I currently code using UnityScript

    I have a 3DConnexion SpaceNavigator, but the support for it has been terrible, as the 2 assets that 'work' with it are far from perfect and seem to have been abandoned. For in game editing I would much rather use the SpaceNavigator. Do you really think the Leap Motion can rival it for precision controll? I have my doubts at the moment, although I have not used the very latest build of the Leap Motion dev kit.

    Do we know if UT are planning any built in support for 3rd Party Hardware with regards to editor integration? Are we jumping ahead of ourselves here.

    I am on the verge of putting in money into the project anyway, purely because it is yourself who is organising it, and I've enjoyed our conversations and feel like I would be putting something back in. Still, money is not infinite so I must be a little practical about it ;)

    P.S. I feel this campaign should have it's very own thread Fattie. It feels a bit lost here...

    P.P.S I am pointing other users of 3DConnexion SpaceNavigator to this page as a new potential alternative to editor/in game manipulation of objects.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2013
  28. Fattie


    Jul 5, 2012
    Hi UFO !!!!!!!

    Yes, to be totally clear


    the ONLY purpose is to use it with the Unity Editor - when guys like you and me are developing.

    you are absolutely right that a device like the spaceNaviugator is great - but unsupported (Hey, if it was more popular, we could do an indiegogo campaign for that!!)

    So indeed in the same way, the Leap --- WHICH IS ONLY 80 BUCKS, FOR GOODNESS SAKE -- needs really awesome editor-software, again for us developers to use.

    I encourage you to "buy" a perk on the IGG campaign (obviously, I encourage you to do that!!)

    Don't forget that IT IS A "REAL" CROWDFUNDING CAMPAIGN .......... you PAY NOTHING AT ALL, UNLESS it does fill with 90 people.

    What about one of the tshirt packages dude, that is a hilarious tshirt. Did you read it? :)

    Also don't forget the $1000 contest!!-Leap-Motion

    I started a new thread there, perhaps you could say something on that thread to make it not so lonely...cheers!!
  29. code-blep


    Oct 1, 2010
    I would love to see scope for it to extend as a quick setup and go for use in games...

    I am still hesitant though. The asset for 3D connextion that cost $66 was not well received due to the price (myself included), however I ended up paying for it out of desperation, only to find that it was quite crashy and in the end, I gave up on it. I am not trying to rain on any parade here. I want this to work and succeed, but I feel compelled to share my words of caution on an asset you think might sell for $100+. As a rule I find most people compare the price of an asset like this, against the cost to buy the hardware. So the perception of an asset that costs more than the hardware itself is almost always negative.

    I am completely open to being corrected on my comments above. In many respects I feel like I owe you something Fattie for the assistance given in the past in the forums, and feel like I am betraying you! But at the same time I feel it is important to share my perception of the asset and be true to you in my feelings for it. Hope you understand!

    P.S. I have kept these comments outside of the new official thread so as not to join on a negative note.
  30. Banksy


    Mar 31, 2013
    I just backed it :)

    Sure hope this comes to fruition... such an asset would be so welcome for V.R games especially on the Oculus Rift.

    I have a Leap Motion like the idea etc... but better input control would be awesome !

    I tried the Leap Unity sample scene provided by LeapMotion to developers a few months ago.. I liked the fact I could manipulate objects I created but the frustrating part was my finger world positioning often penetrated the object I was targeting.. or the objects spatial position was difficult to ascertain. I feel as the finger closed in on an object the object should begin to glow slightly providing a visual queue you are now in near proximity... floating icons that represent a finger tip are nice but visual clues that depict better proximity are a must.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2013
  31. Fattie


    Jul 5, 2012
    Hey Banksie, thanks a billion !

    I think it's just an overall great experiment with crowdfunding, sort of "micro crowdfunding" Thank you so much!

    that's fascinating about the oculus rift, I am checking it out

    UFO -- I totally agree with your concerns! If you look at the - say - Molecules demo (see my video on the IGG page), you can see that fundamentally THERE IS ENOUGH RESOLUTION to track your hand intelligently and well. I really think it's a case of

    Personally, what i see happening is - say in the editor you have an object selected. perhaps, you have to hold down a key("a" for air or something) and only then move your hand to (say) move that object. I think it needs more "precision" like that, "decisiveness".

    Regarding the price point .. I've noticed all the popular Asset store products are indeed $100-$200, I just think they're seen as more serious. I mean it's $4500 ++ tax now for a set of unity licenses .. not to mention the B10, that makes an even $6000.

    That link again! Only, uh, 80 more backers needed guys !!! :)
  32. Banksy


    Mar 31, 2013
    You should push this on the forum.
  33. code-blep


    Oct 1, 2010
    Right, I'm on board and all signed up! I know I've aired some thoughts about assets for 3rd party hardware, but this just feels RIGHT! I've spread the word in a few other threads so fingers crossed Fattie, and kudos for driving this forward.

    We need to voice our support in the official thread Fattie started otherwise it might look a bit dead at first glance.
  34. zombiegorilla



    May 8, 2012
    How many folks here are experimenting with it?

    I just got mine, and have been playing with it a bit. So far pretty seems straight forward, much like using a touch interface with an extra dimension. Right now just experimenting with it, don't actually have a project in mind. I'd love to hear other people's thoughts/experiences with it.
  35. lmbarns


    Jul 14, 2011
    Boss came in today with a leap motion controller and threw it on my desk with a big grin. Another toy!

    Honestly for some businesses this is really awesome. Basically any screen becomes a touch screen anyone can walk up to and swipe or touch to navigate content.

    Basic first impression demo: 1 finger scrolls horizontally, 2 or more scrolls vertically but not horizontally:

    It can also scale or rotate just like touchscreens. So basically you make almost any screen a touchscreen. Potential business uses off the top of my head: store displays, trade shows and events, digital signage, kiosks.......etc.

    I think it's probably more suited to business than home user.

    Also you can use more than 1 leap motion at a time to expand detection area and improve the tracking. I don't really know of any individuals that would buy these in bulk but where I work these are considered dirt cheap...
  36. KheltonHeadley


    Oct 19, 2010
  37. elbows


    Nov 28, 2009
    From everything I've seen its likely to be quite horrible as a straight alternative to a touchscreen, tiring, inaccurate and frustrating. I'm still going to get one, but only to attempt the challenge of finding an interaction method that doesn't involve the deeply flawed 'reach out and touch some virtual object in 3D space' which makes so many video demos of this stuff seem like a horrible, doomed nightmare.
  38. Ben-Massey


    Jun 13, 2011
    Cant wait to get my hands on one for some accurate bone positioning, or atleast a good template. looks really handy, fingers crossed.
    No puns intended.
  39. MarkrosoftGames


    Jan 5, 2012
    this could be handy for giving hand signals to your ai swat team
  40. elbows


    Nov 28, 2009
    What do you mean exactly?

    I've got one now and many aspects of the finger tracking barely work at all, there is no way this thing is going to be any good for doing decent animation of a rigged hand model if that is what you mean.
  41. iddqd


    Apr 14, 2012
  42. lmbarns


    Jul 14, 2011
    It can detect a number of gestures accurately, it's interacting with objects that causes problems with the depth..Like on a touchscreen you get touchphases and screen coordinates and can simply raycast at touched coord to tell if something is hitting. On the leap you get just raw vector3 data and it can only tell how many fingers or hands are showing.

    I was messing around with using websockets to control divs on a webpage and the motion works fine, following your hand, but collisions that work if you drag the div into another with the mouse, aren't working when moving it with the leap for some reason(simple bounding box collision detection with jquery). But it does work with the browser over websockets and you get a bunch of arrays for position and velocity for each detected hand/finger. But the depth is a bit weird when reaching out to touch stuff(I ended up making the finger tip colliders very long in the z direction).
  43. iddqd


    Apr 14, 2012
    interesting, thanks for the info.
  44. Hovercraft2x


    Aug 30, 2013
    How does the leap motion work as a controller for the unity interface? I'm not interested in creating games for the Leap, I'd just like to use it when creating.

    Edit: Wait, so it wouldn't work out of the box? You need a plugin to be developed?
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2013
  45. Fattie


    Jul 5, 2012
    Hey Hover ...

    "How does the leap motion work as a controller for the unity interface? I'm not interested in creating games for the Leap, I'd just like to use it when creating."

    You've utterly hit the nail on the head. The Leap is useless, unsupported, AS A UNITY DEVELOPER, INSIDE THE UNITY EDITOR at this time.

    I completely agree with you that it's so obvious, that the Leap would be a HUGE tool for unity DEVS, INSIDE the unity editor.

    In fact .. I started a C.F. campaign to do just that! Heh! (There's another thread on here about it.) Sadly, I just didn't have time to focus on it, I mean on promoting etc. the campaign. It's really a shame as a few people very kindly signed up almost immediately.

    There's the link ...

    Actually the good news is. Having done a lot of experimentation, I believe I've figured out precisely a gesture set that is awesome to use as a unity dev I will try to make a video to show you ASAP.

    As you say ... "Wait, so it wouldn't work out of the box? You need a plugin to be developed?" exactly. I mean it will work in a very primitive, totally useless manner out of the box (with any mac app), but as an everyday tool for us unity devs, it needs a custom unity plug in and/or (possibly) you'd have a separate mac app running in the background and a plug in also.

    I still really want to work on this and will if I get a chance. (We just have so many frickin' clients at the moment, you know how it is, can't get any "real work done." Damned clients, heh! :) )

    if you like, on that defunct C.F. campaign, just click to join, connect or something and then I'll have you on a list or whatever and I'll alert you asap if I finish the product, or send a PM or something

    Just to be clear - in terms of USING the Leap in a product. ie, you are a unity dev, and you are making a game for the mac called "Smashing Carrots!" and kids playing SmashingCarrots! will use the Leap. In fact, that is straightforward to do. CAVEAT: in my opinion, all the sample code for mac provided by Leap is utter trash. It is just unbelievably over-complex and they try to deliberately use their "simplification" tools (which are confusing nonsense). After looking at it for a few hours I just ignored that, bothered to read their lower-level as it were API, and as you can imagine you can very simply access concepts like "distance of palm in mm from the Leap" .. and so on. From there it is very simple. You probably also know, you CAN develop titles-using-Leap if you are using Free Unity, but it's very impractical and a lot of cocking about. Realistically you need Pro Unity to fool with it. Cheers
  46. LM_Elizabeth


    Nov 20, 2013
    Hi Folks:

    We wanted to give a quick update from the Leap Motion Developer team. We've been hard at work taking your feedback into account to produce official support more examples and documentation. On that note - we've just released our new Leap Motion Unity 3D starter Kit in collaboration with M1 Interactive.

    This is our official Leap Motion Unity Starter Kit for your editor, which is now available for free in the store. The asset contains six new examples, video and documentation - available here:

    Check it out and let us know what you think:

    Thank you to everyone who left feedback on this string. We're continually working to produce new content and better tools for developers. We look forward to continuing to support such a great community.

    Happy dev'ing,
    Leap Motion Dev Programs
  47. JoleneLM


    May 21, 2014
    Hi All,

    Yesterday we publicly announced our V2 tracking developer beta. The release includes new assets for Unity Pro and Free, which are available in the Asset Store. The Leap Manager already lets you drag and drop these assets straight into your projects, while V2 adds the ability to distinguish between finger types (e.g. thumb and middle) and left vs. right hands, as well as register gestures like pinch and grab. Please keep in mind, this is a beta release and feedback is definitely appreciated:
    • A new examples gallery including new demos and on-screen hands for Unity
    • Massively improved resistance to ambient infrared light -- sunlight, powerful halogens, etc.
    • Persistent finger and hand labels -- every finger, hand, and joint now has anatomical labels like ‘pinky’, ‘left hand’, and ‘proximal phalanges’
    • Improved tracking of two-handed interactions
    • New Bone API with joint tracking
    • New gestures including pinch and grab
    • Top-down tracking mode -- now available in the Control Panel for better head-mounted and inverted tracking
    We’re here to answer any questions, provide support for your projects and be a resource as you build. If you’ve had a chance to download v2, let us know what you think!