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Edy's Vehicle Physics - official thread

Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by Edy, Jan 19, 2012.

  1. Pulov


    Feb 20, 2010
    Thanks for the tip.

    I'll give it a try. But as you say, gravity is and aceleration that combined with the mass gives a force. So the higher the gravity the higher the force, so the less the car should "fly".... I believe your changes you propose go in this direction.

    Will comment when I've it tested.
  2. Mr Turnip Head

    Mr Turnip Head

    Feb 9, 2010
    For some reason I didn't get an email saying this thread had been updated, so I missed your reply to my previous question about the skidmarks.

    If I understand correctly you are saying that the skidmarks won't work on my mesh as I have a physics material? How would I go about modifying the script to allow this to happen?
  3. Edy


    Jun 3, 2010
    See the CarVisuals.js script around the line 225. The functions IsHardSurface and IsStaticSurface define the conditions that must meet each kind of surface.

    - IsStaticSurface means the surface doesn't move, so it's suitable for drawing permanent marks (skidmarks on asphalt, and also think on tire marks on mud for future versions).
    - IsHardSurface means a solid surface so the tire can make skid sounds and generate smoke. Examples of hard surfaces are asphalt and other car's bodies. Non-hard surfaces are the offroad surfaces, so the wheel generates "offroad" sound and no smoke.

    You can edit these two functions for matching the conditions of your scene. You could use tags, for example.
  4. lzt120


    Apr 13, 2010
    Here is the code that may encounter error:WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function

    var carPrefab :GameObject;

    function Start()
    go = Instantiate(carPrefab,transform.positoion,transform.rotatation);


    function Update()
    gameObject.SetActiveRecursively(false);//gameObject is the vehicle object

  5. lzt120


    Apr 13, 2010
    One more question:
    Why the vehicle roate easily in circle and what is the main varible for vehicle rotation ?
  6. ant001


    Dec 15, 2010
    var reverseRequiresStop = false;

    didn't seem to have any effect. how can i have the car change from forwards<->backwards without the need to stop?

  7. ant001


    Dec 15, 2010
  8. Edy


    Jun 3, 2010
    Sorry for the delay guys. I've been pretty busy these days.

    I've tried that code and it gives me a different error (internal null reference exception). However, changing Start with OnEnable works perfectly (Unity 3.5.2).

    I think that OnEnable is a much better place for initialization code than Start. It also respond properly for the GameObject being enabled and disabled at runtime.

    Can you be more specific? A vehicle can bank, steer, roll over....

    Thank you for the simple car control script! Can you send it to my email? (PM me if you need the address). I can then upload it to the repository so everyone could have it in the project (credited, of course).
  9. Edy


    Jun 3, 2010
    At the Demo scene, you must use the variable reverseRequiresStop at the CarMain.js script (GameObject MAIN). Each car contains its own reverseRequiresStop variable, but this one is used only when readUserInput is also true (when the vehicle doesn't depend on a MAIN GameObject, i.e. as instanced from the prefab at runtime).
  10. ant001


    Dec 15, 2010
  11. fvasc9


    Mar 10, 2011
    [Edit - please do not post code that doesn't belong to you.]
    Last edited by a moderator: May 27, 2012
  12. drift501


    Apr 20, 2012
    Hello. How would I go about creating my own GUI system that takes data from your script eg. Speed, Gear, RPM and then displaying that info on 2 gauges, one speed and the other RPM, and a number telling me your gear. And also when I put the skidmarks object into my main scene there is 3 white boxes on every edge of the view except for the bottom?
  13. Edy


    Jun 3, 2010
    All those values are displayed in the telemetry window. You can check out the CarTelemetry.js script and gather the values in the same way.

    Those white boxes are intended for the mirrors. They are GUITexture objects located as children of the MAIN object. If you followed the instructions at the tutorial, they should automatically hide when running the scene, appearing only as mirrors for the vehicles that have them configured (i.e. the Bus). Check out the tutorial:
  14. drift501


    Apr 20, 2012
    Ah, ok thanks. Also how do I add sound to my cars. I couldn't find anywhere in the scripts where this was controlled.
    P.S. What settings are bes for a drift car.
  15. Edy


    Jun 3, 2010
    Latest version includes a full-featured sound script with all sound effects, as you can see in the demo:

    Simply update the package form the Asset Store window or download the latest source package from the repository.

    The drift behavior depends on the sideways friction parameters at CarControl: SidewaysWheelFriction and sidewaysDriftFriction.
  16. harveyg


    Jun 5, 2012
    Hi Edy,

    I bought the pack this weekend, it's fantastic!

    Is there any news on the documentation to create our own vehicles though and get them into the project? I've read you're putting a training video together. Other than this it's perfect for us, but as the artist for the project I have no way of knowing the process to get our vehicles in there...
  17. Edy


    Jun 3, 2010
    Thanks! :)

    I have an ongoing project which lasts until the beginning of the next month, so I'll catch up with the documentation then. Meanwhile, I'd recommend you to check out the hierarchy for the sports coupe and the bus. Essentially, all moving parts (wheels, disc brakes, steering wheels) must be separated child objects, placed at their correct positions, and each individual origin located at their point of rotation. Also, the orientation for the vehicle and its components must be Z forward, Y up, X right.
  18. harveyg


    Jun 5, 2012
    Thanks for the quick reply!..I shall have a good look into this and see if I can get it to work.
  19. nukeD


    Feb 12, 2009
    Hey guys, 10 years ago i joined the indie gamedev community as a hobby for one reason only: to make an Arcade Racing Game! Now after lots of adventures in this field i can finally concentrate on this dream, but as a professional graphic designer (and 3d artist) i cant code... so i need tools. Tools like Edy's Vehicle Physics, UnityCar, Rapid Unity Vehicle Editor and now Yusuf's Racing Game Kit look great ant i'm ready to get them (saved up enough)... BUT there still is one thing i need to know:

    By ARCADE game physics i mean Arcade as in Daytona USA, Sega Rally, Scud Race, Outrun 2, Battle Gear, those are very, very far from what i've seen in any Unity Physics demo. I have absolutely no intention to criticize any of your great tools, but to understand if it is possible to achieve TRUE arcade control/feel with them. Some years ago a friend of mine from the industry explained that those games use 'constrained physics', a term i dont understand even today :oops:

    So: can i (and how) achieve such perfect control as the examples below with any 'non-programmer' tool as the ones mentioned above in this case EDY's ?

    A million thanks in advance!

    Daytona USA (1993)

    Sega Rally (1994)

    Scud Race (1996)

    Outrun 2 (2003)

    Battle Gear 4 (2005)
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2012
  20. cheezorg


    Jun 5, 2008
    I'm using Edy's kit in Omega Drive on iOS (modified a bit to work with my control scheme and game style) and I think it would be possible to get an arcade style feel, but you would have to experiment a lot with the settings and maybe even dig into the code a bit.

    You may even be able to get an arcade feel by placing the Center of Gravity well below the road. Any flips would behave very strangely, but if you can adjust the other settings to prevent tips and flips, it would come very close to an arcade feel right out of the box, without touching a line of code.
  21. nukeD


    Feb 12, 2009
    Sounds very good cheezorg. Thanks! I'll experiment as much as necessary.
    What i notice in each one of those games is the insane speed combined with pinpoint precision control... physics doesn't behave like this in real life, so there must be something else at work. I honestly hope that I'm over-thinking and the solution is within reach. I'm still deciding between Edy and unityCar, considering i don't need millions of features... just arcade control.
  22. cheezorg


    Jun 5, 2008
    This is a quick test I did with a super low Center of Mass. All I did was take my car as it is in my game and lower the Center of Mass until it was WAY under the actual game level.

    In Edy's kit the CoM is just a transform child of the vehicle so you can drag it wherever feels right for your car. In Omega Drive, I have it set just barely under the car, because flips and jumps are as much a part of my game as driving, but in an Arcade race, if you want your car glued to the ground then a super low CoM and and some goofing with the vehicle mass should get you 99% of the way there.

    I tried to bump into some things so you can see how bumps affect the car with the low CoM. It isn't glued to the road, but like I said, the CoM was ALL I changed. In the normal game the car bounces around and flips so the CoM change makes a big difference. Also - your level design and the shape of your vehicle colliders will help keep the cars on the road.

    There are plenty of other ways to accomplish an arcade feel, but this is where I would start if I was building an arcade racer myself.

  23. nukeD


    Feb 12, 2009
    Very cool results there cheezorg! What you have there combined with a little faster steering response and a little less traction might do the trick for now!

    Thanks for the time and effort cheezorg, very much appreciated!
  24. Shinjitsu84


    Jul 17, 2012
    Please help. Im not sure if its been addressed before but after changing some of the handling data, like the ride height, my tire treads draw miles away to the left of the car. Here is a screen shot:

    I was doing donuts and this is the result. Again I have only really messed with engine output, traction settings for better drift, making the car faster and slamming the ride height. Stock sport coupe is at 2.0 height offset by default, and I changed it to .5 off the ground. Any leads to fixing this would be awesome. Again I have not touched anything regarding the tire treads. Really confused here...??
  25. pinchmass


    Jul 2, 2012
    Iv read a few people have got eddy's system working on iPhone (is this feature planed for future updates?)

    Would anyone be willing to share the workflow/code to set up control for tilting or a GUI controller for mobile

    any info would be handy (even if its to suggest a different solution as I know mobile is not the focus of this project)

  26. Edy


    Jun 3, 2010
    Ensure that the SkidMarks gameobject has its position and rotation set to 0,0,0 and the scale to 1,1,1.

    The control scripts expose simple variables for applying the user input to the vehicle: steerInput, motorInput, brakeInput, all of then in the range 0..1 (-1..+1 for steering). So translating any kind of input into these variables should be pretty straightforward.
  27. MHG12


    Mar 21, 2012
    I have an old version of your package Edy, And it hasn't car sound effects and camera control changed better in new version !
    How can I upgrade? or add sounds effects.
    How to change camera control?
  28. Edy


    Jun 3, 2010
    The version at the Asset Store includes the new sound effects and camera scripts. Open the Asset Store window inside Unity, go to your downloaded packages (one of the icons at the top-left of the Asset Store), find Edy's Vehicle Physics and click the Update button. After the package is downloaded the button will read Import. Create a New Project, click that Import button, and you have it.
  29. nukeD


    Feb 12, 2009
  30. Shinjitsu84


    Jul 17, 2012
    Wow, I'm an idiot! Thank you sir! Good day! ^_O
  31. unitarian413


    Jul 27, 2012
    Wow, the demo looks awesome !
    Dynamics feel really good both front to back and side-to-side. Smoke from front and back, skid marks even when pushed by another car, really nice sound effects, congratulations.

    So I bought it and thanks to the docs and quality of the code, was up and running in 5 minutes. +1 !

    A few questions:
    • you mention the GIT repo and download zips - these need login/password but how do we get those ? Do I send you my asset store invoice ?

    • any chance you already have hooks/vars in the code for accumulating damage in some variables ? I read elsewhere in this thread your wheels can actually get out of alignment, cool. Harsh suspension hits might give you some damage and crashing into something would get you more and flipping over more etc. If not, could you advise on how/where to implement this ?
      It might also be fun to add some particle sparks near the colliding geometry when the bottom scrapes or the car flips over. And of course nasty black smoke from the hood on frontal crashes. The same hooks/callbacks might be useful for that purpose. (Not suggesting you do all that work, just asking whether your code can call some functions that your users can implement to do this type of thing)

    • adding indicator "lights": brake, reverse, headlights, turn signals. These would really be texture changes not actual lights (at least for "daylight" driving that would be sufficient. Forgive my noob-ness, but what would be a good way to implement that ? Swapping full textures like your GenVehicleTex.tga for all combinations of on/off lights would be a lot of pixel shoveling, is there a way to do this with decal textures in Unity ? (not really a Edy Vehicle Physics specific question, sorry) -- a night time simulation would probably have to include actual unity spotlights perhaps with some halo/glare to look realistic, but I'd like to get the basic daylight texture switching done first, does anyone have examples of this ?

    • lets say I want to add "weather" to a sim, such that when it rains the road gets more slippery. Would I deal with that in Edy by dynamically modifying the Dynamic Friction on your Physic Materials for the Road ?

    • wait there isn't a Physic Material for the regular road, only for Offroad, Sand etc. or am I missing it ?

    • this is totally far out, just wondering: could the physics handle a "tire blowout", ie switch that wheel's geometry to something with smaller radius and change parameters so its a "scraping metal rim" ?

    I also noticed an earlier question on this thread about some Apple keyboards not having page up / down (specifically the new bluetooth ones). I had to look this up, but you can do page up/down (== prev/next car in the demo) using fn+up/down arrow.
    Home and End (equally without keys) can be down with fn+left/right arrow respectively.

    Again, very impressed with the functionality of Edys Vehicle Package and the ease with which I got it to work.

    PS: you might want to update the docs/wiki to mention that the rear view mirrors only work with Unity Pro in case someone misses that on this thread.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2012
  32. Acelondoner


    Jul 27, 2012
    I've been having a problem that I can't figure regarding wheels going through the mesh of other objects and not colliding.
    Could someone explain some possible reasons as to why the wheels will not collide? Here's an image to show the problem.

    image host

    I would just PM you, Edy, but I still haven't received a reply to a problem I sent you a week ago (which I have now fixed).
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2012
  33. unitarian413


    Jul 27, 2012
    Heyall -

    I am trying to get an existing model to be used with Edy's package. For example, the "Combat 4WD Vehicle" from the Asset Store - a landrover. After cleaning it up a bit and stripping out unnecessary hierarchy levels with default transforms, I have the attached asset package.

    One problem is that the model came in FBX format, which Blender does not read and I do not have 3D Studio Max to import/export. The import into unity (or the original model, I am not quite sure) cause the imported asset to have a -90 Y rotation compared to what it needs. I.e. instead of Z pointing forward, it points left and X points forward.

    This seems to be a well known problem with the FBX import into Unity workflow (based on my reading of other forum threads here on the subject) One approach is to apply the -90 Y rotation in 3DS Max, but that assumes you have that software.
    I cannot find a way to do it in Unity (but I am pretty new to this very nice package)

    Of course Edys scripts want to rotate the wheels by applying an X rotation for forward motion (on the wheel object) and a Y rotation (on the pivot object / container)

    But the model as imported (and attached to this post as a UnityPackage for reference) requires a
    - Z rotation on tire_FL for forward rotation of tire (Edy wants a X rotation)
    - Y rotation on tire_FL for steering rotation (works, for actual model, interpose another gameobject for the pivot here)

    Is this something that could be solved inside Unity and how ?

    Thanks in advance for your help / advice, hopefully it will be useful to others using Edys excellent package who are getting 3rd party car models going as well.

    PS: the original model is CC licensed by SFC Paul Ray Smith Simulation and Training Technology Center, Courtesy of ADL Repository and can be found in the Asset store by searching for "Combat 4WD Vehicle". They have a bunch of other vehicle models on the Assert store.

    PS2: FYI the back axle containing 2 wheels is modeled as a single object. That would obviously be replaced with 2 separate instances of a single wheel to complete the Edy conversion, but for the purposes of solving this question, we can just deal with the front wheels since the back can be done the same way once those work.

    Attached Files:

  34. Edy


    Jun 3, 2010
    Thanks!! :)

    Send me the invoice number by email, and I'll reply you with the instructions for accessing the repository.

    You can check out the DeformMesh function at the CarDamage.js script. At some point (find the deform variable) it calculates the distance between each vertex's current position and their original position. You could accumulate these distances for getting a measure of the total damage of the mesh.

    I've implemented this in another project by assigning the lights their own material, then having two different materials (lit / unlit) and exchanging the materials in runtime.

    The absence of physic material in the road is used to detect the type of material under each wheel. No material = road. However, you can modify the way the type of material is detected. You may want to use tags, for instance. This is implemented in the CarVisuals.js file, functions IsHardSurface (it can emit smoke and make skid noises) and IsStaticSurface (it can put skidmarks on it).

    Then, using a physic material will make the wheel to use its friction parameters. This is implemented at CarWheel.js, near the end of the FixedUpdate function.

    I'd try reducing the wheel's suspensionDistance, then reducing stiffness to 0.1-0.2.

    Thanks for pointing it out! Done.
  35. Encryption001


    Mar 22, 2012
    (I sent Edy a private message, but I'm also posting this here hoping for a speedy response)

    I'm a part of design team from Michigan State University that is currently creating a driving game for a drivers safety program. We purchased your Vehicle Physics setup from the Asset Store a few months ago and designed most of our game using the GTA4 Truck (blue truck) that was included in the package. The other vehicles handled too realistically, and this had the handling that we desired. Once we finished up designing and creating our own custom vehicles we brought them into Unity and set them up to the best of our abilities.

    At this point, we're having wild inconsistency issues with these vehicles and how they handle. One of the largest and most frustrating issues is how the vehicles never seem to travel straight, they always pull to the left or the right and we can't figure out why! We've tried a very large number of different changes and tweaks and haven't had any luck at this point...

    Basically, we're trying to setup a number of different vehicles (SUV, Sports Car, Sedan, Compact Car and Truck) to handle in a more arcade-like fashion using your engine. The vehicles are mostly handling well, but this constant pulling to the left or right is killing us.

    Do you have any tips or advice that would help us solve this issue? We'd love to hear back from you as soon as possible!

  36. Edy


    Jun 3, 2010
    The package is based on the standard WheelCollider component. This component uses a single ray pointing down for detecting collisions. Thus, the wheel only collides when the object is directly under the center of the WheelCollider.

    A possible workaround I could think of for your case is to use a wheel-shaped MeshCollider for each wheel, but you may need to handle the forces colliding with it yourself.

    Too many PMs :p I'm catching up them now. Glad to know that you fixed the problem.
  37. Edy


    Jun 3, 2010
    Yes! I've tested your project and solved it as follows. This is the case for the right-front wheel:

    - Create an empty GameObject (it gets created at the root of the hierarchy). Name it JointFR for this case.
    - Make JointFR child of "Right Front Pivot" in the vehicle.
    - Set the transform for JointFR as follows: Position 0,0,0. Rotation 0,0,0. Scale 1,1,1.
    - Make the object tire_FR (the actual mesh) child of JointFR. Don't touch its transform.
    - At the vehicle's CarVisuals script, set "Mesh FR" to JointFR.

    Click Play and test that wheel to work as expected. Repeat for the other wheels.
  38. Edy


    Jun 3, 2010
    Sorry, I've got too many PMs recently... trying to catch up with them.

    All forces generated at the wheels (traction / braking / friction) are based on the vertical load on each one. Thus, if wheels are supporting different loads, they will exert different forces. This causes the vehicles not to move in a straight line. Another possible cause is differences in the parameters among left-right wheels.

    How to prevent this behavior:

    • The Center of Mass must be located at the exact center of the vehicle.
    • The WheelCollider's positions must be exactly symmetrical in the X axis.
    • WheelCollider's suspension values must be the same in each Left - Right pair.
    • Same with all the parameters at CarWheel. Must be equal in each Left - Right pair.
    • A small mass of 0.5 kg is used to simulate the driver's head movement (named OnboardCamPos or DriverFrontPivot at the demo). It doesn't seem to have a noticeable effect in the vehicles, but if this is an issue, you should place a symmetric mass at the other side for balancing the weight.
    rafvasq likes this.
  39. Encryption001


    Mar 22, 2012
    We've gone through and made sure all of our settings are correct (at least with what you've said above) and some of our vehicles (not all of them) still pull hard to one direction. I'm thinking we might be setting up the CoM incorrectly, I can't think of what else it could be. Do you have any advice on how to properly set up the CoM?
  40. Edy


    Jun 3, 2010
    Create an empty GameObject inside the vehicle at the desired location of the center of mass, then assign it to the property CenterOfMass of the script CarControl.js.

    Note that modifying any of the colliders in the vehicle causes the physics to recalculate the center of mass based on the colliders' shape, ignoring any previous setting. Maybe you are assembling parts of the car at runtime? If so, you should temporarily store the position of the center of mass before altering the colliders, then restoring it after proceeding. You can see an example of this at the script CarDamage.js (search for centerOfMass).
  41. 3dgamer


    Aug 12, 2012
    Please udjust the top speed of the cars to realistic.

    Regrading the coupe = 255 Km
    Realistic\gta pickup tuck= 161 KM
    Empty bus = 125 Km

    And why no brake\reverse light?
  42. Zaddo67


    Aug 14, 2012
    I am trying to setup manual gears.

    CarControl.gearInput takes the target gear from the input control. However, it doesn't seem to matter if this is gear 1 or gear 5?

    CarSound.currentGear is just a calculated gear for the current speed.

    If you have modified code for manual gears or have any thoughts, I would appreciate your help.

    From my initial look, it looks like it would be a significant task to mod the code for manual gears so they behave appropriatly (eg: Adjust torque based on rev's)

  43. Edy


    Jun 3, 2010
    It's not so easy. The problem is the (in)famous bug at PhysX/WheelCollider, which makes the sideways grip to dramatically decrease when the torque is decreased (try enabling TractionV3 at the Sport Coupe). This causes the vehicle to loose control at high speeds. The maximum speed is limited by applying air drag. A possible solution for simulating manual gears is to have a table of air drag parameters for each gear, and apply them according to current gear.
  44. Zaddo67


    Aug 14, 2012
    Thanks Edy. I really appreciate the fast response. I'll try your suggestion of using air drag to simulate manual gears.

    I have been playing around with the setup of cars trying to get a racing car feel. I started with the Sport Coupe and I have been tweaking the parameters. I have been successful getting the acceleration and speed working well. But I am really struggling with the traction.

    As soon as the rear wheels lose traction any turning of the vehicle causes it to spin out wildly out of control. I am unable to setup the car control so that you have a controllable drift that gives the driver a chance to regain control. I have played with Wheel Friction parameters and other grip/friction parameters on the car control. But nothing seems to minimize the vehicle radically losing control.

    The image below shows the telemetry when the car is about to lose control. The rear wheels have lost traction and even tho the speed is a modest 53kph, a slight twitch of the wheel will spin the car.

    Is there a balance of parameters that can give you a controlled drift?


  45. dreammakersgroupAdmin


    Feb 13, 2012
    Hi ..
    I really like Edy Vehicle Physics, but i have problem , it look like bug or something strange
    when i change parameters some times the vehicle become unstable for some reason.

    open theCity project and go to PickupBlue car ,disable then enable wheel colliders, now drive the car it will flip easily when you turn.( do this in play mode )
    same thing happen when i change car parent or when i try to change car model ,
    do you know what is the problem?
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2012
  46. dreammakersgroupAdmin


    Feb 13, 2012
    I fix it .
    it looks like i have to set center off mass again
    for some reason the center of mass on start function of CarControl does not work , i set it after some time of start function and now it is fine
  47. r4mkum4r


    Jul 25, 2012
    Hi Edy,

    I purchased your Package from Asset Store . How can i get access to GIT ?

    Thanks already .
  48. Luke127


    Aug 29, 2012
    Hi Edy. I am new to Unity. I love the Vehicle Physics it looks great. I built it into an exe so that it plays better but I kept the .unity file as well. Also I got it from Game Training. I paid $45 AU for everything I learned in the two hours of Jeff Ayling doing what he does best. Making games. lol. Anyways since I have it and I am registered to Game Training is there any chance you could help me import new vehicles into the .unity file? Thanks

    Also the version I got is a bit glitchy. It says that the city doesn't exist yet it does??
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2012
  49. RBM


    Aug 12, 2012
    Hi Edy.

    I have a problem
    I added the physics to my car but it slips too much when i turn left or right with handbrake
    I've read your Documentation and I changed the parameters
    but nothing changed!
    please help me... :-|

    thanks in advance
  50. nile


    Apr 21, 2011
    Car wizard [alpha versoin] for Edy's Vehicle Physics
    Check it out now!

    Now it adapted to Need For Speed: Shift cars, but there is no problem to make it universally.
    I spend 1 day. It's alpha version and will be improved.
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2012